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Chapter 2689: Gui Zi Scroll, start, enter the game

 After talking a lot about military affairs, Feng Ziying also focused on the construction of the Army Officer School and the Navy Officer School and the next steps.

As the second assistant, it is also necessary to listen to the introduction in this aspect, and Guan Yingzhen is also happy to hear about these aspects.

Gu Bingqian's performance was not very good, and Guan Yingzhen was not very optimistic about it.

If this situation continues, Guan Yingzhen doesn't think Gu Bingqian can stay in this position of chief assistant for too long.

The discord between Huang Ruliang and Gu Bingqian has become more and more obvious. They have been using their wealth in the wrong way for a long time, and now the contradiction is becoming more obvious.

Once this kind of conflict intensifies to the point where it becomes difficult to bridge, the only result will be the departure of one person.

Gu Bingqian is also constantly wooing and winning over people, but his foundation is not strong. In comparison, Huang Ruliang, who has won almost most of the network resources of Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe, is much more stable.

The original decision to let Gu Bingqian take over was based on the fact that he was the second assistant and had a good relationship with Qi Yongtai. In addition, it turned out that Emperor Yonglong had always recognized Gu Bingqian, so he made this arrangement. Now it seems that this arrangement should be a mistake.

But now that Qi Yongtai has retired due to illness, it doesn't make much sense to talk about it anymore.

Once Gu Bingqian can no longer do his job, Guan Yingzhen believes that he should take over as a matter of course, but will Huang Ruliang agree?

Perhaps he would feel that with the support of Jiangnan scholars, it would be more appropriate for him to take over. After all, there is still a considerable gap in influence between Huguang scholars and Jiangnan scholars, and the Zhou Dynasty has never had a Huguang scholar for a hundred years since its founding.

The position of chief assistant has always rotated between scholars from the south of the Yangtze River and scholars from the north.

This is also Guan Yingzhen’s biggest worry.

In the last round, Qi Yongtai, a scholar from the north, took over as the first assistant. If Gu Bingqian, a scholar from the south of the Yangtze River, did not complete his term, then maybe Huang Ruliang felt that it was his turn to succeed him.

Under this situation, Guan Yingzhen also had to consider how he would respond if Huang Ruliang had to compete with him for the position of chief assistant if such a situation occurred.

According to the rules established by Qi Yongtai when he retired from office, unless there are special circumstances, the chief minister will be selected from among the ministers of the previous cabinet. After one or two candidates are determined, the ministers will vote to determine the candidate.

The reason why it is said to be one to two is because if there is a dispute, a consensus cannot be reached in the cabinet.

If a unanimous opinion is formed in the cabinet, then a vote of confidence will be directly given to the important ministers.

With more than half of the votes of confidence, he will be directly confirmed as the first assistant.

If the vote of confidence is less than half, then he will definitely not be the first assistant, and another candidate will need to be determined.

If there are two candidates, it will be a matter of voting by the ministers, and the one with more votes will be elected as the chief minister.

Guan Yingzhen can be sure that Huang Ruliang will definitely not withdraw from the competition for the first assistant, so he will definitely face Huang Ruliang's challenge in the future first assistant vote.

Jiangnan scholars naturally had an advantage among important ministers, such as the Five Temple Ministers, the General Affairs Secretary, the Imperial Censor, the Deputy Imperial Envoy, and the Eight Ministers and Ministers, a total of thirty-four people, plus

There are five cabinet ministers and Shuntian Prefecture Yin, a total of forty people. If the votes of the two are equal, the chief minister's one vote can be counted as two votes.

Among them, the number of Jiangnan scholars was quite large, only the Beidi scholars could rival them, and there were only five or six Huguang scholars.

If only the scholars in Huguang support him, Guan Yingzhen knows that he will definitely lose. But if he can win the support of some important officials among the scholars in Beidi, then he will be more confident.

In addition to the scholars from Beidi, Jiangnan and Huguang, there are also two or three scholars from Southwest and Lingnan. These scholars have always been dissatisfied with the scholars from Jiangnan. With this official position, Yingzhen is confident that he can get their support.

Therefore, even if not all the northern scholars support him, it is enough if he gets a certain amount of support.

The key to this is Feng Ziying.

The relationship between Qiao Yingjia and Guan Yingzhen has never been harmonious, which is a major weakness of Guan Yingzhen.

Now that Qiao Yingjia and Feng Ziying have too little qualifications, it is obviously difficult for them to compete for the position of the next chief assistant, so the choice of the Northland scholars is very critical. Which side they support will basically determine who wins.

And Guan Yingzhen didn't think Qiao Yingjia could decide Feng Ziying's attitude. Even if Qiao Yingjia was indeed Feng Ziying's benefactor, Feng Ziying was no longer the Feng Ziying she was a few years ago.

Feng Ziying had his own political ambitions and ideas, which can be seen from the examination method and his views on military affairs.

Whoever supports his wishes more may be able to get his support. If there are differences of opinion among the northern scholars, Qiao Yingjia may not be able to suppress Feng Ziying in the future.

Because of this, Guan Yingzhen was very happy and welcomed Feng Ziying's visit. Especially when Feng Ziying took the initiative to report on military affairs, it made him feel more comfortable.

"Ziying, you can just discuss military affairs with Zhisheng. Some of your views at the last court meeting may be difficult for many people to accept. They think your views are too radical, and they think that although the population is

Growth, but floods, droughts, and locust plagues come almost every year, either in the south or in the north, so the population cannot grow that fast. I also think the age increase you mentioned is even more unrealistic. It is rare for ordinary people to live beyond the age of fifty.


Guan Yingzhen was also choosing a suitable topic to further consolidate the relationship with his disciple, "But it is true as you said, everyone still approves of several new crops introduced from Xiyi. It is necessary to establish a new Ministry of Agriculture."

, cultivating and breeding new crops with higher yields is a long-term plan, and we must persist in it. In this regard, Zi Xian (Xu Guangqi) is indeed very accomplished..."

"Zi Xianggong is indeed experienced in these aspects, but this involves the promotion and promotion of agriculture in the entire Zhou Dynasty. It is necessary to have someone with rich local experience to do some specific work. As far as I know,

Shaanxi has done very well in recent years, especially in the promotion of potatoes. Yan'an Prefecture in northern Shaanxi was originally a barren land, with refugees and bandits appearing almost every year. However, the situation has greatly improved in recent years. Geng Ruqi has done this

Lots of facts,..."

Guan Yingzhen realized that Feng Ziying was here to recommend Geng Ruchi. He also knew that both Geng Ruchi and Feng Ziying were from Dongchang Prefecture in Shandong Province. They were considered fellow villagers and had always had a close relationship. Moreover, Geng Ruchi was indeed a capable person.

"But Geng Ruqi is only in the fourth rank. If he wants to join the central government, even if it is a new establishment of the Ministry of Agriculture, I'm afraid... what is the attitude of Ziqiang (Cui Jingrong)?" Guan Yingzhen said thoughtfully.

"I have talked with Ziqiang Gong, and he thinks it is okay. After all, there are not many people familiar with the Ministry of Agriculture, and Brother Chucai has performed well in Chongqing and Yan'an, so he should be reused..." Feng Ziying immediately agreed when he heard that there was something going on.


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