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Renzi Volume Chapter 324: If a person has ambition, he will be full of energy

 The days passed by in a blink of an eye, and the news from the DPRK and the Central Government had not yet arrived, which made Feng Ziying a little anxious.

Wu Yaoqing had already gone to Shaanxi in advance and wanted to contact He Shixian first. In addition, Feng Ziying took the initiative to contact two college classmates, Song Shixiang and Xue Wenzhou.

Song Shixiang was from Yaozhou, and the Song family was also a wealthy family in Yaozhou. Yaozhou was on the main road from northern Shaanxi to Xi'an, with Jinsuoguan and Tongguan (Tongchuan) to the north, Fuping to the south, and Qishui and Jushui meeting here.

, geographical location is particularly important.

Not to mention Xue Wenzhou. The Xue family is a large gentry family in Anding, and Anding is an important town in the central and northern part of Yan'an Prefecture. It is located at the choke point between Yulin Town and Yan'an Prefecture. If he can get the support of the Xue family, he will go to Shaanxi in the future.

, you will be able to have a clear understanding of the situation in Yan'an, and will not be deceived by the officials below.

Song Shixiang had always been on good terms with Feng Ziying and Fang Youdu. Because Feng Ziying was unusually busy now with official duties, Song Shixiang and Fang Youdu had even closer contacts. Fang Youdu and Feng Ziying were related by marriage, so when Feng Ziying thought that she might go to Shaanxi

As soon as the news was informed to Song Shixiang, Song Shixiang took action immediately. On the one hand, he immediately wrote a letter to his family, asking his family to arrange for someone to help collect information about the situation in Xi'an and Yan'an. On the other hand, he also wanted to find an opportunity to follow Feng Ziying to Xi'an.

When Xue Wenzhou learned the news, he was in the same mood as Song Shixiang, and he was even more anxious.

Although the relationship between Xue Wenzhou and Feng Ziying is not as close as that of Song Shixiang, their attitude is more positive, because the rebellion in northern Shaanxi has already spread to the entire Yan'an Prefecture, and Anding County is no exception. Xue Wenzhou also received a letter from his family. Xue Wenzhou has always been anxious, and now he suddenly got sick

I was not overjoyed by this news. I naturally refused Feng Ziying's request and even took the initiative to express that the Xue family would fully support Feng Ziying in Yan'an Mansion.

For the Song Dynasty and Xue Dynasty, the rebellion in Shaanxi Province had threatened the imperial court's rule in Shaanxi Province, and the management of the local government had been greatly challenged. As scholars and officials, it was their natural duty to support them.

The family is a big gentry family in Shaanxi. Once the bandits are affected, they will bear the brunt of the damage. More importantly, Feng Ziying goes to Shaanxi. If the Song and Xue families can climb this big tree, it will be a solid foundation for the Song and Xue families in Shaanxi in the future.

Expanding their network is a rare opportunity, and of course they must seize it.

When Wu Yaoqing went to Shaanxi, in addition to relying on some of his own connections in the world, more importantly, he had to rely on the strong support of businessmen from Shanxi and Shaanxi. In addition, he also had to rely on the Song and Xue families to help him bridge the gap. After all, neither Feng Ziying nor Wang Wenyan had done it before.

, Wu Yaoqing and the others had never thought that Feng Ziying was going to Shaanxi, and now that they suddenly had to collect information about Shaanxi immediately, they seemed to be in a hurry.

Fortunately, Feng Tang serves as the governor of three sides, and has the experience of serving as the commander-in-chief of Yulin Town and countering the rebellion in Ningxia. The army has no worries, and the local government has to rely on the connections between Shanxi businessmen and Song Xue to help open up the situation.

Of course, as the leader of the young scholars in the North, Feng Ziying believed that she had really gone to Shaanxi, so she would not face too much trouble. After all, she was going to put out the fire, and no one would have a problem with the imperial court at this time, even if it affected the interests of some people.

, but they can only endure it now.

However, no matter how prepared he was, Feng Ziying knew that Shaanxi was not as good as Yongping and Shuntianfu. These two places were right under the eyes of the imperial court, and he could get support from the princes in the court at any time. However, the Emperor Tiangao in Shaanxi was far away, and the current situation was so bad.

I know nothing about the situation in Shaanxi, so if I really want to go, I'm afraid I will have to deal with emergencies for a long time, and it will be even more difficult to do anything according to my intentions.

In a word, if you go to Shaanxi, you must be prepared to endure hardships.

Fortunately, she was young and Feng Ziying was mentally prepared, but the torture of waiting was the most unbearable. Fortunately, there were preparations for the wedding that could consume some time, so that she would not have nothing to do.

When Qiu Shian left, Feng Ziying asked him to arrange for someone to bring a message to Fengzao Palace, and Qiu Shian agreed.

Qiu Shi'an didn't think Jia Yuanchun was of much value now, but considering that Feng Ziying's two wives were cousins ​​of the Jia family, he thought it was reasonable to take care of him.

He has never thought that Feng Ziying could use Jia Yuanchun to spy on or spy on him. Now Jia Yuanchun is still a little transparent in the palace, and even a relatively powerful character like Zhou Dehai has not noticed her, let alone Qiu Shian himself.

Bao Qin came very quickly and rushed to the mansion before Feng Ziying was about to leave for Tianjin.

I had no choice but to go to Tianjin. I received two letters from there. Another time, Lin Hongyu came back to bring the letter in person. She limped and had a full meal when she left.

It's impossible not to go, otherwise Wang Xifeng will really go crazy.

After not seeing each other for several months, Feng Ziying found that he didn't miss her that much. He even wondered if he was a little cold-blooded. After all, Wang Xifeng had given birth to a son for him, so why didn't he care about it anymore?

Even after not seeing Ping'er for a few months, she seemed to not miss her so deeply, which made Feng Ziying feel a little ashamed.

Once a man gets busy, it seems that things like relationships have to be put aside, not to mention that he is surrounded by flowers and the fragrance is fragrant. How much energy does he have to take care of Wang Xifeng and He'er who are far away in Tianjin?

"I want to meet the big girl, how can I arrange it?" Feng Ziying said straightforwardly without any nonsense.

Feng Ziying has realized that Baoqin may have become a caring person who cannot leave Yuanchun's side, and can even make suggestions for Yuanchun. In addition, she comes and goes between herself and Yuanchun, and all secrets cannot be hidden from her, so she has no plans

What to hide.

After Baoqin was taken aback, he didn't question anything, but concentrated on thinking.

There are regulations for concubines like Yuanchun to leave the palace, just like foreign ministers entering the palace. Now that everyone in the Jia family is in prison, there is no reason for Yuanchun to come out, unless Jia Mu and Wang are released, and Feng Ziying is

It is also troublesome for foreign ministers to enter the palace.

It turns out that you can only enter the palace when you have an audience with the emperor, and the route is fixed. The palace gate is guarded by sergeants of the Third Imperial Army, and you are accompanied by chamberlains along the way. If you want to stay or go to places other than your destination, it is impossible unless you

Able to bribe palace servants.

Feng Ziying originally thought it would be difficult, but unexpectedly, Baoqin suddenly had an idea in a blink of an eye: "I want to see the empress? Will it be outside the palace? How long will it take?"

Feng Ziying was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously: "How long? Baoqin, you mean the eldest girl can leave the palace? Does the palace allow it?"

Bao Qin smiled, "It might have been more difficult in the past, but it's different now. Concubine Xu is now fighting for power with Concubine Mei, and Concubine Su is also getting in the middle of it. The people in the Warrior Camp, the Four Guards Camp and the Flag Guard are also at a loss.

Therefore, the palace restrictions have been relaxed. Now the empress only needs to report to Concubine Xu or Concubine Mei. If they agree, she can leave the palace. Of course, there must be a reason, such as being in poor health and needing to go to a temple to offer incense and rest, or to go to a temple for the emperor.

It seems that it is also possible to pray, even go to the temple to purify yourself, bathe and pray for blessings, and stay for a day or two. According to what I know, Concubine Zheng did not go out in this way, and it is said that she even quietly returned to her hometown in Miao County."

"So the eldest girl can come out at any time?" Feng Ziying couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

The emperor was in a coma and there was no master in the palace. This was the situation. The left and right supervisors were attacking each other. Xu Junru and Mei Yuexi were also fighting in all aspects. This was really a response. Either the east wind suppressed the west wind, or the east wind suppressed the west wind.

The west wind suppresses the east wind. If you don't suppress the opponent's momentum at this time, you may lose the opportunity.

This kind of too primitive and simple idea is not wrong, and it is also reasonable for the women in the palace.

"That's not true. Firstly, it requires a suitable reason. Secondly, it requires the approval of the two noble concubines Xu and Mei. The guards at the Imperial Palace will only let them go. However, considering the current situation of the empress, because she and Concubine Su are already estranged, Xu and Mei

The two of you don't care much, as long as you go and apply, generally speaking, there won't be any embarrassment, and you will even feel that the empress respects them." Baoqin said calmly.

Of course, any suitable reason can be found casually. Even if he goes out to spend the night, he can find a reason to cleanse himself, bathe and pray for blessings, or to meditate and recuperate. Is this still called palace confinement? But this is not what Feng Ziying cares about.

It turns out that there are dozens of concubines in the Yonglong Imperial Palace. In addition to Xu Junru, Su Lingyao, Mei Yuexi and Guo Qinjun who have sons, there are also four or five who have daughters. They can visit relatives and see their daughters in the name of

Palace, others are restricted, but now it seems that these policies and systems have been somewhat relaxed.

"Well, in that case, let's choose a date." Feng Ziying thought for a while, "I'm going to go out for a few days. When I come back, um, let's initially decide on the third day of May. Which temple is the big girl?

Favorite place to go?”

"Your Majesty, I have never applied for it before, there is no one I am familiar with,..." Baoqin shook his head.

Feng Ziying was also a little embarrassed. He didn't have much research on the temples in Jingzhong Temple, and if he wanted to meet Jia Yuanchun, he would definitely need to be more secretive. "Well, you go back first and come out again on the first day of May. Then I and you

Talk about the place."

Baoqin nodded: "Then the uncle wants to see the empress, but what do you think?"

Feng Ziying pondered for a moment and didn't hide anything from the other party: "Qiu Shi'an came to see me. Originally I didn't want to get involved, but he convinced me and I changed my mind. So since the eldest lady is bored in the palace, it's okay to do something.

Just right."

Baoqin's eyes suddenly brightened up and his face was radiant, as if he was a different person. Feng Ziying also sighed. Once this person has an idea, will he be so different?

Baoqin didn't ask what Qiu Shi'an said or what Feng Ziying was going to do when he changed his mind. He just nodded solemnly: "I know this, I will tell you when you get back."

This chapter has been completed!
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