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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 575 Fierce battle, take action (first update, please continue to ask for monthly votes!)

 Ma Jinbao immediately received Feng Ziying's order, and the Shenshu Camp was mobilized.

Shenshu Camp is stationed in the military camp next to Taipingcang in Jiqingfang, not too far from Xifang Guangpingku and Xichengfang Grassland in the river channel where the fifth military camp is stationed.

Fuchengmen was caught off guard, which made Ma Jinbao very angry. However, because it was a sudden attack by the Fifth Army Camp, he was caught off guard and Ma Jinbao did not understand the situation. After all, he was a migrant and did not get orders from his superiors.

He didn't dare to act rashly yet.

But after receiving Feng Ziying's order, Ma Jinbao immediately issued an order to mobilize the entire army.

Among the nearly 10,000 soldiers in the three battalions, except for one and a half battalions that were repelled and retreated from Fuchengmen, the other two battalions were full and ready to go.

According to Feng Ziying's order, the Shenshu Battalion should immediately block the line of Xinkaidao Street and Xuanwumenli Street for defense, completely cutting off the Fifth Army Battalion's retreat from attacking the palace city, forcing them to have scruples and not dare to act arbitrarily.

Xinkaidao Street runs from the west side of Deshengmen in the north to the south, connecting Xuanwumen Street in the middle to Xuanwumen. There are three main intersections in the middle, one is the intersection of Xizhimen Street and its intersection, and the other is Fuchengmen Street

At its intersection, there is another intersection where West Chang'an Street extends westward.

The Shenshu Battalion moved very quickly, and the Xizhimen Street intersection was soon controlled by it, and exchanged fire with the advancing Fifth Army Battalion. The Shenshu Battalion, which had been accurate and resolute, decisively repelled the Fifth Army Battalion.

Ministry's attack.

However, the intersection of Fuchengmen Street has long been occupied and controlled by the Fifth Military Camp. Ma Jinbao received the order to recapture the intersection of Fuchengmen Street and cut off the continuous attack route of the Fifth Military Camp towards Xihuamen.

Feng Ziying's orders were stern and there was no room for maneuver.

Ma Jinbao was a pure martial artist. He came from the northwest and knew very well that his success in reaching this point was entirely due to Feng Ziying. Without Feng Ziying's support, he could only roll back to the poor and remote area of ​​Guyuan in disgrace.

Moreover, after serving as the commander of Shenshu Camp, the military equipment was given priority to Shenshu Camp, and the replacement of uniforms and soldiers' food and salary were given priority. Based on this alone, everyone in Shenshu Camp was full of high morale and focused on this.

He achieved great success in a "counter-insurgency" campaign.

Especially after losing Fuchengmen, I felt that I had suffered a great shame and humiliation. Now that I had my superiors backing me, I was even more clamoring to avenge my previous humiliation.

Ma Jinbao personally led his troops to break through to the south along Xinkaidao Street, and the two sides fought fiercely in the area of ​​Hongluochang and Guangji Temple.

Relying on their unflinching morale and combat effectiveness, coupled with superior firearms and equipment, the Shenshu Battalion fought all the way to Fuchengmen Street before encountering the Siwei Battalion's attack from the flanks. The two sides began to attack outside Xi'an Gate.

A melee broke out in the area.

Wang Chengwu from the Shenji Battalion was the fastest to arrive. After receiving the news, they rushed from the Zhizhifang Pasture along East Chang'an Street towards Chengtian Gate. They happened to encounter the First Division of the Fifth Army Battalion coming from the west. Both sides

A fierce battle immediately started between Chengtianmen and Zhengyangmen.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chenghu's troops also came in with reinforcements from Jiudacang. In addition, the Fifth Army Camp's He Huchen Division, which had been standing still, suddenly launched a counterattack. The Xiao Kexia Division and Qu Tongsheng Division of the Fifth Military Camp on West Chang'an Street were immediately caught off guard. , forcing the second unit to retreat westward.

However, the main forces of Lei Xiangkun, Lu Mingsong, and Ye Shaofan of the Fifth Army Camp, with the support of Du Keli Department of the Fourth Guards Battalion, have broken through Lingxing Gate, Qianming Gate, and Xiyuan Gate, and directly hit Xihua Under the sect, a fierce offensive and defensive battle began with He Zhisheng's warrior camp.

"Where are Yang Zhaoji and Tu Wenxiu?" Looking at the smoke and the crackling gunshots in the sky, Feng Ziying glanced at the gradually brightening sky. The night passed in a flash, and the following day was the most difficult to bear. of.

"Master Tu's two troops were blocked in the area of ​​Zhumu Factory. Qiu Shi had already prepared and ordered Master Tu to come to reinforce Xihua Gate, but in the end, he set a trap. Master Tu led the second division just after they walked out of the military camp. Not far away, they were attacked by Xiong Jingjian and Zhao Jianqiu's troops. Fortunately, Mr. Tu took some precautions, so although he suffered some losses, he still stabilized the situation, but was trapped in the bamboo and wood factory. "

He Huchen was hit by an arrow on his shoulder. Fortunately, it hit his stomach and was lost, so it only penetrated his shoulder by an inch. After it was pulled out, it was slightly hindered, but it did not affect his command of the war.

"Taichu was held back by Qiu Shiben's personal barracks. Qiu Shiben's personal barracks were very powerful, and they were all self-made muskets and well-trained. Taichu's troops were suppressed in the area of ​​Baochan Temple and Dalong Shanhuguo Temple and were defeated. It will be very difficult to hold on without starting." He Huchen gasped and said: "Sir, if this continues, the Four Guards Camp will not be able to withstand it, and Xihua Gate will be very dangerous, and the Banner Guards over there..."

Feng Ziying shook her head, "The flag-bearing guards cannot move. Du Keli is just waiting for the flag-bearing guards to move. And I guess the emperor is also prepared in the palace. A few years ago, the emperor successively hired three or four hundred chamberlain guards. Although the cabinet vetoed some, but At least there are still two or three hundred, I guess this is all prepared by the emperor in advance, we are still a little careless."

Qiu Shiben still has some capital. These troops under him teamed up with the Four Guards Battalion to defeat He Zhisheng's Warrior Battalion, which was a little unable to withstand it. If it hadn't been for the defensive measures arranged in advance on Xihua Gate, I'm afraid it would have been defeated in one fell swoop. .

Tu Wenxiu's performance was unsatisfactory. She knew that her enemy was evil, but she still fell into a trap. However, Feng Ziying also knew that she was a little forced.

After all, Tu Wenxiu was the deputy. Before Qiu Shiben showed his rebellion, he had to obey orders. Qiu Shiben ordered him to lead the second division to dispatch in the name of suppressing the White Lotus Sect. How could he not dispatch?

The initiative lies in the hands of Qiu Shiben, who can launch an attack at any time. Tu Wenxiu was able to be attacked without being defeated, which is already very good. The Gan and Ning soldiers in the northwest were finally able to calm down and were not too embarrassed.

"Qian Guozhong's part..." Feng Ziying is really unsure about the current situation. At this time, all the troops must be used.

Qian Guozhong, the commander of Shenji Battalion, has been preparing to make adjustments, but has been unable to make a final decision.

After the two brothers Wang Chengwu and Wang Chenghu led their men into the Shenji Camp, Qian Guozhong's power was greatly weakened. Therefore, Qian Guozhong was extremely dissatisfied with this and became at loggerheads with the Wang brothers.

Dai Quan and Mei Yuexi came to see him for this, but he ignored them, but he put the adjustment on hold.

I originally planned to wait until the Kuang brothers came in with their troops before completely reorganizing the Shenji Battalion and adjusting Qian Guozhong to the guard system, but I didn't expect that Qian Guozhong's unit would actually become a victory now.

Hands down.

Wait, the Kwong brothers?

Feng Ziying suddenly felt happy, why had she forgotten this army?

Didn't the Shaanxi Guards led by the Kuang brothers arrive outside Deshengmen the day before yesterday?

They came overland, going north along the Yellow River, via Jiazhou, Fugu, and across the Yellow River from Datong.

He has been marching since the end of the year and arrived at the capital city the day before yesterday. Kuang Tiangeng came to see him. He just told him to wait. He was too busy these days and had no time to ask.

In fact, the troops that can still be mobilized are not limited to this. There are also people from the Five Cities Military and Horse Division. However, Feng Ziying, a member of the Five Cities Military and Horse Division, dare not use it easily because the reliability of this force is hard to say. The White Lotus Sect is in the Five Cities.

There are infiltrators in the city's military division and patrol camp. If I use it rashly, it might turn into a counter-attack, and it will become a big joke.

"You arrange for people to go out of Deshengmen immediately, pass my order to recruit the Shaanxi Guards of the Kuang family, and order them to immediately cooperate with Taichu to defeat Qiu Shiben's personal camp. Go, I will go to Jifeng Palace immediately!"

Jiefeng Palace is located in the northeast corner of the Forbidden City and is the most remote palace in the entire palace city.

When they arrived at Jiefeng Palace, Mei Yuexi and Dai Quan were already waiting at the palace gate.

It was obvious that both of them were in a state of panic. The sound of cannons and gunshots at the palace gate was loud, and the entire palace was in a state of extreme tension and fear.

No one knows what happened, but some people with a keen sense of smell have smelled it.

Feng Ziying looked expressionlessly at Dai Quan and Mei Yuexi up and down, and then asked unhurriedly: "I've seen Mrs. Long, Mr. Dai, but I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Master Feng has so many things to do, how could he come to a cold courtyard like ours?" Mei Yuexi sneered and glared at Feng Ziying hatefully.

The most miserable thing at the moment is Mei Yuexi and King Lu. Because they are deeply suspicious of Emperor Wan Tong, Mei Yuexi and King Lu are now surrounded by soldiers. They are in panic all day long, fearing that they will die suddenly in the city without knowing it one day.

In a certain corner.

King Lu basically doesn't dare to leave Qingtan Academy now. After all, it is still the place where the scholar's attention gathers. No matter who wants to move there, it will attract countless attention, and it is relatively safe.

Mei Yuexi had sent people to show her favor to Feng Ziying several times before, but had not received much response. Her cousin Qian Guozhong was also extremely unhappy in the Shenji Camp and was about to be deprived of his position as the commander of the Shenji Camp. He was often in front of her.

I complained, but I couldn't do anything about it.

"That's not necessarily true. Don't I often go to Xianruo Pavilion and Ciqing Palace?" Feng Ziying said confidently: "The key is that they have a correct attitude and know how to advance and retreat."

Dai Quan also smiled awkwardly. Feng Ziying was of course joking. How could he, a minister of the Ministry of War, often enter the palace? Even the guarding Shangsanqinjun could not enter the palace casually.

Xianruo Pavilion was the residence of Concubine Guo Qinyun of Tsuen after she became Dowager Concubine of Tsuen. Ciqing Palace was the residence of Su Lingyao after she became concubine and was sent away. After all, it is also within the palace city. When can Feng Ziying come in?

What's more, the emperor in the palace has changed now, and he doesn't like this one very much.

What they mean by this is that Guo Qinjun and Su Lingyao are more sensible and knowledgeable, while Mei Yuexi is ignorant and ignorant.

This chapter has been completed!
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