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Volume A Chapter 20 Life-saving straw, duty-bound

"I'm afraid the cavalry soldiers are of little use. I don't know what the situation is like here in Shandong, but I know that the Japanese pirates once broke into the Jiaxing area and looted the water warehouse. The more than a thousand cavalry soldiers faced less than 300

The Japanese pirates fled in a hurry. Later, the guard commander was punished by military law. However, some people said that after entering the prison, his head was changed, which shows the condition of the garrison." Jia Yucun shook his head repeatedly, "This is the Brick City of Linqing.

There are also cavalry soldiers. The outer city is in such chaos and I haven't seen any movement from them. It's useless."

He was the prefect of Jiaxing three years ago, and the performance of the Cao Army was simply unbearable for him. He was even impeached and dismissed from office. Although the officials criticized him for being corrupt, it was not without the impact of this incident.

At that time, I had underestimated the weakness of the Cao soldiers to such an extent that I did not have time to organize the inspection department and rural soldiers to intercept them in time, which caused a catastrophe and was finally taken advantage of.

A group of Ziyanguan censors took advantage of the situation to overthrow themselves. Otherwise, as a top three Jinshi, there is no way that they would have been dismissed from office because of some common monetary matters.

Feng Ziying saw that Feng You had no expression, and guessed that what Jia Yucun said was true, and was a little disappointed. However, Xue Jun's face looked a little strange, and Feng Ziying saw it, "Mr. Xue, do you have something to say?"

"Well, if it's just an ordinary Cao army, it's just like what Mr. Jia said. However, when I came from Qingjiangpu, I heard that Governor Li Dushuai was just returning from Huai'an. The two of us went north ahead of Dushuai Li.

If we talk about time, Commander Li must have already passed Jining by now." Seeing that Feng Ziying seemed a little confused, Xue Jun further said: "Then Commander Li has a battalion of personal troops with him, so he must be the same as the ordinary ones.

Caojun is different."

Only then did Feng Ziying realize that Xue Jun's intention was to seek help from the Governor of Water Transport.

Jia Yucun is also somewhat interested. If he can take this opportunity to win the favor of the Governor of Water Transport, it will be an opportunity.

Not to mention that the position of Governor of Water Transport was very popular. According to the practice of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Governor of Water Transport had always been held concurrently by important members of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate has always been a place for cabinet ministers to hone their skills. Generally speaking, cabinet ministers with Hanlin backgrounds will polish their skills in the six departments, especially the upper three departments, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the six subjects before they can be qualified to be shortlisted for the cabinet. The Governor of Water Transport

The concurrent post of censor of the left and right capitals is one of the best training positions.

Of course, Jia Yucun can only imagine this. What kind of person is this person in charge of water transportation, the right minister of the Procuratorate, the censor of the capital, and the general manager of water transportation? In fact, how can someone like himself, who has been dismissed from office, easily get the role?

Feng You hesitated for a moment, "Not to mention how we can get out of the city now, even if we can get out of the city, how and where can we see that Commander Li? Even if we can see that Commander Li

"Shuai, how can Commander Li believe what we say?"

Feng You got to the point of all three questions.

Getting out of the city is the first problem. Now the entire Linqing City has been occupied by bandits. If you want to get out of the city, you will risk being hunted down by the bandits. Among this group of people, only Feng You can say that it is possible.

You can get away with it when facing bandits, while others can only sit back and wait to be killed.

The second is that it is not easy to meet Commander Li.

I don’t know where Dushuai Li is now. Whether he has passed Jining is just Xue Jun’s estimate. What if Dushuai Li is staying in Jining city?

How long will it take to go from Linqing to Jining, and then from Jining to lead troops to Linqing? I'm afraid it won't be faster than asking Nadu Si for help.

It can be said that this idea is only valuable if Dushuai Li has passed Jining and reached Liaocheng, Dongchang Prefecture.

Moreover, Dushuai Li is a fourth-rank official and a second-class Jinshi. How can it be seen by ordinary people?

Among the people here, I am afraid that no one is qualified to see each other. Jia Yucun is a delusional man who was dismissed from office, Xue Jun is just a businessman, and Feng You is just a warrior. How can we let the other party see him?

The third thing is how to convince the other party. Even if you can really see Commander Li, how can you convince the other party to believe in the crisis in Linqing?

Moreover, the Governor of Water Transport is only responsible for the safety of water transport and not local security. As long as the inner city of Linqing is not lost and the three warehouses are not lost, it has nothing to do with him. How can he be willing to take the risk?

Neither Jia Yucun nor Xue Jun thought that Feng You had such a clear analysis and judgment, and were greatly surprised.

Although they had seen Feng You's bravery before, the trend of Yanwu Xiuwen was the same in the Great Zhou Dynasty these days. Scholars had always looked down on martial artists, so although they were polite on the surface before, Jia Yucun didn't look down on him on the inside.


Moreover, the other party was just a member of the Feng family, and he was even looked down upon, but his words at that moment made people look at him with admiration.

Jia Yucun pondered for a moment and then said slowly: "I have heard good reviews about Commander Li. He is courageous in taking on tasks and extremely courageous. If I can meet him and explain the whole story, I might not be able to win his trust...


Jia Yucun also said it very euphemistically, the chance of success is indeed too small, but if he didn't say this, wouldn't he just sit here and wait for death?

When Xue Jun saw what Jia Yucun said, he stroked his beard and said, "I also heard that Dushuai Li was traveling with Qiao Yingjia, the patrol censor. Qiao Yingjia is also a person who hates evil as much as hatred. If..."

Feng Ziying has also been thinking about it.

If you want to escape alone, it is not easy, but it is not impossible. The problem is that there are so many people dragging you down, and you really can't abandon it, so this way doesn't work, so you can only survive in death.

If you can't sit still and wait for death, you have to find reinforcements. The soldiers of the Linqing Guard were mobilized out of the city, and banditry broke out here. According to Feng Ziying's guess, there is something fishy here, so he can't expect the guards to be there within two or three days.

Rush back, and even if you can rush back, you may not be able to resist these bandits.

The troops stationed in the town are of sufficient importance, but Dezhou, Jining and Jinan are all too far away, and they need to be reported to the capital. The decision will be made by the capital and then drafted. In the end, it depends on whether the generals and guerrillas in the camp accept it.

Even if everything goes smoothly in the middle, the time is very tight and there will be a slight discrepancy. And according to Feng Ziying's understanding of the current Zhou Dynasty's up-and-down regulations, this discrepancy is definitely there, so no matter what, time will be too late.

Cao soldiers, as I said before, the ordinary cavalry soldiers are not even as good as the guardsmen, so after all the calculations, I hope that I can only place it on the right side of the Metropolitan Procuratorate who seems to have happened to go north. Li Dushuai, the censor of the capital, is in charge of water transport.

and the pro-army troops he led.

Life-saving straw.

Seeing Feng You's expression, Feng Ziying knew that he didn't have much say in this matter and couldn't make a decision. This was due to the other party's status, not that Feng You was incompetent.

However, Feng Ziying has a high opinion of Jia Yucun and Xue Jun. They are worthy of being the third and fourth male protagonists in the book "Dream of Red Mansions", and they are still somewhat talented and learned. Of course, the character issue is not mentioned.

This Xue Jun can raise such intelligent and resourceful people as Xue Baoqin and Xue Baoqin, but there are still some genetic problems, and it seems that his abilities are not bad in all aspects.

Having determined that she must grasp this life-saving straw, Feng Ziying's thoughts gradually became clear.

Since we are going, the first question now is who is going?

Feng You is undoubtedly the most suitable. With his martial arts skills, he can deal with three or five bandits and get away. But his biggest problem is how to convince him to meet Dushuai Li even if he leaves the city.

is the biggest problem, even Commander Li won't even meet him. A fourth-grade military general and the senior attendant of a dismissed fourth-grade military general wants to meet a regular fourth-grade civil servant. This is unimaginable in this era, unless this person

The two officials had a personal relationship, but unfortunately, Feng Tang had nothing to do with Commander Li.

After a high-ranking official, the other is a civil servant who was born as a second-class Jinshi. They are completely unrelated to each other.

And Feng Ziying doesn't think Feng You can convince Dushuai Li when he meets him.

Jia Yucun is a good candidate. He was also a Jinshi and served as a magistrate for one time. However, he also has many problems. First, he was dismissed due to corruption. Li Sancai is also a person with a strong reputation. I am afraid that he will never see him.

, In addition, how to get out of the city in Jiayu Village is even more of a problem.

Xue Jun is also a candidate, with good eloquence, but businessmen have always been despised by civil servants, and it is even more difficult to meet Dushuai Li.

After much calculation, there was no suitable candidate. It seemed that I was the only one who was barely suitable. After all, I was also a Gongsheng student of the Imperial College.

"Uncle You, Master Jia, Mr. Xue, in my opinion, delaying it any longer will not help. I don't know why these bandits have not attacked the inner city, but judging from their behavior, I am afraid they will stay in Linqing City.

, so if you want to find help, you have to leave the city tonight." Feng Ziying's eyes wandered around a few people, and finally withdrew, saying in a deep voice.

"Then let me go. Brother Keng, you can't hide here. I will try to come back within three days." Feng You thought for a while and said.

"No, Uncle You, you are not suitable. Even if you rush out and see Commander Li, you may not be able to win his trust." Feng Ziying shook her head.

"What does Brother Keng mean..." Feng You was a little confused. His eyes fell on Jia Yucun and Xue Jun, which frightened the two of them. It was not that they were afraid of meeting Li Dushuai, but that they were afraid of not being able to get out of the city.

If you are caught by thieves, you really have thrown yourself into a trap.

For a moment, Jia Yucun was tempted by the pursuit of wealth and wealth. If he could get in touch with Li Sancai, it would be more reliable than looking for the Wang family. After all, the Wang family is also a noble family, while Commander Li is a civil servant with a natural talent.

He was close to himself who was a Jinshi, and as far as he knew, Li Sancai was not a rigid person and didn't care much about financial matters. However, Jia Yucun soon knew that this was not feasible.

"Master Jia and Mr. Xue are not suitable either. They can't get out of the city like this. Once they are captured,..." Feng Ziying can conclude that once these two people are captured by the thieves, it will only take a few threats to kill them.

Several people came forward.

"Then who is going?" Feng You realized Feng Ziying's thoughts and shook his head repeatedly, "No, Brother Keng, no, you can't go, it's too dangerous..."

"Uncle You, isn't it dangerous to stay here? We can't get out, so that's the most dangerous thing." Feng Ziying said to herself: "I plan to sneak out of the city and ask Zuo Liangyu to go out with me. He is a local

He's familiar with me and he's smart, so I hung out with him. Besides, I'm a Gongsheng student at the Imperial College, so I think Commander Li might be able to hear a thing or two about my words."

Jia Yucun and Xue Jun both nodded slightly and had to admit that Feng Ziying's words made sense.

This chapter has been completed!
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