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Chapter 2258 Gui Zi Scroll Entering the court at midnight, highlighting the extraordinary

After having two drinks and exerting too much force on Baochai, she fell into a drowsy sleep. It was not until Ying'er ran in and called out repeatedly that Feng Ziying woke up from a daze.

He couldn't do it without a sip of wine. After days of fierce fighting, the Hundred Refiners King Kong couldn't bear it, so Master Zhang's ancient recipe wine had to come in handy. Without this wine, soup, and magic, Feng Ziying probably wouldn't have had time to stop the incense.

If you continue, your waist will be broken first.

With her chest covered by the corners of the quilt, Baochai also stood up. Seeing that her husband was still a little confused, she hurriedly asked Ying'er to bring some sobering soup.

Ying'er hurriedly brought hot soup over. Feng Ziying leaned on the bedside and drank a cup before she became more awake. "What time is it?"

"The ugliness has passed." Ying'er replied quickly.

"Where did the envoy come from?" Feng Ziying calmed down and then started to put on her clothes and get up. It was already a bit cool in the middle of the night in the capital in October. Baochai also got up busy to help her husband get dressed, while Ying'er was waiting on her.

"It seems to be the Ministry of War." Ying'er shook her head, "The concierge didn't listen carefully. He just told me to go to the Ministry of War office immediately."

Feng Ziying snorted coldly, "I've only been on vacation for two days, and now I can't sit still? Look, our house won't be safe from now on."

Baochai smiled warmly, and then tied up the coat for her husband, "Who gave my husband a big job? The Ministry of War is always a hard job, but there must be someone to do the hard work. The cabinet makes my husband the minister of the war, which is also for my husband.

You must know that my uncle was already in his forties when he became the Minister of War."

As soon as the words came out, Baochai felt that something was inappropriate. Wang Ziteng had been the right minister of the Ministry of War, but now he was a traitor. How could he compare with her husband?

Feng Ziying didn't care and shook her head: "I don't know where the trouble happened again. It must be a big deal in such a hurry. How big of a deal could it be if we delay it all night?"

"Shanxi?" Baochai guessed casually.

"It's hard to say, Shanxi is the most likely, but although Su Nang's cavalry is fast, without the cooperation of Fengzhou Bailian infantry, it is impossible to attack the city, but Chai Guozhu and Yang Yuan should have some preparations." Feng Ziying only said.

Now that I can guess, "Besides Shanxi, where else? Over in Southern Zhili? Or has Chen Jixian suddenly raised the banner of rebellion?"

When he returned to the capital for the first time, he didn't understand many things. For example, the cabinet did not inform him about the progress of the talks between the imperial court and Nanjing. He didn't bother to ask. When it was time for him to know, he would naturally tell himself,

If people don't tell themselves, that means they are not suitable to know yet.

After putting on her clothes, Ying'er brought a silver basin of hot water. Feng Ziying wiped her face, and then she hugged Baochai in her arms with some regret, "It took a lot of effort to come back. This first night, someone disturbed my dream."

, I owe it to you as a husband."

Baochai laughed and said, "A real man puts his career first, how can he delay it because of the love between his children? That's not Xiao Feng Xiuzan."

Feng Ziying also laughed, but then sighed again, "Then I'll go, I hope it's not too bad.

When he came out of his home, four or five guards escorted him at the front and on the left and right, and the carriage rumbled straight to Dashi Yongfang.

When we arrived at the Ministry of War, there were already people coming and going and the lights were brightly lit.

Just as he was walking in, he met Sun Chengzong coming from the other side. Feng Ziying hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

"Ziying, haven't you finished your vacation yet? I called you here, let's go in." Sun Chengzong frowned deeply, his eyes were gloomy, and he waved his hand to go in together.

"Brother Zhisheng, what happened? Are you so nervous?" Feng Ziying asked casually while walking.

"Guess." Sun Chengzong glanced at Feng Ziying.

Feng Ziying was stunned for a moment, and then thought about it, "It's definitely not the Sichuan side. Even if Brother Fei Bai's side has some setbacks, it won't disturb the capital overnight; it's not like the South Zhili side, where the Northwest Army is facing off against the Niu-Sun Alliance Army.

The deadlock is not easy to break, and even if it is broken, it will definitely hurt both sides; Shanxi is the most likely, followed by Liaodong."

When he saw that he mentioned Liaodong, Sun Chengzong's eyes flashed, and Feng Ziying's heart sank. Could it really be


If nothing happens to Liaodong, it will be fine. Once something happens, it will be a big deal and extremely difficult. "Liaodong? Really Liaodong?" Feng Ziying looked at Sun Chengzong.

"Well, the Jianzhou Jurchens broke through Xin'an Pass and surrounded Tielingwei. In addition, Fu'an Fort is being besieged by the Jianzhou Jurchens and is in danger. It may have been lost at this time."

Sun Chengzong was in low spirits. As soon as he took office, he was hit in the head. No, it was already the second blow. The first blow was in Shanxi. Now that Yuan Keli has gone, it is still unknown whether the situation can be suppressed.

Feng Ziying was shocked. If the Tieling Guards were lost, the threat and influence of the Jianzhou Jurchens on the Yehe tribe and the Horqin people in the protruding part of Liaodong in the north would increase exponentially. It can be said that the Jianzhou Jurchens are stationed there.

, it can be stretched all the way to Liaohetao. By then, the situation in Liaodong as a whole will be very passive and may fall into endless bloodshed.

"What exactly happened? Xin'an Pass was breached, what about Liaohaiwei?" Feng Ziying couldn't help but ask: "Even if the breakthrough is achieved, as long as Liaohaiwei reinforces it in time, it won't be a big problem, right?"

"The specific situation is not very clear, but Cao Wenzhao has ordered the Liaohaiwei and Tielingwei armies to retreat steadily to Puhe Station. In addition, they will hold Fushun Station to the east to prevent Jianzhou Jurchens from coming back from Sarhu and Fushun Pass.

Enter by sneak attack."

Sun Chengzong doesn't know much about the situation now. He actually took office less than a month before Feng Ziying. He only has a superficial understanding of the situation in Liaodong, but he has indeed heard about the constant internal strife and strife within Liaodong Town.

The internal fighting between Cao Wenzhao and Zhao Lijiao became more and more intense. He was about to propose to Zhang Huaichang and internal officials to adjust the generals of Liaodong Town, but something happened.

"This is quite smart. I retreated in a big step, and immediately retreated to Puhe, Hengheng, Tielingwei, Liaohaiwei, Songshan Fort, Chaihe Fort, Fu'an Fort, as well as the forts in the east, and even Fanhe Station, Li

It’s really generous to not ask for any way places.” Feng Ziying couldn’t help but sneered and sarcastically said.

Having already entered the palace, Sun Chengzong also smiled bitterly and said: "Ziying, are you praising or sarcastic, but in my opinion, if the situation is unclear, it is better to retreat faster and faster. If Jianzhou is defeated

The Jurchens are blocked up there, and I’m afraid it will be difficult to rescue them given the current situation in Liaodong Town.”

Feng Ziying was speechless. It was indeed true. Cao Wenzhao and Zhao Lijiao had such opposing postures. If Cao Wenzhao and Zhao Lijiao were besieged and blocked, these local generals in Liaodong would definitely not try their best to save them. Likewise,

If the people being besieged were local military generals from Liaodong, would Cao Wenzhao have done his best?

In this situation, it would be best to simply take a big step back, stabilize the basic formation, and then make calculations.

The two of them entered the lobby of the public house together. Zhang Huaichang was already sitting on the side of the desk, frowning and flipping through piles of documents. Another huge sand table was placed in front of him, roughly placing the entire terrain of Liaodong before his eyes.

The sand table is not a new thing. The key is to achieve the same scale and realistic display, which requires detailed and advanced surveying and mapping technology. Now Dazhou is still relatively behind in this aspect. Fortunately, the Xiyi people have passed their surveying and mapping technology to

Da Zhou, Da Zhou's learning speed in this aspect is relatively fast, so the sand table has been greatly improved.

There was already a large group of people standing next to the sand table. There were three or four people surrounding the sand table, and there were five or six people a little further away.

Seeing Sun Chengzong and Feng Ziying come in, many people greeted them and exchanged greetings.

Sun Chengzong is an old man in the Ministry of War, so naturally many people greet him. Although Feng Ziying often interacts with the Ministry of War, she is an authentic junior. The two people who greet him are Yang Sichang and Wang Yingxiong, and there are also familiar ones, Jiang Yunyi and Geng Ruqi Cong.

When the official left, Jiang Yunyi took over and greeted Feng Ziying.

Now most of the ministers in the Ministry of War have been replaced. The original Sun Chengzong, Yuan Keli, Yuan Yingtai and Ding Yuanjian are no longer in their positions. Sun Chengzong will not say anything, and he will be promoted to Zuo Shilang. Yuan Keli will be appointed as the censor of Youqiandu to patrol Shanxi.

Yuan Yingtai also moved to the left, while Ding Yuanjian served in the Ministry of Household Affairs.

The current doctor of the Fang Division of the Ministry of War is Yuan Huazhong, and Jiang Yunyi is now the doctor of the Martial Arts Division. They are both here. The doctor of the Arsenal Division is Fang Kezhuang, who has just been transferred. This is also an acquaintance, and the other Feng Ziying is not


Unexpectedly, Fang Kezhuang's official career was prosperous, and he quickly entered the imperial court from Tongzhou Zhizhou and served as a doctor in the arsenal department.

Zhang Huaichang was not too harsh. After letting the group of people chat with each other for a while, he called everyone closer and said, "Zhisheng, Ziying, Min Xie (Chinese subtitles of Yuan Hua) will introduce the situation. Please listen carefully. In addition, here is

There are also battle reports coming from Liaodong, but they are very messy and the time is inconsistent. You should check them carefully. For now, the situation is very bad, but it is not out of control. Today we will discuss the situation of the Liaodong battle.

Redeploy the arrangements. As soon as daybreak, I will report to the cabinet ministers and finalize the arrangements."

From being censor of the Imperial Procuratorate to minister of the Ministry of War, Zhang Huaichang has experienced heavy winds and heavy rains, so even if the situation is so dangerous, he can still maintain his unshakable demeanor despite the overwhelming situation. Sun Chengzong and Feng Ziying both admire this.

Yuan Huazhong did not refuse, and quickly took a wooden whip and began to point at the pass cities, rivers and mountains on the sand table to introduce it. It could be seen that this doctor who was a doctor had also put a lot of thought into it and was not unprepared.

Feng Ziying and Sun Chengzong also consciously walked up to the table. While taking some documents and starting to read, their eyes moved on the sand table, listening carefully to Yuan Huazhong's introduction.

This chapter has been completed!
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