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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 594 Introduction, Path

"It's reasonable for her to want to go back to her parents' home to visit her father. It's okay to follow us. We can take care of each other."

Feng Ziying was thinking about how to change the topic. Yuanyang was too smart and always wanted to find out something, but she couldn't say too much.

"Master, Miss Yun is here." Ping'er came in, looked at this group of people, and couldn't help but pout.

"Ah? Girl Yun is here?" Feng Ziying felt a headache again.

It was another matter that the Shi family had not yet finished handling. Feng Ziying did not want to go to the Ministry of Punishment because of her relationship with Liu Yishui, lest the other party would always try to make trouble with her on some issues.

But the Shi family's affairs must be settled eventually, otherwise Shi Xiangyun will not be able to get through.

Taking Feng Ziying's idea, he simply dragged him to Dali Temple. Cao Yubian would give him some face, and he could settle the matter in Dali Temple without getting entangled in the Ministry of Punishment.

There are still many things that need to be settled or dealt with before leaving, and Feng Ziying doesn't like to put them off until later and have to rush around again.

No matter how difficult it is, you have to face it anyway. Feng Ziying thinks that she is not the kind of person who is afraid of getting into trouble, but when it comes to women, she always cuts things off and creates chaos.

"What are you talking about? Sun Shaozu came to your historian?" Feng Ziying was surprised, "He wants to resume his engagement with you?"

Feng Ziying was quite surprised. This Sun Shaozu was a bit brave. He knew clearly that Shi Xiangyun had an engagement with him. Even if he married her as his concubine, it was still an engagement. Why did he still want to stage a "fighting for love"?

Is it because he felt that he had engaged in a "chopping knife to seize love" situation before, and now he was going to retaliate in the same way and "crowd a knife to seize love" to take it back?

Feng Ziying didn't think this guy would be so unwise, and it was a bit weird to do this.

"It doesn't seem to mean that. I just went to the third uncle to talk about the circumstances of the break-up of the engagement. The implication was that this marriage was a pity, it was destined but not destined, etc. The third uncle was not sure what he meant. You also know that nowadays Shijia

In such a situation, I dare not offend others at will..."

Shi Xiangyun shook his head, "So he brought the words to me. I didn't understand what the other party meant..."

"Didn't your third uncle say that you and I were engaged?" Feng Ziying asked again.

"I said it, but they didn't say they wanted to resume the engagement, not to mention that it was terminated by the Ministry of Rites." Shi Xiangyun was still a little shy. She always felt uncomfortable facing the so-called "ex-fiancé" and subconsciously didn't want to deal with him. "

It’s just that I don’t know what his intentions are when he comes to our house.”

Feng Ziying pondered, "What else are you talking about?"

"Well, I also said some words of blessing and regret. All in all, it was so cloudy that I couldn't understand it." Shi Xiangyun shook his head, "These words were also conveyed by my third uncle. I don't know if there are any changes in them."

Feng Ziying slowly figured out that Sun Shaozu might have some ideas, but he couldn't get in. Was he going to use Shi Xiangyun's engagement as a hook to hook him up?

Feng Ziying was not sure whether her suspicion was correct, but if not, it would be difficult to explain what Sun Shaozu wanted to do.

Although Sun Shaozu is now in despair, if he wants to remarry, he can find a girl from a good family without any problem, so why do he have to come to the historian for advice?

For people like him, beauty is not important, and the historians are now completely in decline and are of no use to him. No matter how he looks at it, he should not want to continue the relationship. Such weird behavior can only be understood as

He just needed to find a hook to set up a connection. After all, he had almost no dealings with him, and he didn't have a good impression of him. It would be difficult for him to approach him directly.

For Sun Shaozu, his current situation is very embarrassing.

In terms of age, he is only forty years old. Compared with people in their fifties such as Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng, he is unwilling to completely retire now.

Moreover, the Sun family cannot compare with the Niu Wang family. The Sun family is a serious eight-hundred-year-old Conglong martial artist. Although the Wang family is slightly inferior to the Niu family, their ancestors served as captains and governors when the dynasty was first established. They are equally prominent.

The Sun family is just a little Wuxun family, far from it.

In Datong before, to be honest, Sun Shaozu did a good job.

A deputy commander could pull half of the people of Datong Town to run with him. Even though he had the support of Niu Jizong, it was enough to show that Sun Shaozu was very skillful and could win over many people.

After falling to Nanjing, the few battles he fought with the imperial army were remarkable. In Shandong, facing Sun Chengzong, You Shilu and others, they were not helpless. At least in Feng Ziying's eyes, this person still had some ability.

Yes, it's just that I was born at the wrong time and had bad luck.

Maybe this guy is really unwilling to sit still now, so he came up with this idea to hook himself up?

Now it seems that he has really succeeded. At least Shi Xiangyun came to talk to him, so that he has some impressions of this person in his mind, and even considers his intentions. Isn't this a success?

However, if you want to make yourself feel that you are "stealing love with a knife" and feel a little guilty, and you want to make up for him, then the other party may be thinking too much, and Sun Chengzong must not be so brainless.

Shi Xiangyun was still there wringing the sweat towel with his hands, his face full of anxiety. Sometimes he looked up at Feng Ziying, who was thinking deeply, and sometimes he lowered his head and pursed his lips. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Feng Ziying saw it interestingly, walked over and held Shi Xiangyun's hand.

Shi Xiangyun was startled, and subconsciously looked around, then realized that this was Feng Ziying's study, and it was impossible for outsiders to come in at this time. He felt relieved, and his panic subsided slightly, and he felt great pity for Feng Ziying.

This girl is also a hard-luck person. Both her parents died when she was young, and the two uncles she followed were not very good. Fortunately, she still has an aunt to take care of her, but she can't get rid of this and becomes the egg of the whole family under the general trend of the historian.

What would have been her fate if she hadn't intervened?

There is no clear explanation of her ending in the book "Dream of Red Mansions". Based on the judgment, red scholars inferred that she seemed to have married Wei Ruolan, but soon became a widow and lived alone. However, the 1987 version of "Dream of Red Mansions"

Shi Xiangyun wrote that she had become a prostitute on a boat. All in all, it was very desolate.

To Feng Ziying, this is a living girl of flesh and blood. In front of her like this, of course she has the responsibility to let her live a beautiful and happy life.

Taking Xiangyun's hand, Feng Ziying said softly: "Okay, sister, there is nothing to worry about. Brother Youwei is here, who can do anything to you? Whether it is Sun Shaozu or anyone else, they will not think about your back.

It's me, whatever you want to do, you have to do it to me, sister, just push it to me."

Xiangyun also stood up, and the two of them held hands, the beauty was moved, her beautiful eyes were full of emotion, "My little sister is lucky enough to be pitied by her brother, she has no regrets in this life, but I beg you to hold the scarf..."

Feng Ziying looked at the delicate flowers in front of her, with deep affection between her eyebrows. She couldn't bear it anymore. She held up Shi Xiangyun's plump cheeks and kissed her gently. Her tongue was smooth and affectionate. She was panting. For a moment, everything in the study was still.

When they came down, there was only a scene of two people kissing.

It's not that Shi Xiangyun has never been so intimate with Feng Ziying, but today he was particularly sensitive and emotional.

He was still in a daze until Feng Ziying played with his chest and felt a bit of coolness. Then he suddenly woke up and found himself sitting in Feng Ziying's arms. His clothes were half unbuttoned and his belt was lightly loose, and he was almost touching his sword and shoes.

Feng Ziying hurriedly covered most of her naked breasts, a pair of towering mutton-fat jade breasts, and was so embarrassed that she almost cried out. Seeing that Shi Xiangyun was really embarrassed, Feng Ziying quickly hugged her and gave her some gentle words of relief, vowing to say that she was divorced.

Jing had to marry her before, so Shi Xiangyun slowly relieved his shame and calmed down.

Now that she had promised, Feng Ziying no longer struggled, and went to the Ministry of Punishment to urge Han Xu to help deal with the affairs of the Shi family, as long as she was not involved with Shi Xiangyun.

It was really impossible to hand it over to Dali Temple. Feng Ziying was confident that Cao Yubian could make the decision in a few seconds, so that he could marry Shi Xiangyun earlier.

To be honest, he really wanted to taste the beauty he had been in love with for a long time between the beds.

Shi Xiangyun's personality is somewhat similar to Tanchun's, but he is more bold and generous, but also a little rough. Tanchun's boldness is a bit meticulous and serious.

With Feng Ziying's promise and an agreed date, Shi Xiangyun was satisfied and waited for good news.

But for Feng Ziying, what's more important is that he still has to weigh Sun Shaozu's thoughts and ideas.

Then let's meet.

After passing the news, Sun Shaozu, who was idle in the Governor's Mansion of the Fifth Army, was immediately moved.

That's right, he doesn't care about his marriage to Shi Xiangyun at all.

At first, he just wanted to leverage Shi Jia's influence in the towns of Xuanda and Da. Now Shi Jia has long been a dead dog and his influence is gone. Even if Shi Xiangyun came to his door, he would not even look at it.

Now he is only thinking about how to make a comeback.

Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng were so old that they could take care of themselves and wait for death, but Sun Shaozu couldn't. He was only forty years old and in the prime of his life. It was definitely not what he wanted to hang around in the Governor's Mansion of the Fifth Army every day and wait for death.

But the problem is that it is not easy to find a way to come back. He has never had any friendship with Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong, and now that he is saddled with this crime, it is even more difficult to come back.

Maybe the only chance lies with Feng Ziying, but how to get in touch with Feng Ziying?

Sun Shaozu also took great pains to come up with Shi Xiangyun's introduction.

At any rate, because of Shi Xiangyun, the two of them had some kind of relationship. One was an ex-fiancé and the other was taking a concubine. It didn’t matter what kind of relationship this was, but at least they could talk to each other.

It's better than not being able to fight with eight poles. With this connection, you can send a message and see if they don't respond.

God paid off, and the other party finally responded, which also meant that the other party understood what he meant and did not reject him. This was a good sign.

This chapter has been completed!
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