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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 793 Declaration, Interests and Feelings (1)

 Huangji Hall is actually the future Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City. Feng Ziying also visited here in her previous life.

But now, standing in the temple, my feeling is completely different.

The crowds were surging. In addition to the forty and thirty-seven important ministers at this great court meeting, Gu Guanqiao and the other three had retired from official duties and were no longer among the important ministers, but they were still special invited representatives. The other one was the Lang Guan of the Eight Divisions.

As well as officials and representatives from the local areas.

There were nearly two hundred people in the crowd, which was already the largest court gathering since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty.

As Emperor Xuan Shun ascended the throne, four cabinet ministers also lined up at the foot of the steps. Feng Ziying looked around the palace with clear eyes.

This court will be presided over by Xu Guangqi, who is currently ranked second.

Without the secondary assistant, there is still a ranking among the group assistants. Ranking is based on seniority. Cui Jinrong is ranked before Chai Ke.

Xu Guangqi briefly introduced the agenda of this meeting. First, Chief Assistant Feng Keng introduced the changes in the situation of the entire week during the five years of the previous cabinet. Then came the highlight. Feng Ziying will make a more complete and comprehensive plan and development outline for the next five years.

The detailed explanation is followed by a brief introduction by the eight ministries and the Metropolitan Procuratorate on their own work. In fact, it can be regarded as a detailed explanation of the overall development outline of the cabinet.

After Xu Guangqi's brief introduction, it was Feng Ziying's turn to make her debut.

Taking a slight step forward, she first saluted Emperor Xuan Shun who was sitting on the throne with great interest, and then saluted her colleagues in the palace solemnly. Then Feng Ziying stood still and exhaled.

"Entrusted by His Majesty the Emperor and paid by the ministers of the cabinet, I will give an explanation and explanation to everyone here on the planning strategy for the next five years of the Great Council. After that, the eight ministries and the Metropolitan Procuratorate will discuss their respective responsibilities.

Before making a brief review of the plan, I feel it is necessary to explain why this meeting was held and why it was changed from the previous meeting attended by important ministers and cabinets to the current meeting model.

An explanation, and what kind of changes there will be in the future Great Court Meeting and the linkage model of this Great Court Meeting, I also want to make an explanation..."

In the middle are the eight ministers and the important ministers of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and then behind them are the eight ministers and some censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and further down are the official representatives of the fourteen provinces in the north and south, plus the northern Zhili, and of course a group of special representatives.

The general soldiers or representatives of the twelve towns, plus representatives of industry organizations and gentry, stood at the far end.

"The imperial meeting at the beginning of each year has always been more ceremonial, and more matters are discussed at the monthly imperial meeting, and the participants in the imperial meeting are generally the cabinet and the eight ministries and five temples and the imperial court.

Colleagues from the General Affairs Department, and most of the information we have obtained comes from various provinces after sorting and reporting..."

Feng Ziying began to review and analyze the previous meeting, "This approach seems to be stable, but in fact our understanding of local affairs is superficial, and we focus more on discussing matters. For one province, one prefecture, one state, one county

He has very little understanding of major matters, and lacks a comprehensive advance plan for major plans that affect the entire Zhou Dynasty..."

"...In view of this, I and the various associations in the cabinet have held many discussions with the Eight Ministries, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and other departments, and decided to carry out a reform in the current method of court deliberations..."

Here we go, the main event is here.

Everyone pricked up their ears and paid attention.

This is not just a reform of the conference system, but also involves a reform of the distribution of power.

"From today onwards, there will be regular court meetings three times a month, once every ten days. The regular court meetings will be attended by cabinet ministers, eight ministers, censors from the left and right of the Imperial Procuratorate, and envoys from the General Affairs Department to handle daily court affairs;

A small court meeting is held once a month, attended by important ministers, to discuss important court affairs; a large court meeting is held once a year, attended by important ministers and ministers, one-fifth of the prefects, prefectures and counties of each province and the Northern Zhili, and the three chief officials of each province

, undertake to participate in political affairs, and one councilor each, summarize the work of the year, listen to work reports and discussions, and conduct a deployment and discussion of the next year's work. Of course, some industry organizations, representatives of the gentry, and representatives of the military will also be called to participate.


The previous regular court meetings and small court meetings are easy to understand, but the annual large court meeting is relatively complicated, involving a large number of local officials coming to Beijing. Feng Ziying also made a special explanation on this. Every year, one-fifth of the prefects, prefectures, and county magistrates are equal.

In five years, all prefectures and prefectures of prefectures and counties will be given an opportunity to participate in the imperial meeting and report on their work.

This is somewhat similar to a replica of the Official Congress, but it also includes a small number of industry organizations and gentry representatives. It can barely cover the entire country, but only one-fifth of the representatives can be selected each year. In this era,

Transportation is a big problem. It takes two months to travel to the capital and back from a distant place, which has been reduced by one-sixth this year.

"This meeting is the first meeting after the formation of the new cabinet. Because it is held for the first time, the relevant meeting arrangements are not yet complete, but officials from our provinces and Beizhi have also chosen representatives to attend, including gentry and industry

Representatives and representatives of the army, on behalf of this cabinet, I would like to make an introduction to the current situation inside and outside the country and the development of the national economy and people's livelihood, and also give a brief summary of our development plan for the next five years..."

This is not a speech, more like a report. First talk about the current situation, and then talk about prospects and come up with plans. Whether it is a big cake or a chicken soup, it must be combined with reality to put these big cakes and chicken soup directly into the hearts of everyone present, so that

They follow the chicken blood, and at the same time, they must feel that all this is closely related to their interests and feelings.

This is also Feng Ziying's character for him, either feelings or interests, only these two can move people.

"..., with the complete destruction of the Jianzhou Jurchens, the current situation in Liaodong has stabilized. From the first year of Xuanshun to the third year, more than 168,000 people have moved to Liaodong. As of now, Liaodong has 470,000 people.

The remaining people are mainly distributed in Shenyang, Liaoyang, and Anshan Yiyi line..."

"The contradiction between the Chahar people and the Inner Khalkha people in the north is becoming increasingly prominent, the struggle between Lindan Batur and Zasai is becoming increasingly fierce, the war between the two Mongolian tribes seems inevitable, and the Bu Shitu and the Tumut II tribe are

The relationship between Su Nang and Su Nang is relatively stable. For now, the Mongols no longer have the conditions to go south and pose a threat to our northern border of the Great Zhou Dynasty..."

"The Yarkand Khanate in the west is still in a semi-divided state. The Governor of Turpan, Abdullayin, and the Yarkand Khanate, Aheima Khan, are actually in a state of split and confrontation, and they are attacking each other. This puts our western territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty in a relative state.

The situation is stable, but the confrontation between Abdullahin and Aheimahan has also interrupted our land connections with the west. Hami and Guazhou are now in a semi-abandoned state..."

"The dangers of Japan and the Netherlands are emerging on the eastern sea. The current movements of the Tokugawa shogunate are unknown. However, after the Netherlands has established a foothold in Southeast Asia, they are trying to infiltrate their influence into Japan. Japan seems to be in a state of passive acceptance.

, This will directly endanger our interests on the southeastern coast of the Great Zhou Dynasty, such as Dongfan and Penghu, and Palawan, which is preparing to open a government office. In addition, the Francois continue to strengthen their control in the Sulu area of ​​Luzon, which will also endanger our great interests.

Zhou’s pace of reclamation and expansion of Southeast Asia..."

"To the southwest, there are constant disturbances on the border between Dongwu and Yunnan, but they are still controllable. However, if we do not respond in time, this situation may be broken. King Anabilong of Dongwu is ambitious and keeps provoking

In the surrounding wars, I think we may have to get involved and respond when necessary..., the land of Annan is in internal chaos, and there are many vassals, and they do not come to pay tribute to me, the Great Zhou Dynasty. This matter should also be paid great attention to, when necessary.

It must be punished..."

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