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Renzi Volume Chapter 310: Crisis arises again, willing to take on the big responsibility

 He ​​Shixian has been in Yulin for decades and has seen strong winds and waves. He is not afraid of the invasion of the Tumuts. He also takes it lightly when the Ordos rebel. He can even handle the mutiny with ease. But this plague lingers.


The biggest problems plaguing the northwest frontier army are nothing more than a few things, one is food, and the other is disease, and disease mainly refers to plague, and among these plagues, pimple plague is the most serious.

He Shixian didn't know what was going on in this world. As far as he knew, there seemed to be plagues here before the Yuanxi period, but they were rare. They only happened once every ten or eight years, and they were all eliminated immediately.

,Has little effect.

But since the Yuanxi period, the plague has always been lingering like a haze around the northwest. Towns such as Yulin, Ningxia, Guyuan, Shanxi, and Datong have all suffered from this disaster, and once it broke out, it was very widespread, with few and far between.

Hundreds, thousands, thousands or even tens of thousands of people died.

The most serious incident broke out in Datong Town and Yulin Town at the same time. It was in the 29th year of Yuanxi, more than 20 years ago. Datong's Weiyuan Guards and Heping Lu Guards, and even Shuozhou and Ma

In the cities of Yi and Yulin, Anping and Suide were plagued by plagues. It is said that more than 30,000 people died in Datong, and thousands of people in the company's army died. It was similar in Yulin, with more than 20,000 people dead.

, the situation in the army was slightly better, with only more than 300 people dying of illness.

If it were an ordinary season, that would be fine. If we encounter such a disaster, we would have to deal with it with all our might, but this year we are really unlucky.

After a severe drought, there will be a major disaster. The Governor had already warned him before he left to take precautions. He Shixian had also been extra cautious and prepared various countermeasures, just for fear of something happening.

Who would have thought that the more afraid something would happen, the more likely it would happen? If it was to be expected that the victims would cause chaos, then this plague was really unlucky.

The main force of the refugee rebels is on the offensive. They have captured Yichuan and are advancing towards Luochuan. Another rebel force is operating in the Yezhuxia area northeast of Ganquan, intending to join the main force of the rebels.

He Shixian had just adjusted the first unit of the Yulin Army and was preparing to go south to Ansai. He never thought that he had just left Jingbian Camp and had not yet reached Luguanling. Such bad news came here again. How could he not get angry and anxious?

After the main force of the Northwest Army left the Central Plains eastward, the three towns in Gansu and Ningxia basically became housekeepers. It was good to be able to guard the gates without chaos. The only one that could mobilize a mobile emergency force was Yulin Town.

Before leaving, Feng Tang also said that riots are inevitable after this severe drought, but we should try our best to choose the right time to intervene. Don't expect to extinguish the riots at once. If you extinguish one side, they will pop up again, because

In the final analysis, without food to eat, these rebellious people can only rebel and attack large households in order to survive and eat.

Unless the wealthy gentry in Gansu and Shaanxi are forced to eat their food, there is no way to solve this knot.

The imperial court now does not have that much spare energy to take care of the relief work in Shanxi and Shaanxi. If it wants to take care of it, it can only wait until the war in Shandong comes to an end before it can free up its hands.

The current situation is that only Yulin Town can stabilize the situation, limit the spread of these chaos and thieves to the maximum extent, trade space for time, and delay it as much as possible to the second half of the year. First, there will be some harvests in some areas during the summer harvest, and secondly, the situation will be better after the autumn harvest.

It may be alleviated. Thirdly, it is expected that the situation in Shandong will become clearer after autumn. By then, the imperial court will have enough energy to resolve the chaos in Shanxi and Shaanxi.

He Shixian also had this idea, but he never thought that the plan would be disrupted by the sudden plague as soon as it was launched.

Pimple plague is the most dangerous kind of plague, not much inferior to smallpox. This area along the border wall, from Ganning to Shanshan, has never been truly cut off. It will break out every few years, or

Serious or mitigating, judging from the current situation, the epidemic has been discovered in Shenmu and Fugu. It looks very dangerous, and there are infected people who have escaped the Yellow River and reached Shanxi. He Shixian can only say silently that there is Shanxi.

I wish you a lot of luck.

What I can do is to control the plague to the smallest extent, preferably to the east of the Jiahe River, and at the worst, to the east of the Wuding River. It must not be allowed to cross the lines of Yulin, Mizhi, and Suide.

Because once this line is crossed, it means that the plague will spread throughout the hinterland of northern Shaanxi and will be difficult to control.

This matter cannot be done by Yulin Town alone, it must also rely on the cooperation of Yan'an Prefecture. The problem is that there are gangs and chaos in Yan'an Prefecture now, and there is no energy to deal with it, especially in Ganquan, Linzhou, Luochuan, and Yichuan.

Several prefectures and counties are almost in a state of paralysis. He Shixian can only imagine how unrealistic it is to ask people from Yan'an Prefecture to help him control the epidemic.

No matter how impractical it is, we have to find people from Yan'an Prefecture, otherwise the situation will only get worse.

He Shixian was full of worry and pessimism. Once the plague spreads, especially in the military, if it cannot be controlled, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Immediately write a letter to the Governor to report this situation, and also write a letter to Xiao Feng Xiuzuan in Beijing. I remember the Governor said that when Xiao Feng Xiuzuan was studying in Beijing, he once wrote a book

A book about the prevention and control of plague. The plague broke out after the flood in Beijing and was well controlled..."

He Shixian, who was about to leave immediately for the Qiang Town, suddenly remembered something, stopped and said thoughtfully.

"Sir, can Xiao Feng Xiuzuan cure the plague?" The soldier asked in disbelief: "Is it also the plague?"

"No matter what kind of plague it is, treatment is not the most important thing, the key is prevention." He Shixian sighed, "Little Feng Xiuzhu dared to write a book to prevent and control the plague. He must have some skills. Asking him for advice can only be beneficial."

Feng Ziying was also surprised when she received the urgent letter from He Shixian.

Of course he knows what pimple plague is, isn’t it the plague? Pneumonic plague and bubonic plague are the most susceptible to infection among the plagues. The pimple plague mentioned by He Shixian is undoubtedly bubonic plague. People who suffer from bubonic plague end up with swollen lymph nodes and flesh bumps.

, which is where the name of Pimple Plague comes from.

In previous history, the plague outbreak in the late Ming Dynasty almost destroyed the entire north. The plague spread in Gyeonggi, which greatly damaged the Ming army's combat effectiveness. It is also considered by many to be a major reason why Li Zicheng easily captured Beijing.

Now it seems that the timeline is thirty years ahead of the time of Chongzhen, but in fact, in the previous life, the plague has been prevalent in the north since the Jiajing period of the late Ming Dynasty, but the scale was not as large as that of the late Ming Dynasty.

However, many natural conditions have not changed much in this world, which means that the possibility of the plague spreading is still there, and there may even be other unexpected factors that may bring the epidemic of plague in the late Ming Dynasty ahead of schedule, which is undoubtedly bad news.

Feng Ziying thought about the severe drought, predicted the revolt of the refugees, and even worried about the White Lotus Sect mixing in and taking the opportunity to cause chaos. However, he did not expect that the plague would also take the opportunity to break out at this time, which really caught him off guard.

For a moment, he felt a little helpless.

In the epidemic after the flood in Beijing, he could roughly guess that it was nothing more than dysentery and cholera. He just needed to clean the water source, eat clean, and then be relatively isolated, and then use things like lime to disinfect and sterilize. Basically, he could cure it.

Solve most of the problems, and with the support of some Chinese medicine prescriptions, it's almost done.

But this plague really frightened him.

At that time, he accidentally read "History of the Ming Dynasty" and related historical materials and saw that the plague in the late Ming Dynasty was the most serious disaster. However, after the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs, the plague gradually became less severe, and it probably also killed people.

When it was almost done, the spreading infection was no longer so severe, so it was slowly suppressed.

But now the plague epidemic has just broken out in Shanshan and Shaanxi, and it is also mixed with the chaos caused by the refugees. The Yulin Army even has to shoulder the responsibility of quelling the chaos. These are intertwined, how can they be isolated and prevented from spreading?

This stage is when the explosive spread has just begun. If handled properly, the epidemic can be suppressed within a certain range, but the problem is that there is a prerequisite for this, that is, there must be strong government organizations and even the military.

Help the implementation, and have sufficient financial and material resources to deal with it, such as food, medicinal materials, cloth, doctors and other types of materials and talents. Only in this way can we control it.

But now the local governments in Shanxi and Shaanxi cannot even solve the problem of feeding the refugees, so how can they talk about solving the epidemic of plague?

The refugees and the rebellious army are bound to run around in order to eat. If the plague patient mixes among them, he will not only infect all the refugees and become a moving source of disease, but also spread the plague to various places.

Can the earth still be controlled?

Thinking of this, Feng Ziying couldn't sit still, but He Shixian wrote to ask for help, what could she do?

Feng Ziying believed that the imperial court should also know the news, but it did not spread. Mostly because he was afraid of affecting the people of Gyeonggi, especially when the Shandong War was about to start. But once the plague spread in Shanxi and Shaanxi, as long as a few people

If you go to Gyeonggi Province, it will be a huge disaster.

I must report to the court immediately. This matter must not be delayed. At the very least, Shanxi must immediately block the crowds that may flow northward, and take immediate action to set up checkpoints in the fourth stage to check possible people.

Potential risk sources to prevent the plague from spreading eastward.

It's hard to say what the imperial court can do now, but for Shuntian Mansion, Feng Ziying made some calculations and figured out that what she can do is to prepare a batch of medicinal materials in advance to prepare for emergencies, so that she can support Shanshan and Shaanxi in time.

In addition, you can also collect another batch of medicinal materials through various channels, which can be considered satisfactory.

This chapter has been completed!
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