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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 678 Xu Qi, Confrontation with the Western Front

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Hu Erhan was filled with emotion when he crossed the Great Wall.

This was originally the most important defense system used by the Liaodong Army to resist the Mongols and Jianzhou Jurchens. However, with the fall of Anle Prefecture, Tielingwei and Shenyang, this defense system that consumed countless manpower and material resources from the Ming Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty was completely lost.


Now the two armies are defending each other about thirty miles apart on this city wall. Small groups, ranging from three to five people to more than ten people, are engaged in close combat with scouts and hand-to-hand combat almost every day, but they no longer have much influence on the overall situation.

's influence.

Starting today, with the entry of this army into the battle, the entire battlefield will undergo drastic changes.

This long journey was too arduous, more than any previous march, but Hu Erhan was proud that everyone carried it. Although there were many people who died of illness and drowning, but for more than 15,000 people,

Compared to this large army, it is insignificant. The key is that our own army arrived as scheduled.

A night's rest boosted the morale of the entire army and made them eager for the upcoming battle, which was exactly what Hu Erhan wanted to see.

Hu Erhan was very satisfied with the perseverance and bravery displayed by this group of wild Jurchen soldiers.

During the twenty-day long journey, the guy maintained quite good physical strength while marching in the mud, ice and snow. Although he could not compare with the Jianzhou Army in terms of discipline, it exceeded Hu Erhan's previous expectations.

Lanpu River and the border wall are only adjacent to each other. Crossing the frozen Lanpu River, you can see the Great Wall in less than a hundred steps. This line has been firmly controlled by Jianzhou, so when Hu Erhan led his army across here, it was also full of people.


From then on, the Zhou army could no longer use this barrier to stop the Jianzhou army from galloping across the country. After this battle, Hu Erhan also firmly believed that the Jianzhou army could capture most of the entire eastern Liaoning in one fell swoop, leaving only the narrow western Liaoning corridor.

There is no need to worry, it is also a matter of time to deal with the Guangning guards.

"Sajiala, this is the border wall that the Zhou Dynasty relied on to defend Liaodong. It has been completely occupied by our Jianzhou. In the past, if we wanted to break through here, we would have to sacrifice countless lives and shed countless blood, but now everything is under our control.


Looking at the tall man in the bearskin vest and tiger head hat in front of him, Hu Erhan said with admiration, "Going from here, going to the east is the Changyong Fort we have conquered, and to the southeast is the battlefield. The Zhou army may fight with us on the line of the Hun River.

Fighting, what, are you afraid?"

"Haha, Lord Hu'erhan, it's not like we haven't fought before. Didn't we fight with you in Jianzhou countless times in the earliest days? The Zhou army has never seen it, but since hundreds of thousands of Jianzhou Jurchens can compare what you said,

Da Zhou, who is dozens of times bigger than the Jianzhou Jurchens, was beaten like this. We don't believe how strong they can be. Maybe they can just defeat them in one battle?" Sajiala's words were always so straightforward that it didn't make sense, but Hu Erhan didn't care.

No matter how the savage Jurchens struggled with the Jianzhou Jurchens in the past, now the savage Jurchens have joined Jianzhou. Now we are all a family. There is only one enemy that needs to be faced, and that is the Great Zhou Army. The key is to defeat the Great Zhou Army in front of them.

The only goal for everyone.

"Sajiala, never underestimate your opponents. Although the Zhou army is generally weak, their weapons are quite sophisticated. You have also seen their firearms. They are equally indestructible. It is a pity that these weapons will be mastered by them, but we can use our

We have the courage to seize, conquer, and get everything we want, whether it is weapons, iron tools, or population..."

Hu Erhan did not stop Sajiala's arrogance. At this time, morale could not be lowered, but when the actual battle came, he would remind the opponent.

Sajiala wiped his beard nonchalantly: "Master Huerhan, weapons alone cannot solve the problem. I will use the bravery and fighting skills of our Jurchens to prove to these Han people. They are timid and timid and can only put on airs. Really

When it comes to fighting, they can't..."

Hu'erhan won't say anything more on this topic. Some things must be experienced in person to understand. Fortunately, with him here, it's not Sajiala's turn to make his own decisions. Of course, it's okay if he wants to be arrogant within the scope of his power.

, maybe it is a good thing to fully unleash the combat power of the Savage Jurchens. As long as this battle can be won, it is not an unacceptable result that the Savage Jurchens will suffer more losses.

Watching the long queue slowly crossing the Great Wall, Hu Erhan pressed the saber on his waist with satisfaction and turned his head to the east. Changyong Fort was in sight, but he would not go to Changyong Fort, but would directly cross the Hun River.

, enter the battlefield.

He knew that the Zhou army might not have noticed the appearance of his army yet, but once they crossed the border wall, everything would be difficult to cover up. Soon the Zhou army's horse scouts would be able to discover the anomaly here and quickly pass the news to the Zhou army.

But by this time, it was no longer important. Even if Zhou Jun knew about this situation, it would be difficult to react.

In just thirty miles, it can be crossed in half a day. Half a day may be enough for the Zhou army to make some emergency adjustments and responses, but how many troops can they mobilize to resist? Fei Yingdong is not a fool. He has already been preparing for it.

Waiting, once there is any change in the frontal battlefield, he will not hesitate to press all the troops up, and may even achieve a breakthrough.

Can the Zhou army, which was hastily mobilized to fight, be able to withstand the impact of his own army? Hu Erhan was full of confidence. This was a God-given opportunity. If the Zhou army was really blind and wanted to block the road and die, he would certainly not hesitate to add to his military exploits.

A stroke of intense ink and color.

Just when Hu Erhan led his army through the city wall and prepared to enter the battlefield, Heiyunlong also began to set up defenses along the line along the Hun River.

The 6,000 men in his hands are not the most elite of the Liaodong Army, but they can be regarded as veterans who have been with him for many years. They have been gradually changing their weapons and weapons since last year. Currently, he only retains 1,000 spearmen and 500 sword shields.

The remaining soldiers have been replaced by firecrackers, including heavy firecrackers of 1,200 people, and an artillery team of 300 people.

Sixty squatting tiger cannons plus twenty long-barreled heavy cannons were Heiyunlong's greatest confidence. Especially since the long-barreled heavy cannons had just arrived and had only been tested with special chain ammunition, he was particularly concerned.

On the frozen hard ground, the lethality of this chain bullet is no matter whether it is against cavalry or infantry. Compared with the original ordinary artillery shells, its power is doubled in long-distance strikes.

Of course, the incoming Jianzhou Army is definitely not weak in terms of quantity or combat effectiveness, and this kind of war is a life-and-death fight. The opponent definitely has no retreat, only a desperate fight, and it is still unclear who will win. As for the specially allocated troops,

He did not attach too much importance to the two thousand reserve troops plus the governor's personal troops.

When his main force cannot withstand it, how effective can these two thousand men be? He would never place his hopes on a team that he did not personally control and understand.

The Hun River has been frozen for a long time and can be crossed along the line, but this is the only line that can really allow the majority of the Jianzhou Army to cross.

Of course, there is an exception if the Jianzhou Army is willing to go around the line outside the forest and enter the battlefield from the front of Changyong Fort, but then it will lose the suddenness of the surprise attack, and entering the battlefield from the front will also make its army and Fei Yingdong's main force join together.

Together, how to deploy it is also a problem, and it is far less effective than attacking and breaking the formation from this side.

But the ensuing problem is that if the Jianzhou Army wants to penetrate the Zhou Army's defense line from the flank, it depends on whether it can perform on the line of defense along the Hun River.

However, the problem facing Heiyunlong is that although the direction of the Jianzhou Army's attack can be roughly estimated, the defensive area along the Hun River is too large. If 6,000 people spread out, they would not be able to cover it completely.

If the defense is deployed, there is no way it can withstand the full-scale attack of the Jianzhou Army.

If you want to reduce the scope of defense, you can only retreat, that is, retreat to this flat area about eight miles away from the shore of the Hun River.

But the terrain of this line is too flat. The cavalry of the Jianzhou Army can give full play to its advantages and have a strong impact on their own defense line. More importantly, this line is quite close to the main battlefield over there. Once

The Jianzhou Army broke through the defense line from depth. It can be said that the main battlefield had a very short time to react, or it was almost impossible to make many effective changes in formation and could only retreat immediately.

Even those who have never fought should be aware of what an immediate retreat without preparation will bring about.

That is a defeat, and it is an irreversible defeat. It is tantamount to suicide for the entire war situation and even the army itself.

Looking deeply at this line, Heiyunlong also fell into a difficult choice.

If we set up defenses along the line of the Hun River, we will definitely not be able to defend it. It is indeed too wide. Besides, Hei Yunlong has confidence in his subordinates, but confidence beyond the scope of his influence is suicide.

But if we retreat to this line of flat land sandwiched between high ridges on both sides, the advantage of the enemy's cavalry will be fully demonstrated. Can we withstand the opponent's charge? In addition, how should we deal with the flank attack?

Hei Yunlong has no habit of asking his superiors for instructions. Since this line of work has been left to him and he is more familiar with the situation, it should be his own responsibility to make decisions.

We can only defend this piece of flat land, the time given to us is too short, and the frozen land does not give us much time to dig and build forts and trenches. What's more, the high ridges on both sides are far apart, making it difficult to completely seal this place.

On the front line, we can only respond based on the situation of the incoming enemy, but it is necessary to set up a blocking point in the center.

Set up camp right here.

Once determined, Heiyunlong no longer hesitated and immediately went all out. The soldiers began to set up fences and camps along this line to maintain the defensive advantage against the incoming enemy as much as possible.

This chapter has been completed!
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