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The 245th Section of the Renzi Scroll

"Half a million kilograms of potatoes have been shipped from Dong'an, and arrangements have been made." Fu Shi walked in excitedly, "In the early days, many people still liked to eat this kind of taste, but after boiling it with salt water, the taste started to change. Some people have accepted it slowly, especially some elderly people who think that this stuff is soft and glutinous, and they can fill their stomachs after eating a few, which is more cost-effective than eating gruel..."

The daily food of these refugees is rationed by handing out rice chips. For example, two rice chips can eat two bowls of porridge, or one cooking cake, or eight potatoes. It depends on which one you think is more cost-effective and more filling. For some women and children, naturally, two bowls of gruel can sustain two or three people through the night, but those who are strong enough to work need a cooking cake, or eight potatoes to support them better.

In this way, the harvested potatoes are digested in disguise, and the saved millet can be used in the military, which is convenient for transportation and more durable for storage.

Five hundred thousand kilograms of potatoes sounds like a lot, but for the stomach problems of more than 100,000 refugees, it is really a drop in the bucket, and they can eat everything in three to five days.

"Well, the preservation of potatoes is a problem, so using this method to free up corn, wheat and japonica rice can also be better used in the military." Feng Ziying mused: "But if you use it too much, I'm afraid it will happen again. Some people are dissatisfied, so you have to grasp the ratio of Qiu Sheng. In a few days, another million jins will be shipped from Dacheng, and another 700,000 jins will be shipped from Wuqing and Baodi."

The consumption of more than 100,000 people is really an astronomical figure. Even though Feng Ziying was prepared, she still felt that it was a bit overwhelming.

"Sir, it seems that the construction in the city is almost coming to an end. In the opinion of my subordinates, it is better to start the adjustment and transfer. The construction of Zhangjiawan Wharf, the reclamation of Sanjiaidian, the diversion of Weihe River, and the transfer from Xianghe River to Yangcun We can start preparations in advance for the construction of the sluice in between, as well as the direct sales, and transfer some people there first. The construction in the city here can even be slowed down appropriately to avoid being in a hurry at the end."

Many of Feng Ziying's plans were kept secret from Fu Shi, who had become one of his core members in the Shuntian government office. He also knew that Feng Ziying valued the development of Tianjin Wei.

"My idea is that if there are more than 100,000 refugees in this group who are unwilling to return to their hometowns, some of them will be resettled in Liangcheng, and the other part will be placed in Zhigu, which is the hub of river and sea shipping. The low-lying areas can be filled with silt to grow rice, and the Triangular Lake next to it can be developed to grow millet and wheat. In addition, the Tianjin Health Center is close to it, and it will definitely be a prosperous place in the future. Even building the city requires a lot of manpower, and brick kilns can also be set up around Zhigu to burn bricks. Making green bricks and green tiles..."

Feng Ziying's words surprised Fu Shi, "Building a city? Sir, this must be reported to the court, and it will cost a lot. I'm afraid it will be..."

"Building a city does not necessarily require the government to pay for it." Feng Ziying said calmly: "After this southern expedition, maritime transport will definitely flourish. Of course, water transport will not be abolished, and the location of Zhigu is the best place. In addition, here is also There is relatively abundant cement limestone, which can be used as cement raw materials. In the future, this place can be used as a place for cement exports, and it can also become a transit point at the intersection of sea and canal transportation. Even the products along the canal in Shandong and Cangzhou can also be diverted here to pass through the Wei River. Shipping to the south by sea is far better than taking the land route to places like Denglai, Qingzhou and Haizhou, and with the increasing scale of maritime shipping, Songjiang, Ningbo, Korea and Japan will also take this route in the future."

"What do you mean, sir, to attract merchants to take the initiative to build cities and houses?" Fu Shi's heart moved.

This is not impossible. The location of Zhigu is very good, far better than the current Tianjin Wei location. If the river-sea transport develops, this place will definitely replace Tongzhou as the key point of Gyeonggi. In the future, it is no exaggeration to say that every inch of land is valuable.


"We just need to make the best plans and divide the specific arrangements for facilities such as docks, warehouses, shops, roads, etc., and display the future ideas of the imperial court and our Shuntian Mansion one by one, so that foreign businessmen can clearly understand that they are purchasing land here.

It is enough to see what benefits building houses can bring in the future. These businessmen are not stupid. They should understand that with the end of this war and the rise of shipping, Zhigu will become the second Tongzhou, or even surpass Tongzhou. What will they do? First

If you strike first, you will make a profit."

Feng Ziying is quite confident about this.

The development of Tianjin is inevitable. I am just here to promote it in advance. Of course, it will depend on the situation in the future. But now that shipping and water transportation meet here, it will not develop into what it will be like in later generations, but at least it will reach the level of Tongzhou.

It's totally possible.

Seeing that Feng Ziying was so sure, Fu Shi had no choice but to believe it, "If this news gets out, I'm afraid none of the hundreds of thousands of refugees will be willing to return home."

"That's not necessarily the case. There are still many people who can't leave their hometown. But if they really don't want to go back, that's up to them. What we have to do is to let them find work here and have a bowl of food to eat. When they wait at the dock

As it expands, merchants will gather here one after another, and they can hire many people, which is enough to meet the needs." Feng Ziying didn't take it seriously.

Tianjin will definitely develop. In fact, the area of ​​Liangchengsuo in the northeast of Tianjin Wei is very large. It is currently controlled by Baodi and Weisuo, but it is a pity to be abandoned. If Tianjin Zhigu is built and developed, it will not be a problem.

Through administrative division adjustment, this area of ​​Liangchengsuo will be assigned to the future Tianjin.

Of course, the most important thing about Tianjin is the intersection of the canal and the Wei River. The river-sea transport, water transport and sea transport are connected. As the east gate of the entire Gyeonggi region including the capital city, its importance is self-evident. If it cannot develop,

Strange things.

Even Wang Xifeng can see the development potential here, let alone other businessmen?

As long as the government gives some encouragement and good guidance, Feng Ziying believes that someone will soon take the initiative to contact him and get the first bite of crab.

Now that there are more than 100,000 refugees, they can be put to good use. They are responsible for the reclamation of wasteland in Sanjiaidian and Liangchengsuo, the construction of port terminals in Zhigu, and the construction of streets, houses, workshops, and warehouses in Tianjin in the future.

At that time, when the construction was almost completed, Tianjin's commercial port status was gradually established, and there were more consumption channels, this was not a problem.

While the two were talking, Song Xian also came to report on his work, and Fu Shi took the initiative to leave.

Song Xian was now very proud of his work, and his cooperation with the Ministry of Punishment was very smooth. It was no longer limited to Shuntian Prefecture, but the entire Northern Zhili and even Shandong and Shanxi were included in this major case.

The White Lotus Sect covers so many areas, especially its various branches, that without the intervention of the Ministry of Punishment, it would be impossible for the Shuntian Mansion alone to find out.

Even though many experts were mobilized from the Ministry of Punishment and various officials from the Qing Dynasty, as well as capable personnel from each government, when the investigation was fully launched, all the investigators discovered that they had still underestimated this problem that had been going on for decades.

The complex network of the White Lotus Sect that has developed historically is huge.

"The situation is more complicated than we imagined. There are so many things. We didn't know where to start at the beginning. Fortunately, there are a few veterans in the Punishment Department who have been in contact with the White Lotus Sect. With their guidance, we can slowly

Cut in and find some clues." Song Xian said with a hint of worry in his tone, "As expected, Yongping Mansion should be the most important nest, but maybe they have moved out now. They were originally in the capital city.

It was intended to be an important place to establish a foothold, but they may have felt that the adults were investigating and punishing them after arriving at Shuntian Mansion, so they should have gone into hibernation and moved to other places..."

"Oh? Now you have found out where they are focusing on development and breeding?" Feng Ziying was very interested.

"Zhending, Baoding, Datong, Guangping, Daming, and Hejian in Shanxi are also rampant." Song Xian mused: "Their organizational system structure is not like a pure top-to-bottom hierarchy.

, but it is not a loosely aligned organization with only horizontal connections. It is more based on the ability and prestige of the person in charge and the closeness of the relationship with the upper level..."

"It's still mainly Beizhili." Feng Ziying frowned, "Based on what you know now, do they have any other abnormal signs, such as possible trouble?"

Song Xian hesitated for a moment and shook his head, but he was not sure: "As for Shuntian Prefecture, my subordinates can be sure that all states and counties are investigating very closely, so there shouldn't be much trouble, but like other prefectures, such as

Guangping and Hejian, I feel that although the Ministry of Punishment has been urging the people below to dig in and investigate, it still feels that it is not paid enough attention. Some of our people are also selected to go to Guangping and Hejian, such as Qinghe and Bailian over Nangong.

The religious activities are very frequent, and in some places even the government can't suppress it. In Jingzhou, Hejian, the folk customs there are strong and the practice of martial arts is prevalent. The White Lotus Sect invites people to gather, opens incense halls, and holds gatherings, which is very rampant.

, but because of the protection of the local gentry, the Jingzhou government office also turned a blind eye. I took people there in the early days, but Jingzhou only said that there was no such situation, and there was no real evidence, etc....


Feng Ziying frowned deeply.

Guangping Prefecture happens to be under the control of his father's Northwest Army, but now the main force of the Northwest Army is not on the Guangping Daming line, but in the south, and the Jingzhou and Wuqiao lines are the main control areas of You Shilu's Jizhen Army. If

It is said that there is something wrong there, but it is really troublesome, especially when it comes to the confrontation with Sun Shaozu's Datong Army.

It's just that it's hard to explain this situation. The Ministry of Punishment takes the lead, and even if there is a slight disturbance, it still has to go to greet the army, which seems to be a bit of a fuss.

After thinking about it again and again, Feng Ziying also felt that it was difficult to deal with it, so she could only take another look. Fortunately, Song Xian kept an eye on it and could report back in time if there was any situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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