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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 528 Cold War, What You Want

 Feng Ziying left Yangzhou and went north before the stock exchange officially opened and the first stock was listed for trading.

However, half a month after he returned to Beijing, that is, at the end of the year, he received a letter from Zhen Baochen describing the listing of the first stock on the entire stock exchange - Tongzhou Wusong Shipyard.

"Mr. Feng, your words are as good as your face... No one has paid attention to the 10,000 shares listed on the market, but there are more than a hundred businessmen and people watching. From the second quarter of the first day to the third quarter of the first day, it is considered

To break the deadlock, a man from Suzhou bought fifty shares at the issue price... With this beginning, people started to buy one after another. By the third quarter of the afternoon, a total of 100 shares had been sold.

Lost three thousand nine hundred and twenty shares,..."

·······, the market continued to open for business before midnight. At the first quarter of the day, a large buyer entered the market and bought 3,000 shares. It was later learned that Qingjiang Pu, Huai'an, a retired official from the Ministry of Industry in Nanjing, might

There are some news channels in Beijing,·”

"This drove up the stock market trading. As of the second moment of Shen Shen Zheng, all the original stocks had been sold at the lowest price of nine taels of silver per share.

"By the third quarter of Shen Zheng, someone had offered to buy one thousand shares at a price of nine cents and a half, but no one responded. It was not until the quarter of Youchu that someone finally responded and sold one hundred shares for nine cents and a half.

After all, that person made a net profit of five taels,·

"... I also went to inquire about it later. The person who sold it was a gambler from Yangzhou. Because he luckily won two hundred taels of silver at the casino the day before, he heard that the stock exchange here was opening and wanted to take a look.

I bought 100 shares of Geely, but in the afternoon I felt a little too impulsive, and someone actually offered to buy them back for five taels more, so I naturally sold them."

"The entire first day of trading was all selling, but the real transaction was only the one hundred shares bought and sold at the time of Shen Zhengsan. I didn't know at the time whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, and I didn't know.

Did these people buy the stocks of Tongzhou Wusong Shipyard because they were really optimistic that the shipyard's future development might bring long-lasting dividends, or did they think that there was no place to put their spare money and the interest rates on bank deposits were too low, so they bought some stocks to test the waters, or they just wanted to gamble.

Place a bet?"

"The trading on the second day was a little calm at first, and there were a lot fewer spectators. This may have a lot to do with the fact that there was only one stock transaction. After all, there are only a limited number of people related to shipbuilding or understanding of this aspect.

It’s impossible for people to come and watch the excitement every day. Besides, not everyone wants to sell when they buy. After all, there are only a few people who have the mentality of gamblers who buy and hope to make a lot of money by selling...

, no one was trading all morning, and in the afternoon there were even fewer people, with only a few people chatting there. But when the market was about to close, someone offered to buy two thousand shares at the original price of nine cents."

"Later I learned that this was a timber merchant from Zhangzhou, Fujian. I hope to use this method to establish a connection with the Tongzhou Wusong Shipyard so that I can sell the large timber he shipped from Dongpan to the shipyard..."

It should be said that Zhen Baochen's literary talent is good, and he describes a transaction process in a simple and clear way, allowing Feng Ziying to understand the entire transaction process most intuitively.

When Yuanyang and Heping'er came in, they saw Feng Ziying turning over and over again and reading the letter seriously, and couldn't help but feel a little sour.

"Do you really miss Miss Zhen that much? You really have to worry about it. You should bring Miss Zhen back to the capital during the Chinese New Year. I think the three grandma may not be able to tolerate her, and the second grandma Lian also..."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Yuanyang quickly shut up, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ping'er next to him.

Although many people in the house knew about the affair between Second Mistress Lian and the uncle, their status was different, so speaking out was another matter.

Ping'er also blushed and pushed Yuanyang on the shoulder.

When Wang Xifeng had an affair with the uncle, she had to cover it up for Sister Feng. Even her best friend kept it secret. Even if Yuanyang saw some clues, she would not admit it at all.

Now that Yuanyang's old story is being brought up again, I'm a little embarrassed to be upset.

"Why, there are no outsiders here. Little Hooves, I don't know what to think. If you really want to come to the house, you shouldn't drag me and my second grandma into this."

, If they have that kind of tendency, they should stop it. It’s good that the grandmothers don’t say anything on the surface, but they may have some knots in their hearts.” Yuanyang ignored Ping’er and said with her lips blocked.

Feng Ziying quickly interrupted and took away all the blame to prevent the two best friends from arguing, "Okay, it's all my fault. I just fell in love with Sister Feng's promiscuous personality and wanted to sleep with Sister Feng. Okay.

"It's nothing to do with Heping'er. She also tried to persuade him, but in the end, she also lost her life and ended up having to come to the house to warm my bed."

Feng Ziying's non-vegetarian talk made both Yuanyang and Ping'er blush. Yuanyang stamped his feet and Ping'er covered his face, both of them angry and resentful.

Feng Ziying's rough and direct words were too irritating. Even though they had already been married to Feng Ziying for a long time, they still couldn't accept it.

Feng Ziying likes to see women like Yuanyang and Heping'er who are usually elegant and quiet looking so coquettish and shy. It seems that girls at this time are the most real side.

Yuanyang is also subtle and tactful in bed, Ping'er is slightly better, but they both have the kind of temperament of a good wife and mother, and are unwilling to do too many extraordinary things. They are far less wild and unrestrained than Siqi and Hongyu.

Even Li Wan is more open-minded than the two of them, let alone Wang Xifeng.

"Master, you are still so big-hearted. You are so considerate of this letter, and you are not afraid that the three grandmas will be unhappy when they see it?" Yuanyang still reminded me. Is this master really enjoying it or something? No.

Do you think he has no girls?

It's been half a month, and the family has left him alone, but he's still "getting through it" like this?

Sisters Li Min, Li Qi, and Zhen Baoyu have already arrived in Beijing, and they have all entered the Grand View Garden. It is inevitable that another tragedy and comedy will be staged.

Li Min, Li Qi, Baochai, and Daiyu are all fairly familiar with each other, and Zhen Baoyu has some connections with Yingchun, Tanchun, and Xichun because of the Zhen family and the Jia family, so it's a done deal, even though she has some resentment in her heart.

But on the surface, you still have to maintain your composure.

However, during this period, Feng Ziying had just returned to Beijing and was busy reporting to the cabinet on the situation in the entire Jiangnan area. At the same time, it also involved the reorganization of the old Denglai Army, the old Xuanfu Army and the old Datong Army into the new Denglai Army, Xuanfu Army

With the signal from the Datong Army, he was extremely busy.

The Ministry of Accounts is also keeping a close eye on the subsequent disposal of Jiangnan assets, because Feng Ziying is mainly responsible for it. Even Gu Bingqian and others who followed up later basically operate under the framework established by Feng Ziying, so Huang Ruliang basically has to deal with it every day.

Feng Ziying went to the Ministry of Household Affairs to discuss the matter.

During this period, because the three women came to Beijing and Zhen Baoyu was in Yangzhou, it became the source of unhappiness among the women in the mansion, and they even maintained a united front in their attitude towards Feng Ziying.

Everyone intentionally or unintentionally "snubbed" Feng Ziying, and even Li Min, Li Qi and Zhen Baoyu had to follow Sanfang to join this front.

Take Siqi's words as an example, at this time, anyone who dares to have a good look on the uncle, or dares to have fun with Feng Ziying in private, and is caught, will really become a public enemy to the whole Gu family.

Even the Duan family rarely supported the position of the women in the mansion this time. They believed that there were many children in the family and Baochai was three months pregnant. It was really unseemly for Feng Ziying to be "playing with women" outside. This showed that the Duan family was not decent.

In the Spring Festival, Miaoyu gave birth to two sons, and Baochai became pregnant again. She felt more confident and no longer had an "open" attitude towards Feng Ziying's love affairs outside.

The fact that Yuanyang and Ping'er came here together is not to avoid suspicion. At least everyone "supervises each other" not to give Feng Ziying a chance to succeed, and there is an explanation for the grandmothers.

"Baochen's letter means it's business, not something shameful?" Feng Ziying glanced at her, "Yuanyang, didn't you also tell Wanjun Baochai and Daiyu that Baochen is my aunt?

Bao Chen himself has admitted that he will not enter our Feng Mansion, but why are they still so unwelcome and unhappy?"

Yuanyang bit her lip, her almond-shaped eyes were a little distracted, "Is this a strange slave?"

"How can you call it weird? You are telling the truth. If you don't tell them, it will make them feel uneasy. But if you tell them, they feel uncomfortable. Why is it so difficult to be an honest person?" Feng Ziying looked helpless.

He looked like, "If I had known earlier, I would have agreed not to tell them. As time goes by, they will become calmer."


"That won't work. If we find out in the future, how can I see my grandmas?" Yuanyang shook his head like a rattle, "And there is Yu Chuan'er here, so she will definitely not be able to contain the anger."

"Okay, Yuanyang, don't quarrel with me here. Look at how energetic I am. He looks like a dead pig who is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. Master, if you really plan to continue to fight against the grandmothers like this, why don't you agree?

Go lower your head and make amends with the grandmas?"

Ping'er walked to Feng Ziying and picked up the tea cup beside Feng Ziying. She felt that the water was a little cold, so she quickly went out to change the hot water before coming back in.

"That's not the way to get angry. Second Grandma Bao is still pregnant."

Feng Ziying looked at the two girls who had come to work as lobbyists with a half-smile, "Why, who gave you two a message and what did they say? Isn't it better for me to have two days of leisure? I and them are not as complicated as you think.

, I just have a lot of things to do and am busy during this period. I don’t see that I don’t take my turn to rest with them every day?”

Yuanyang had a look of disbelief on his face, "Humph, I didn't blush even when I said that? I was resting in the second room the day before yesterday and wanted to take off Xiangling's skirt. Xiangling almost burst into tears. Who was quietly going to Miss Xing in the third room yesterday?

The door was blocked from the house, and you went to Zicuckoo to climb through the door again?"

This chapter has been completed!
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