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Chapter 2143 Gui Zi Scroll It is difficult to separate public and private affairs, and it is difficult to give up interests.

"Rujun, what do you mean?" Qi Yongtai pondered for a long time before asking. He needed to consult several interested parties.

Qiao Yingjia, Han Xu and even Sun Juxiang were all from southern Shanxi, especially Qiao Yingjia's hometown Yishi and Han Xu's hometown Puzhou were the most dangerous.

Qiao Yingjia also hesitated.

In theory, he was the one who should urge Shanxi Town and Datong Town to send more troops south to quell the rebellion. Feng Ziying also issued a warning on this point.

Once chaos breaks out in southern Shanxi, the consequences will be quite serious. The three prefectures of Huaiqing, Weihui and Zhangde in northern Henan are closely adjacent to southern Shanxi. Once chaos breaks out in southern Shanxi, it will inevitably affect the three prefectures in the north of Henan. These three prefectures are also in contact with each other.

In Guangping, south of North Zhili, the two famous houses were closely related to each other. It could be said that chaos in southern Shanxi would directly affect the entire Central Plains, which he did not want to see.

At present, Li Tingji has officially retired due to physical reasons. There is still one person missing in the cabinet. Several ministers are competing for the position of minister. He is not qualified as the censor of Youdu for the time being, but if a certain minister enters the cabinet, then

For the vacant position of Minister, he is the most powerful competitor.

Now, people who covet this cabinet minister include Huang Ruliang, Zhang Jingqiu, Gu Bingqian, Guan Yingzhen, and even Liu Yishen. Anyone who takes the position can trigger a series of adjustments.

Because of this, he did not want to be accused behind his back that he only cared about his hometown and ignored the overall situation, which would be very detrimental to his competition for the position of minister.

You must know that there are people who are comparable to him, such as Chai Ke, whose qualifications are also quite profound. He has served as Zuo Shilang in the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Personnel, and he is not inferior to himself in the slightest.

Qiao Yingjia hesitated, but Han Xu no longer had so many scruples. He glared: "Rujun, what else is there to consider? Chai Guozhu gathered all the guards in southern Shanxi to replenish his Shanxi town. Now Pingyang is in trouble.

Can he still stand by and watch? There have been more than four or five rebel armies entering Pingyang, with a number of more than 20,000. Adding the local mobs in Pingyang, the number has already exceeded 30,000, but there are not enough guards in Pingyang.

Three thousand people, the combat effectiveness of those private armies is not worth mentioning at all. If Shanxi Town does not send a large army southward, no one in Pingyang Prefecture will be spared, unless troops from Feng Tang’s Northwest Army are transferred back to the west!"

"No!" Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia and even Sun Juxiang all rejected Han Xu's idea in unison, "The Northwest Army cannot move!"

Now the Northwest Army's offensive in Shandong is in full swing. The armies of Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu are joining forces to resist, but it is obvious that they can no longer resist.

After losing Dongping, Juye, Jiaxiang, and Jinxiang in succession, the Northwest Army was fighting fiercely with Niu Jizong's Xuanfu Army in Yutai.

Niu Jizong also realized the seriousness of the problem and was slowly retreating south from Jining Prefecture. It is estimated that the court will regain Jining and Yanzhou within a few days. This means that within a month at the latest, the entire Shandong will be recovered and the war will turn around.

Entering the southern Zhili territory.

If the situation of the war changes due to the mobilization of the Northwest Army at this time, no one can bear the entire responsibility.

After rejecting Han Xu's proposal, Qiao Yingjia finally raised his eyes: "Chengfeng, there is no room for loss in southern Shanxi, otherwise the Central Plains will be in danger, and it will also affect Shandong, which we may have just recovered. It is difficult to say that these rebels have anything to do with Nanjing.

There is no collusion or mutual support, so I'm afraid we have to urge Chai Guozhu and Yang Yuan to send more troops southward."

Qi Yongtai glanced at the three of them and finally nodded: "In that case, I will tell Jin Qing and Huaichang, I'm afraid it's a little late."

"No matter how late it is, it's better than never. If chaos breaks out, the army can go south to quell it. After all, it's not like Shaanxi, where the army has to go south and the local area can't even guarantee food and grass." Han Xu sighed, "It's hard for Ziying.

How could he settle down in Yan'an, Qingyang and Pingliang in that poor place in northern Shaanxi?"


It was already more than half a month later when Feng Ziying received the news.

But the news is completely different.

As soon as Shanxi Town's second round of more than 20,000 troops had time to move south, Shuiquan Yingbao, not far from Laoniu Bay, was attacked by the Tumote army under the control of Su Nang. Immediately afterwards, Fengzhou Bailian launched an attack on the front line of Shuanggoudun.

, this greatly shocked the towns of Shanxi and Datong.

You must know that the Tumut people have not attacked the border wall for many years. Ever since Sanniangzi took control of the overall situation of the Tumut people, the two sides have maintained peace and even established a good relationship. But I did not expect that Su Nang would now

But he took the lead in provoking a war against the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The Fengzhou Bailian appeared in the form of an army and began to attack the border of Datong Town, which was also a disturbing sign.

The official appearance of Fengzhou White Lotus means that the White Lotus Sect in Shanxi, Beizhi and even Shandong may also change from a dormant state to an active period, or even enter an explosive period.

This bad news was enough to offset the joy of the Northwest Army regaining Jining and Yanzhou and completely driving Niu Jizong's Xuanfu Army and Sun Shaozu's Datong Army out of Shandong.

Faced with the aggressive offensives of Tumut and Fengzhou Bailian, Shanxi Town and Datong Town were frequently in emergency, and both immediately reduced and slowed down the deployment of troops sent south, resulting in a sharp decrease in the number of troops heading south and a greatly increased speed.


Feng Ziying knew it was going to be bad as soon as she saw the news.

If others may not realize it yet, Feng Ziying can conclude that the White Lotus Sect definitely played an important role in it, and maybe Nanjing also played a role in it.

How could it be such a coincidence that just when the armies of Shanxi Town and Datong Town were about to move south, Su Nang and Fengzhou Bailian were about to invade the border?

This was obviously to restrain the troops from the Second Town from moving south, and to buy time and opportunity for the Shaanxi rebel army to develop after entering Jin Dynasty.

Moreover, there is no follow-up news about Su Nang and Fengzhou Bailian's troops. It is obvious that this kind of troops are intrusive and do not have the possibility of actually conquering a certain section of the border wall or even breaking into the inland.

But for Chai Guozhu and Yang Yuan, they would rather believe that it exists than believe that it does not exist.

Their own strength has been greatly weakened, so they are not willing to go south to quell the chaos. Now they have even more reason to shirk the situation, so the Shaofei do not even send troops south.

If this is a trick by Nanjing, then their goal has been achieved, delaying the soldiers from the second town to move south. But how big a momentum and effect can the Shaanxi rebels who entered Shanxi create in southern Shanxi?

, this is still an unknown quantity.

However, Feng Ziying had a bad premonition. If the rebel army that invaded Jin gained power in southern Shanxi, he was afraid that as he sent the city-destroying battalion to follow Qiu Zixiong's "rebellion army" southward to pursue and suppress them, the rebels in Xi'an Prefecture would be in trouble.

If the army has no hope of marching out from the west and faces threats from the north, it will cross the Yellow River eastward into Jin on a larger scale. At that time, the situation will be really unpredictable.

Tens of thousands of rebel troops poured into southern Shanxi. I am afraid that Pingyang, Zezhou, and Lu'an will not be able to resist it, and it may even affect the situation in the three prefectures of Henan north of the Yellow River.

It's just that although I think a lot, I am beyond my reach and find it difficult to intervene.

Now I can only honestly deal with the situation in Shaanxi first. Be it Shanxi or Henan, it is not my turn to worry about it yet.

Even if my father now conquers Shandong, I am afraid he will also face the suspicion of the court.

The governors of the three sides must be removed for sure, and the Northwest Army will have to be split up if it is not possible. In the end, it depends on how Dad, Niu Jizong, Sun Shaozu and others fight in the battle in Xuzhou, and Chen Jixian's final attitude.

Seeing Feng Ziying looking at the imperial newspaper in a daze, Wang Wenyan couldn't help but ask: "Sir, has the situation changed again?"

"Well, I can't say. It's similar to what we knew before. The situation in southern Shanxi continues to deteriorate, but Tumut and Fengzhou Bailian are causing trouble in the north again. The court has made a mistake. Chai Guozhu asked to reduce the troops going south, and Yang Yuan asked to release

The imperial court has agreed to slowly go south, but I am worried that trouble will occur."

Feng Ziying's words made Wang Wenyan a little puzzled, "There are already 10,000 troops in Shanxi Town on their way south. Even if the follow-up troops are reduced, or there are no troops in Datong Town, I think there will be no problem in dealing with the rebellious troops in southern Shanxi? Enter

The rebel army in Pingyang is only 10,000 or 20,000 people, and including the local rebels, it is only 20,000 or 30,000 people. It is impossible to withstand the Shanxi army's suppression."

"Not necessarily." Feng Ziying shook her head, "Shanxi Town suffered too much in the battle at Su Shengdu. Subsequent troops were recruited from the local guards and minzhuang in southern Shanxi to supplement them. How long will it take to gain combat effectiveness?

Improvement? If there is a little negligence, it is not impossible to reenact Su Shengdu's story."

After hearing this, Wang Wenyan fell silent, and then asked after a while: "Then how should we respond?"

"Now that the matter has come to this, what can we do? Let's act according to our own plan. Modulun has captured Huanxian County?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Feng Ziying's mouth, "It seems that the two hawks, Modlun and Qiu Zixiong, were released.

After that, they all let themselves go a little bit and didn’t do what I asked them to do.”

"Sir, there are some reasons. Almost all the gentry in Huan County have taken refuge in the county seat. Some of them are guilty of heinous crimes and the people are extremely angry. If Modlen does not capture the county seat, it will be difficult to win the support of the surrounding rebel armies who have come as vassals.

So he had to fight." Wang Wenyan explained: "And he also sent people to explain that after taking Huanxian County, he would take a short rest and then go south along the Huanhe River, loop around the edge of Anhua, and go straight to the town.

Yuanhe Jingzhou."

"I have a big appetite." Feng Ziying actually didn't have much ill feelings toward Modlen's capture of Huanxian County.

As I said before, there will be some consequences for the fate of the foreign king. Modlen and the others need to make their own decisions on how to fight more appropriately. There is no need to worry too much about the details. He only needs the final result.

Judging from Modlen's current actions, it is quite smooth. If Zhenyuan and Jingzhou are really captured, and then suddenly march eastward to Ningzhou, he will basically circle around Qingyang Mansion, covering the entire Shaanxi Province.

The situation in Beisan Prefecture was completely messed up.

This chapter has been completed!
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