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Chapter 2193 Gui Zi Scroll The storm of Jianzhou, everyone shows his/her advantage

 Abai calmed down, exchanged glances with Na Tu on the side, and then considered his words and said: Father Khan, everyone, I know that everyone has made a lot of preparations for sending troops in September, but now it is best to see it.

The opportunity to send troops has been lost, but we have been slow to provide intelligence support for sending troops. In fact, this is not the case. All of us in Beijing have gone all out to collect intelligence from all aspects in order to meet Father Khan's request for sending troops as soon as possible, but the result

But it always turns out to be unsatisfactory.”

Nurhachi frowned, where did all the nonsense come from?

However, he was still patient. After all, he was his own son, and if he really got through it, he would not hesitate to give him more opportunities.

Fortunately, Abai did not talk nonsense anymore and went straight to the point: "The reason why my father Khan hoped to send troops in September was based on several reasons. First, it was the agreement between Lindan Batur and even Yulindan Batu.

I contact the Su Nang of the Tumote Department and work together, as well as the Bailian Han people in Fengzhou; secondly, I hope that the main army of Dazhou will be restrained in order to quell the rebellion in Jiangnan, especially in the battle of Shandong; thirdly, Dazhou Mountain

The civil unrest in Shaanxi disturbed the overall situation and forced the three towns of Yulin, Shanxi and Datong to dispatch troops south to quell the rebellion. This would give opportunities to the Chahar and Tumote people and the Bailian Han people in Fengzhou; the fourth is to take advantage of the fact that the rebellion in Huguang and Sichuan has not been suppressed.

The pacification also provided an opportunity to contain the Zhou army to a certain extent, but we found that these points had actually undergone some changes in September..."

Nurhachi was also a little surprised to see that his son could analyze several key points so clearly.

Even though he knew that this was mostly due to Netu, he was still very happy to be able to speak so clearly in this hall. Abai did not have this ability at least two or three years ago.

Chu Ying, Dai Shan and Huang Taiji had complicated expressions. Abai, who had never taken them seriously, was able to express his views eloquently. What was going on?

Dai Shan was somewhat mentally prepared. He had stayed in Beijing and knew very well that this was a very demanding and challenging job. As long as he was willing to study hard and figure it out, he might not be able to improve. It looked like Abai had really worked hard.

Ah, Natu is really willing to help this kid.

"..., we have contacted Fengzhou Bailian. They are not ready to attack as Lindan Batur and the Tumut people said. In fact, according to them, they are more willing to fight with Bailian in the Central Plains.

The Jiao Ben sect coordinated the uprising. We initially thought that they were responsible for the civil unrest in Shanxi and Shaanxi, but later we learned that was not the case. The unrest in Shanxi and Shaanxi was purely caused by the starving people rebelling due to a severe drought, and the local government’s inability to respond.


"Wait a minute!" Nurhaci interrupted Abai and asked sharply: "Are you saying that the Bailian Han people in Fengzhou don't listen to the Tumut and Chahar people?"

Abai hesitated for a moment, "From what we know, maybe the Tumut and Chahar people can exert some influence on them, but it is far from enough to make them obey orders. My son can be sure that if it does not meet their wishes,

Neither the Tumuts nor the Chahars can force them to send troops to attack Han."

Nurhachi turned to look at Netu, "Netu, is this so?"

"Hui Khan, it's true." Netu replied firmly.

Nurhaci secretly cursed Lindan Batur, "an unreliable thing", and assured himself over and over again that they could definitely command Fengzhou White Lotus, and even use Fengzhou White Lotus Han people to influence the White Lotus believers in the Central Plains to launch a rebellion. It seemed that it would be the opposite.

The situation is reversed. Instead, the Han people of Fengzhou White Lotus have to listen to the command of the Central Plains White Lotus Sect. But where can they find the upper-level leaders of the Central Plains White Lotus Sect now?

Seeing that Nurhaci just frowned but did not speak, Abai continued.

"The second factor is that the progress of the Great Zhou Imperial Army in the battle to regain Shandong was no longer what we expected. Before August, the Great Zhou Imperial Army and the Nanjing Imperial Army fought fiercely, but there was not much progress, so Father Khan

It was right to hope to use them to contain the Zhou army, but after late August, the situation should have changed. The armies of Sun Chengzong and Feng Tang won consecutively in Shandong, and soon drove the Nanjing imperial army to Jining and a corner of Yanzhou.

Moreover, it only took less than ten days to recover Jining and Yanzhou and completely solve the Shandong problem. At that time, if we wanted to go out in Liaodong,

Soldiers, Sun Chengzong's army can even be transported directly from Dengzhou to western Liaoning and southern Liaoning..."

"You said shipping from Dengzhou to western Liaoning and southern Liaoning?" Dai Shan couldn't help but interjected and asked: "Isn't all shipping controlled by Jiangnan? How can there be so many ships in the northern part of the Great Zhou Dynasty?"

"My second brother doesn't know. Since the seventh year of Yonglong, Northland's shipping has developed rapidly. Not only in Dengzhou, Shandong, but also in Yuguan on the border of Shanhaiguan and Daku outside Tianjin. This has become the most developed area in Northland.

Fast ports, shipyards have been established in these three places, and there is more than one shipyard in each place. In addition, Northland merchants have also bought many ships from the south in recent years. In response to the interruption of canal water transportation, I specially found people to go to the three places.

I have learned that there are no less than 400 ships traveling between these three places and the south of the Yangtze River. These are the ships of merchants from the north, not counting the ships from the south of the Yangtze River heading north..."

Abai's words made Huang Taiji couldn't help but interject: "No wonder there are so many merchants in Yuguan. I heard that a large amount of supplies from the Horqin Grassland and the Inner Khalkha Tribes are now entering the East Mongolian grassland from western Liaoning, and they are on the Jinzhou Guard side.

The port is also being built, and it seems that the Han people want to open a front in the south as well."

Since the Jianzhou Jurchens captured the Six Forts of Kuandian, they have actually blocked the land connection between Liaodong and North Korea, which has also made the Jianzhou Jurchens have an increasing influence on North Korea.

Although the Zhou Dynasty can still communicate with North Korea by sea, shipping in the north has never been very developed. Although there are contacts with North Korea in the south of the Yangtze River, they are basically purely commercial. The influence of the Zhou Dynasty in North Korea is increasing day by day.


However, if the maritime transport in the northern part of the Great Zhou Dynasty developed, especially if the line from Dengzhou, Dagu to Jinzhouwei was opened to connect North Korea, then the influence that the Jianzhou Jurchens finally gained in North Korea might be robbed by the Great Zhou Dynasty again.

After going back, Jianzhou Jurchen is now purely an inland area, with no navy at all, and may even be blocked by the Great Zhou Dynasty from sea access.

Nu Erhachi's face darkened. He realized that if the maritime transport of the Great Zhou Dynasty prospered, especially within the maritime transport range of western Liaoning and southern Liaoning, wouldn't the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty be able to bypass the land route of the western Liaoning Corridor and go directly to sea transport? This is on the one hand

, In addition, in terms of transportation of materials, it is much more convenient, and the transportation cost is even different.

Fortunately, this momentum has only appeared for two or three years. Once this situation continues for a long time, the advantages of Jianzhou Jurchens will no longer exist, and the disadvantages will continue to expand. If it drags on for ten years, Jianzhou Jurchens will not have any peace at all.

It is possible for Dazhou to compete.

Everyone noticed the unswerving expression on Da Khan's face, and the atmosphere in the hall became even more gloomy.

"Keep talking." Nurhachi calmed down his emotions and said in a deep voice.

"The third factor is that although the civil unrest in Shanxi and Shaanxi seemed to be huge, it did not attract Yulin. The armies from Shanxi and Datong Town went south to quell the rebellion. From the intelligence we have, it is not clear where Yulin Town is, but Shanxi

The town only sent more than 10,000 people southward, while Datong Town did not send Qiu southward at all. However, the changes in the Chahar people made both towns wary. This meant that even if Chahar and Fengzhou Bailian

Even if you want to break through the border wall, I'm afraid it won't be easy..."

They were all unpleasant news, and Nurhachi was a little irritated, but he also understood the Han people's adage that good advice is hard on the ears but helps the deeds. If this is true, then you have to listen to it, and you have to listen to it and come up with countermeasures.

"The fourth factor is the rebellion in Huguang and Sichuan in the south. In fact, Wang Ziteng's army has now taken the initiative to retreat into Jiangxi. The Zhou imperial army is still staying in Huguang and has not further invaded Jiangxi. This may be because Jiangxi has already

It is the sphere of influence of the Nanjing court. Unlike Huguang, it is not easy to fight. In addition, the army of the Zhou court did not perform very well in Huguang..."

Nurhachi interrupted impatiently: "From this point of view, it doesn't make much sense, right?"

Abai was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly: "Father Khan is right, it really doesn't make much sense. Wang Ziteng only needs to wait for work in Jiangxi. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the Zhou court to gain much advantage."

"Abai, you have said so many negative factors, but these negative factors will always exist, and may even become more negative as time goes by. So, wouldn't it be wrong for us to have been carefully preparing for so long?

It’s meaningless? When will Father Khan’s wish come true?”

Chu Ying finally found a chance to show herself.

Chu Ying knew that her father Khan had been dissatisfied with her for a while, and there were even rumors that her father would put her under house arrest. This frightened Chu Ying so much that her originally arrogant and irritable temperament also calmed down a lot.

He had always regarded Daishan and Huang Taiji as his biggest rivals, but he didn't expect that today, Abai, a guy who had never caught sight of him in the past, actually jumped up and jumped very happily.

It should be said that Abai's performance really impressed many people present. Not only Chu Ying, but also Daishan, Huang Taiji, Mang Gurtai, Abate and others began to take this brother seriously.

Others, such as Fei Yingdong, He Heli, An Feiyanggu and others, also had some other thoughts in their minds.

Among the Baylors, everyone thinks that Chu Ying is not good. Among the older Baylors, Daishan and Huang Taiji are the most suitable to inherit the throne in the future. Abatai and Dege are also good. The other Chus are too young to see it.

Now Daishan and Huang Taiji are working together to suppress Chu Ying. Chu Ying is still unwilling to give up, but he has gradually fallen out of favor with Khan.

This chapter has been completed!
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