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Chapter 2090 Gui Zi Scroll A fierce battle begins, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ??blood

No matter how passionate you are, you can't stand up to the cold reality. Feng Ziying is not sure who will be the first to be unable to bear it when the cruel offensive and defensive battles grind the soldiers on both sides into broken limbs and corpses like a flesh and blood mill.

But the former Wang Chengwu's words of encouragement were not in vain. He gave him the title of this mountaineering camp and won him the title of Acting President Qian.

Nodding slightly, Feng Ziying said in a deep voice: "Very good, Chengwu. I, Feng Keng, have always disliked big words and I insist on making promises worth a thousand dollars. If I can't do it, I will never say it, but I will definitely honor my words. I will also

I hope you will be the same, Chengwu. As long as this battle is won, I will definitely ask the imperial court for credit on your behalf!"

Wang Chengwu said no more, just nodded solemnly, held his head high and headed straight for the Ximen Tower.

The variegated torrent that you can see rolling in like a tidal wave is constantly devouring the loess land under the city wall. It is like the mudslide pouring out from the mountain. It is extremely irregular, and appears uneven at every wave crest, but with a few traces of it.

The scent of blood.

Wang Chengwu gritted his teeth, and his cheeks tensed up a bit due to nervousness, making his entire face look even more fierce and ferocious.

"Baoding, are you ready?" Wang Chengwu asked coldly without looking back as the stream of people holding ladders held high gradually came into sight.

"Brother Ma, everything is ready." Yu Baoding said solemnly.

He is a fellow villager and best friend of Wang Chengwu. In terms of close relationship, he is even closer than the two brothers Wang Chenghu and Wang Chengbiao.

Because he followed Wang Chengwu from Qingjian to Yanchuan to start the uprising, and then fled back to Qingjian after another incident failed, and recruited troops in Qingjian again to make a comeback in Qingjian. When they failed again, they fled back to Qingcaowu to hide and lick.

Wound, finally came to Wu Fort together.

Now Wang Chengwu has three troops, the most important one is given to Yu Baoding. This one is mainly archers, because Yu Baoding was born as an Orion and is good at archery. Even Wang Chengwu laments that he is not as good as him, so he is also the one Wang Chengwu values ​​​​most.

, was handed over to Yu Baoding, and he reported to Feng Ziying that Yu Baoding would serve as the commander-in-chief of the first unit of the Yueshan Camp.

"Okay, you give the order. Pay attention, there are too many enemies. First aim at the protrusion directly opposite the city gate, especially the group holding the knocking wood. I don't want to kill them all, but I want to immediately turn to the group on the right after killing them. If I

As expected, it should be an old yellow sheep from Jiazhou. They are all wearing yellow homespun shirts and tied with straw ropes. It seems that this time he is coming to seek the jackpot.

Yu Baoding was stunned. Shouldn't he take the opportunity to shoot him?

As soon as Wang Chengwu saw the other party's expression, he understood the other party's suspicion and explained: "Those bumping logs are extremely heavy, and it will be difficult for a few people to lift them. Once these things fall and are left there, they will wait for them to continue lifting them. It happens to be

The most suitable shooting distance, leaving some for them to think they can get away with, then as long as we bite there firmly, we can let them continue to die here."

Yu Baoding suddenly realized: "What about the slightly higher ground left in front of the city gate?"

"Haha, this is the shooting range specially reserved by Mr. Feng. Not only will these people carrying the collision wood have to go around such a big circle, but the high ground will also become their nightmare."

Wang Chengwu admired Feng Ziying very much in his heart. Although he was a civil servant, he was more proficient and experienced in fighting than anyone else. The key was that he had already prepared such methods and was waiting for you to take the bait.

Yu Baoding suddenly understood, and subconsciously glanced at the Tiger Crouching Cannon that was hidden on the city gate tower and had its barrel raised. The test of the cannon in the previous two days was no wonder that everyone around was kicked away and not allowed to observe. It was probably to determine the final result.

The best shooting position is a trap waiting for the enemy to escape.

Only three squatting tiger cannons were sent from Hedong.

In fact, it was useless to send more, because no one knew how to operate them, and the operators of these three tiger crouching cannons were all test cannon workers squeezed out of the military workshops by Shanxi merchants.

But the dozen or so gun test workers are not simple. They are workers who are specially used to test the accuracy and barrel strength of the Tiger Crouching Cannon. It can be said that they are tested every day. They are extremely proficient in the entire process of charging, loading and firing.


Although they don't pay attention to reloading speed in normal times, this habitual action for many years has made them so familiar with the whole process that even veterans of the army's artillery operations may not be able to keep up with them, and they are testing the distance adjustment.

Shang is more powerful than anyone else. With two simple shots, he is basically indistinguishable.

It was these dozen or so artillery test workers who were considered valuable by Shanxi merchants that Feng Ziying asked to come here, in order to concentrate their superior firepower in this war and serve as an important variable in this war.

The reason why Wang Chengwu explained to Yu Baoding in such detail was to boost the morale of his subordinates and make them confident in winning this war.

After saying a few words, Yu Baoding had already understood, and his heart suddenly became more stable. He nodded, said no more, and began to shout around to the sentry officers to start forming formations and raising their bows.

The wave-like flow of people began to stop about eighty steps away from the city wall. It was obvious that there were people in the rebel army who were knowledgeable about military affairs, and knew that if they moved forward, they would be within the range of bows and arrows.

Wang Chengwu knew that he was gathering momentum and was waiting for the final charge.

Seven or eight giant logs were carried by dozens of people, forming a huge arrow shape. Surrounding the huge arrow were several piles of people, obviously backup manpower ready to follow up and take over at any time.

Wang Chengwu felt a shiver in his heart. His opponent also had a master. It seemed that he had anticipated what kind of blow he would encounter and was even prepared to pay the price in advance.

Look at the three square formations formed around it, left, center and right. Each square formation contains about a hundred people, all of whom are archers. It seems that they are prepared to suppress the strike force of their own archers at all costs.

Wang Chengwu felt reassured. Mr. Feng had left no stone unturned, and it seemed that the high ground he had given up in advance would become the best trap.

While Wang Chengwu was calculating his opponent, Modlen was quietly watching the battle from behind.

The Lao Huangyang tribe is not the most powerful rebel army besides the Zhai army, but it can be regarded as the best among several rebel armies. And the key is that the Lao Huangyang group has been in Jiazhou for many years and has accumulated many years of experience.

Bandits are slippery in battle and have tenacity, so they are not easily defeated. This is what Modlen values ​​​​more.

The one who cooperates with the Old Yellow Sheep Department is Xie Laogen. This department has a large number of people, but has not experienced many wars. Modlen is a little worried about the opponent's combat effectiveness, fearing that it will collapse if it suffers a heavy blow, so he can only arrange for them to cooperate. In addition,

A supervising team was placed at the rear, ready to hold down the position if necessary.

With the waving of flags, the rebel troops clustered along the city wall finally began to quicken their pace and launched a charge.

Feng Ziying has already put on armor. In this kind of battle formation, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no sudden flying arrows. Wearing armor can at least provide some protection. As for how effective it is, it is hard to say.

It can be seen that the first wave of rebel troops that launched the attack was not a single force. The number of troops was about 3,000, and there was also a wave of reserve troops behind them, which should also number about 1,500.

The siege equipment is relatively simple, most of which are simple ladders, but there are a lot of them, and with the huge manpower, and they are all from farmers, making such simple ladders is not a problem.

Feng Ziying also saw several siege engines, the kind of siege engines that could push the stairs directly to the top of the city wall.

For big city walls, this kind of siege vehicle is not very effective, and many of them are destroyed before they even reach the city wall. Even because the city wall is too high, the siege vehicle still needs to reach the ladder to climb up.

But for a small county like Wubao, this kind of siege vehicle is a very powerful weapon. Once multiple siege vehicles arrive at the city wall and launch an assault, it is equivalent to opening several passages on the city wall at the same time.

, causing the city wall defenders to face several breakthrough points.

Wang Chengwu obviously noticed this, and his face tightened, "Baoding, order the archers to send out a sentry, and prepare the rockets!"

The cloth soaked in kerosene and wrapped around the arrow cluster extends to the arrow shaft. Once the rocket is ignited, it is difficult to extinguish. It is the best weapon against wooden siege weapons.

Yan'an Prefecture has always produced kerosene. As soon as Feng Ziying entered Wubao City, she began to purchase kerosene from various merchants. However, this was used by poor people to light lamps. However, due to the heavy smoke, it was not very popular, so it was not very popular in Wubao County.

The number of merchants held is not large, and even if they are purchased in full, there will still be only a few.

The war finally began at the last moment.

The first wave of the attack, who shouted and howled and held the ladder high, finally hit the city wall like a huge wave, splashing countless dark red blood flowers.

In fact, just a few breaths before the attack on the city, Yu Baoding's crossbowmen launched multiple rounds of shooting. Under the command of Xiao Hongqi, the archers released their maximum attack power and concentrated their sights along the line.

The wood-ramming team passed around the raised high ground.

Since there is no moat in Wubao County, the city gate hole is the best breakthrough point, and bumping wood is the most practical attack method. This also makes the attack team carrying the bumping wood become the primary target of the crossbowmen on the city wall.

Although it was possible to cover part of the body with a simple wooden leather shield, at such a close range, it could be said that if the upper body could be covered, the lower limbs would not be hidden, and if the right side could be covered, the left side would inevitably be exposed while running.

Arrows were thrown down like raindrops. After several rounds, amid the screams and roars of countless people, only two of the seven bumping logs held high by countless people could still be carried by the bearers, and the remaining five

The roots had been thrown aside in all directions, leaving only wounded soldiers wailing in the sky and more corpses.


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