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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 541 Secret Linkage, Arm

 Feng Ziying was silent.

The special nature of the Dragon Guard is self-evident.

Originally, it was a means used by the royal family to suppress and restrain civil and military officials, but as the civil servants became more and more powerful, Long Jinwei was used more and more to deal with warriors and groups in a specific direction.

Although civil servants now both hate and disdain Long Jinwei, it has to be said that following the accumulation since the pre-Ming Dynasty, Long Jinwei has had a deep foundation and abundant resources from all parties over the past hundred years.

Although generally speaking, Long Jinwei cannot use special means to deal with Shilin civil servants, it does not mean that their surveillance control over civil servants is weakened.

It can be said that the secrets of many civil servants are also in their archives, but they also know that using this method to deal with civil servants will definitely lead to strong backlash from civil servants, so they dare not use it.

Although other civil servants looked down upon such a force with contempt, Feng Ziying believed that if used well, it would be no less powerful than a Metropolitan Procuratorate or a strong army.

Of course Feng Ziying is willing to further strengthen contact with such a force. The question is what is the purpose behind the attitude shown by the other party. This is what he needs to understand.

"Wen Yan, do you think Lu Song is looking for an ally?" He asked after a long time.

"The possibility is very high." Wang Wenyan also considered every word, "Lu Song's situation is a bit difficult and embarrassing. He works for the imperial court and the cabinet recognizes him, but his attitude towards him has always been alienated. This is probably his biggest problem.

"Feng Ziying nodded silently, not only to use it, but also to guard against it, and even had some feelings of disgust and contempt. How can you make people fall in love with you like this?

It is impossible for Ye Fang and Lu Song to have a heart-to-heart relationship with Lu Song. The traditions and habits developed by civil servants for a long time are to abhor this kind of spy rule. In their view, this is more like a despicable method used by incompetent people.

Of course, they are not opposed to using this kind of power under certain circumstances, but it is absolutely impossible for them to admit that the Dragon Guard has taken the stage.

"I don't know if your Excellency has noticed that you have always had a special attitude towards Long Jinwei. In the eyes of my subordinates, your attitude towards the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is similar to that towards Long Jinwei's thousands of households. Maybe

You don’t feel this way, but your subordinates can sense it, and I believe those Dragon Guard Baihu and Fanzi feel it better.”

Feng Ziying was slightly surprised by Wang Wenyan's words. Is there any problem with this?

But if you think about it carefully, you will understand the difference.

How can Long Jinwei compare with the Metropolitan Procuratorate?

The hundred people in the Metropolitan Procuratorate are all imperial censors with Jinshi background. They are all standard scholars. After they left, everyone rushed to be officials of the fourth and fifth grades, gathering the backbone of scholars from all over the Great Zhou Dynasty.

What is a Dragon Guard?

It's just a dog of the royal family. The royal family just gave it some privileges, allowing it to accumulate some resources and become more secretive and sharp in its methods.

What the hell is it as long as it is ordered not to recognize its privileges?

Characters such as a bunch of fans and hundreds of households, in the eyes of Shilin civil servants, are just tools with no morals and virtues. They use them when they can be used, and kick them aside when they are not used. They don't even bother to touch them, for fear of

Dirty yourself.

This is an almost unified view and attitude among civil servants.

But Wang Wenyan observed that Feng Ziying's attitude towards these people was different. She did not treat them as equals, but basically gave them enough respect. When they made contributions, they also actively gave positive comments and rewarded them.

never annihilated the other party's contribution.

From this point alone, Wang Wenyan felt that Long Jinwei might feel that he was the first civil servant in the world to have such an attitude towards their Long Jinwei.

Moreover, this civil servant was the youngest and most promising top scholar in the Zhou Dynasty, who would have no problem joining the cabinet and becoming prime minister in the future. Perhaps it was his attitude that gave Lu Song some different ideas.

But the problem is that now I am just the right minister of the Ministry of War, can I deserve such "trust" from the other party?

There is also the fight between Gu Cheng and Lu Song. Is it my turn to intervene?

Will he put himself under the spotlight of Emperor Wan Tong?

Feng Ziying

He glanced at Wang Wenyan and said, "Wenyan, if Lu Song really treats me differently, I'm not sure whether it's a curse or a blessing. What do you think?"

"I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages." Wang Wenyan said after thinking deeply: "The things Long Jinwei has in his hands are too rich and thick, and not one family or one person can compare with them. I think the imperial court still underestimates Long Jin."

The things that Wei Neili hides, or maybe it's because the nobles are dismissive of these things, but adults should know that once some things are used, their effects are not simple.

"What's the disadvantage?"

"There are definitely disadvantages. For example, the civil servants may be a little disapproving of you, but you are originally from the local martial arts, and they can understand and accept it. Secondly, the important military mission requires the assistance and support of Lieutenant Long, which makes sense. The other thing is

The Emperor may be a little dissatisfied, and may even target His Majesty, but my subordinates think that if we want to cooperate with Long Jinwei, we can be more subtle and avoid exposure, or delay the exposure as much as possible. In supporting Long

When you are a forbidden captain, you can enrich your methods and borrow more of his strength..."

Wang Wenyan has obviously given serious consideration to this issue.

Being discovered by Emperor Wan Tong is definitely unavoidable, and it will only happen sooner or later. But with the leverage Wang Wenyan mentioned, and the use of other means to cover up and modify it, Feng Ziying feels that there is a lot of room for manipulation. When the time comes,

Maybe it can also confuse Emperor Wan Tong and make him think that he has received instructions from the cabinet or the Ministry of War? He is an operator after all.

After giving a clear reply to Lieutenant Long and agreeing on a suitable time, Feng Ziying threw it aside.

Definitely not meeting during the spring break, it would be too disturbing, and I also need to perform some drama before. For example, reporting to Ye Xianggao, Li Sancai and Zhang Huaichang, pretending to say something, making Emperor Wan Tong think that

I was entrusted by the Ministry of War of the Cabinet to fully cooperate with Long Jinwei.

It's not that she's afraid of what will happen to Emperor Wan Tong, it's because Feng Ziying knows that she has too many things on her butt. Not to mention her affair with Wang Xifeng and Li Wan, even if it is revealed, it's not a big deal. At most, it's just to let Jia

I feel a little disgusted with myself.

But the affair with Jia Yuanchun and Guo Qinjun cannot be exposed to the light. If it is exposed, he must firmly deny it. But if the palace is serious about investigating, it will be found that Jia Yuanchun did not sleep with Emperor Yonglong.

, where did that virginity go?

Even if Jia Yuanchun can explain it with other reasons, such as her own fault, the behavior of women who have had men and those who have not had men can be easily exposed, and the risk here is not small.

If you follow the clues, it's hard to say whether you, the "black hand" behind Jia Yuanchun's loss of virginity, will be found out. So if you can cover it up, cover it up, and if you can delay it, delay it. People have come up with methods, and there will always be countermeasures to deal with it.


Feng Ziying found that there were quite a lot of things going on in her life. Although big things happened constantly, there were even more small things.

For example, it's time to talk to the Jia family.

Jia Zheng returned to Beijing and was pardoned for his crime of rebellion, but where will the Jia family go now?

Tanchun and Xichun's marriage should also be put on the agenda.

Tanchun will be 20 this year, and she has really become an old girl. If she doesn't leave the court, she will feel "old" as a concubine. Tanchun himself is also very anxious, but his father has just returned to Beijing and was pardoned, so he can talk about it.

The Feng family was also looking forward to the marriage day and night, waiting for Feng Ziying to come over quickly to discuss the matter with her father.

Xichun is not young anymore. She is a seventeen-year-old girl. She should have gotten married long ago at this age.

And Shi Xiangyun.

Shi Xiangyun also returned to Beijing and asked someone to bring a letter to his house.

The historian Shi Ding and Shi Nai were pardoned for the crime of treason, but an investigation was launched into Shi Nai's other crimes, which also made the historian feel gloomy.

Everyone knows what this means, but they can't say it.

Shi Xiangyun asked for a meeting, and Feng Ziying certainly could not refuse.

Qin Keqing also brought a letter and wanted to meet, but this made Feng Ziying think hard.

This woman's thoughts became more and more mysterious, which made Feng Ziying a little unsure.

When I was in Xi'an, I was set up by this woman. Of course, I seemed to enjoy it, but...

But Xiang gave Qin Keqing a "handle"

But is this “handle” really a handle?

Is it harmful to yourself?

Feng Ziying didn't believe that Qin Keqing couldn't understand the reason.

It seemed more like the other party was simply helping those poor women, using this method to bind himself and force himself to help these women escape their tragic fate.

There are too many people with tragic fates in this era, and no one can help them.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, I am going back to my hometown to visit my relatives. Of course, I am not going back to the Feng Mansion where the Grand View Garden is located, but to the Jia Mansion where the Jia family is now.

I don’t know if this is still considered as a way to save relatives, but I am still a concubine in name only, so let’s forget it.

Feng Ziying had done her best and spent a "huge sum" of fifteen thousand taels on behalf of the Jia family, including Jia Zheng, Jia Zhen, Jia Baoyu, and Jia Rong, in Mingshifang in the southeast corner of the city.

A large house was purchased for them. This was a villa belonging to the Mu family of Dongping County after it was confiscated. The area was slightly smaller than Rongguo Mansion, and similar to Ningguo Mansion, but the location was slightly further away.

It is adjacent to the armor factory and Ciyun Temple in the south, and is also very close to Gongyuan in the north, which suits the wishes of the Jia family. They are now as far away from the original Jia family as possible, so as to prevent these people from looking at the Jia family.

Now that I have regained my breath, I have to come to my house again for a massage or ask to come into the house to help me out, but how can the Jia family afford it now?

Of course, they also knew that it was impossible to escape the Jia family, which numbered one or two thousand people. Sooner or later, they had to know that the Jia family had now established a foothold in Mingshifang. Those poor idlers who could not find a livelihood would slowly

They have to find it slowly, and the Jia family only hopes that there will be less, and there will be less.

This chapter has been completed!
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