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2784. Chapter 2784 Gui Zi Volume 828 Life is like

 Looking at the soldiers rushing toward him with ferocious faces, Han Xu was a little confused and a little frightened.

How dare these people do this?!

But everyone around him was obviously frightened. Except for Sun Chengzong, they all moved away to avoid blood splattering on their bodies. Damn!

These vulgar and uncivilized soldiers couldn't care less about who they were as Zuodu Censor, and they might not even understand the position of Zuodu Censor. If they really died at the hands of these rough guys inexplicably,

, that’s really not worth it.

But what he said before was too full, and it was impossible for him to find a way out now. Moreover, he had been building an uncompromising character for so long. Suddenly, he couldn't even think about being in the Shilin political arena. At this time

Han Xu's face turned slightly pale, the knuckles of his clenched hands were a little blue, his body was trembling slightly, and his gown was visibly undulating.

Fortunately, Sun Chengzong stood in the front, and Feng Ziying, who was struggling to rush out from the pile of sergeants, also shouted, which made Han Xu feel a little more at ease.

Feng Ziying really wanted to keep performing this scene, but he also knew that if it were to be performed again, something might go wrong and it would not be suitable.

The steps needed to be provided, but even so, Han Xu was frightened by this and probably should have restrained himself. And seeing Gu Bingqian and Tang Binyin standing proudly in front of the hall, Feng Ziying knew that the situation was changing in the planned direction.

As long as there are a few advocates, this situation will be much easier to handle.

Feng Ziying also saw the fierceness of Han Xu and the Sun brothers. If they were really so loyal and unparalleled, they would never flinch when faced with the soldiers' muskets and bayonets, and they would not be as resigned as they are now.

Sun Chengzong stood in front and did not dare to say anything.

But then again, Feng Ziying can also understand that Han Sun and others, who usually shout slogans loudly, will be intimidated when encountering warriors showing their power, then the image of this scholar leader will be ruined, so he must hold up the scene no matter what.

Enough, with such a few loud words in front of the warriors, Han Xu should be able to explain to others. At least he dared to shout a few words in front of the warriors' swords and guns. Others did not dare to say anything. This is enough for him to explain.


At this time, it is necessary to give this group of people a step up. The next work should be done by Mao Chenglu, Gu Bingqian, and the Songjiang Gang.

Feng Ziying is finally coming forward.

He had to show up.

Facing the aggressive soldiers, Feng Ziying "resolutely" stood up and stood in the front.

"Chenglu, you have crossed the line by doing this." Feng Ziying stood in front of a group of warriors and said calmly: "No matter what is wrong with the court, the court is the court, and warriors are born to obey orders. This is an army.


"Master Chief Assistant, do we have no choice but to obey the random orders? Or do you want us warriors to be the Grandpa Yue in the Fengbo Pavilion? With Qin Hui in the court, we can only watch and let them slaughter him?"

Mao Chenglu looked at Feng Ziying and said word by word: "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint the chief minister. When we are in a court that can't guarantee the fate of our warriors, or if a bunch of Qin Hui-style treacherous ministers are in power, I'm afraid it's an inevitable mission for the Qing emperor to become a warrior...

..., please invite the Chief Assistant down, and if you want to give us an order, we should wait until the Chief Assistant has changed your identity before coming back, we will act in accordance with our established goals..."

Han Xu, Sun Juxiang and others were trembling in their hearts. Wouldn't these warriors be willing to swing their butcher's knives to kill them all?

Several sergeants immediately came up and "held" Feng Ziying away again. Their swords and guns were again aimed at the ministers in front of the palace.

"Mao Chenglu, what do you really want? What conditions do you propose? The court can consider them..." Sun Chengzong glanced at Cui Jingrong, Chai Ke and Xu Guangqi, and got a look from the three of them, "But those crazy and ridiculous conditions are

It is impossible to be recognized..."

"Haha, Mr. Sun, as the Minister of the Ministry of War, how much do you know about our border troops? It is so disappointing to say this, but I will also let you down. We have given you a chance to stop disarmament before.

, to conquer Mongolia, but you people refused, and refused very decisively. Now we also have the same request, but we will no longer trust you people. We will continue to promote our plan, but we need a more powerful one.


Mao Chenglu thought clearly and spoke eloquently, which made Sun Chengzong and others feel depressed.

It seems that this group of warriors has made up their mind a long time ago. Sun Chengzong is even sure that Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong are definitely involved here. Only this group of veteran warriors can come up with such a spicy move and directly push Feng Ziying.

When it comes to the opposite side, once Feng Ziying's card is set up, it will inevitably attract many people to slowly flock to it. Once the scholar group is divided, then...

Thinking of this, when Sun Chengzong saw Gu Bingqian, Tang Binyin, Miao Changqi and others with blazing eyes on the other side, and then thought of Songjiang Gang and Lian Guoshi, Pan Ruzhen, Fu Shi and others, his heart suddenly became cold and he could no longer speak.

As if sensing the change in the atmosphere, Mao Chenglu did not hesitate, waving his hand to the surrounding soldiers and escorting the civil servants to the palace.

"I have made up my mind. This is also the unanimous opinion of thousands of our border troops. To ensure the interests and status of our military personnel, only Xiao Feng, Chief Assistant, can do it. We no longer believe in you civil servants. The Privy Council and the Governor's Office must be re-established

Get up, disarmament must be cancelled, and the conquest of Mongolia must be launched immediately... If anyone has any objections, you may as well stand up... If you are unwilling to enter the palace, then I will regard it as opposing our warriors, so let it go.

Blame us for being rude..."

Gu Bingqian looked around, but felt a little proud.

"Everyone listens to what I said. The current government and the public are in panic because of what is happening here. I hope you all should put the overall situation first, the country, the country, and the people of the world, and don't care too much about your own interests and feelings..."

"Civil and martial arts have different paths, but they must work together to maintain the security of the DPRK. At present, the unification of the Mongolian tribes is taking shape. The Inner Khalkha people still united with the Outer Khalkha people and the Horqin people to fight against Chaha

Our people have formed an overwhelming force. If you are not careful, it may be a precursor to the Temujin era of the Northern Yuan Dynasty. Please don’t make mistakes and plan for the long term..."

As expected of a chief minister, he could write an article just by talking about it. Even Cui Jingrong, Chai Ke and Xu Guangqi had to admit that this Liuji Gong was far inferior to Qi Qi in terms of popularity and ability.

Yongtai can still be the first assistant when he is in a situation, which is particularly good at it.

"The current era is a time of great strife. Western barbarians have traveled thousands of miles and are coming in waves. Nanyang is the gateway to our heavenly dynasty. It is rich in products and has the same roots. However, it is unbearable to be occupied and grabbed by them. Similarly, Dongwu

Jiaozhi is also ready to move in our southwest border, and the Japanese shogunate has not lost its ambition and is still spying on the southeast coast and Korea..."

No need to ask, Feng Ziying also knew that this must be a secret communication between Wang Wenyan and Liu Ji Gong. These words were originally his own, but now they have become his eloquent words.

"Please don't stick to old rules and rituals, the times are moving forward..."

The civil servants who were already entering the palace listened to Gu Bingqian's words in silence. For a moment, it was difficult to judge what this person wanted. Could it be that this person wanted to rise again and spy on the first minister?


It's not impossible, but where does this leave Cui Chaixu and others?

Under the urging of the soldiers, the civil servants finally walked into the Fengtian Hall reluctantly but reluctantly.

Someone had already brought Emperor Xuan Shun to the palace. Judging from the facial expression of Emperor Xuan Shun, it seemed that he was not too shocked by such a sudden change, and even felt a bit relieved and relieved.

, it is obvious that this feeling of being an emperor does not make him feel comfortable and happy, and may even become a burden and burden that is unbearable for him. But now such a change can be made completely without having to bear the pressure and accusations from all sides.


Before the ministers under the throne could stand still, Emperor Xuan Shun took the initiative to take the stage and said in a deep voice: "The Zhang family has been owed a favor by nature. Our ancestors worked hard, but in my lifetime, it has become difficult to maintain it. I have been feeling guilty for a long time. Today

Then I asked the chief assistant to accept it..."

Immediately afterwards came a burst of parallel prose, which Feng Ziying couldn't understand, but he probably understood the meaning. He was embarrassed by the heavy responsibility, and was willing to ask Feng Keng of the new dynasty to perform the great ceremony. He himself resigned from this important responsibility and proclaimed himself King of Anle...

No one has ever encountered this kind of thing that is both inner Zen and a change of dynasty. The only person who can learn from it is Zhao Kuangyin of the Song Dynasty. But the current situation is different from that time. Zhao Kuangyin was originally a martial artist and did not care about his reputation.

Once again, he wore a yellow robe in Chenqiao and went straight back to Bianliang to ascend the throne as emperor. The civil servants could only pinch their noses and recognize him.

But in the current situation, Feng Ziying is the head of the civil servants, and she is just shouting gongs and drums in front of each other. Even if she is not particular about it, she still has to show some dignity.

Fortunately, Emperor Xuan Shun was really sensible. Based on this alone, Feng Ziying felt that he should take good care of this person in the future, so that he could at least let him enjoy a peaceful life like Liu Chan.

Seeing Zuo Liangyu and Huang Degong behind Emperor Xuanshun, Feng Ziying also knew that these two people should have contributed a lot. Of course, several senior soldiers were also indispensable.

Seeing Zhou Peisheng and Qiu Shian's faces almost bursting into laughter, I'm afraid that Emperor Xuan Shun's words were also taught by these two good students.

After several refusals, Feng Ziying was forced to sit on the throne by several military generals. When Emperor Xuan Shun took the lead in saluting, followed by Gu Bingqian, Tang Binyin, and Miao Changqi who presented their watches, everything seemed to go more smoothly than Feng Ziying imagined.

And the ministers in the palace seemed to be restless, divided, and each had their own actions...

Feng Ziying looked at everything in front of her with some confusion, feeling that the characters in the palace were far away and sometimes close, like puppets on the stage, becoming blurry...

This chapter has been completed!
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