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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 576: Use whatever means necessary to control the situation

"Master Feng is serious." Dai Quan answered for Mei Yuexi who was still angry.

"Haha, I really didn't mean it." Feng Ziying glanced at Mei Yuexi, who was still looking at her with fierce and angry eyes. Her beautiful face did not become ugly because of the anger, but it was a little more different.

With such charm, he said leisurely: "It seems that my arrangements for Qingtan Academy are really too kind. Do you really think that the emperor's hands and feet will not be able to get involved in Qingtan Academy?"

The words "Qingtan Academy" immediately made Mei Yuexi tremble, her face suddenly changed, and she asked sternly: "Feng Keng, what do you mean?"

"Don't you understand what I mean?" Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Prince Lu is so smart and talented, and he dominates the academy. I'm afraid many people are not happy to see him like this.

Will it jeopardize the family's future opportunities? Perhaps it is safest to eliminate the trouble as early as possible."

Mei Yuexi and Dai Quan were both moved, and their expressions changed as they looked at each other. Mei Yuexi was even more impatient: "Feng Keng, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean, you don't understand? If King Lu hadn't specially arranged for me to protect Qingtan Academy, he would have died a long time ago. Do you really think that he is so blessed that no one would dare to touch him?" Feng Ziying was angry.

He turned cold and narrowed his eyes, "Think about it carefully. Don't bite Lu Dongbin. You don't know a good heart."

Dai Quan pondered for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, you are of the same mind, and we should take care of it. But this time, your Majesty is here, what can you say?"

"Of course." Feng Ziying nodded: "I intended to use Qian Guozhong, but his performance was not satisfactory. You must have heard the sound of gunfire. You are also aware of the dispute between the emperor and the cabinet, but this is not

Outsiders can intervene, so I need Qian Guozhong's attitude now."

Mei Yuexi and Dai Quan both understood the purpose and intention of Feng Ziying's visit and remained silent.

Qian Guozhong had previously vaguely revealed the emperor's intention to win over him, but he had been hesitant and undecided.

From Mei Yuexi's point of view, this is by no means a good idea. If Emperor Wan Tong wins the confrontation with the cabinet, it will only give him an advantage, and King Nalu's hope of inheriting the throne in the future will be completely shattered.

, Emperor Wan Tong would only let his sons succeed to the throne, and would never give it to Emperor Yonglong.

Now that the cabinet and Emperor Wan Tong are locked in a stalemate, at least King Lu still has some hope.

At this time, Qian Guozhong may not completely think about Mei Yuexi, even if the two are cousins, unless it is certain that King Lu will definitely succeed to the throne in the future, but who can guarantee that?

"But it's hard to have trust between Qian Guozhong and I at this time, so I need you, Concubine Long, to give Qian Guozhong a message and ask him to attack the Fifth Army Camp immediately. Then I can give him a chance..."

Feng Ziying's words made Mei Yuexi angry. She couldn't help but taunted: "So Master Feng, when you came to ask for help, you actually gave him a chance?"

Feng Ziying tilted her head slightly, glanced at Dai Quan, and then landed on Mei Yuexi's face, "If I don't give him this chance, how long do you think Qian Guozhong can be the commander of the Shenji Battalion? No matter what the outcome,

He, the commander of the Shenji Battalion, will leave, and all I can give him is another place to go. Or do you think that after the emperor has the upper hand, it will be beneficial to King Lu and you?"

With just one sentence, Mei Yuexi was speechless. In any case, once Emperor Wan Tong gained the upper hand over the cabinet, King Lu's situation would only get worse.

"If Qian Guozhong is willing to serve you, how can you give him such an opportunity in the future?" Dai Quan was more realistic. He knew very well that the court would not allow him to continue to serve as the commander of Shenji Camp.

But in exchange for working for Feng Ziying, there must be a good place to go.

Feng Ziying thought for a moment and then replied: "He will exchange places with Tu Wenxiu."

Dai Quan and Mei Yuexi exchanged glances.

This arrangement is not unacceptable.

Although Shenji Battalion is the commander, this commander only has three battalions of troops. Now brothers Wang Chengwu and Wang Chenghu of Shenji Battalion each command one battalion. In fact, Qian Guozhong can only control one battalion of his most trusted soldiers, which is better than nothing.

If you go to the Fifth Army Camp, it will be different.

Although I can only serve as a commanding officer when I go to the Fifth Army Camp, the Fifth Army Camp has an organization of twelve battalions. Even if I am a general who controls half of the troops, I still have the other half of the organization for use.

Of course, this depends on how capable Qian Guozhong is, but in any case, this gives you a stage.

"We can accept your opinion, but how can you guarantee..." Dai Quan paused, "I know that your reputation is good and your reputation is excellent, but things like this..."

Feng Ziying also knew that it was difficult to completely convince the other party in this situation. If she really turned against him after the incident, Qian Guozhong and the two people in front of him would have nothing to do.

"Then how do you want to guarantee it?" Feng Ziying couldn't think of a better way. This kind of thing all depends on mutual understanding, but he and Qian Guozhong didn't have much contact.

Mei Yuexi and Dai Quan whispered a few words before smiling sweetly: "In that case, can you please hand over the jade pendant around your waist to me, which can also be regarded as a seal. If you are..."

Feng Ziying laughed. She had been carrying the jade gem on her belt for many years. It was a gift from her mother to commemorate her coming of age. Unexpectedly, it was spotted by the sharp-eyed Mei Yuexi.

After thinking about it, Feng Ziying took off the jade jewel and weighed it in her hands: "Concubine Long, I am not used to giving personal accessories to men..."

"Then it's no problem to hand it over to me, right?" As soon as the words left her mouth, Mei Yuexi realized that there were some language errors in the words of the other party and herself. Her dimples turned red and she glared at the other party, "I will keep it for the time being. If

In the future..."

"Don't ever fail to return it to me in the future. This is something close to my heart." Feng Ziying half-smiled.

The beauty of Meiyue River, coupled with the enchanting glance, is really a bit unsettling.

Thinking back to the rumors in the palace that Mei Yuexi was as valuable as Guo Qinyun. It was the battle between the two on the bed that reduced the body of Emperor Yonglong, who was just in his early forties.

I don’t think I’m close to women anymore. I guess this is true.

Even Dai Quan felt that the style of the show had changed. Before, the two of them were fighting each other, but now they were flirting with each other.

Mei Yuexi gritted her silver teeth. They all said that Feng Keng was lustful and bold. He didn't expect it to be true. He said that he often went to Ciqing Palace and Xianruo Pavilion. Could it be that he was really with Su Lingyao and Guo Qinjun?

Someone is having an affair?

"Huh, who wants such a boring thing from you? I'm just afraid that you'll be duplicitous..." Mei Yuexi said angrily.

"Haha, you two, this token is just for peace of mind. You bring a message to Qian Guozhong. The reason why he was not used before is because he did not take the initiative to express himself. Times have changed and everyone is expressing themselves.

Fight for it. Could it be that he feels that he is the only one in the world who has the mission, so should he wear the official title? Now that I have given him a chance, it depends on how he performs, whether he is a commanding officer, or whether he is sent to a border town in the future.

, it all depends on his own ability.”

Feng Ziying took off Yujue, walked up to Mei Yuexi, took Mei Yuexi's hand and put it in her hand. Dai Quan was stunned and Mei Yuexi was ashamed and annoyed, but Feng Ziying didn't care.

Dai Quan was shocked but also had some thoughts. Feng Ziying's strong and domineering demeanor was really different. It was much better than those civil servants who were usually sanctimonious but could only make vague remarks. With this

He is more practical when he cooperates with others.

"Remember, hurry up. I want to see Qian Guozhong personally leading his divine machine battalion on the battlefield in half an hour!"

After leaving the words, Feng Ziying walked away, leaving only Dai Quan and Mei Yuexi looking at each other.

"Dai Quan, what do you think?"

Mei Yuexi held the still somewhat warm Yujue tightly in her hand, biting her red lips lightly with her white teeth, her black hair flying in the cold wind, and asked in a deep voice.

"In my opinion, Feng Keng's words can still be trusted. Even if Qian Guozhong cannot take the position of commander of the Shenji Battalion, he still has other options. On the contrary, it is the emperor's thoughts. How can we get our turn, no matter what

Whether it is King Lu or Qian Guozhong, there is absolutely no way he can accept it. Even if he is promised huge profits now, he is more likely to fall out in the future. At least Feng Keng's credibility is much stronger than the emperor."

Dai Quan's words strengthened Mei Yuexi's confidence, but she then added: "But as far as I know, Feng Ziying seems to be very close to Guo Qinyun. Although he just said that he often goes to Xianruo Pavilion, it is a lie, but Guo Qinyun

Qinjun often goes to Chongxuan Temple to stay for a while, and he once met Feng Ziying in the temple. Do you think he is more optimistic about Zhang Ji?"

Dai Quan thought for a while and shook his head: "Whether he and Princess Tsuen are just trying to make ends meet or are really optimistic about Prince Gong, I feel that they have to pass this test now, not to mention that the empress is really afraid of him and Princess Tsuen.

Do you want to fight for the concubine? At the last step, only one person can take the lead. The empress must have the determination to hold on to me and not her, in order to have a chance to win in the end. Before that, no matter what efforts you put in, it will be worth it.


Mei Yuexi seemed to hear the hidden meaning in Dai Quan's words, and was slightly moved, "Dai Quan, you are so optimistic about Feng Ziying, is he so worthy of our betting?"

Dai Quan sighed, "I don't know how many people I have come into contact with since the Supreme Emperor, but there are only a handful of people at this age who still have such courage and skill. It would only be a warrior, but he is

A civil servant, haha, a civil servant, always puts careful thought first, but often lacks a bit of decisiveness and killing spirit. But when fighting for the king and the throne, what is needed is decisive killing. Maybe he can bring us some success.

Let’s hope for something different.”

This chapter has been completed!
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