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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 578: Seeking wealth and honor in danger, fighting for three generations

 Kuang Tiangeng felt that the blood in his body was boiling.

As soon as they came across such an opportunity to perform meritorious deeds, these brothers were inexplicably excited.

Of course, Kuang Tiangeng knew that counterinsurgency and rebellion in the capital city was not easy, but as a group of rebels from Boluosi Village, he had to seize the opportunity to enter the capital and serve as a member of the Third Guards Army no matter what.

Isn't it just a joke? The Kuang brothers didn't think it was a big deal at all.

Wealth can be found in danger, who doesn't understand this truth?

A bunch of poor and untouchable people who can't even get enough to eat on the edge of Yulin and may starve to death in the loess valley at any time, can come and die in the capital city, which is a compliment to them.

Once you succeed in fighting for your life, you will be prosperous and wealthy, and your children and grandchildren will be able to stay in this capital city for the rest of their lives and change their destiny. Based on this alone, it will be worth dying ten times.

He didn't bring many people to the capital, less than two thousand, so Kuang Tiangeng also chose the best when selecting people. Those who dared to risk their lives, those who had no worries at home, some who were good at martial arts, and only a few brothers.

If someone can be selected who possesses all of these qualities, it also causes a lot of conflicts internally.

There is no way, everyone wants to come to the capital, and everyone knows that this is the best opportunity to change their destiny.

No matter what promises Kuang Tiangeng made to the remaining brothers, he still left a lot of regrets. This also made Kuang Tiangeng secretly swear that as long as there is a chance, he must let the remaining brothers sneak into the capital.

Unexpectedly, the opportunity came as soon as I entered Beijing.

As long as there are people rebelling, that would be great, especially since I heard that it was the Fifth Army who created the rebellion, that would be even better. If they are solved, the positions in the Fifth Army Camp will be vacant. Wouldn't it be for those brothers who still have endless regrets and losses?

Best chance?

Thinking of this, Kuang Tiangeng wished that the more people could rebel, the better, so that he could lead his brothers to kill everyone who could bring "establishment" for the brothers to come to Beijing in the future.

The person leading the way was Long Jinwei's man, who was very familiar with the routes in the entire city. He led a thousand and seventy-eight soldiers from the northwest from Deshengmen Street through Faxiangfang, and followed the line of Jiqingfang with great speed and invincibility.

Rushed over.

There are already some signs of chaos in the entire capital city, especially in the west half of the city. As soon as you enter from Desheng Gate, you can see thick smoke rising from the sky to the west and south. It is obvious that the rebels are starting to burn down the houses.

Create confusion.

"Master Kuang, there is a battlefield further ahead. The private battalion of the Fifth Army Camp is fighting fiercely with Master Yang's troops. These streets and alleys are in chaos. If you go further, there will be an encounter."

Even Lieutenant Long didn't dare to go any further. His swords and guns are blind, and stray bullets are lost. No matter where you are, if you don't pay attention, your life will be lost.

Kuang Tiangeng stabilized his mind and carefully looked ahead. The sound of gunfire continued, like fried beans. Among the more than a thousand people, he only had less than 300 firecrackers, and they were ordinary firecrackers. The remaining 1,500 people were stabbed.

There were 1,200 shield soldiers and 300 spear soldiers. In terms of single-round equipment, it was indeed a bit shabby, but Kuang Tiangeng felt that this might be an opportunity for him.

"Brother, what's over there?" Kuang Tiangeng asked, pointing to the Cao River to the west.

"That's the Caohe River." Fanzi replied casually, "past it is the North Bridge, then the South Bridge, and the Wanggui Bridge, which leads to the Emperor's Temple."

"Then can we rush across along the Caohe River?" Kuang Tiangeng licked his lips. He found that the defense on the Caohe River line was not tight, but the fierce fighting between the two sides on the Huangqiang North Street line was fierce. If we want to go over, he doesn't have enough troops.


"Ah? Go along the Cao River?!" Fanzi was startled, and subconsciously looked at this guy who looked a bit like a fool, "But to the west of the Cao River are the Guangpingku and Xichengfang Forage Farm, which is the camp of the Fifth Army Battalion.

, they should still have troops stationed inside. If you go there, you will most likely be attacked from two sides."

"Humph, the battle has started. I don't believe that the people of the fifth military camp can still sit and guard the camp. If there is really a battalion of soldiers inside, I admit it. If we go through Caohe, can we go around to Hong Kong?

Behind Luo Factory?" Kuang Tiangeng has a very good memory. He probably told him their respective directions, and he could remember most of them.

Fanzi thought for a while and shook his head: "No, the Hongluochang is on the east side of the street, and the Shengzuo Longchang Temple is on the west of the street. The most intense place now is the Hongluochang area, but it's on the east side of the street.

This piece.”

"Does that mean that if we capture Shengzuo Longchang Temple, we can cross the street and attack Hongluo Factory?" Kuang Tiangeng couldn't care about that much. As long as he could defeat it, he would give it a try.

"It should be possible." Fanzi nodded, "Master Kuang, you have to think carefully. If you really want to cross the Caohe River, you might be surrounded by the Fifth Army Camp. It's easier for me. I can escape by sneaking into a private house.

, you two thousand people, you may be shut down and beaten..."

Realizing that something was wrong with what he said, Fan Zi did not continue, but Kuang Tiangeng understood the meaning of his words. To beat a dog behind closed doors is to catch a turtle in an urn.

Kuang Tiangeng waved his hands nonchalantly, his voice full of bloodthirsty.

"Now that you're here, you should walk around with your head high. Otherwise, you might as well hide outside the city and live. It will be hard on you. We brothers are used to poverty and suffering. We are not afraid of death, but afraid of poverty and poverty.

This opportunity has been handed over to us, and if we don’t seize it, I guess we will regret it for the rest of our lives. Let’s go, we will have to go through dangers and seas of fire!”

Seeing that Kuang Tiangeng had made up his mind, Na Fanzi admired these soldiers from the northwest for being so brave and not afraid of death. He nodded: "Okay, you ask a group of people to follow me, walking from the east side of Caohe River, and a few people from the west side."

Keep an eye on it, and if there is a change, you can let the fire gunman block it first to gain time."

Kuang Tiangeng then raised his hand with satisfaction, "Okay, after this incident, Kuang has made you my friend, let's go!"

One thousand and eight hundred people broke up into three teams, light in front and heavy in the back, and rushed towards the south in a dark mass.

The battle between Yang Zhaoji and Qiu Shiben's barracks was quite bloody from the beginning. Both sides used the same firearms, and both were self-made blunderbuss. It can be said that this was a competition of courage and tenacity, taking place in countless houses and alleys.

, the two sides launched a desperate fight.

The battle lasted for three hours. Both sides suffered heavy losses, but it was difficult for them to achieve a decisive victory. However, the situation was very unfavorable to Yang Zhaoji. After all, the main force of the Fifth Army Battalion had surrounded Xihua Gate. As long as they entered the palace, then

The situation may take a turn for the worse.

Yang Zhaoji may not know what will happen in the end, but he knows that if he does not defeat the desperate group of soldiers in front of him, he will not be able to reinforce Xihua Gate. However, at this short distance of a thousand steps, he cannot break through.

The combat effectiveness of Qiu Shiben's personal barracks is also one of the best among the five military camps. Especially relying on such courtyards and alleys, he quickly turned this battle into the first hot weapon street battle in the history of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It is not easy for either side to achieve a decisive breakthrough. Stories of encirclement and counter-encirclement are constantly being played out, but no one can win the final blow.

This situation lasted until Kuang Tiangeng led his team to rush out from Shengzuo Longchang Temple and insert three arrows into the back of Qiu Shiben's barracks. This bloody grinding mill battle came to an end.

The guard camp obviously did not expect that a new force would suddenly stab him in the back, and this new force mainly used swords, shields and spears.

In this kind of street fighting and house fighting, the melee advantage of the sword and shield soldiers is even more highlighted. They protect themselves with their shields and open the way with their swords. However, the constraint and cumbersome shooting of the fire gun become a huge disadvantage, causing the balance of victory to quickly tilt to Yang Zhaoji's side.


The sudden collapse of the personal barracks also marked a gap in the battle situation in the entire north of Xicheng.

After Yang Zhaoji's troops and Kuang Tiangeng's troops merged, they immediately launched a fierce attack toward the flank of Xihua Gate, which also caused signs of disorganization and loosening of the Fifth Army Camp that was fighting fiercely with Tu Wenxiu's troops.

Sensing that something was wrong with the situation, Qiu Shi could only mobilize a reserve team to intercept this new force coming out from behind, but the opportunity was lost.

Seeing that the attack had slowed down, He Zhi was victorious and his spirits were boosted. Fortunately, He Huchen's troops had timely reinforcements, otherwise the Xihua Gate would have been lost long ago.

Even so, facing a rebel attack that was four or five times his own, He Zhisheng had faced such a battle even in Ganzhou, and he still felt a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, at the last moment, the enemy's morale was dampened and the offensive slowed down, allowing him to survive this hurdle.

Qian Guozhong had already led his headquarters to the front line of Baochao Division, only a few feet away from Xihua Gate. However, in the face of Qiu Shiben's increasingly urgent urging, he never joined the battle.

It wasn't until now that he made up his mind.

So what if Qiu Shiben and the others capture Xihua Gate? The Warrior Battalion can still retreat to the imperial wine room and Wuying Hall to continue fighting to delay the attack.

Qian Guozhong could see that the morale of the Fifth Army Camp was visibly declining.

They kept shouting "Qing the emperor and punish the treacherous ministers", but the emperor never showed up, which also brought a great psychological burden to the soldiers of the Fifth Army Camp.

You must know that they are attacking the palace, and they are fighting against the warrior battalion of the Third Guard Army. Even if the Fourth Guard Battalion joins their side, it will still be difficult for the soldiers to relax.

At this point, the battle had not even taken Xihua Gate, and the emperor did not show up. Qian Guozhong knew that there was no good choice left. If he did not make a choice, he would not be given a chance.

Following Qian Guozhong's roar, the Shenji Battalion suddenly launched a fatal blow from the south wing to the "friendly forces" who were attacking Xihua Gate, which immediately led to the collapse of the entire Siwei Battalion.

The Fourth Guards Battalion itself has the weakest combat effectiveness. It relies solely on its familiarity with the terrain to assist the Fifth Army Battalion in fighting. However, it was directly destroyed by this knife in the back, and the Fifth Army Battalion was directly brought down.

This chapter has been completed!
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