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Chapter 2145 Gui Zi Scroll The three women went south, Qin Yun made a decision

 The mansion is also very busy, everyone is packing things.

In the blink of an eye, I have been staying here for more than a month. Everyone is in a trance and seems to have mistaken this place for the city of Xi'an.

Linfen is the seat of the Pingyang Prefecture, with Guocheng attached to it. It is also the central city of the entire southeastern Shanxi and even southern Shanxi. It is very prosperous and serves as the chokepoint between Shaanxi and Shanxi.

In terms of economic development and trade prosperity, Shanxi is second only to Taiyuan and Datong, far beyond other cities in the province, and even Changzhi and Zezhou cannot compare.

It's a pity that even here seems to be a little uneasy now.

This journey was full of ups and downs, and neither Xue Baoqin nor Xing Xiuyan and others expected that this journey would be so difficult and dangerous.

First, in order to confuse outsiders, he stayed in Datong for more than half a month. It was not until the outside world knew that Feng Ziying had gone south to Shaanxi that the family members began to slowly leave Datong and go south.

Pass Huairen, pass Shuozhou, and then reach Ningwu.

Ningwu is the headquarters of Shanxi Town, which is far inferior to Datong. However, the road was bumpy, and Feng Ziying also specifically told them to drive slowly and put safety first, so the group stayed in Ningwu for a few days before setting off on the road.


The line from Ningwu to Taiyuan was relatively calm and the road was very good, so we arrived in Taiyuan without much trouble.

Taiyuan is the center of Shanxi and is as prosperous as Datong, so the group rested in Taiyuan for a few more days.

It is inevitable that the family members of officials from Shanxi will come to visit. After all, Feng Ziying's reputation has spread far and wide in the north. Everyone knows that she is a rising star in the Great Zhou Dynasty. If we don't seize the time to establish a relationship early, how long will it take?

Xue Baoqin, Miaoyu, Xiuyan and others also sent people to visit Shen Jue, who was still serving in Shanxi's Chief Envoy Department. Although they were not actually related to each other, they were still considered relatives.

Moreover, Feng Ziying went south at starry night and did not stop anywhere at all. Naturally, she would not visit her father-in-law, so they sent someone to attend the church service as a courtesy for Feng Ziying.

The journey south from Taiyuan started to become less peaceful.

First, we encountered bandits who robbed the road between Jiexiu and Lingshi. Fortunately, the guards and soldiers were not vegetarians. They killed a few people and escaped, but they had to spend two days in Lingshi County to settle the case.

, and then continued south.

But before they arrived in Huozhou, they learned that Pingyang Mansion was not at peace. As a result, they were attacked by a small group of rebels and mobs at Yindi Pass. Fortunately, Feng Ziying left the guards for the group and recruited from Feng Duan's family.

With the strength of the personal soldiers, the rebel army of more than 100 people was defeated on the spot, more than 30 people were killed, and the rest dispersed in a rush.

But even so, the three women Xue Baoqin, Lin Miaoyu and Xing Xiuyan were frightened, and some did not dare to go further south.

They stayed in Huozhou for nearly ten days, but they were not sure whether their safety could be guaranteed if they continued their journey south. If they were really robbed by bandits and rebels, no matter what happened in the end, they would not be able to see their husbands.

The only option is to jump into the river or hang yourself.

It was just not possible to stay here forever. After some hard work, we even asked the local people to escort us, and we finally arrived in Pingyang safely.

Although the guards are capable and the soldiers are very effective in combat, after all, there are only a hundred or so people. If we really encounter thousands of rebels, it will be difficult to say.

When they arrived in Pingyang, they did not dare to move, because the news from all over the place was that the Shaanxi rebel army had entered Shanxi, and they crossed into Shanxi from Longmen. The scale was not small, and the situation in Pingyang Mansion was already in turmoil.

This stay lasted for more than a month and two months, and it really felt like a year.

Fortunately, Linfen city was even bustling and bustling, especially after the situation became turbulent, many gentry from the countryside rushed to the city in droves.

Those with less wealth would go to the county, and those with more money and fame would go to Linfen. This Linfen is the center of Shannan, and no one has ever thought that even Linfen would be unsafe at times.

"It won't work if we don't leave." Xue Baoqin's face was full of worry, one hand rested on the armrest of the huanghuali chair, and the other hand supported his chin, and he said sentence by sentence: "The news came back from the government office.

, the rebel army has already captured Jishan and is fighting fiercely with the government troops in the Wupingguan area, but the situation may not be good. In addition, the rebel army there is also inciting the rebels to besiege Yishi and Linjin, and these two counties are also in danger."

Miaoyu raised her eyes. She was geographically illiterate and had no idea where Jishan, Yishi and Linjin were. She didn't even know where the rebel army crossed the river to the east.

"If the Yi family and Linjin are occupied by the rebels, will they block our way south?" Miaoyu asked.

"Although they don't block our way south, they are very close to the road we must pass through." Xue Baoqin didn't bother to talk to her. Once Wuping Pass is lost, Jiangzhou will be in danger, and Qu Jiang, the only road we must pass through, will be in danger.

Under the threat of the rebel army, if the Yi family and Linjin were lost, it would not be safe to go to Jiezhou after hearing the news.

However, Xing Xiuyan knew something about the situation and said with a smile: "Sister, don't worry, sister Qin is very confident. In addition, Duan Jiajiulang and Feng Silang are here, and they will ensure that we go to Xi'an safely."

Baoqin glared at Xiuyan. This girl would put the responsibility on herself, but this trip was originally about herself. Miaoyu, a stupid woman, besides being born with a good skin and being able to please her husband in bed, other things

Useless, just a vase.

My husband-in-law said the word "vase" to me, which means that those who have a beautiful appearance but no trace of beauty can only rely on their appearance to please men. Isn't this Miaoyu the most typical one?

Xing Xiuyan is a strong rival, but she is just a concubine, so her status restricts her to death, and there is a small-minded Lin Daiyu over them. If she really performs too well, it may not be her blessing. With Xing Xiuyan's wisdom

, it’s impossible not to understand this.

"Sister Xiuyan, sister Miaoyu don't know, don't you know the importance of this?" Baoqin put down the wrist under his chin, picked up the tea and took a sip, "If you drag it down, maybe Linfen is not safe either.

, then what should we do? Either go north and return to Taiyuan, or go east to Zezhou or even Changzhi."

"I didn't hear Jiulang Duan say that the entire Pingyang Mansion near the Yellow River was in chaos. Shanxi didn't seem to respond at all. I didn't see any tension in Shanxi Town when I was in Ningwu. I didn't see any tension in Taiyuan either.

I heard how many people talked about these things. It wasn’t until Qi County that anyone mentioned the chaos in the south, but I didn’t see them worrying too much. When I arrived in Huozhou, I knew something bad was going on. It can be seen that this matter

A hundred miles away, the people in the countryside wouldn't expect so much, but what's going on with the government?"

Xing Xiuyan smiled sweetly: "It's the elder sister who thinks more carefully, but the younger sister can't think of that much. However, the younger sister agrees with the older sister's opinion. We really can't keep waiting and procrastinating. However, we still need to consider the safety of the journey south and west. We all

We are women. If something happens to us, we have no strength to restrain the chicken. I am afraid it will be difficult to escape. Moreover, our status is also different. We are all from the husband's family. If something happens, let alone anything, even if there is nothing.

, that will also have an impact on my husband’s reputation.”

"Let's see what Duan Jiajiulang and Feng Silang say." Bao Qin was also worried about this issue.

But if she goes back and looks at the map, the entire road from Shanxi to Shaanxi is not safe, even from Laoniu Bay in the north to Yulin Town, but the road from Yulin south is also unsafe unless the husband sends troops to pick him up.

But how long will it last?

Or if you go south to cross the river, you have to avoid walking near the area where rebels are active. Even if you cross the river and enter Henan, walk up the Yellow River, take Mianchi, Lingbao, and then enter Tongguan.

But the road is also far away. If even the road from Wenxi to Jiezhou is not safe, how about the Henan side, which is only separated by the Yellow River?

This rebel army is no better than the official army. They will run wherever there is food. The Yellow River cannot stop them.

The sound of Lu Lu's footsteps came in and stopped outside the hospital: "Duan Xipeng and Feng Jinchang want to see the three grandmas."

Baoqin sat up straight, while Miaoyu and Xiuyan also adjusted their clothes and assumed a cold attitude.

Although when you are away from home, you don't have to pay attention to things in a hurry, but there is a difference between inside and outside, and you can't let others gossip.

Duan Xipeng and Feng Jinchang were both soldiers recruited by Feng Ziying in Datong.

Duan Xipeng is the distant brother of the Duan family, but he is proficient in bow and horse, and rarely has good martial arts. These are the skills that the distant branch wants to make a living. He is not yet forty, he is in his prime, and he only wants to gain wealth, so after learning about Feng Ziying

He recruited personal soldiers and recommended himself. As expected, he won Feng Ziying's favor.

Feng Jinchang is also from the distant branch, or even further away. In terms of seniority, he is the nephew and grandson of Feng Ziying. He is in his early thirties and has passed the scholar examination, but has never made any progress. He also has some self-defense and fighting skills, but they are inferior to Duan Xipeng.

It's much different, but Duan Xipeng only has a rough understanding of writing, and he is not as good at reading and writing as Feng Jinchang.

Therefore, after Wu Yaoqing, Feng You and Li Guibao made some plans, they left them behind and led some of the soldiers recruited in Datong from the Duan and Feng families, as well as some veterans, to escort the three grandmothers and their party to Xi'an.

"Jiuro, Shiro, come in. At this time, there is no need for so many vulgar etiquette." Baoqin said in a deep voice.

Having said that, both Duan Xipeng and Feng Jinchang knew that rules must be followed.

It is easy to talk about anything around the governor, but the rules and etiquette inside and outside the inner house must be clearly distinguished. These are young women, and they must not engage in unnecessary gossip.

The two came in, performed military salutes, and stood a step away from the threshold. Duan Xipeng clasped his fists and said, "It's better for Silang to talk about the situation first, and then ask the three grandmas to decide how to go."

The three girls knew as soon as they heard that there was probably some problem here. The news they had received before was that it was generally fine, but they had to get up as soon as possible. Looking at the situation now, I'm afraid it's not optimistic.

This chapter has been completed!
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