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Chapter 2229 Gui Zi Scroll If you want to leave or stay, where will Liu Lang be?

 When her hand fell on Xing Xiuyan's forehead hair, Feng Ziying was also a little moved. This woman was the most sensible and considerate of her own difficulties.

Xiuyan's originally delicate and bright cheeks were slightly plumper due to her pregnancy, making her look even more gentle and gentle. Her beautiful eyes were like water-soaked grapes looking forward to her appearance. Her slender neck was like gelatin. The green satin of the Buddha's head was embroidered with gold threads.

The hems and skirts of her clothes are intertwined, and a touch of jade-colored plumpness is faintly visible under the pink bust.

Pregnancy has brought a lot of changes to Xiuyan. Her body, which was originally thin, suddenly became much plumper, her cheeks gained a bit more aura of wealth, and her breasts also swelled a lot.

Before, Feng Ziying was worried about whether Xiuyan would have enough milk after giving birth, but now it seems that she was overly worried. Women have changed even more than imagined.

The only thing that hasn't changed is his calm and friendly look, which always makes people feel like they are in the spring breeze. In the minds of the servants here, Xing Xiuyan is also the most popular, much more popular than Baoqin and Miaoyu.

Seeing the affectionate expressions between Feng Ziying and Xing Xiuyan, Miaoyu couldn't help but pout, took Feng Ziying's hand and put it on her waist, "Ms. sir, I and Xiu Yan are all thinking about me. This time I give birth in the capital city.

It also allows my husband to have no worries here, and he can do things more freely."

Feng Ziying laughed, Miaoyu looked like she was

It was a bit clumsy and blunt. Although I understood the meaning, it sounded a bit awkward. However, it was this situation that made Feng Ziying feel at ease.

If Miaoyu is also like Baoqin, who is trying to figure out people's minds and ponder everything, then he is really too naughty, how can he have so much energy to deal with it?

Although Miaoyu is simple and simple in mind, she is extremely bold in bed. Even Feng Ziying does not understand why Miaoyu, who was clamoring to become a monk and wanted to be a nun, is now completely different. Her temperament has gone to two extremes.


"Okay, okay, my husband knows your thoughts." Feng Ziying also patted the back of Miaoyu's hand and said with a smile: "You two are very good. You have been working hard with your husband to come to Shaanxi for more than a year, and now you are still here

It's really hard to be pregnant, and now I have to trek all the way back to Beijing. I feel really sorry for my husband." Feng Ziying's words made both Miaoyu and Xiuyan happy.

The husband came to talk to the two of them during his busy schedule. The three of them chatted with each other and talked about each other. This may not seem like much to other men, but it is very difficult for Feng Ziying. Her husband now has to receive guests every day.

They are overwhelmed with guests and official duties, and people are waiting in line outside the house at any time, but the husband will always come after such a long time to accompany them. The two of them joke and talk, with gentle hands and eyes, although due to the pregnancy

They can't be happy, but this kind of physical closeness and verbal communication can make the two girls extremely happy.

"Before coming to Shaanxi, both my concubine and my sister knew that they were not here to enjoy the blessings. Although my husband would be very hard, how could we sleep peacefully while my husband was busy working hard? The only regret is that I couldn't help my husband too much.

I can only silently pray for my husband in the backyard, hoping that everything goes well for my husband, and thanks to God, my husband has done everything smoothly in the past year, and my concubines' prayers are not in vain."

Xiuyan also found that her mentality has become more relaxed and clear since she became pregnant. What she is looking forward to now is that her husband's career will be smooth, and the child in her belly will be born safely. Whether it is a son or a daughter, she can be considered pregnant.

Got someone to rely on.

She used to be a bit dissatisfied with some of Xue Baoqin's behavior, but now she is very open-minded and lets Xue Baoqin do whatever she wants. She can tolerate it and give in as long as she can. Why bother with common sense?

"Mr. Sir, if you really have to go back soon, what will happen to Miss Shi Da?" Xiuyan suddenly remembered something, "Yesterday Miss Shi Da and Mrs. Qin came to the house, and they were at Sister Qin's place.

I did this for a long time, and then came to our place again. I saw that Miss Shi was not in a very good mood. Could it be that she also knew that your husband was going back to Beijing?"

Feng Ziying shook her head but said nothing.

Everyone knew that he was going back to Beijing, but no one was sure when he would leave.

It's already July. It was predicted that it would be the end of the year at the latest, but now it seems that I can't wait. I may have to return to Beijing before October at the latest, or even next month. Xiangyun

He and Qin Keqing have been very diligent in the house in the past six months, and this was also what he invited. After all, he and the convict women are confined to the embroidery workshop, making clothes and embroidery robes. Although the work is not heavy, their freedom is restricted, and

There is only such a world, and you can only stay in that house all year round. It is understandable that you feel depressed. With your own greetings, you only need to ask for leave and report to the warden under the prosecutor's department, and then you can come out to your house to get help.

Spend half a day leisurely, chatting with the sisters, and playing some games. If it's too late, you can even stay in the house for one night. This has almost become a happy time for Shi Xiangyun and Qin Keqing to have only two or three days a month.


When you come and go in the mansion, you will definitely hear some rumors about your whereabouts. The people below have no sense of confidentiality in this regard. In fact, this is not a secret. With the intelligence of Shi Xiangyun and Qin Keqing, how could they not guess the identity of the governor of Shaanxi?

The mission is coming to an end. Looking at the harvest situation this summer in the three prefectures of northern Shaanxi and Xi'an Prefecture, we can make some guesses.

But what should they do if they want to leave?

Feng Ziying also thought that if she said hello, no one would make things difficult for them. But for Xiangyun and Keqing, being detained here to make clothes and embroidered robes was nothing, but when she left, they lost their care and support.

, a group of people are wandering in Shaanxi like kites with their strings cut off, without any relatives. This kind of psychological gap and loneliness is the most unbearable for them.

But in this situation, I can't help them much. I can't bring them back to the capital. I haven't been so reckless that I want to challenge the laws of the entire Zhou Dynasty. I really want to do that.

If you do it, no one can protect yourself. So Feng Ziying was very entangled during this period of time, and even a little afraid to see Xiangyun and Qin Keqing, just because she was afraid that she would not be able to give a clear commitment and answer in such a situation.

"Didn't my husband say that if the imperial court grants amnesty, Miss Shi and the Qin family will be freed?" Xiuyan observed Feng Ziying's facial expression and asked cautiously: "The situation in Shaanxi has been calmed down, and my father-in-law has also recovered.

Xuzhou, isn’t this a great event? Can’t we hold an amnesty?”

Feng Ziying smiled bitterly. It seemed that the words she originally used to excuse Shi Xiangyun and the others were actually listened to by these people.

Can amnesty be used for anything?

Whether it was the pacification of the chaos in Shaanxi or the capture of Xuzhou, although it was a happy event, it was obviously not qualified to be elevated to the level of amnesty.

Moreover, an amnesty can only be granted by the emperor. But now that Emperor Yonglong is unconscious, it is obviously against the rules to propose an amnesty to the cabinet. Therefore, under such circumstances, the cabinet will definitely not do such a makeshift thing, and neither will he himself.

Perhaps because he wanted to exonerate Shi Xiangyun and Qin Keqing, he went to tell Master Qi and others.

On the other hand, if Nanjing is captured and the entire Jiangnan is recovered, it may be considered a great event. It may be possible to promote amnesty, but this will take at least a few months.

Chen Jixian was still messing around in Jiangnan, and he probably had some kind of deal with his father. His father didn't mention it in his letter to him, but Feng Ziying could feel something.

When Miaoyu saw that Feng Ziying was silent, she changed the topic: "I'm afraid amnesty is not that simple, unless the new emperor ascends the throne..." Feng Ziying's heart moved slightly, this is also a way, but it is also more uncertain.

"This matter is not something I can decide. I have to wait for an opportunity." Feng Ziying pondered for a moment, "But Jiangnan's withdrawal, or as Miaoyu said, the new emperor ascends the throne, are all opportunities, and I guess it will only happen in the past two years.

, so it’s not like there’s no chance, but we have to wait.” “It’s just that when we leave, Miss Shi and Mrs. Qin stay here, they seem to be a little alone, I’m afraid they will find it hard to accept.” Xing Xiuyan still couldn’t bear it.


She also vaguely knew that there was some unexplainable affection between Shi Xiangyun and her husband. Xue Baoqin should also be aware of it. However, the two of them did not open up outside, but even the servants in the house could get a glimpse of it.

Come on, my husband-in-law may feel a little uncomfortable in this situation, but how to resolve this difficulty?

Feng Ziying let out a long sigh. This was an unsolvable problem. The only thing she could do was comfort Shi Xiangyun and Qin Keqing, let them have something to look forward to, and give them something to think about. What else could she do?

"My lord, if the Ministry of Rites breaks off the engagement between Miss Shi and the Sun family after returning to Beijing, can her case be changed?"

Is that so? The third and fourth girls are both on bail pending trial, so why did Miss Shi have to be sent away?" Feng Ziying thought for a moment, "It depends on the opinion of Dali Temple, but you are right.

If the marriage contract with the Sun family is determined to be terminated by the etiquette department, then there is a chance to change the judgment..."

"It's difficult for the Qin family alone..." Xing Xiuyan sighed. Shi Xiangyun's matter may have a chance of turning around, but Qin Keqing has no choice. No one dares to escape from the identity of Prince Yi Zhong easily.

"That's not necessarily true." Feng Ziying shook her head. Her mother was a concubine, and her relationship with the Supreme Emperor and Prince Yi Zhong was complicated. She was also an illegitimate daughter. This kind of secret that was not humane to outsiders was actually from the perspective of the court.

He said, on the contrary, he prefers to downplay it. It is best to hide it anonymously and disappear without a trace. If he really wants Dali Temple to finalize it one by one, it will expose his own ugliness.

This chapter has been completed!
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