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Volume B, Chapter 188, Aftermath

 A group of students left almost ignorantly, except for practicing national affairs.

When practicing state affairs, the officials of Shuntian Prefecture used an umbrella ceremony to send him off until his death.

This is how extraordinary the number one scholar is. It immediately widens the gap between him and other Jinshi scholars, and even the second best scholar. The number one scholar is directly awarded the sixth rank and enters the Imperial Academy, while the second best scholar is admitted to the Imperial Academy by the seventh rank.

Seeing Lian Guoshi forcefully and calmly leaving to return home accompanied by officials from Shuntian Prefecture, Feng Ziying and others were envious and knew that this was something they couldn't force. The top pick in each subject was determined by chance and luck.

It is in line with the wishes of the elders and regardless of the emperor's holy will. For the students who can pass the Jinshi examination, they are still very satisfied.

Feng Ziying even felt that Fang Youdu, who was smiling at all times, was not a fellow Jinshi in the top three, but more like a member of the top three. His indifferent joy looked really detached.

"Uncle Fang, what are your plans?" Feng Ziying walked at the end with Fang Youdu, and Feng Ziying asked with a smile: "It seems that you are planning to go home?"

"Well, I know it won't be my turn to be chosen as a concubine. I am self-aware, and I will be leaving in June. I plan to ask for leave and return home after the Enrong Banquet and the visit to the Master's Temple." Fang You

Du was in high spirits, and his mood was not affected at all by being ranked among the top three Jinshi. "My parents also hope that I will go home and get married as soon as possible. Well, they also hope that the Fang family will have children as soon as possible."

"I'm afraid your father-in-law didn't expect that you would pass the Jinshi exam, right? I'm afraid he really got a Jinshi for nothing. I'm afraid everyone in your county will praise him for his sharp eyesight and talent." Fang Ziying's family situation is very poor.

It is clear that in the past six months, the two of them have interacted more and more, and have become more and more familiar with each other.

"Haha, Jia Yue was also a scholar. Unfortunately, he failed the provincial examination many times, which has always been a pity. Before Zhuo Jing got engaged to me, countless people came to propose marriage, but Jia Yue only wanted to find a scholar..."

"If you're not a scholar, there are so many scholars in the world, so how about recruiting people?" Feng Ziying interrupted Fang Youdu's words without politeness, "If you were only a scholar, do you think your father-in-law would look for you? There is also a dowry of fertile land.

One hundred acres, one house in the county, and even three shops, haha, I'm afraid it will cost no less than ten thousand taels of silver, right?"

Fang Youdu didn't feel dissatisfied. At this time, he was in a better mood than anyone else and was still smiling.

"Ziying, I know you don't agree with my marriage, but you have to know that I am different from you. My father and mother still need to be in my hometown, so someone needs to take care of me. As for my family, to be honest with you, I

I have admired Zhuojing for a long time, but I never dared to hope for it before, so now I am very satisfied..."

"Okay, okay, Uncle Fang, I know you've said this countless times." Feng Ziying quickly waved her hands, "I guess everyone has to take leave and go home. It doesn't matter if you don't participate in the Shujishi Hall election.

You can take a few more days off as appropriate, but is your family going to move to the capital?"

Both Shujishi and Jinshi have to observe the government for two years, but the appointment of officials after that depends on the situation. It is also possible to let officials go outside, but under the avoidance system, it is impossible for Fang Youdu to return to Nanzhili to serve as an official.

Fang Youdu hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head: "I'm afraid not. Zhuo Jing has to take care of his parents at home. Jia Yue also said that if it is convenient, he can marry a concubine or two and come with me to Beijing to take care of me."

Feng Ziying couldn't help but clicked her tongue, when did Fang Youdu become a fubài? It turned out that he didn't even dare to think about having a daughter-in-law, but now he often talks about marrying two concubines and bringing them to the capital to take care of his own life. This is really

It's different.

But Feng Ziying also knows that this is the most normal situation in this era. Let alone Jinshi, even if you are selected as a candidate, which candidate's family does not have several concubines?

In the past, Feng Ziying was not very familiar with it, but later I found out that those in Lao Xiyuan, except Xu Xie, were famous for their poetry and prose. They had to wait until they became Jinshi before marrying. They were just engaged but had not married yet, but they also had concubines at home.

They have five or six bedrooms, and the others have already married and had concubines, and even have several children. Of course, most of them are in their early twenties.

Fang Youdu comes from a poor family, so he has never been married. However, once he wins the imperial examination, wealthy families from his hometown will immediately come to get married. This is a routine operation and a normal thing. Now that Fang Youdu has won the Jinshi again, I'm afraid

As the tide rises, it becomes even more popular.

Even Xu Qixun, who is only one year older than him, has already been engaged at home. He can get married as soon as he passes the exam. According to Xu Qixun, even if he fails the exam in the next subject, his family will have to consider getting him married.


Indeed, everyone will face huge changes in life after passing the imperial examination, especially after passing the imperial examination, they will face the appointment of officials two years later.

Either stay in the capital, and the shuji scholars can go directly to the Imperial Academy, while the ordinary jinshi who are not shuji scholars can enter the six ministries, the Duchayuan, Dali Temple, the General Affairs Department, the Five Army Governor's Office, Honglu Temple, and Taichang Temple.

However, a small number of Jinshi and a considerable number of fellow Jinshi may be released as officials in the capital. This will all depend on the vacancies of central and local official positions in the imperial court and their respective performances in two years.

With the end of the Chuanlu Ceremony, the imperial list was quickly posted outside the left gate of Chang'an.

Although the number of people who came to see the list this time was not so huge, the level of people who came to see the list was even more different. Many were young men from various families in the capital city, and some were simply the children of high-ranking families who came in person.

Look at the list.

Feng Ziying and others knew the rankings of herself and her classmates, relatives and friends who were close to them on the spot, so there was no need to look at the rankings. Others could only find out through this channel who the top two and three top families belonged to.

The Feng family was overwhelmed with surprises coming one after another.

For the servants, children and maids, this period is undoubtedly the happiest time. The mistress and wife at home are all smiling. Even if they make any mistakes, they don't care about them at this time. What makes them even more happy is that one after another

The ultimate reward.

The young master has already been rewarded for passing the Jinshi examination. Now the people who read the rankings come back and say that the young master ranks among the top two and nine in the high school. This is the real high school. To ordinary domestic servants and maids, the top two and the top three are not clear about the real high school.

It is meaningful, but the Duan family, Su family and Xie family, as well as several housekeepers in the family, still understand that it is unusual.

This means that not only is the young master expected to attack the Shujishi, but also the possibility of staying in the capital as a court official after two years of observing the government is greatly increased.

This time, Feng Ziying took the initiative to say goodbye to her other classmates and went home. The important matter was decided, and the next step was to choose the Shujishi Hall three months later.

But Feng Ziying is not too worried about this. The Ministry of Etiquette and the Ministry of Officials mainly select the concubines in the palace, and they are supervised by the Metropolitan Procuratorate. At this point, if the concubines still pass by him, then

There is really going to be a big storm.

Naturally, there was a lot of excitement after returning home, and the servants and maids came to congratulate him one after another.

But it was inevitable that Ming Huan, Ming Zhu and the other maids would look at her with resentment. Now that they could not enter the young master's room, the aunt's dream was getting further and further away. The look in her eyes made Feng Ziying a little worried that Yun Shang would become more and more sad in the house.

"How can it be that exaggerated? Sister Minghuan and the others don't like slaves very much, but now that slaves belong to the young master's house, they will not embarrass them. Besides, they just can't enter the young master's house now, in case the young master comes back again in the future.

Now that you’ve figured it out, isn’t there still a chance?”

Yun Shang, blushing and delicate, stood in front of Feng Ziying, with the sweat towel in her hands twisted, and her body couldn't help but twist around.

Since that night, the two of them have become closer, but Yun Shang is also more and more afraid of being like this in front of the young master. She is worried that if the young master loses control and really crosses the line and harms the young master, then

I am really at the end of my rope.

Feng Ziying now somewhat understands Fang Youdu's state of mind. After returning to her hometown, she is surrounded by beautiful wives and concubines all day long, and the pretty maids are waiting on her. You said you have no idea, you are used to this.

Life suddenly returned to Beijing to lead a lonely and lonely life. It was really sad.

I am still only a girl named Yun Shang. Even a strong-blooded person can feel a little uncontrollable and want to commit a crime. Fang Youdu, who has never experienced such a temptation test, will naturally be unbearable.

"No, I'm not interested in Ming Huan Mingzhu and the others." Feng Ziying quickly stopped her: "Yun Shang, please don't let it slip so stupidly. If you make them think about it, you will be in trouble in the future."

Yun Shang hesitated for a moment, "But it will definitely take the second half of the year until the government buys the little girls from Datong and Yangzhou, and these little girls will have to be trained for several years before they can be used. What about the young master in the past two years?

What to do? My wife has already mentioned this, and we really can’t delay it any longer.”

"Well, let's wait a little longer. This matter is not that urgent." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "Besides, we won't select Shujishi until June. We have to wait until after June."

Not to mention that everyone in the Feng family was full of joy, and the grand ceremony was announced. The shocking momentum of the announcement of the imperial list began to slowly spread to the entire capital city.

The fresh emergence of new scholars means that the latest batch of future scholars and civil servants of the Great Zhou Dynasty have begun to enter the Great Zhou Dynasty to begin their period of observing the government. The entry of this new blood will give the long-dormant

What did the Zhou court bring?

At this time, the Spring Palace Competition for the fifth year of Yonglong has been basically finalized. The turmoil in the Gongyuan between the lock-up and withdrawal of the thorns, and the differences and confrontations between the emperor in the Fengtian Palace and the chief assistant readers will all be revealed.

Careful people carefully ponder it, and even derive countless explanations, which slowly sway and ferment with the gentle breeze and gentle waves.

Naturally, this kind of information will inevitably be passed on to further and further places through various channels by many people, well, such as the Supreme Emperor and the Palace of Prince Yi Zhong.

This chapter has been completed!
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