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Gui Zi Volume Chapter 769 Internal Quotes, External Links

 Chapter 2711 Gui Zi Scroll Internal Quotes, External Links

Pan Ruzhen and Zuo Guangdou stood outside the hall chatting together.

They are true natives, both from Tongcheng, Anqing Prefecture, Nanzhi Province.

Pan Ruzhen was two years older than Zuo Guangdou, and had won the imperial examination in one subject earlier, so the two of them had known each other for a long time.

However, Pan Ruzhen's early career was much bleaker than Zuo Guangdou's. He worked hard in Shaanxi from the beginning. It was not until Feng Ziying became governor of Shaanxi that his performance fell into the eyes of Feng Ziying and Pan Ruzhen got the opportunity.

Continuous promotions.

Zuo Guangdou was different. He was born as a Shujishi, and after he finished observing the government, he entered the Zhejiang Province of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and later served as the prime minister of Dali Temple, and then entered the Ministry of Civil Affairs. It can be said that he went to all

The strategic position has always been valued by the big bosses in the DPRK and China.

When Ye Fang and Ye Fang were in power, Ye Xianggao valued Zuo Guangdou, and Huang Ruliang also favored him after he took over. Therefore, even when Gu Bingqian was the first assistant, he did not dare to suppress Zuo Guangdou.

Zuo Guangdou has a straightforward personality, which is why he is dissatisfied with many of Gu Bingqian's performances. This situation has also caught the eyes of many people and made Gu Bingqian a little afraid of him.

Zuo Guangdou has a very normal relationship with Gu Bingqian. Although he voted for Gu Bingqian in the last round of voting and did not abstain from voting, both Guan Yingzhen and Qiao Yingjia actually communicated with him, hoping that he would vote for them instead, but they

He did not accept the lobbying of Guan Qiao and remained the same.

"Yi Zhi (Zuo Guangdou), what do you think?" Pan Ruzhen said casually.

"Humph, why can't I just see it like this?" Zuo Guangdou sneered, "I spend my whole day thinking about these intrigues and intrigues. Is there any meaning in doing this? I didn't abstain to give him face, and so did Guan Dongxian and Qiao Rujun.

If you are not better than him, why is the court like this?"

Pan Ruzhen laughed, "At this stage, it's normal for them to consider more factors..."

"Zhen Pu (Pan Ruzhen's nickname), this is abnormal! How can the imperial palace's official position be used for personal gain?" Zuo Guangdou said angrily.

"Then didn't you vote for Liu Ji Gong in the end?" Pan Ruzhen asked with a smile.

"That's because Guan Dongxian and Qiao Rujun are not worthy of my vote, and if I abstain from voting, I'm just worried about affecting other people." Zuo Guangdou said bitterly: "It's annoying that a bunch of mediocre people have no intention of doing anything serious.


Seeing that Zuo Guangdou was not shy in his words, Pan Ruzhen also had some idea in his mind, "I'm afraid the results of these two rounds of voting will not change much. Such a deadlock is difficult to resolve and is not beneficial to the country."

Zuo Guangdou was also a shrewd person. He seemed to have heard some hidden meanings in Pan Ruzhen's words, and asked in surprise: "Didn't Mr. Xiao Fengge and you both abstain from voting? Doesn't this deadlock have a lot to do with you guys?"


Pan Ruzhen waved his hands repeatedly, "Yi Zhi, this is wrong. Even if Mr. Feng Ge and us vote for Liu Ji Gong or Ru Jungong, it will still be the same. The number of votes is clearly there."

"That's not necessarily the case." Zuo Guangdou said with hesitation, "Fu Shi was the first to abstain from voting, which may have attracted others to follow suit. Wei Fan and Erhuang's case may not have had the demonstration effect of Fu Shi."

"Haha, you have underestimated the thoughts of the scholars in Lingnan and Southwest China." Pan Ruzhen shook his head, "They have long been dissatisfied with the neglect of Lingnan and Southwest China. Guangzhou's maritime trade status now ranks among the largest in the Zhou Dynasty.

First of all, even Ningbo and Quanzhou are not as good as it. Foshan's iron production is still ranked first in the south of the Yangtze River. If it weren't for the increase in iron production in Gyeonggi, Anshan and Xuzhou in the north in recent years, Foshan would be the leader.

It has just been broken, but even so, Foshan still ranks first in exports of iron materials, and Guangdong's tax revenue has ranked fourth in the country, not much inferior to Beizhi and Zhejiang..., Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan are slowly promoting land conversion, and Southwest

The scholars were very dissatisfied and thought the imperial court was too weak..."

Zuo Guangdou sighed. Scholars in each place represent the interests of their respective regions. If the court does not pay attention to them, it will naturally arouse their dissatisfaction. Gu Guanqiao and others are not thinking about these things. No wonder

The important ministers in Lingnan and Southwest China were resolutely unwilling to support the three, and would rather abstain to express their attitude.

"Everyone has difficulties,..." Zuo Guangdou, who always had a sharp tone, gave a rare explanation, but he found it difficult to convince himself.

"We all have difficulties, so don't blame others for the consequences." Pan Ruzhen glanced at Zuo Guangdou, "This deadlock should not continue. We should find ways to break it."

"Break?" Zuo Guangdou chewed on the word. He realized that Pan Ruzhen's finding him might not be as simple as just chatting to vent his emotions. "Zhen Pu, it seems there is something in your words. Is there anything else we need between you and me?"

Is it covered up?”

"Well, if Liuji Gong can't get more than half, he can only act as the chief assistant, and the acting time will probably not be short. I'm afraid the Huguang scholars in the North will not be convinced, and the situation will only become more and more tense..." Pan Ruzhen pondered.

He said: "Is there any way to break the situation?"

"Zhen Pu, do you have one?" Zuo Guangdou tilted his head and looked at the other party.

"Can't Mr. Xiao Feng Ge have this opportunity?" Even though Zuo Guangdou was somewhat mentally prepared, he was still shocked. He subconsciously looked around and lowered his voice: "Mr. Xiao Feng Ge is also interested...?"

"If the three of them can compromise with each other and choose one person, it goes without saying, but if none of them are willing to compromise, it will be a dead end. Mr. Xiao Fengge may be the candidate that everyone can barely accept. Yi Zhi, what do you think?

"Pan Ruzhen pointed out and looked directly at Zuo Guangdou.

Pan Ruzhen knew that Zuo Guangdou was the most dissatisfied with Gu Bingqian among the Jiangnan scholars, but he also had the highest prestige among the young and middle-aged scholars, so he would not directly abstain from voting like a marginalized person like Wu Daonan but still voted for Gu Bingqian.

But if Gu Bingqian had to make a difficult choice after it was difficult to achieve a majority of the votes, what kind of situation would be most beneficial to the country? Pan Ruzhen believed that Zuo Guangdou should make a fair and selfless choice.

Zuo Guangdou was silent for a long time and then raised his head, "Zhen Pu, Xiao Fengge always expected this situation, so why did you all abstain from voting and not support anyone?"

Pan Ruzhen shook his head, "We will support everyone, but it is a pity that even if they get our support, they cannot unite the hearts of everyone. This is the key to the problem. A loose and contradictory cabinet cannot promote the development of the Zhou Dynasty."

Yes, Mr. Xiao Fengge can actually stay on board for a few years safely. We all know that he can afford to wait, but he would rather take the risk and infamy than stand up. Delaying for a few years will be of no benefit to the country and the people.

It’s useless, I believe you can understand Mr. Xiao Fengge’s state of mind, Yi Zhi,..."


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