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Chapter 2075 Gui Zi Scroll: Reversal with one force, the wind and the remaining clouds

 Yao Yongzhong really didn’t expect any accident, and he wasn’t even mentally prepared.

In his opinion, it is natural for Wang Chengwu to bow his head and submit. He is better than the inferior, and he is an outsider. He was beaten to pieces in both Qingjian and Yanchuan and fled in all directions. Now that he has come to Wubao, he just wants to

Do you want to break the city to have a full stomach?

He had already given in and agreed to give him the food from Zhu's grain store, the third largest in the city, after the city was broken. That amounted to 1,500 shi of food, enough to feed Wang Chengwu and several hundred people for several months.

Even if he is brought back to his hometown in Qingcaowu, his family members can survive until the end of the year.

In addition, he also promised to give him the two daughters of the Zeng family. One is already married and the other is still waiting to be married. This will satisfy his lust, so he should be content.

Of course, Yao Yongzhong was not careless. With Pan Donglin and three hundred elite soldiers beside him, as well as the Earth-Drilling Tiger, he was not afraid even if Wang Chenghu had something in his heart.

From a distance, I saw Wang Chengwu and his party coming to greet them at the gate of the camp. However, the tents of this guy were really badly pitched. They were messy and messy everywhere inside the camp gate. There were also some wooden fences that were missing or broken.

It was so unbearable that Yao Yongzhong also frowned.

I don’t know that this guy went from Qingjian to Yanchuan, was defeated from Yanchuan back to Qingjian, and then retreated from Qingjian to Wubao. He was so lucky that he didn’t die in the battle.

"Master Wang!"

"Master Yao!"

Yao Yongzhong turned over and dismounted, and the short and sturdy man beside him also quickly dismounted, maintaining a alert posture.

This was not the first time that the two sides met, but that time it was Wang Chenghu who went to visit Yao Yongzhong, who was on Yao Yongzhong's territory, and the relationship between the two parties was much more harmonious at that time, unlike now because of the long-term distribution of siege tasks and spoils.

There are some signs of quarrel.

Fortunately, an agreement has finally been reached. This was at the expense of Waotianqi's concession, and Pan Donglin was naturally not very happy.

In his opinion, these are just a bunch of grassroots bandits, and they are not worth spending so much effort to win over. But as the boss said, letting this group of people attack the city can be regarded as helping to contain the officers and soldiers in the city, even if they consume each other.

Yes, as for the future, there will naturally be means to deal with this group of people.

Yao Yongzhong strode forward with a smile on his face, and came over to give him a fist. Wang Chenghu also smiled and walked forward cheerfully, "Master Yao, I haven't seen you for a few days. I miss you very much..."

Yao Yongzhong was amused in his heart, this guy actually wrote something for him. Who doesn't know that you are a scoundrel?

"Haha, Yao also misses Master Wang very much. After this attack on the city, you and I will be drunk for a long time..."

Yao Yongzhong noticed the people behind Wang Chengwu, who looked a little unfamiliar. Even Wang Chengwu's brother Wang Chenghu was actually standing behind these people, which made him a little surprised.

"Master Wang, who are these...?" Yao Yongzhong was still a little wary and stood still. Pan Donglin beside him also became wary, and a group of soldiers behind him were also catching up.

But I saw the broad-faced man with a wide mouth coming towards me with a smile on his face, his hands clasped in fists, "Several people from a certain family have just defected to Mr. Wang's family..."

Before he finished speaking, the man with the broad mouth had already rushed forward, his fists came out like thunder, making a faint sound of wind, and stabbed directly into Yao Yongzhong's ribs.

Caught off guard, Yao Yongzhong was shocked and leaned back. He wanted to avoid the opponent's fatal blow. Where could he go in time?

Li Guibao made this move with all his strength, and a pair of small Vajra Yaksha thorns that had not been used for many years slipped out from between the fingers of his fists and penetrated deeply into the ribs of Wailing the Sky Flag. Blood spattered three feet and sprayed all over the people around him.

Yao Yongzhong was in pain piercing his bones, staggered back, and shouted angrily: "Wang Chengwu, you dare to trick me?"

He would not stop doing anything. Since Li Guibao had already taken action, he naturally would not allow his opponent to escape with his life. His eyes were filled with cold light. He stabbed the Yasha into the opponent's waist and ribs, but the opponent violently broke away. He simply used his fists as fast as running.

Thunder, hit the opponent's temple together.

Yao Yongzhong suffered a serious injury, and his body had already been unable to move. He only had to hold on to hold on to his breath, "Gu Xiuzhong, what are you waiting for?"

Outsiders didn't know who Gu Xiuzhong was, but those present knew it. That was the real name of the Earth-Drilling Tiger. He was standing three feet away, watching with cold eyes. Hearing Yao Yongzhong's roar, he sighed:

"Master Yao, why did you come here? Now you want to drag me along, what's the point?"

Yao Yongzhong understood immediately, his vision went dark, and his anger suddenly vented, and he knelt down exhausted: "Did you guys have a conspiracy for a long time? I..."

Pan Donglin on the side was now tightly entangled by Liu Dingfeng and Heliande, and faced with the joint attack of Liu Dingfeng and Heliande, although he was also very brave, but faced with the joint attack of such masters, he would not have been able to

Even though he was clumsy on the left and right, within a few rounds, he was pierced through the chest by Heliande's sharp sword and died on the spot.

At the same time that Li Guibao, Liu Dingfeng and others launched a surprise attack, the archers hidden in the tents also immediately poured out a shower of arrows. The three hundred soldiers who were caught off guard were thrown into chaos when they encountered this sudden attack.

The death of the regiment, especially Yao Yongzhong, left them leaderless and unable to organize an effective counterattack.

The Earth-Drilling Tigers and Wang Chenghu's troops who came from the flanks had already swept in, tightly surrounding the entire three hundred soldiers. Except for the ten or twenty people who fell behind, they were all killed on the spot.


After the offensive and defensive battle at the West Gate reached its climax, it came to an abrupt end and quickly evolved into a shocking rout.

The siege team, which had been full of fighting spirit before, suddenly encountered a backstab from friendly forces from behind. In addition, the already prepared officers and soldiers suddenly opened the city gates and counterattacked, immediately putting the waving flag rebels in a dilemma.


Feng Ziying, who was standing on the city gate tower, overlooked the scene outside the city gate with satisfaction. It was not until the situation was irreversible that she turned around and said to Xia Zhiling, who was full of joy: "Although we are still facing Boyan Village.

and the threat of the Baitangzhai rebels, but after this battle, no one can easily capture Wubao County. For this kind of rebel army with little war experience, morale is the most important. The reason why they were brave before

They fully launched an offensive and even gained the upper hand. On the one hand, they had not suffered many setbacks, and on the other hand, the people in the city had never seen such a battle formation. However, after this battle, they had a victory as the confidence, so they were not so

You can easily lose your morale and will."

Xia Zhiling was not familiar with military affairs and relied on his subordinates most of the time. But this time he personally witnessed Feng Ziying's strategizing and easily solved an imminent crisis of city destruction, and even eliminated the threat to the county in one fell swoop.

The rebel army turned into help for our own side.

Although he did not look down on such a team that had been recruited to rebel, but for the current Wubao County, as long as it could save Wubao County, everything was worth it. Feng Ziying's move was extremely exquisite.

"What do you mean, sir, to let Tiaojianhu's army enter the city?" Xia Zhiling frowned.

He still felt uneasy about Wang Ermazi's rebellious army that had evolved from the rebel army. Although Feng Ziying had given the other party a promise to recruit security, and the other party's performance was indeed satisfactory, once they entered the city, these people were still in chaos the day before.

Wouldn't the army's troops suddenly rebel again and start looting?

"Shaowu, what do you think?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

"I'm a little unsure." Xia Zhiling shook his head honestly: "What if they become rebellious after entering the city?"

Feng Ziying smiled and shook her head: "In my opinion, people like Wang Chengwu, who finally got such an opportunity, are probably more willing to defend Wubao County and cherish this hard-won opportunity than we civilians are..."

This fanatical mentality of converts may be difficult for Xia Zhiling to understand for a while, but Feng Ziying knows it very well.

"There is an old saying that a rooster that loses its morning glory crows even more when it is overthinking, or that it is better to work hard than to use it. Wang Chengwu has very strong control over the army in his hands, otherwise I would not choose him. In comparison, then

The burrowing tiger Gu Xiuzhong is much worse, but that's fine. With such a partial army by his side, Wang Chengwu will only be more loyal." Feng Ziying said leisurely: "I am even looking forward to the success of the people from Baitang Village in Boyan Village now.

Come, let Wang Chengwu and others have a good fight, and also give Wang Chengwu and others more opportunities to prove themselves. I believe that after handing over the certificate of voting, he will cherish this opportunity even more."

Feng Ziying didn't care too much about Xia Zhiling's feelings. After winning this battle, he believed that the situation on Wubao's side was actually stable. What he needed now was to use Wubao County to plan a larger chess game.

Plan to further reverse the situation in the north of Yan'an Prefecture.

Wang Wenyan is already on his way, and he will probably arrive in two or three days, and the people he sent from the Yulin Army should have almost met He Shixian.

The situation in Shaanxi as a whole is extremely bad, but since it is already so bad, Feng Ziying doesn't mind getting worse.

He can't take care of the south and west for the time being. What he has to do is to completely reverse the chaotic situation in the central and northern part of Yan'an Prefecture.

Only by closing this door so that the Yulin Army has no worries can the Yulin Army deploy an elite force as its trump card to deal with the rebellion in Qingyang and Pingliang to the west, as well as the rebellion in the south of Yan'an and the east of Xi'an in the next step.

The army is ready.

The location of Wu Fort is very moderate, and because it is a distribution center for supplies between mountains and Shaanxi, it is enough to attract more rebels. This is like a grinding heart, a trap, allowing the rebels to come in a steady stream, and then use various methods to

You can use various methods, whether it's to recruit people for safety or to apply for a certificate of honor, let them consume and hone themselves here, and finally achieve the results they want.

This chapter has been completed!
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