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Renzi Volume Chapter 292: Lay out the mountains and Shaanxi, and point the sword at Huaiyang

"Humph, Jingqiu is too weak and conniving with this group of people. I think he, the censor of Zuodu, has become less and less able to control the Metropolitan Procuratorate." Qiao Yingjia said angrily: "What about recruiting private individuals? Isn't that just Zi?

Did Ying ask some of his classmates to help him? But Lu You (Wu Zong) is from Jiangnan, Ke Yao (He Fengsheng) is from Huguang, and Meng Zhang (Fan Jingwen) is from Beizhi, so how can we talk about personal matters? "

"And this employment is also the responsibility of the officials. They don't impeach Gao Panlong, but they come to find fault with Ziying. Isn't this an old lady picking persimmons-picking on the weak? Besides, the way of employing people depends on her.

Whether it is appropriate and whether their strengths can be used to benefit the court, Lu You, Ke Yao and Meng Zhang all performed well, especially their support for the northern front army, which won the praise of the Ministry of War.

The situation is such that those rotten scholars don’t open their eyes and take a good look, they just talk and make noise, so why bother?”

Qi Yongtai also knew that it was not easy for Zhang Jingqiu to sit in the position of Zuodu Censor.

The Censor of Zuodu has always been appointed by people from the Qing Dynasty who did not belong to Emperor Afu. However, this time the Censor of Zuodu, Zhang Jingqiu, was directly recruited from Nanjing by Emperor Yonglong. Like Gu Bingqian, the Minister of Rites, he has been serving as the Censor of Zuodu.

Therefore, the status of scholars like Gu Bingqian and Zhang Jingqiu in the court was even more embarrassing. On the one hand, they were all real scholars, Jinshi or even Shujishi.

However, in terms of promotion, they were all grateful to the emperor's special promotion, so this naturally caused other scholars to have a strange perception of them.

But as ministers promoted by the emperor, it is impossible for them not to obey the emperor's will, otherwise they will be regarded as ungrateful. Therefore, it is also difficult for scholars to grasp this degree. The best result is to be able to firmly

Stay firmly in their respective camps and become leaders or backbones.

The emperor generally did not promote specifically among this kind of people, but often selected from the more marginalized scholars. In this way, these scholars often had to represent the emperor's will and become the interface between the emperor and the courtiers.

It is a bridge, and often this identity is easy to be criticized by both sides. If it is not handled well, it will be more vulnerable to criticism.

For example, Zhang Jingqiu did a pretty good job as Minister of the Ministry of War, but he was a little unsatisfactory as the censor of the left capital. The censors below did not listen to the greetings and often acted on their own. Qiao Yingjia, as the censor of the right capital

Although he could sometimes suppress him, he had to avoid suspicion when it came to people like Feng Ziying who were obviously related to him. Zhang Jingqiu should have been the one to suppress him, but Zhang Jingqiu was obviously a little powerless.

"Ru Jun, having said that, Ziying is too dazzling and outstanding, but her qualifications are insufficient. Under such circumstances, it is not a good thing." Han Xu pondered: "How does Brother Chengfeng plan to consider Ziying?"

Qi Yongtai did not expect that Han Xu would also see his intention to let Feng Ziying leave the position of Shuntian Prefecture Prime Minister, but he was not surprised either.

As his most proud disciple, Qi Yongtai must of course think carefully about Feng Ziying.

From Shuntian Fu Cheng to Shuntian Fu Yin, it seems that the difference is that one is a principal and the other is a deputy, but this difference is too big.

This is the leap from the fourth rank to the third rank. This threshold is difficult for 99% of officials in the court to cross in their lifetime. Especially for young officials like Feng Ziying, who stepped into the position of fourth rank official in her early twenties, it has caused a stir.

It attracted countless people’s attention, but fortunately Feng Ziying’s contribution and insights were great enough that people could barely accept it.

But even so, it is unimaginable to take one further step, or even two steps. According to the ideas of the ministers in the cabinet, without two terms in six years, Feng Ziying cannot even think of taking the step from the third rank.

In other words, if Feng Ziying continues to sit down as Shuntian Prime Minister, it means that he will continue to work for another five years.

And the imperial court cannot allow another five years to leave the Shuntian Prefecture Yin vacant for another five years.

And if a candidate who is not willing to act as a puppet is appointed as the governor, he will inevitably conflict with Feng Ziying, who has been acting in government affairs for such a long time. How will the court deal with it then?

I'm afraid I can only kill Ma Su with tears and let Feng Ziying leave.

Instead of waiting until then when everyone has turned against each other and then left in despair, how about we arrange a more suitable position now after careful consideration?

It doesn't matter whether Li Banghua serves as Shuntian Prefect or not. The key is whoever serves as Shuntian Prefect may conflict with Feng Ziying, so where Feng Ziying will go is the question.

"I intend to release Ziying, but the conditions are not mature yet, and I have not considered where to let her go." Qi Yongtai said calmly: "The Anfu merchants expanded the land to the east and took the initiative to serve the court. Well, they handed over the charter fee.

Huang Ruliang was sincere and did not ignore Ziying's contribution. Both Jinqing and Zhonghan also agreed that if Dongfan was not too remote, it would be okay to let Ziying patrol Dongfan as the imperial censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

, I think Ziying also attaches great importance to Dongfan, but Dongfan is still in a state of development and is not suitable yet. "

When Qiao Yingjia heard this, he shook his head repeatedly: "Brother Chengfeng, this proposal is inappropriate. The Dongpan Miasma epidemic is very serious. Anfu merchants are cultivating ten or two of the sick people, and more than half of them cannot afford it. Ziying cannot take this risk."


Han Xu also nodded slightly. Although going to Dongfan was for training, it was not cost-effective to let the young leaders of the northern scholars take this risk.

"I heard Ziying say that in fact, the medicine called Cinchona sold by the French people from overseas can also treat miasma. Ziying has also found people to try it in Dongpan, Yunnan, and Guangxi. It is said that it will be beneficial to Guangdong and Guangxi.

The miasma in Yunnan has miraculous effects." Qi Yongtai shook his head, "But it is indeed too risky now, and I rejected this idea."

"What about Brother Chengfeng's plan?" Qiao Yingjia frowned.

"Ziying has proven in both Yongping Prefecture and Shuntian Prefecture that he is the kind of cadre who is very good at handling local practical matters. His performance in the Ministry of Household Affairs is also outstanding. I have also asked him about it. He has little interest in the affairs of the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Punishments.

But Bian is overqualified, but in terms of military affairs, he also has special skills. I am thinking that if the conditions are ripe, can I let him lead the army as the censor of Qiandu?"

Qi Yongtai's words surprised both Qiao Yingjia and Han Xu. Han Xu couldn't help but ask: "Brother Chengfeng, Zhisheng is leading the northern front, and you want Ziying to lead the army, which way should you go?"

"I just had this idea, and I didn't think about where he could go. Shanshan thieves are so powerful that I'm a little worried. Maybe Ziying can go and get some training?" Qi Yongtai sighed, "Or maybe let him go?

His governor is Huaiyang?"

Both Qiao Yingjia and Han Xu knew that this was the sequelae of the severe drought. As the drought brought about a sharp increase in the number of refugees, the court's relief power was limited, and the local officials were helpless. In fact, the court had already predicted that Shanshan and Shaanxi would be affected.

Civil riots may break out and turn into riots.

Simple civil unrest is nothing more than robbing large households of food to make ends meet, but once someone stirs up trouble, it may quickly turn into a rebellion that overthrows government rule. This is what the court is most worried about, but now the court is powerless and has no choice.

Governor of Huaiyang? Qiao Yingjia was somewhat interested in this point, "Brother Chengfeng, what does the governor of Huaiyang mean? Where is Chen Jixian in Xuzhou?"

"It is said that Chen Jixian intends to cooperate with the imperial court, but he is still on both sides. Feng Zitang intends to push him to send troops to Yangzhou, but he is still hesitant..." Qi Yongtai pondered: "If the imperial court makes progress in the Shandong war, maybe Chen Jixian will

I will change my attitude, but if I let Chen Jixian win Huaiyang and show his sincerity to the court, even Chen Jixian will take the opportunity to reach out to other prefectures in the south of Zhili. How will the court respond at that time? So I think maybe arrange a reliable one in advance

It should be feasible to use manpower to attack the front line."

This was the first time for both Qiao Yingjia and Han Xu to hear such a statement. They were both surprised and thinking about the meaning of this. "The premise is that there must be a change in the war situation in Shandong to prompt Chen Jixian to defect? ​​This guy is betting on both sides."

, has been unwilling to make his attitude clear. If he takes Yangzhou, he will probably use this as a blackmail to bargain with the imperial court, right?"

Han Xu was a little dissatisfied, but Qiao Yingjia did not agree with Han Xu's point of view: "Yu Chen, you also know the current state of the court. I think the chaos in Shanxi will continue to expand, and may even become a serious problem. The court cannot withstand such a situation."

It's hard work. If you can annihilate Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu's troops, your vitality will be severely damaged. You still have to deal with the Shanshan bandit rebellion. The Huguang war over there has not made significant progress. Whether Feibai can capture Wang Ziteng in one fell swoop, no one knows.

After all, in order to form the Northern Front Army for Zhisheng, Huang Ruliang has emptied all his family wealth. If the war continues, the imperial court may collapse, so if Chen Jixian can really capture Huaiyang, or even Jiangnan, the imperial court will give him some

The benefits are not unacceptable. I will slowly figure them out in the future..."

Qiao Yingjia's words made it difficult for Han Xu to refute. The imperial court was now a bit like a paper lantern, which could be punctured by an outside finger at any time. There was air leakage everywhere, and the ministers in the imperial court were working as paper framers.

, to make this lantern look very bright and prevent the morale of the people from completely collapsing, and the most critical one is the upcoming Shandong War.

Even though the Shandong War was won, the situation was still difficult and dangerous.

In particular, the rebel rebellion in Shanxi and Shaanxi is now showing signs of intensifying. The court is now suppressing information from all parties to avoid causing turbulence. In Shanshan and Shaanxi, the local government has almost adopted the method of partially abandoning regional defense and reserved the Northwest Army.

We can only try to control some strategic fortresses and cities from falling, intending to trade space for time. When the Shandong war is over, we can take a breath and deal with the situation in Shanxi and Shaanxi.

This chapter has been completed!
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