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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 701 The crushing force, the mantis's arm acts as a chariot

 Chu Ying's calmness and indifference made Nurhachi feel more and more sure, but now he could not find a suitable reason to refute the other party.

As Chu Ying said, if the knife board and the fish meat do not surrender, are they waiting to be completely annihilated?

Even if some of them escape and go to the Wojibu territory, will the Wojibu accept their group?

Just because we were friendly with the Jianzhou Jurchens in the past, doesn't mean that we are still willing to get into trouble now, or is there another snare waiting for people like us?

Looking at the silent people around him, Nurhachi felt more and more that the scenery in front of him was sometimes clear and sometimes blurry. He wanted to say something, but he felt his breath was tight and his heartbeat was tight. He opened his mouth several times but could not speak, until Abahai arrived.

Suddenly he noticed something strange about the man next to him, and he shouted in horror: "Dahan, Dahan, what's wrong with you?"

This voice woke everyone up, and they all started to care. However, at this time, Nurhaci did not have much energy to respond to these people's "concern". He could only wave his hands to express that he needed to rest.

He Heli and others had no choice but to leave the tent together with Chu Ying and others.

He Heli felt that Chu Ying had changed a lot. During the two years of confinement, Chu Ying had only become calmer, but his unruly and arrogant nature had not changed. He still felt that the Great Khan and others like him were sorry for him.

However, these two months of being held captive seemed to have suddenly made Chu Ying feel like she had been reborn. Not only was her thinking clearer and wiser, but she also spoke in a clear and logical manner. It was not exactly as she had initially guessed whether she was captured by someone named Feng.

Got fooled.

In comparison, Huang Taiji, whom everyone was unanimously optimistic about, seemed a lot more immature and impulsive than Chu Ying.

"He Heli, Fei Yingdong, Anfei Yanggu, Hu Erhan, Dahan needs to rest now. His current body is not suitable for worrying about too many things. I'm afraid he won't be able to survive for too long if he continues like this. Let's find a place to discuss it.

, how about it?" Chu Ying casually suggested to the few people who had been silent: "The Jurchens in Jianzhou do not belong to our Aixinjueluo family, and the fate of tens of thousands of people cannot be decided by one person's words.

, especially at this time, the right way is to gather the wisdom of everyone and find a wiser path."

Chu Ying's tone was a bit difficult for He Heli and others to accept, but they had to admit that what the other party said was reasonable. With Da Khan's current situation, Da Zhou may not be so patient if it continues.

The group of people finally walked to another big tent at Chu Ying's suggestion.

"What do you mean? You might as well bring it up. I have just expressed my intention. Amin and Zasaktu have been with Da Zhou longer and know more about Feng Keng. If you have any questions,

If you want to ask, you might as well ask him. By the way, Zasaktu, go and call Abai and Netu. They have stayed in Han for so long, so they should be very familiar with the situation in the Zhou Dynasty, and they can also serve as

refer to."

Chu Ying gave instructions to Zasaktu casually, and Zasaktu was a little reluctant, but he still nodded and went out.

Soon Abai and Netu came over, followed by Tang Gugu and Abate.

Seeing that Tang Gugu and Abatai also came over, Chu Ying didn't care, "The fourth and seventh children are here too? It's good, they all come to discuss the matter, so as not to be ignorant and not know anything about the situation outside.


"Everyone, everyone is almost here, let's talk about what to do now." Chu Ying looked at He Heli and Fei Yingdong, "Lao San, please tell me, you have stayed in Han for so long,

I know the best, Netu, you can also tell me."

He Heli, Fei Yingdong, Anfei Yanggu and Hu Erhan exchanged glances before saying: "Chu Ying, the Great Khan has never said anything about this before. Now you are back, and you have learned from Da Zhou."

Come over here, can you tell me what Da Zhou means?"

Chu Ying shook his head: "Feng Keng didn't say much. He only said that the Jurchens in Jianzhou didn't want to exterminate their tribe, so they should surrender as soon as possible. The Zhou Dynasty had no intention of adopting an extermination policy against any tribe unless they were seeking death, like the four tribes in Haixi and the Jurchens in East China Sea.

Including the Mongolian tribes on the grassland, the Great Zhou Dynasty adopted an inclusive policy. According to Feng Keng, the Great Zhou Dynasty would restore the jurisdiction of Nuergandu in the former Ming Dynasty and restore the jurisdiction of the Guannai Road in the former Tang Dynasty. Therefore, in the future

What will happen? I only know this rough idea..."

He Heli, Fei Yingdong and others couldn't help but sneer. They didn't know what was going on in the former Tang Pass, but they knew the territory of Nuer Gandu Division.

The Jurchens in the East China Sea and even places farther north have been governed, how can they do it?"

Chu Ying glanced at He Heli and others, half-smiling: "Amin, Zasaktu, you have stayed in Dazhou for so long and have had many contacts. Please tell us about the railway tracks being built by Dazhou from Anshanyi to Liaoyang, and

They talk about it, lest the frog in the well is still intoxicated..."

Amin swallowed his saliva and briefly introduced the rail transportation situation from Anshanyi to Liaoyang, talking about the transportation capacity and speed. Everyone who heard this was dumbfounded and unbelievable.

"They are all laid on the ground with rails, for dozens of miles? Is Da Zhou crazy? Aren't they afraid that people will secretly take down these rails at night, hide them, and sell them later?" Hu Erhan was the first to shout.

"It's not very clear, but this railway track was indeed laid between Anshanyi and Liaoyang City. There are many horse-drawn carts running on it every day from Anshanyi to Liaoyang, and every time

It can transport tens of thousands of kilograms of goods, covering a distance of sixty miles, and can arrive in less than two hours."

At this time, Amin didn't have much emotion in his tone, but when he saw this scene, he was no less shocked than the people in front of him now.

He watched it many times and even rode it himself. It was smooth and stable, with no bumps. The speed and comfort were far better than the bumpy carriages on the post road that made people sick.

"Do they have so much cargo to transport?" Amfiyangu asked from another angle.

"Anshanyi is now the largest iron smelting workshop in Dazhou in Liaodong. It produces up to 10,000 kilograms of iron every day. Some of it is sent to Liaoyang, and the other part is used to make rails. Now it is paving the three roads from Anshanyi to Niuzhuang.

The track at Chahekou is expected to be laid the year after next. By then, I heard that it can be reached from Niuzhuang to Liaoyang in a day and a night, but now you can't even do it in less than five or six days."

Even though he had seen it a long time ago, when he thought about it now, Amin couldn't help but smacked his lips. There are hundreds of miles of railway tracks, how heavy they are. No one in Jurchen in Jianzhou has ever seen so much iron in their lives.

It was paved on the ground and used as a road by Da Zhou. What a luxury it was.

"Not only iron materials can be transported, but also grain, wood, and cement can be transported using special horse-drawn carts, and even soldiers can be transported. One carriage can transport 200 soldiers from cattle in one day.

Zhuang to Liaoyang, if this kind of railway track is built from Liaoyang to Anlezhou in the future, it can be transported within one day. They only need to change horses in the middle. Then the horses waiting to pull the cart, haha, how much is it worth?..."

Chu Ying added: "In this case, how meaningful is the cavalry mobility that our Jianzhou Jurchens are most proud of? It turns out that this place is far away from the Han people's cities, and their supplies cannot keep up, but

Now it has been broken and shortened all of a sudden. The Han people can continue to migrate to places that they thought were far away, and all kinds of materials can be transported in a steady stream. Therefore, Father Khan is still wallowing in the past.

Even if he deceives himself, I can’t bear to break his illusions.”

Although they said it harshly, Hu Erhan, Fei Yingdong and others knew very well that if what Amin and Chu Ying said were true, then the world would have really changed dramatically, and everything would no longer be like before.

The Great Zhou completely used their unimaginable manufacturing capabilities to conquer the world, and popularized such unimaginable things as using expensive iron materials to pave roads. Who else would dare to fight against them?

Fei Yingdong looked at Abai, "Abai, whether what Amin and Chu Ying said is true, have you ever heard it in Dazhou?"

Abai's face was solemn, and he thought for a moment before saying: "I did hear in the capital that this kind of railway track is also being laid in Yongping Prefecture, from Yuguan Port to Lulong, but the progress is not as fast as in Liaodong.

, but such a thing does exist..."

Fei Yingdong got the confirmation and felt a chill in his heart.

In this way, Amin and Chu Ying did not join forces to deceive them. This kind of thing does happen. If this kind of railway track is really laid on the land of Liaodong, for example, it is laid directly to Hetuala, without the constraints of logistical support,

So why can the Jianzhou Jurchens compete with the Great Zhou Dynasty?

There was another burst of silent suffocation and depression. Everyone was now exhausted and didn't know what to say.

"In that case, Chu Ying, what do you mean?" An Feiyanggu asked dully.

"I have only one purpose. As the Han people say, those who know the current affairs are heroes. The current situation is like this. If we don't accept the reality, it will be the road to annihilation. We surrender now. At least our people can survive. Everything will be done with Mr.

As for the future, who can tell clearly what will happen in the future? Maybe ten or twenty years later, the Zhou Dynasty will be like the Beiyuan Dynasty, with many people rebelling against their relatives and many heroes rising up.

Now, if you haven’t tasted it, you won’t have a chance.”

This was what Feng Ziying said to Chu Ying. Although he didn't know Feng Ziying's true intention when he said this, Chu Ying believed it.

Before, Father Khan didn’t conquer the world with thirteen pairs of leather armors. In just a few decades, he had such a great situation as the previous two years. Who could have imagined?

Chu Ying's words also aroused everyone's reflection. Yes, who can tell clearly what will happen in ten or twenty years? Don't the Han people also say that they will be a good man again after eighteen years?

So what if I have to endure hardships for twenty years?

This chapter has been completed!
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