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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 47 The old farmer with fragrant rice makes a gorgeous turn

 Tan Chun almost jumped up at this sentence, but his blushing cheeks and slightly relieved look made Li Wan immediately understand that what he guessed must be correct, and most of them should have had contact with Lin Daiyu, or

Lin Daiyu herself also had this intention.

"Why did sister-in-law say this?" But under such circumstances, Tanchun couldn't easily take up the topic, "What does this have to do with Huan Ge'er, Lang Ge'er's future?"

"Third girl, in fact, this is nothing shameful. Countless women in the capital city dream of marrying into the Feng family as concubines. Xiao Feng Xiuzhan's reputation is real money. If our Jia family has not fallen, you want to

You may still feel a little aggrieved by being Ziying's concubine, but now the Jia family has declined, no, it's not even a decline, it should be destroyed. Even the people want to be with our Jia family.

To draw a clear line, as for Ziying, let alone a fourth-rank official, she is about to patrol Shaanxi, Tanchun, do you know what patrolling Shaanxi means?"

Li Wan's father, Li Shouzhong, was a priest of the Nanjing Imperial College. If he were to be considered more noble than the Jia family, he was certainly no stranger to the rules of the Zhou Dynasty officialdom. Tan Chun was also ambitious. Compared with other sisters,

She was also the one who cared most about Feng Ziying's career, so she also had an understanding of the promotion path in the officialdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Tan Chun nodded silently, "Brother Feng has a bright future, and the governor is often a precursor to re-employment."

"Yes, although there may not be any change in the governor's taste, for Ziying, the Prime Minister of Shuntian and the governor of Shaanxi are completely different." Li Wan has obviously worked hard on this, "The previous Shaanxi governor

Who is the governor? Yun Guang, one of the most famous scholars in the North. If he had not been implicated in the Ningxia rebellion and was investigated and punished, it is said that he would be the third grade at the worst. Shuntian Prefecture Yin, Qibu Shilang,

Or someone at the level of Deputy Imperial Envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate!"

Tanchun couldn't help but take a closer look at Sister-in-law Zhu, who had never shown any prominence in Rongguo Mansion in the past. She looked ashen and only stared at Jia Lan.

Suddenly Tanchun seemed to feel that this sister-in-law had changed a lot.

Look at how she is dressed today. Although she is still in plain white, her sleeves are edged with purple gold-embroidered silk thread. The hairpins on her temples seem a little more enchanting, and there is also the powder on her body.

It seemed like I had never felt the breath before.

This pair of embroidered shoes, well, they should be produced by Zhilanfang in Beijing. It is a niche embroidery shop that specializes in custom-made embroidered shoes for wealthy families in Beijing. Tanchun has only heard of them, but has never used them himself.

But she knew that Baochai, Daiyu and even Baoqin used this embroidery shop every day. Yingchun also had it, but they didn't wear it often. It wasn't that Yingchun couldn't afford it. It was because Yingchun paid special attention to her body after she was pregnant. Everything was

Focusing on comfort, I feel that Zhilanfang's products are too particular and restrictive when worn.

I didn't expect that my sister-in-law would actually use such extremely expensive and even luxurious things. This is incredible.

After the Jia family was confiscated, all the property of everyone in the family was confiscated. It can be said that the Jia family is now impoverished, and there are still a lot of debts outside. The famine debt left behind when the Grand View Garden was built, people will not be ruined because of your family. If you just let it go after checking it, you will be asking for more and more because you are finished now.

After they were bailed out by Feng Ziying, they were penniless and only had one or two sets of clothes. Although they lived in Feng's house and had no worries about food and clothing, Feng Ziying never treated them badly. Brother Feng even secretly gave Tanchun some money. I bought two hundred taels of silver as daily pocket money, which is equivalent to the pocket money I spent in Rongguo Mansion for several years.

This makes Tanchun both sweet and sour, but he is still more happy inside. After all, Brother Feng still treats him differently.

It was just that Tanchun didn't expect that his sister-in-law could actually wear Zhilanfang's embroidered shoes, so he subconsciously looked at the silk trousers peeking out of Li Wan's skirt.

At a glance, the hems of the silk trousers are also embroidered with patterns, and they look like Hu silk or Hangzhou silk. The lining and trousers are all made of Hu silk or Hangzhou silk, but that’s okay, they even have fine embroidery.

In the Feng Mansion, I am afraid that only the Shen sisters, Baochai and Daiyu have such treatment. Well, maybe Baoqin can also use it. I guess even the second sister will not be so ostentatious, but Li, who has always been elegant and frugal, Why is Wan so uncharacteristically extravagant after he was released from prison? The contrast is too great.

Li Wan looked at Baochai's gaze wandering towards his feet, and felt a shiver in his heart. He secretly screamed "Oh no," and wanted to shrink his feet, but felt that he was trying to hide it. The third girl had already seen the embroidered shoes on her feet, and only Hope San The girl didn't pay attention or couldn't see what it meant.

But Li Wan also knew that it was probably impossible. With the three girls' sophistication and having been in charge of household accounting, how could they not recognize these things?

Li Wan took another look and realized that one leg of his underwear was also exposed outside his skirt. He felt even more uncomfortable. This was really all exposed.

Although Feng Ziying was penniless after she came out of prison, how could Feng Ziying treat her badly? Naturally, he had to make arrangements for her, and Li Wan was already feeling a little bit broken.

The Jia family is ruined. Even if you want to say it, you can't even consider it an indispensable member of the Jia family. Jia She and Jia Zheng are still there, and there will be Baoyu in the next generation. Lang Ge'er has never been attracted by him. My father-in-law valued me, so I didn’t have so many worries and fetters.

Now that I have nothing, the only thing I care about is Lange's future. If my lover can sympathize with and cherish me, why should I bother with things like in the past? Why not enjoy it openly?

So she boldly went to Zhilanfang to order some clothes and shoes. Although they were expensive, they were comfortable and beautiful to wear. Even Suyun said that wearing these clothes made her feel like she was several years younger. Shen Yixiu , Baochai, Daiyu and Baoqin usually wear these, so they don't care too much, but they didn't expect that they would expose their secrets in front of Tan Yatou.

Although she was a little panicked, the expression on Li Wan's face remained unchanged. She had also experienced strong winds and waves, had stolen from men, and been in prison. What else could a woman not endure?

Li Wan even thought maliciously that I couldn't marry Ziying like you, but I had an affair with him early on, so his love for me may not be less than yours.

Even if the third girl really has suspicions and guesses, Li Wan is not afraid. As long as he doesn't catch his adultery on the bed, then your guesses can only be guesses.

Li Wan glanced at Tanchun who was thoughtful, continued the previous topic, and said calmly: "The governor of Shaanxi can be said to be Ziying's best opportunity, especially since the situation in Shaanxi is extremely bad now. If Ziying can have a good job in Shaanxi,

The achievements I have made will definitely be taken a step further after I come back. It is very possible for me to become the Minister of the Seventh Ministry or to be promoted to the Yin of Shuntian Prefecture. If I can get such a result after two years of hard work, it will be worth a thousand dollars."

Tanchun also glanced at Li Wan, but her inner judgment of Li Wan was somewhat different at this time, which was very complicated.

When did these changes happen to my sister-in-law? Tanchun recalled that there were changes in Rongguo Mansion. Although they were not obvious, they started to appear after the big guys moved into Grand View Garden.

Tanchun recalled carefully that when his sister-in-law first moved into Daoxiang Village, nothing seemed to have changed. Didn’t she call herself an old farmer in Daoxiang? She was still so indifferent. When did the change begin?

Tanchun had no way of knowing this. It seemed that something had changed when he and she were housekeepers together.

The second sister-in-law took the initiative to step down from her post, and the wife was left in charge of herself and her eldest sister-in-law. It seemed a little different. Tanchun couldn't remember the specific changes, but the only impression she had was that she liked to use balsam powder more.

The two of them usually sit across from each other on the Kang, and Tanchun can smell it.

At first it was still that kind of light fragrance, but later it got a little stronger. Tan Chun thought that all women liked this smell, but he accidentally heard that the second sister-in-law also liked similar rich fragrance powder, which can seduce men's hearts the most. Tan Chun

Chun was a little puzzled at that time. Maybe the second sister-in-law wanted to please the second brother Lian, so the eldest sister-in-law also liked this kind of balsam powder and was not afraid of others laughing at her?

Thinking about it now, it seems that the elder sister-in-law has changed at that time, but now that the Jia family has been ruined and has been reduced to relying on the Feng family's financial support for a living, why does the elder sister-in-law still have the time to think about these fancy things?

And such things are expensive. Where does her money come from?

Could it be that she still had some private money saved outside, or did she leave it outside in advance?

This series of questions made it difficult for Tanchun to let go, but she also knew that a wise person cannot do anything with simple words. The eldest sister-in-law may no longer be the eldest sister-in-law in Rongguo Mansion. From the moment the Jia family fell, everyone's identity has changed drastically.

Just like myself, wouldn't it be possible to become the wife of the Feng family?

And since the Jia family is unable to provide shelter and support to the elder sister-in-law and Langeer, it is understandable that the elder sister-in-law may want to find a better path and seek a new life.

"Sister-in-law, I understand what you are saying, but what does this have to do with Brother Huan's future? Or do you think Brother Feng has not or is unwilling to do his best to help us? For Huan

I want to go to Brother Feng for Brother Lan's matter. Is there any better solution?" Tan Chun couldn't help but take a deep breath and asked slowly.

Li Wan also heard the doubts and dissatisfaction in Tan Chun's words. She smiled gently: "What I want to say is not that Ziying is unwilling to help Brother Huan and Brother Lan, but I think maybe Ziying is a little

He underestimated his own ability. He is not only a Shuntian Prime Minister, but also the governor-elect of Shaanxi. The next step may be to be called a third-rank minister of the Gongon Dukes, so we went to ask, please

If you ask, maybe you can find a solution? Could it be that the third sister can't lose her face for Brother Huan? Then I'll go."


Something happened last night, please update!

This chapter has been completed!
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