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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 785 Those who obey me will prosper

 Chapter 2727 Gui Zi Scroll Those who obey me will prosper

Qiao Yingjia was moved by Feng Ziying's words.

The risk of rebellion in the north is far greater than that in the south of the Yangtze River. Mountains, Shaanxi, northern and straight Shandong are all high-risk areas for civil unrest. Solving the problem of people's hunger and hunger is the first priority, and then the problem of idlers must be solved.

When people are free, they have to think, and when there are many people, their thoughts will be messy, and there may be careerists in there to stir up troubles, so it is most taboo in the place to have idle people gathering together.

Qiao Yingjia deeply believed it, and Feng Ziying's words also touched his heart.

Feng Ziying is still determined to be land and food-oriented, which is acceptable. Qiao Yingjia also admits that the current development momentum of industrial and commercial industries is very strong, whether it is in the south of the Yangtze River or in the north, it is impossible for you to turn a blind eye.

The views of Han Sun and others are actually similar to Qiao Yingjia's, but Qiao Yingjia's mentality and thinking have changed after this setback and defeat. He can see more clearly and openly why Feng Ziying is so popular and supported, keeping up with the times.

When Feng Ziying told him about the word "jin", he thought that this might be the reason.

There are some things you have to admit that young people may be stronger than you. Why did Feng Ziying get to this position at such a young age? Qiao Yingjia was also reflecting on it. He realized that from the beginning, Feng Ziying's ideas and insights had been constantly leading him and leading the way.

In this era, he succeeded.

But now it seems that he is walking smoothly and quickly, but this also means that once he falls into a somersault, he will also fall badly.

"Ziying, I know what you are thinking, but you have to think carefully. Maybe you have won the support of most people on the surface, but this is only among the important officials in the imperial court. They represent one side, and there are more.

How about the number of people? What about the local area?"

Qiao Yingjia sighed, "The people represented by Yu Chen and Bo Fu are very influential, even in Jiangnan and Huguang. This group is not small. Don't think that Dongxian, Zishu and others have recognized you, and they represent Huguang."

Those grain gentry also recognized it, but that’s different. If you don’t fundamentally change these people’s ideas, you will find it difficult to implement the policies and strategies you want to do..."

Feng Ziying nodded, Qiao Yingjia's words were sincere, which also meant that Qiao Yingjia was really going to retire.

"Master Qiao, I never expected to win everyone's support. You also know that reform is inherently a tug-of-war involving interests. If you want to get things done in a clear and simple manner, how is that possible? So I started from the beginning.

I am fully mentally prepared, but I also hope to win more supporters so that we can get more recognition and support when advancing each policy, so I intend to hold a national meeting...


Feng Ziying's words made Qiao Yingjia a little confused, and asked in surprise: "A nationwide meeting? What do you mean?"

"The scope of the Great Court Meeting is too small, and the limitations are too small. To be honest, many of our officials in the court have been serving as officials in the court since the end of their time as Jinshi, whether they are in charge or censors.

No matter what the job is, I just keep doing it, until I become a Langguan, a Shaoqing, and even a Censor and a Minister. How many of them have actually worked in the local area and have a deep understanding of local practices? I doubt it very much."

Feng Ziying slowly revealed her thoughts, "I don't think the views and attitudes of these people can represent our entire Zhou Dynasty scholars. The number of people in the important ministers meeting is too small. If we add the ministers, officials, wailang and the imperial censors,

Shi Jia came in, but it was limited to the center of the imperial court. It was difficult to hear local opinions, so I wanted to selectively elect some representatives from the thirteen northern and southern provinces plus two to Beijing, whether they were officials or industry organizations.

Representatives can be included, and even some generals in the army can be included in the auditorium, so that they can listen to our plans for the future development of the Zhou Dynasty and let them understand what the goals we are striving for are. At the same time,

You can also listen to their opinions and wishes..."

Qiao Yingjia took a breath, what is Feng Ziying going to do?

Do you want to subvert the entire imperial court's customization of paradigms? Let so many officials come to Beijing just to listen to you talk about a policy?

"Ziying, what you're doing is against the rules? Is it so necessary?" Qiao Yingjia hesitated for a long time before asking: "This will arouse a big reaction, and it's hard to predict what impact and risks it will bring.


The biggest goal of officials in this era is to seek stability. No matter whether it is central or local, it is best if nothing happens. It turns out that there is still a threat of invasion from foreign enemies, and everyone is still tense at any time. However, with the Jianzhou Jurchen eradication,

, the biggest threat has been eliminated, many officials subconsciously feel that it is time to enjoy a relaxed and leisurely life. There is a relaxed mood from the central to the local governments, which is also visible to people in high positions.

"Master Qiao, you can see the current situation, and you can also feel the performance of the officials. That's why I feel it is necessary to hold such a big meeting. Not only do I want to talk about the goals of the court in the next few years, but I also want to talk about the goals of the court in the next few years.

The Eight Ministries and the Metropolitan Procuratorate also have to discuss their specific ideas. If the discussion is not good, it means that he is unqualified, or that as the minister of ministers, he does not agree with the ideas and goals of the cabinet, then he can resign, and the court will not

Will stay,..."

There must also be hardness in the softness, otherwise it will not be possible to form a circle.

Hearing Feng Ziying's toughness, Qiao Yingjia couldn't help but sigh in her heart. The smiling and polite Ziying of the past was still there, but deep down she was no longer that Ziying. He had grown up and had his own unique characteristics.

This cabinet will be formed based on his will and ideas. If you ignore this, it would be a big mistake.

Maybe he will lower his stature and show his willingness to compromise, but in principle, or on some bottom-line issues, there is no discussion. If you don't agree with it, then he can only leave. The number of votes won at the meeting of important ministers

It gave him the power and confidence.

If Han Xu and Sun Juxiang Sun Dingxiang have not understood this, it will be inevitable that the old people from the North will be kicked out and replaced by those who are willing to cooperate, such as Cui Jingrong and Wang Yongguang, as well as Lian Guoshi, Zheng Chongjian, Geng Ruqi and other people under Feng Ziying's command.

of go-getters.

Now we can understand that Feng Ziying doesn’t care about his place of origin at all, but rather how much you recognize his views and concepts. Those who recognize him will rise to great heights, while those who don’t will be eliminated sadly.

Or is it that those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish?

Congratulations, congratulations, my old book and my first book "Jiangshan Beauty Chronicles" has been sealed for many years. After intensive revision, it was finally released. It has been twenty years since I wrote the book.


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