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Chapter 799 of Gui Zi Scroll: Clarify the Essence and Distinguish Between Friends and Enemies

 Chapter 2740 Gui Zi Scroll: Find out the essence and distinguish between friends and foes

"Jun Yu, why don't I know the turmoil here?" Feng Ziying said calmly: "Even if they are Ziqiang Gong and Youfu Gong, they may be able to reluctantly accept the imperial examination system, but in their hearts they are resisting the reform of the imperial examination system.

This is caused by deep-rooted old ideas. I also know that it is difficult to change their minds in a short period of time. I originally thought that Mr. Ziqiang had worked in the Ministry of Industry for so long, and Mr. Youfu was the headmaster of Tonghui Academy.

, I should be more open-minded, but..."

"In this case, you should not be so aggressive in bringing the investigation of objects and financial planning into the scope of the competition. It may be legally acceptable. In addition, the conquest of Mongolia should not be decided so hastily by Meng Lang...

"Lian Guoshi stared at Feng Ziying with burning eyes.

He needs to understand what Feng Ziying wants. Now Feng Ziying is really playing with danger, and big troubles will occur if she is not careful.

"Jun Yu, there are only you and me here, and we have nothing to hide. Let's talk openly. Do you think the Mongolian war should be fought?" Feng Ziying asked directly.

Lian Guoshi did not hesitate and answered straightforwardly: "We should fight, but we shouldn't fight at this time. First, there is no consensus between the government and the opposition, second, there is no sufficient preparation, and third, the time is not right..."

"Well, it seems that it is just a matter of conditions, not the fundamental reason. It is impossible to reach a consensus between the government and the opposition. There will always be different opinions. It is simple to be fully prepared. I believe in the ability of the Ministry of Accounts to raise funds, and there are also businessmen who support and banks.

The village can raise money, that's not a problem. As for the timing, I think it's just right. If you think it's inappropriate, it's just a matter of opinion. Let's not mention this issue for the time being. Should we promote the Kao Cheng Fa?"

On this issue, Lian Guoshi pondered for a moment and then said slowly: "Although I have slightly different views on some small details, in general I agree. I also think that through the promotion of the examination method,

It has greatly improved the daily work of our officials in the Zhou Dynasty and the rectification of officialdom, which I firmly support."

"Very well, the examination law has pushed us to agree. What about the reform of the imperial examination? Adding examinations, financial accounting and laws, and gradually increasing their proportions. Do you think it is necessary? Should it? You don't have to have any taboos.

, As far as we have a heart-to-heart talk, you can honestly say whether the changes brought by studying things, financial planning and laws to our current society are worth it or should be learned and promoted..."

This question put Lian Guoshi to the test, making it difficult for him to answer for a while.

The silence brewed for a long time, and Lian Guoshi finally spoke out one word: "Laws are indeed necessary, but I think the proportion should not be too large. Many people now express their opposition to joining the two, including investigation of things and financial planning, let alone

We have to gradually increase the weight, but I have a different opinion..."

"As you said, the growth of industry and commerce increasingly played a huge role in promoting the development of the Zhou Dynasty, and Gewu played an irreplaceable role in the development of workers and farmers, especially the improvement of efficiency and the emergence of new products, so I

From the bottom of my heart, I feel that it is necessary to join Gewu, but not everyone needs to be familiar with it. I think it needs to be considered, and the same is true for financial planning. In the development of industry and commerce, even agriculture, and some daily affairs in our eight departments

They all also need to use financial planning, but there are specialties in the arts. It is worth exploring whether every scholar who takes the scientific examination needs to be familiar with it..."

This should be the sincere words of Lian Guoshi. He admits that all three are valuable, but he feels that the weight and universality in the entire imperial examination are worth exploring. I am afraid that this should be the most recognized among the colleagues around him, except Xu Guangqi, for the merits and financial planning.

Officials of value and significance.

Even the Songjiang Gang scholars such as Dong Qichang, Lu Yanzhang, and Zhang Nai, who had been persuaded by the merchants to accept it, probably did not believe deep down in their hearts that studying objects and financial planning would be able to reach the level of elegance. However, their interests were too closely tied to those of the merchants.

Deep, so I can't turn around, so I support myself.

"Jun Yu, my views are different from yours. Maybe you will think that I am deviant or even digging my own grave, but the importance of investigation and financial planning will become increasingly apparent, and it will accelerate." "They all go.

I have seen the situation of the Gyeonggi Coal, Iron and Military Industrial Complex, and also the Yuguangang Shipyard. In fact, I have seen the new technology of steel and iron making, the new technology of shipbuilding, and even the invention of cement, and how new crops can be improved to become high-yielding and highly adaptable.

These are closely related to the study of things and financial planning. The importance of studying things and financial planning cannot be revealed in one or two years, or even five or ten years. It takes twenty years, thirty years, fifty years, or even a hundred years.

Talent becomes more and more important..."

"The Western Yi have now gone through a revolution in research and finance, so they are already ahead of us in many areas of industry and commerce, such as new firecrackers and shipbuilding. If we don't catch up, we will quickly become like Nanyang.

Like those indigenous people, I have become the target of their aggression. I cannot accept this situation, so I would rather bear the infamy and bear the pressure to promote this reform..."

These words shocked even Lian Guoshi, who subconsciously said: "Ziying, is it appropriate to choose this time? Why can't you wait for a few years? Is it related to the current situation in the army?"

Finally, I heard about this problem, and Feng Ziying also knew that many people here were actually a little confused or worried about this.

With his own background, too many entanglements with the war and the army, and a series of adjustments to the army after he served as Minister of War in the later period, he was too deeply involved in the army and warriors, which made many people have to worry, even himself.

One person.

After thinking about it, Feng Ziying said calmly: "There are indeed some reasons for this. There is a strong voice among the cabinet and important ministers demanding disarmament. At present, the twelve towns plus the Beijing camp, even if Gansu and Ningxia are merged and Guyuan is abolished, there will still be ten

The town, plus the Beijing camp, has a troop strength of no less than one million. If Denglai, Fujian and Guangdong's three major naval divisions are included, the troop strength exceeds 1.05 million. What Zhisheng means is that the army will be reduced to 750,000 and the navy will be expanded.

To 150,000, we should reduce the number of 150,000 people. As for self-improvement, some of Zishu's other important ministers' opinions are that the army should be reduced to 500,000, and the navy should be expanded to 150,000. The total strength of the retained force is 650,000, which is equivalent to the reduction of 400,000.


During the reign of Emperor Yonglong, there was a layoff, Guyuan was laid off, and two towns in Gansu and Ningxia were merged. However, in fact, the three towns were already lacking a lot of troops at that time, so the impact was not too great. But now the troops in each town are real.

Whether it is Ganning, Yulin, Dongjiang, Jiangbei, Denglai or other military towns, they are basically full. With a single word from the court, 400,000 people will be laid off. Many of these are veterans who are accustomed to fighting.

, if we really want them to return to their hometowns, once the livelihood problem is not solved, it will immediately become a big problem, or even turn into a bomb.

In the previous life, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Li Zicheng was created because of the abolition of the postmen. But don't go to the Great Zhou Dynasty, when the army was abolished, and more Zhang Zicheng and Wang Zicheng emerged. That would have really shot yourself in the foot.

Feng Ziying does not believe that the introduction of potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn will completely solve the hunger problem in the North and some remote mountainous areas. The livelihood problem of landless farmers is still the biggest burning point. Without solving the land problem, once there is a flood or drought

When a disaster occurs, the refugee problem is inevitable, and the risk of turning into a storm like the great uprising in the late Ming Dynasty still exists.

Now if we suddenly drive 400,000 strong soldiers back to the countryside, it will simply ignite countless fires in a grassland full of withered grass.

"If we follow the opinions of Duke Ziqiang and Brother Zishu, this is too strong and there will be problems." Lian Guoshi said with certainty: "Brother Zhisheng's opinion is too weak..."

Feng Ziying shook her head and smiled bitterly, "Even if I go by Zhisheng's opinion, I'm worried that there will be problems. After solving the Jurchens in Jianzhou, everyone feels relieved. Disarmament at this time will be considered by the warriors as a waste of time.

If it is used by some people with ulterior motives, the older generation such as my father has retired and their influence is not as good as before. The new generation is growing up in the prime of life and is naturally high-spirited. If they are coerced by the people below,

Instigation, it’s hard to say that something like that will happen..."

I shudder to practice state affairs.

Even Feng Ziying, who faced Lian Guo Shi, had some reservations on this issue.

The army is his greatest source of confidence, and he also knows that his colleagues have criticized him for being too close to the army. However, without the support of the army, his voice as the chief minister in the government will be greatly reduced.

To put it bluntly, my right to speak in the scholar system is far from enough. Whether it is Cui Jingrong, Wang Yongguang or Chai Ke, these people's attitude towards me is cooperation rather than complete recognition. This is my biggest problem.

Shortcomings, this is why these people dare to fight against themselves on issues such as disarmament, imperial examinations, and government administration.

Sometimes Feng Ziying herself asks herself, how many courtiers in the court really agree with her ideas and how many are her fans?

If you do the math, I'm afraid it's not much.

What are his real supporters? They are military personnel and businessmen, but they are not in the court. At most, they only influence the officials in the court.

It is precisely because of his special status and influence in the army, as well as the full support of the businessmen, that these people are either forced to obey him or they are forced to obey him. Maybe they are already in the army now.

I started to regret that I might as well have chosen Gu Bingqianhe or Guan Yingzhen, but I won't give them such a choice now.


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