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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 496: Retract and release freely, handle in a proper way

 Having been an official for so many years, Feng Ziying naturally understands the rules here. What's more, he is a martial artist from the border area, so he knows the outcome of this kind of battle.

When the army goes out for an expedition, the generals naturally have their merits, but for the soldiers, it is of little significance. The most realistic thing is the reward. This expedition can be regarded as a happy event for everyone.

The inspection of the Japanese pirates' lair was far beyond imagination. Even if Feng Ziying wanted to "engulf" part of it, it would still be a bucket of fat, enough to make the Ministry of Revenue overjoyed.

Of course, Feng Ziying would not take advantage of this, although it is not cheap. Feng Ziying thought for a while, then pulled the two censors aside, "To tell you the truth, in the attic

I gained a lot from it." The expressions of the two censors changed and their eyes fell on Feng Ziying, but they said nothing.

"A large amount of 700,000 taels of silver notes." Feng Ziying opened the jewelry box and placed the silver notes inside. Both censors were shocked. The 700,000 taels of silver notes were all unsigned and could be redeemed with a seal.

If Tongtong and Feng Ziying were to be swallowed up, no one would really know.

"There are also seven to eighty thousand taels of scattered silver notes here, as well as some accounts and letters." Feng Ziying casually clicked, "They were all obtained from the attic before they were destroyed. In the past twenty years, Mao Jianda and Jiangnan officialdom have been closely intertwined.

Well, I'm afraid the Metropolitan Procuratorate will be busy for a long time from now on."

The censor surnamed Zhang exchanged glances with his colleagues, "Your Majesty..."

"It is a common practice in the army that soldiers should be rewarded in some way when they go on an expedition. This time, more than 30 soldiers were killed and disabled in battle, and they need to be compensated. I don't know when the imperial court will get the little help, so as per

My intention is that for this expedition, including the Liaodong Army and Navy officers and soldiers from Huating, each person will be rewarded with twenty taels of silver. In addition, the soldiers in the battle to land on the island will be rewarded with an additional ten taels according to their merits. Those who have made meritorious services will receive an additional reward.


Both censors nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Feng Ziying casually picked up two 10,000 taels and two 1,000 taels of silver notes and handed them to the two of them, "You have also taken a lot of risks this time. You can take these more than 20,000 taels of silver. The rest will be used to reward soldiers."

Theirs must be handed over to the court,..."

Seeing that the two of them were still hesitant, Feng Ziying laughed: "I believe the reputation of my surname Feng is still significant enough in Jiangnan, the capital, and I can afford twenty thousand taels of silver..."

The two of them were relieved. Indeed, Feng Ziying had an excellent reputation in Beijing. Those who followed him would basically have good results. Of course, those who were his enemies would never fare better.

The two men immediately took the banknotes, and the joy on their faces was beyond words.

Everyone knew that coming to Jiangnan this time would definitely yield something, but they estimated that the income would only be one or two thousand taels. They never thought that this little Feng Shilang was so generous, no wonder he could win the hearts and minds of the army.

The two of them also understood the meaning of the eleven thousand taels. There was no need to tell the public about the eleven thousand taels. The one thousand taels could naturally be explained to the Shangguan, and it was reasonable.

If you take a trip without taking any money, it will make your superiors and colleagues suspicious.

Of course, one thousand taels is not a small amount. After cleaning up the mess in the future, Sun Dingxiang and Yang Lian will definitely have to fight for a "reward" for their own men, otherwise they will never be able to lead the team out in the future. Then another

Don't talk about it.

After the conversation, Feng Ziying clapped her hands and handed the jewelry box to Yushi Zhang, which was considered to have completed the delivery of the items in the attic.

Back at the cellar door, Qi Xianzong and several other officers were already looking forward to it, knowing that the minister must have reached an agreement with the two censors.

After hard work, you must strive for some benefits for the brothers below, otherwise it will be difficult to unite the morale of the army in the future. It does not mean that the combat effectiveness will be weakened, but it will be difficult for you, a superior officer, to convince the public.

"After this hard work, I have discussed with the two royal censors. Each officer and soldier participating in the battle will be rewarded twenty taels of silver. Those who land on the island and fight will be rewarded an additional ten taels. Those who have made meritorious deeds will receive additional rewards. We will report after the war."

Feng Ziying's few clean words settled the hearts of everyone. They were all cheering and beaming with joy. The officers were not worried that they were just thinking for their sons. Naturally, their superiors would fight for their own share. "Sir, if it's you guys,

······"Qi Xianzong approached, attached

He whispered in his ear, with a troubled expression on his face.

Feng Ziying naturally knew the rules, so she walked to the wooden box, picked up two fifty-tael gold ingots, weighed them, and threw them to the two censors, "Old Zhang, Lao Zhan, you two should be more patient and share the same feelings with the people."

So happy."

The two censors also pretended to have a bitter look on their faces, and nodded with a wry smile: "How dare I disobey your Majesty's orders?"

Feng Ziying also picked up two gold ingots and stuffed them into her sleeves, then walked to the edge of the leather bag, casually grabbed a handful of black pearls and put them in front of her nose and smelled, "I'm talking about my shortcomings.

It’s a lucky draw for them to show off in bed, just right..."

A handful of black pearls, a handful of East pearls, and by the way, I picked out a few bead rings and bracelets from the wooden box containing jewelry, and picked up two pieces of uncarved jadeite. Feng Ziying clapped her hands and said, "Almost

That’s right, Xianzong, give me some ambergris and musk, go back and enjoy it, and you can also choose a few.”

Everyone took it for granted. This time, Feng Ziying was respected. If he didn't take it, and if he didn't take enough, no one would dare to take it. Even the two censors would have to murmur in their hearts.

Who doesn't know that going to war means licking blood with a knife's edge, and licking blood with a knife's edge must be profitable, otherwise who will risk their lives?

Several military attachés from the naval camp and two Longjing Lieutenants also had shy faces and rubbed their hands to choose a few items, but they still knew the rules and did not behave so evilly. However, the two censors only took the two items.

I kept the gold ingot and refused to ask for it again.

Several military attachés didn't care. The issue of censorship was naturally settled by the superior officials. If this matter couldn't be solved, then Feng Ziying, the Minister of War, would really not be able to issue orders and prohibitions in the army in the future.

After everything was dealt with, Feng Ziying's face straightened, "Okay, let's stop here and start counting the belongings now. It's all the hard work for you guys. I've been up all night and I'm going to take a nap."

Everyone obeyed the orders one after another.

Chen Qian won a great victory on Shanxi Island, and Hou Chengzu was also unstoppable on Changshan Island. It was already the second day when Feng Ziying arrived at Changshan Island.

Changshan Mouth is a supply point for Japanese pirates and a point for selling stolen bulk goods. The amount of money collected is not large, that is, more than 100,000 in cash and banknotes, but there are a lot of bulk goods that have not been disposed of, such as a large amount of sandalwood.

Wood, rosewood, salt, copper, and medicinal materials were piled up in several warehouses, and they were estimated to be worth three to five million taels of silver.

There are also several civilian ships, which cost tens of thousands of taels of silver.

There are also four or five merchants involved in selling stolen goods and purchasing daily necessities for the Japanese pirates. Several of them have been arrested now, and the others have been investigated and are just waiting to be dealt with in the future.

All in all, it was a fruitful harvest.

Rushing from Changshan Island to Huating, when they landed at Nanhui Zuizhong, they received news that they were resisted during the search for Jinshan Guards. After a fierce battle, more than 30 rebels at Jinshan Guards were killed.

, and captured more than 20 people.

On the other side of the Tang family, Tangjiazhai has been breached and is now being counted and confiscated. Feng Ziying did not go to Tangjiazhai, but went directly to Songjiang Mansion.

The people in Songjiang Mansion were all trembling with fear, but they were relieved at Feng Ziying's arrival.

The combination of Long Jinwei, the Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the Liaodong Army's surprise attack was enough to frighten local officials from every angle.

No one can talk to anyone, not to mention Long Jinwei and the Liaodong Army, and the Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is here to supervise and find trouble. The local government can't even find anyone to talk to.

Now Feng Ziying has finally arrived. Although the relationship between the Ministry of War and the local government is relatively small, at any rate, it can be regarded as the Seventh Department of Yamen.

"Brother Yibo, you don't have to accompany me anymore. What's supposed to come will always come. With the Censor and Captain Long here, as well as the Liaodong Army, who dares to rebel?" Feng Ziying said with a smile: "I'm here too.

Huh? You are in charge of Songjiang Prefecture. If there is really going to be rebellion, you should target me first."

Feng Ziying was not familiar with the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture, but she also knew him. Less than a month after he took office, he encountered such a big event and was devastated. Tongzhi had already been captured by the imperial censor and sent to Nanjing.

Shocked the entire Songjiang officialdom


"No, no, what time of day are you rebelling now? Are you really seeking death? But Ziying, tell me the truth, how many people are involved in Songjiang Mansion?"

Shi Jishi was from Weinan, Shaanxi, and could also be considered a scholar from the North.

However, he was a top three Jinshi in the 33rd year of Yuanxi and had no personal connections, so he kept running around in the local area. He first served as magistrate of Jiexiu County in Shanxi, then grew up in Shanxi, and later went to work in Henan.

A month ago, that is, after the imperial court and Nanjing officially reached an agreement, he was among the first batch of official adjustments, because the former Songjiang prefect was promoted to Zhejiang Chief Envoy Si Zuo to participate in politics.

It was a new arrival, and it was obviously a deliberate adjustment by the imperial court, so one can imagine Shi Jishi's situation in Songjiang.

Tongzhi, Tongpan, and other officials, including the officials below, were not too fond of him, a northern scholar who came from Henan, so he was in a state of difficulty adapting after coming for a month.

However, he was raised as a local official, and he was also the prefect of a prefecture. With the changes in the court situation, there were naturally people who were willing to speculate on him, so it can be said that he had just started to get a taste of it, and he was suddenly caught by this sudden appearance.

His big move was overshadowed.

He didn't have a problem with Tongzhi being taken away, and he didn't even have a problem with it being taken away by the official. But if Tongxuan had just moved closer to him, if he was also taken away, then the person he had managed to hold would collapse again. This would be too disappointing.

People are depressed.



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