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Chapter 2694 Gui Zi Scroll Accident, Elbow and Armpit

 The conversation with Geng Ruqi and Pan Ruzhen was much easier.

The affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Industry are much more specific, and Feng Ziying talked with them about some of their own ideas.

For example, the research on soil quality, the adaptability of new crops and the cultivation of excellent varieties, such as the construction planning of post roads and railway tracks, and the promotion and use of cement and other building materials, etc., can be regarded as opening a window for the two of them.

This advice also allowed them to understand what key practices they should focus on when they join the center, instead of becoming bureaucrats in paperwork.

There is no way, the officials in this era are still the most typical officials in the feudal era, which is far from the officials in Feng Ziying's mind under the modern administrative system. They are more about being an official than doing things.

Geng Ruqi and Pan Ruzhen are quite good, at least locally they are a group of people who do things pragmatically, but when it comes to how to do things, how to do them well, and how to be efficient, they still have a lot of old ideas.

Feng Ziying had to teach them in person, break the shackles of old thinking, instill more new things into them, and at the same time combine it with the new assessment concept to make them adapt quickly.

It should be said that the effect was pretty good, and both Geng Ruzhen and Pan Ruzhen showed strong interest.

Especially when combined with the examination method, this also means that their future evaluations by the cabinet and the Ministry of Civil Affairs will also be based on the matters mentioned by Feng Ziying, which is equivalent to Feng Ziying missing questions for them in advance.

Of course, missing questions does not mean they can do it well. There is still a lot of work to be done here.

Towards the end of the year, in addition to taking the initiative to summon and talk to Pan Ruzhen and Geng Ruqi who were transferred to Beijing, naturally there were also people who took the initiative to visit, and there were quite a few, such as Wei Guangwei, Cui Chengxiu and Fu Shi.

Needless to say, Wei Guangwei took over from Feng Ziying in Yongping Mansion. Of course, the positions were different. Feng Ziying left the position of co-prefect, while Wei Guangwei took over as prefect. Later, Wei Guangwei served as the Henan Prosecution Inspector, a third-rank official, and Feng Ziying was in

When putting down the White Lotus Rebellion in Beizhi, he also sent a special letter to Wei Guangwei to remind him.

Cui Chengxiu is a bit interesting.

Cui Chengxiu was the prefect of Datong when Feng Ziying was on his way to Shaanxi when he was on his way to Shaanxi Province. Fast forward more than five years and six years later, Cui Chengxiu was transferred to the prefect of Jinling two years ago, but his rank remained unchanged.

Feng Ziying read the evaluation of Cui Chengxiu by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and it was not bad.

However, this person was too courteous to the local gentry, which Feng Ziying was not satisfied with.

But he also knows that in border towns like Datong, local wealthy families are very powerful. Without the support of these people, it will be difficult to do things. The Feng family, Duan family, Ma family, and Ma family are all wealthy families in Datong.

It's excusable.

Cui Chengxiu was good at managing bandits, and he was ruthless and strict in suppressing them. Datong horse thieves were always tough, but under his rule, they had to flee to the west or go out of the country.

After he was transferred to the prefecture of Jinling, the Jiangnan scholars had a bad impression of him, so he left it alone.

Therefore, the ruler is short and strong, and Cui Chengxiu is still somewhat capable.

However, what makes Feng Ziying a little depressed is that Wei Guangwei and Cui Chengxiu were both famous eunuchs in their previous lives, but they did not expect that now they are all following her.

That's all Wei Guangwei. At least he has some friendship and he is from a famous family, but Cui Chengxiu has no friendship. At the same time, he gave a few Datong aunts as gifts, but he seemed to have confiscated them.

However, as Lian Guoshi said, as long as there are people who can do things and are willing to get close to me, I cannot reject them from thousands of miles away. I can guide them and instill them in them so that they can gradually accept my own ideas and viewpoints and gradually be used by me.

After all, both of them were Jinshi scholars, and now they are both third- and fourth-grade officials. If they can take the initiative to seek refuge with themselves, how could they turn them away because of their virtue?

Of course you have to use it.

And Fu Shi.

Fu Shi is now in charge of Shuntian Prefecture, taking over Mei Zhiye's previous position.

Feng Ziying now appreciates Fu Shi even more.

Fu Shi is down-to-earth and steady, and is experienced and thoughtful in his work. He has a good reputation in Baoan Prefecture for several years.

In Feng Ziying's opinion, Fu Shi is actually not very suitable for joining the imperial court, and is more suitable for working in the local area. Now he is also a fifth-rank official in the Shuntian Prefecture, but Fu Shi is not young anymore, in his early forties. If

If we delay it any longer, our future development prospects will be limited.

Therefore, Feng Ziying deliberately wanted to move her to a farther location, so that she could be directly promoted to the fourth rank. Choosing a remote place to serve as a prefect would be a lot of experience.

As for the future, as long as I am in court, I don't have to worry about not being able to return to Beijing.

On the eighth day of December in the sixth year of Wantong, Qi Yongtai, who had been on the bed for more than a year, died of illness.

Without Qi Yongtai's support, Gu Bingqian's position in the cabinet is even more precarious.

"What did you say?" Feng Ziying was surprised and couldn't help but stand up: "Why didn't He Zhisheng report to me? Where is Feng Ziyi?"

The visitor is Li Guitang, the commander of Long Jinwei, Feng Ziying's former guard leader.

"Master He may be a little careless, or he may think that the relationship between the chief minister and you is too close, so he has not paid attention to it. It has been more than two months since Master Feng went to Jinling, and the Japanese pirates are resurrecting in Jiangnan.

, Mr. Feng paid great attention to it and took the people there himself."

Li Guitang's answer reminded Feng Ziying that Feng Ziyi had been to Jiangnan for a long time.

He knows this.

The Tokugawa shogunate was a little uneasy again.

This made Feng Ziying a little unsure.

In my impression, at the beginning of the 17th century in the previous life, Japan under the Tokugawa family was quite peaceful. Why did we travel to this time and space? The general situation in other surrounding areas has not changed much, but Japan is a little different?

Of course, it is not accurate to say that there has been no change. The Jianzhou Jurchens, their biggest enemy, were destroyed by themselves. Is such a big change not considered a big change?

Could it be that the destruction of the Jianzhou Jurchens stimulated Tokugawa Hidetada?

Feng Ziying never relaxed her surveillance of Japan. The Osaka Winter Battle and the Osaka Summer Battle still happened. The Toyotomi family has been destroyed. Tokugawa Ieyasu also passed away last year. Tokugawa Hidetada officially took charge of the shogunate, but one country, one city

However, the order did not announce it, and the military strength of the daimyo in various places was not reduced much. This was the biggest change.

This also means that Japan still has a considerable number of troops. Even if these daimyo's troops pose a threat to Tokugawa Hidetada's position as general, Tokugawa Hidetada still did not use the One Country, One City Order to reduce it. Who is this change aimed at?


Because of this, there were reports of Japanese pirates frequently harassing the sea from the south of the Yangtze River, which made Feng Ziying a little worried that this was the beginning of Japan's possible threat to China at sea.

So on the one hand, he asked the navy to strengthen their precautions, and on the other hand, he asked Feng Ziyi to go to the south of the Yangtze River to investigate the local wealthy maritime merchants who were originally connected with the Japanese pirates, in order to prevent the Japanese from attacking from within. It was right for Du Jian to take the lead in preventing the enemy.

Gu Bingqian did have a close relationship with Feng Ziying, but the death of Qi Yongtai made Gu Bingqian feel a crisis. Maybe he thought that he could not provide him with strong enough support like Qi Shi?

Is that why he made this stupid move?

This chapter has been completed!
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