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Chapter 2094 Gui Zi Scroll: Continuous critical attacks, overcoming the crisis

 This violent, ferocious and indestructible blow almost immediately stopped the entire rebel army's offensive on the north side of the city wall.

Everyone was stunned by this blow, especially when they looked at the scene of bloody and mutilated bodies all around them. Even though they were on the battlefield, they still couldn't help but feel sick and vomited.

Even Li Guibao and the others, who had been mentally prepared for it, were still made a little uncomfortable by such an unabashed bloody scene.

Fortunately, their psychological adjustment ability was much better than that of ordinary rebels. Taking advantage of the opponent's chaos, several assault groups took advantage of the situation and launched a fierce attack. They immediately suppressed the opponent's offensive and pushed back a bit.

On the other side of the city wall, Liu Dingfeng also led several assault groups to resist the insurgent advance.

The northern city wall was more dangerous because Gu Xiuzhong's troops had fewer troops here, and with Gu Xiuzhong's escape, their defeat was even more severe.

If Liu Dingfeng and others were late for a cup of tea, the situation might be irreversible.

Liu Dingfeng and the others finally gained time with their desperate resistance, and the formation behind them was put in place.

Five groups of gunmen have been deployed, with five people in each group, a total of twenty-eight people. Three of them are used as backup and are prepared according to the three-stage shooting. However, in order to increase the shooting frequency, the number has been increased to five groups. On the city wall channel is


Although Shanxi merchants sent 300 firecrackers, Feng Ziying took great pains to recruit people who could use firecrackers in the entire Wubao City, but only found about 20 people.

Among them, less than ten people among the hundreds of civilians know how to use it. Most of them are deserters who slipped back home from the Yulin Army. There are also a few family soldiers from some wealthy families who know how to use it. In addition, they have learned from Feng You's personal soldiers.

They gathered a few people and after two days of assault training, they managed to assemble such a small squad of firecrackers.

As Liu Dingfeng and his party moved away, the firecrackers squad finally entered a puppet-like firing formation.

At such a close range and with such density, aiming was not allowed. The three-stage type was changed to a five-stage type, and the frequency was increased.

With every roar of fire cannons, four or five people from the insurgent army rushing towards them would fall. The power of this series of rounds of fire can be said to be fully displayed at such a distance and environment.

This is like a piercing knife that only cares about buying people's lives. Facing opponents who are like pieces of paper, it keeps stabbing without any cover or obstruction. Even with some armor, it is within a distance of less than twenty steps.

It cannot protect people and people, so it can only resist with flesh and blood, but this is purely a mantis trying to use its arms as a vehicle!

There were almost no archers in the rebel army that rushed up the city wall. They could not suppress the small group of muskets that were twenty steps away, so they could only call for help from the bottom of the city.

But during the war, how could it be so easy for the archers below to accurately launch covering fire at the firecrackers squad? This time consumption can only be carried out by the flesh and blood on these city walls.

However, once the archers under the city wall began to cover intensively and the ladders began to press towards this section, this overwhelming advantage no longer existed.

But even so, the rebels were shot at at least three times in such a short period of time, which meant that at least fifty or sixty people died in this kind of shooting without aiming.

And more importantly, this kind of containment buys precious time.

Reinforcements from Kang Junxiong's troops finally arrived.

Kang Junxiong's Division is the other one among the three divisions of Yueshanying, besides Wang Chenghu and Yu Baoding. It is mainly composed of Waotian Banner men and horses, and Kang Junxiong is also a capable subordinate of Waotian Banner.

However, after Waitianqi was attacked and killed, Kang Junxiong finally chose to surrender.

In fact, these rebels are not as strong-minded as they imagined. They are only unhappy about being annexed by Wang Chengwu's Qingcaowu troops. In their minds, the troops who came from Suidebo Chuling Mountain are no better than the grass bandits in Qingjian Qingcaowu.

They were poor, but as things turned out, they became the grass bandits of Qingcaowu and annexed them, the bandits of Bochuling.

Fortunately, Wang Chengwu still had some ideas. He did not break up all the men and horses of the Waotian Banner Department and divide them into various departments. Instead, he formed a branch with Kang Junxiong Department as the core. Basically, they were all the original members of the Wao Tian Banner Department.

This step was a good way to win over people's hearts and quickly calm down the originally turbulent Shaotian Banner Department. Even some people who failed to enter Kang Junxiong's Department and were merged into others, such as Yu Baoding's Archer Department, also

A lot more stable.

Feng Ziying gave Wang Chengwu a very good score on this point, which shows that Wang Chengwu has a big mind and is able to take decisive and correct measures to solve problems.

The counterattack launched by Kang Junxiong's troops from both sides became one of the most intense scenes in the battle. Even Feng Ziying, who rushed to the scene in person, found it thrilling.

Being backlogged on the city wall in just a few dozen steps, the rebels also knew that this was their only chance to break through, so of course they refused to give up. The rebels under the city wall all swarmed towards this area, and even gave up attacking the city.

In the attack on the gate, the arrows covered the entire city wall without distinction. The archers from under the city wall naturally shot to both sides, while the archers inside and on both wings of the city wall shot toward the middle, shields, and wooden signs at this time.

They can't play much role at all, and the armor is even more difficult to resist.

The ladders set up from under the city wall continued to transport people upwards, but obviously they could not keep up with the progress of casualties. Oil bags filled with urine bubbles were dropped under the city wall by trebuchets at the last moment. Then a group of rockets were fired, causing the entire city wall to change.

It became a sea of ​​fire.

The oil bag mixed with tung oil and fierce fire oil formed a field of fire a hundred steps away, which spread instantly and became the ultimate weight, completely suppressing the offensive of the rebel army.

Just like Shura's killing field, countless people were stabbed to death with swords and spears, shot to death with arrows, burned to death, fell from the city wall to death, and the scene of two people hugging each other and dying together was staged on this section of the city wall, even if they were hundreds of steps away.

Far away, through a telescope, Feng Ziying could clearly see it as if it were right in front of her.

This fighting battle completely ignited the bloody anger, resentment and hostility of both sides. Perhaps the past few months of running around, begging for food and survival, and being indifferent were ignited at this moment.

It is better to fight and be completely released than to die silently in the loess.

When the fire under the city wall finally slowly extinguished and the fighting on the city wall ceased, the entire second day's attack finally came to an end.

Li Guibao was hit by an arrow in the shoulder. Fortunately, it was just a stray arrow. The force of the shot was not strong and it did not penetrate deeply into the flesh. After pulling out the arrow, it was simply bandaged and it had no big impact. The corner of Liu Dingfeng's eyebrow was scratched by a piece of gravel, leaving a bloody mark.

He almost became a one-eyed dragon, which is considered the lightest one; Heliande received a stick on the back, but fortunately he was wearing armor, and the stick was also hit by a wooden stick, but his heart was slightly shocked, but it was not serious.


Wang Chenghu received a stab wound on his leg, but due to the rough skin and thick flesh and the fact that he was covered in armor, it could only be considered a superficial injury and would not affect his movement.

"Sir, the rebel army has retreated." Wang Chengwu walked over energetically and saluted. He was particularly excited after winning this battle. Even if he paid a heavy price, he felt that it was worth it. After experiencing such a bloody battle, he felt that it was worth it.

After the first battle, he felt that his gang was enough to withstand any pressure.

"Well, let's clean up the battlefield first, collect the corpses on and off the city walls, no matter which side they belong to, and burn them and bury them to avoid causing a plague."

Feng Ziying paid special attention to this point. The weather could rot in a few hours and cause a disaster. Others didn't know it, but he knew it all too well.

"It has been arranged." Wang Wenyan came from behind, "We have organized some people in the city to deal with this issue. The soldiers still let them bandage and rest first. I am afraid this battle is not over yet. My subordinates are observing.

Although most of the border troops led by Boyan Village have been mobilized today, Baitang Village should have retained a considerable part of its strength, and my subordinates are worried that they may have another counterattack tomorrow."

The hearts of everyone present were tense. Today's battle had been so brutal. Although everyone's morale was still good, in terms of battle losses, it was quite heavy.

For example, of the 2,000 people in Wang Cheng's military unit, more than 400 people were killed in battle, and at least more than 600 people were injured and lost combat effectiveness, and there were another 300 to 400 people with minor injuries. Moreover, the injured among them may worsen due to the deterioration of their injuries, and the medicine

Without these reasons, one or two hundred people would die one after another.

It can be said that this round of attack has really knocked all the veterans of the Yueshan Camp upside down. The most that can still maintain combat effectiveness is about 900 people, and their vitality will be severely damaged. If there is another wave of attacks of this intensity.

, I’m afraid it will be difficult to hold on.

"Well, it's not impossible, but the losses of the rebel army are not small. In particular, the fire attack has done a lot of damage to their morale. It will not be easy for them to launch another round of such an offensive." Feng Ziying analyzed the situation objectively,

"It depends on how determined and willful Modlen and Qiu Zixiong are, but I estimate that the brutality of this war has frightened the other rebels except the border soldiers, and they may not be willing to accept such a war anymore.


"But if they just give up, then they will gain nothing, which is even more unacceptable to them." Wang Wenyan disagreed with Feng Ziying's point of view, "The people in Boyan Village and Baitang Village will definitely try their best to force others to

People joined in to fight again, because they had no way to retreat, so they retreated to Yiheyi City. There was no food there, and they only had this way!"

Feng Ziying was silent. The performance of the rebel army was indeed beyond his expectation. He did not expect that the rebel army would launch such a violent offensive on the second day.

Modlen and Qiu Zixiong still had some ability and judgment. They realized that delaying things in such a leisurely manner would be more detrimental, so they decided to launch a fierce attack regardless of the cost.


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