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Chapter 2132 Gui Zi Scroll Breaking the chaos and demonstrating your skills

 "Uncle, I am afraid that our small number of troops cannot compete with those border soldiers. If we go there, I am afraid that we will be ambushed and suffer heavy losses, resulting in defeat and death."

Guo Jinding knew at a glance that his uncle had no idea, but he also wanted to show his status as a clan leader in front of him. He was deeply afraid of being suppressed by his own branch, and he cursed in his heart.

"But if we don't go, once the Suji Village is destroyed, our Huaining Village will not be saved, so we have to save it, but we can't just go to the old village. We should coordinate with the county and ask the county to

Minzhuang will provide all-out reinforcements, and we also need to mobilize troops from other villages to support them."

"Reinforcement from the county is definitely necessary, but it may be difficult to mobilize other villages." Guo Yanbo hesitated and looked at his nephew, who performed far better than his sons. Could it be that this nephew wanted to take this opportunity again?

To win over other villages, show off his abilities, and enhance the status of their second-fang branch?

"Uncle, if you are in trouble, go and ask for reinforcements. The soldiers in Baitang Village are strong and strong, and many of them are deserters from the frontier army. Our troops are not in the battle formation. Where is their opponent? We can only rely on the number of people to besiege them together. How can they attack other villages?

Don’t you understand the story of lips dying and teeth cold? If we really want to defeat our Guo Village, then who in the entire Huaining Village can escape?"

Guo Jinding said sincerely: "If Suiping Village was not too far away and I couldn't make it in time, I would have sent people to Suiping Village to ask for help. But if Suiping Village is too late, it is still too late to call for help from the surrounding villages."

"I don't know why this Baitang village suddenly went south. They are not from Suide. Shouldn't they go to fight Suide, Mizhi and Jiazhou?" Guo Yanbo was still immersed in this annoyance.

Originally, there was a severe drought this year, and the public security was unstable in various places. Small groups of rebels emerged one after another. We finally worked with the county to drive away several rebel groups in the county before they got up. Unexpectedly, we drove away the tiger.

But the wolf came again, and it became even more greedy and vicious.

"Uncle, now we are not thinking about why Baitang Village suddenly went south. What is urgent is how to save Suji Village, or to deal with this rebel army, otherwise we will definitely become the next target." Guo Jinding was almost angry.

He wanted to vomit blood and suppressed his inner anger.

"But the people in the county are still dozens of miles away from us. It won't be until tomorrow at least when they get all their troops here." Guo Yanbo hesitated, "Is it still too late?"

"We have to fight even if we don't have time, otherwise we will be defeated by Baitang Village one by one, and we will be doomed. Moreover, there are many rogue mobs in these villages. If they get this opportunity, why don't they take the opportunity to cause chaos together?"

Guo Jinding's words made Guo Yanbo also shocked. In his Guo family village, even among the Guo clan members, there were people who were close and distant, and there were also people who were dissatisfied with his big family, and there were also poor people who didn't have enough to eat. Didn't they take advantage of this?

What's the reason for this chaos?

Guo Jinding's words made Guo Yanbo finally make up his mind: "Forget it, I'll send people to the county, Wulang, you go and arrange to summon soldiers from the surrounding villages to kill the bandits in Baitang Village in one fell swoop..."

Just when Qiu Zixiong led the "rebellious army" mainly from Baitang Village to capture the city and land in Huaining Village and reap huge harvests, Modlen had already led the "rebellious army" mainly from Boyan Village to march westward to Suide.

However, Modlen bypassed Suide City and headed straight north, seemingly heading straight for Mizhi City, which also caused great panic in Mizhi.

However, after Modlen's Boyan Village conquered Yanfu City in the northeast of the state city, they gained great momentum and harvested a large amount of rice grains and goods.

Yanfu City was the old county seat of Yanling County during the reign of Emperor Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, it was renamed Beijizhou and later Kuangzhou. At that time, Liang Shidu led the Turkic army to invade here. The county was abolished in the Song Dynasty, but it is still

It is one of the largest cities in Suidezhou. Many wealthy families in the northeastern part of Suidezhou live here. It is blocked by the Boyan Village of Modlen.

The Tufeng Battalion led by Kuang's father and son quickly followed up behind the rebels in Boyan Village. However, Modlen's Boyan Village had "strong soldiers and strong horses", especially many donkeys and horses, and the marching speed was a few blocks. It only took half a day to attack.

After leaving Yanfu City, when the Tufeng Battalion arrived, the men and horses from Boyan Village had already abandoned Yanfu City and turned to the west.

The Tufeng Battalion followed closely all the way and confiscated a large amount of food and property in Yanfu City that had not been taken away by the rebels. However, the relatives of several wealthy families in Yanfu City were taken away by the rebels. Some were killed and some disappeared.

a mess.

"This Modren is running very fast." Kuang Zhengcao looked thoughtfully at the Yanfu City tower that was still burning in front of him. It was burned down when the rebels evacuated. The city gate was open, and the rebel soldiers had long since disappeared.


"Father, do you want to follow up?" Kuang Tiangeng couldn't help but ask.

"What are you chasing? What if we are attacked or ambushed by the rebels?" Kuang Zhengcao shook his head, "Immediately report to the governor and ask the local officials in Suidezhou to clean up the mess. Fortunately, there is still so much rice that has not been taken away by the rebels.


The sudden "outbreak" of rebel armies from the north and the south seemed to have plunged the entire northern Shaanxi into chaos.

And almost everywhere they went, the rebels were able to quickly attack the target villages and cities they needed to capture. In addition to bypassing the cities where the prefectures and counties were located, they almost non-stop, attacking cities and villages all the way, and conquered everything.

Beginning in July, the Tuofeng Battalion followed the rebels from Boyan Village all the way westward and successively attacked Suide's Yanfu City and Kaiguang City. Then they quickly turned south and defeated Suide's forces at Weiping City in the southwest of the state.

Weijun, this is the largest city in Suidezhou after Zhoucheng. It has been the most important market town and city in Suide since the Later Zhou Dynasty. Many Jin gentry lived here. It was captured this time. The powerful Jin gentry in southern Suide was almost defeated.

They were all beheaded and their corpses were scattered all over the place.

Immediately afterwards, Modlen advanced to Ansai in the southwest, captured Luzi Pass in one fell swoop, and then moved south from Luzi Pass to occupy Saimen Village, threatening Ansai County. The entire northern part of Yan'an Prefecture was in an uproar.

Modlen's performance made Qiu Zixiong a little unable to sit still.

After learning that the Guo family had summoned soldiers from surrounding villages and soldiers from the Guojiabao family to join forces to go south and advance north-south with Minzhuang from Qingjian County, Qiu Zixiong used Qiu Zifeng and He Huan to block Qingjian Minzhuang in the south.

, he personally led the main force to attack the Guo family soldiers and the village soldiers gathered together. It only took more than two hours to defeat the coalition forces of the Guo family and surrounding villages, annihilating more than 3,000 of these village soldiers in one fell swoop. Qiu Zifeng faced off against He Huan.

Qingjian Minzhuang's blockade of two thousand people was also effective, but Qingjian Minzhuang did not suffer hundreds of casualties and was unable to move forward.

After defeating the Guo family's coalition forces, Qiu Zixiong ordered Sun Lun to lead his army to take advantage of the situation and take the Guo family captives to persuade the Guo family to surrender. Qiu Zixiong led the remaining troops into the southern battlefield and successfully defeated the retreating Qingjian people.

Zhuang intercepted them in the wilderness less than five miles away from Qingjian County, annihilated and captured them all, and the Qingjian County Prime Minister led his people to surrender.

"This guy!" Feng Ziying was angry and a little helpless. She didn't expect that Qiu Zixiong would actually have a fight with her, and the general would be in trouble. She told him not to touch Qingjian County, but he used Qiu Zixiong to annihilate Qingjian.

Minzhuang took the opportunity to threaten the gentry in Qingjian County by threatening to massacre the city if they did not surrender, and directly forced the gentry officials in Qingjian County to surrender.

Wang Wenyan didn't think it was a problem. As long as the goal could be achieved, there was no need to restrict the tactical actions of Modlen and Qiu Zixiong.

"Sir, it is not without benefits to capture Qingjian County. This way, Qiu Zixiong and the others can openly contact Wang Zuogui and Miao Renmei, the Zuoguaizi who are operating in Yanchuan, and even let Wang Zuogui, Miao Renmei and the others serve as Qiu Zixiong.

Alliance leader, be prepared to go south to Yanchang, Yichuan, and Luochuan in the future."

Wang Wenyan's words did not make Feng Ziying feel relieved. He shook his head: "Wenyan, after capturing Qingjian County, how to deal with the officials and gentry in the county? This is a difficult problem. If the killing is excessive, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Qiu Zixiong and the others to escape in the future.

The reason."

Wang Wenyan laughed, "Isn't this simple? Wang Zuogui's brother was hanged by the county magistrate Zhao Yuansheng, and Miao Renmei was forced to have her family destroyed by the county gentry, so Qiu Zixiong used his position as a bait to lure Wang Zuogui and Miao Renmei.

Then he pretended to hand them over to them, and Qiu Zixiong and the others went south first. Wang Zuogui and Miao Renmei will definitely do a better job than Qiu Zixiong and the others in what will follow. Your Excellency has a promise to Qiu Zixiong, but not to Wang Zuogui and Miao Renmei. No one can

I can’t say anything.”

Wang Wenyan's suggestion was in line with Feng Ziying's intention. After thinking about it, he agreed and sent someone to talk to Qiu Zixiong.

"What do you think about Modlen?" The two groups fought together. Modlen seemed to be fighting more smoothly and making faster progress than Qiu Zixiong. While Qiu Zixiong was still lingering in Qingjian, Modlen had already swept Suide and marched into the army.

It's settled.

"Let him go. His side is already more barren. Just let the Tufeng Battalion slowly build up. The collected grains will be stored locally and converted into government relief grains. This follow-up matter is the most important.

Otherwise, if you are swallowed up by the tiger and wolf officials in that place again, then the risk you have taken will be in vain."

Wang Wenyan is even more worried about this. A large amount of food has been collected from the broken cities and fortresses along the line. Except for part of it being converted into military rations, the rest is mainly used to appease the relief areas. If the hungry and displaced people cannot be settled, the chaos of the army and the people will only

Wild fire, in spring.

"Well, I also know this. I have asked Sun Yijie's Inspectorate to send three officials and several officials. Pan Ruzhen from Yan'an Prefecture also wants to send some people to handle such matters. According to the Inspectorate,

There are people responsible for supervision, and I think they are right under my nose. This group of people is not too presumptuous, so I can only take care of it for a while." Feng Ziying sighed.

This chapter has been completed!
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