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Volume C, Section 21, Internal Reference, Case Analysis

 In July, the ground in the Capital City was hot from the sun. Even though it was already past the first day of the year, the sky was still frighteningly bright. A black dog stuck out its tongue and I lazily curled up in the shade, watching feebly.

A horse-drawn carriage passed by.

Feng Ziying, who graduated from the Hanlin Academy, was still immersed in the emotions after reading history. Of course, she was not moved by reading history, but touched.

The slow pace of life, the step-by-step routine of going to court and leaving court, everything seems so quiet and peaceful, but what is hidden behind it?

Feng Ziying couldn't help but glance at the majestic Meridian Gate through the car window, but Feng Ziying felt a little nervous. In the fifth year of Yonglong, maybe 1607 AD, it seemed that a big event happened in history.

The British arrived in North America in three ships, settled down, and established their first colony, Virginia. Soon they would begin a history of colonial conquest that would last more than a hundred years, and the vast land of North America would be conquered by them.

Taken away from the native Indians.

But what about the Great Zhou Dynasty? Feng Ziying felt a little heavy. Facing the aggressive offensive of the Jurchens and Tatars in the north, the Japanese pirates were still harassing the sea areas, and the Annan people were also causing trouble in the southwest. The internal worries of the dynasty were even worse.

Feng Ziying suddenly realized that she had been in this time and space for more than two years and almost three years. Apart from passing the imperial examination and becoming a reserve soldier for an official career - Shujishi, she seemed to have gained nothing.

Faced with such a big empire that is moving forward with inertia, Feng Ziying realizes that golden fingers and time travelers are really of little use. You can change one person, ten people or even a hundred people, but you can change ten thousand or even a million people.


Obviously, no.

If you can't do it ideologically, then how can you change the opinions and thoughts of 10,000 or even a million or more people? Well, or make them obey your own ideas and thoughts. There is no other way to do it except power.

But this power is not so easy to obtain. It requires accumulation from all aspects, which is why Feng Ziying is so anxious.

But the cold water that Master Qi poured on him today still made him sober up a lot. Haste makes waste, and some things are thought too well, and the result is that he dies too quickly.

Feng Ziying did not try to completely change the ideas of Qi Yongtai or Qiao Yingjia. Well, to a certain extent, he could instill some views that were closer to their ideas or acceptable to them, but if he expected to completely change the officialdom of a forty or fifty-year-old officialdom whose views had long been stereotyped

Zhongren, that’s a bit whimsical.

But some things can still be done.

When he came out of Qi Yongtai's place, he had made up his mind.

Now that I can't do practical things for the time being, I can only make a fuss about retreat.

This is an old routine, but Feng Ziying is well aware of the role of propaganda and public opinion. When you grasp this power, you will find that many things can be done with twice the result with half the effort.

Moreover, so many students are distributed among the six departments and nine ministers. If these resources are not put to good use, we will miss the good situation in the next one or two years.

The carriage rumbled by, and Ruixiang, who was following the carriage, saw Rongning Street in front of him and wanted to remind him, but he was afraid of disturbing the young master's thinking, so he hesitated.

It wasn't until Feng Ziying raised his eyes that Ruixiang finally found an opportunity, "Sir, the Rongguo Duke's Mansion is in front of you. There have been several posts there. Please take a look..."

Feng Ziying couldn't help but frown.

It has been almost ten days since Xiangling came to the house, and his life as a Shujishi has begun in an orderly manner. It seems that life in this era is like this, leisurely and interesting, but it always makes people feel a little unwilling.

If you agree to something, you have to go.

Hearing that Jia Zheng and his wife wanted to give her two maids, Feng Ziying didn't want to come.

It's not that I was frightened because of the two maids, but that I was too willing to make the relationship with the Jia family too sticky.

I originally thought that it was just a matter of helping Jia Baoyu and then using Jia Lian as a tool, which would be enough.

Although I also feel a little regretful that the Jia family may be in a bad situation due to the decline of the Jia family in the two spring days of welcoming the spring and exploring the spring, but now I have no good way. I can't just go to the other party and tell the other party that the Jia family is going to collapse anyway.

Well, you might as well follow me and become a concubine, I'm afraid you'll really get whipped.

"Forget it, let's go tomorrow." Feng Ziying shook her head, and finally felt that she might have to face it, whether she accepts it or not, hiding like this is not the way. The key is that since Jia Lian has revealed the truth, Xue Baochai's matter may also have to be solved.


When the carriage returned to the house, Feng Ziying got off the car and went directly to the hospital. Xiangling was on duty today.

Once Xiangling came, Yun Shang was liberated. She no longer had to wait for Feng Ziying to come back anytime and anywhere. In this way, the two of them could divide the work and cooperate to keep everything in this small courtyard in order.

The person who is on duty is responsible for Feng Ziying getting up, dressing and washing, while the other person who is not on duty is responsible for preparing meals and discussing other daily matters.

"Sir, that uncle Fang has been here a long time ago and has been waiting for you in the outer courtyard." Xiang Ling whispered while changing Feng Ziying's clothes.

"Oh? Uncle Fang is here?" Feng Ziying smiled and shook her head. It had only been a few days and this guy was here again for food.

Fang Youdu was observing politics in the Ministry of Punishment, and temporarily rented a house on Jiufeng Temple Street next to the charcoal factory, not far from Sanfasi. Although it belonged to Jinchengfang, it was actually far away from Fucaifang and Xianyi

The houses are not too far away, they are all in the west.

After Fang Youdu visited the temple of his ancestors, he immediately asked for leave and returned to his hometown. After returning, they immediately got married.

Unexpectedly, the firepower was particularly fierce. Not only was the newlywed wife pregnant, but one of Gangna's concubines was also pregnant, causing the entire Fang family to rejoice.

Originally, the concubine was going to accompany Fang Youdu to Beijing, but now she had no choice but to stay. Now there are only two maids who came with his wife as dowry to follow him to Beijing, so they have to come over from time to time to get food.

"What's going on? Your eyeballs are so bloodshot? Didn't you get a good night's rest?" Feng Ziying was quite surprised to see Fang Youdu looking so haggard. Didn't it mean that his wife and concubines didn't come? Could it be that this guy really treated two maids like this?

All the rooms were taken away, and the fight continued all night long?

Seeing Feng Ziying's expression, Fang Youdu knew that this guy was wrong, and he said angrily: "I was reading the papers at the Criminal Department last night, and I didn't go home until I saw Zi. I was almost caught by the people from the patrol camp as a thief...


"What paper is so complicated and interests you so much?" Feng Ziying couldn't help but ask. He didn't expect Fang Youdu to get into the mood so quickly.

"Don't you know? That murderous case of suicide in front of the criminal department three years ago?" Fang Youdu smiled softly and said: "Finally, the conclusion is finalized. I have been reviewing the case files for the past ten days, which can be regarded as the conclusion of this case.

After figuring it out, a case that was not complicated actually involved countless people. No less than ten people died because of it. Among them, there were three people who were demoted and above the fifth rank.

Among the five who were tasted, a few were assigned. After looking at them, I realized that it was not easy to be an official."

Feng Ziying became interested.

He seemed to have vaguely heard of this case, a case of self-inflicted suicide in Beijing. There was a big fuss at the time, mainly because a murder case many years ago had never been concluded. It was overturned over and over again, and then dragged out without any results. The victim

With the support of the family, this tragic incident was finally staged in front of the gate of the Ministry of Justice.

The cause of this case is a murder case in a mountain village. The deceased's surname was Xu. He was killed at the entrance of the village one night. The village is composed of two big surnames and a small number of small surnames. Both Zhang and Xu have big surnames, and they have been doing so for decades.

There are endless disputes over mountains, forests, water sources and land.

Since the case was in a mountain village, there were basically no external factors, so the case was quickly tried by the Jingxian County Yamen. The convict recanted his confession in court during the review of Ningguo Mansion, and returned to Ningguo Mansion for review. The result was that the original verdict was completely overturned.

As a result, several people from the original plaintiff were jailed and deemed criminals.

Finally, during the retrial of the Nanjing Ministry of Punishment, it was overturned again and pointed again at the criminals tried by the Jingxian County Government.

In this way, the case kept repeating itself, and it was dragged on for many years, but the case could not be finalized. In the end, he went to Beijing and committed suicide in front of the criminal department, which caused a sensation. In the end, a director of the criminal department personally went to Ningguo Mansion to investigate the case, and finally found out the case.


While drinking, Fang Youdu also talked about the whole case.

The case was not complicated, but because the county magistrate who initially investigated the case was a nerd with no experience in investigating cases, he was stubborn and self-willed, and because he was exhausted from traveling hundreds of miles to examine the body, there were omissions and omissions during the autopsy.

The key cause of death was determined, but there were obvious errors when collecting witness statements, but the error in the cause of death could not be corrected. Therefore, when the case was finalized, it was directly pointed at another big family named Zhang. Under three circumstances, many members of the Zhang family were beaten.

In the end, the Ningguo Mansion collectively retracted the confession, and then the Ningguo Mansion went to the other extreme when hearing the case, believing that this was a deliberate trick by the Xu family to frame the Zhang family, because although this person's surname was Xu, he was a

They were fools who had nothing to do, so more than ten members of the Xu family were imprisoned. The confessions they obtained were also full of contradictions, and in the end the case came to a dead end.

The Nanjing Criminal Department also used the original testimonies and evidence in many trials, and basically did not re-investigate, but the evidence could not be corroborated. In the end, it was dragged on until the tragic suicide of the deceased's son in front of the Capital Criminal Department.

Fang Youdu spoke very vividly, and even Xiang Ling and Yun Shang, who came to pour the wine, were attracted.

"Ziying, do you know what the problem is in this case?" Fang Youdu said proudly.

"There are two reasons why it happened. One is the village surname, and the other is the witness." Feng Ziying said casually.

"Ah? You know?" Fang Youdu was greatly surprised.

"What do I know? I guessed it." Feng Ziying spread her hands.

"Impossible, how could you guess it?" Fang Youdu couldn't believe it. Although he knew the result of this case from the beginning, he only figured it out after reading the paper over and over again. He had not leaked anything before.

How could Feng Ziying guess it all at once?

"The answer is very simple. It's not me who is very capable. In fact, you leaked it yourself." Feng Ziying said with a smile.

Not to mention Fang Youdu, even the two observers, Yun Shang and Xiang Ling, had no idea what Fang Youdu revealed in his words.

"First, I don't know if you paid attention to it. You mentioned two major surnames, and then added that there are also some minor surnames. If the murderer is from these two major surnames, your department specially emphasizes that there are minor surnames. Well, this

It’s human habit,…”

Fang Youdu had to admit that what the other party said was reasonable.

"Second, you said several times that there were errors in the witness's testimony, but you did not mention why there were errors in the witness' testimony. It is obvious that such a key issue was flawed without mentioning it. Naturally, there is something wrong with the witness himself..."

Such a simple reasoning made Fang Youdu very frustrated, "Ziying, what you said makes me feel that if you were to handle this case, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been dragged out like this, and it would have been over and over again for five or six years!"

"That's not necessarily true." Feng Ziying shook her head, "I'm just using some of your own habits when introducing the case to make inferences. If you really want me to try the case, I'm afraid it won't be much better than that county magistrate. But Uncle Fang, you

I feel that this case has been dragging on for five or six years, and there have been so many twists and turns, from the county to the government, to the Nanjing Criminal Department, and all the way to the Ministry. With such a big move, two people died directly, and this is not even considered a execution.

, and it seems that several others died of illness in prison, so what is the problem here?"

Fang Youdu felt that Feng Ziying had some ideas, but he didn't know what the other party wanted to do. He pondered for a while before saying: "This case is not complicated, but from the county to the prefecture and then to Nanjing, there are many problems, such as

, after passing the county magistrate's election, when it came to being appointed, he was basically blank and had no experience in investigating cases. Moreover, because he had just arrived in the county not long ago, his staff were mainly Qianliang masters, but he did not invite famous criminal masters, so when investigating cases, he was basically

Rely on your own feelings, and for example, there are insufficient number of workers and lack of experience. The county workers are old and frail, and they are temporary replacements. The original workers stopped working due to illness, which directly led to the problem of removing key evidence..."

"..., for another example, when the Nanjing Criminal Department tried the case, there was no real review at all, and the original case files and evidence were basically used. They knew that they had experienced repeated confessions. This kind of case definitely requires careful review of the evidence, but the officials handling the case were hasty and in the end

But because he could not convince the public, he simply put it aside. This serious neglect of government and dereliction of duty led to the victim committing suicide at the Criminal Department of the capital..."

Seeing Feng Ziying's fingers seeming to be scribbling something on the table with wine, Fang Youdu finally stopped talking, "Ziying, are you trying to do something again?"

"Well, indeed, I thought about it again. Anyway, I have nothing to do in the Hanlin Academy. I am studying history all day long. Why not use this leisure to do something useful? Well, for example, I plan to use these classmates and colleagues in the Hanlin Academy.

The ability to compile books, make imperial edicts, and write articles, but what is more important is the insights gained from observing politics in various ministries like you..."

Fang Youdu blinked, and Feng Ziying laughed, "So I'm going to get an article that embodies the responsibilities of the Hanlin Academy's secret advisor, similar to Di Bao, and then ask the elders and the six officials to read it.

, of course they can also write articles..., what's the name? Our Hanlin Academy produced it, "Inherent Heaven and Earth, Understanding the Universe", let's call it internal reference. You write an article, and I will give this column a name.

Son, let’s call the case and explain it!”

This chapter has been completed!
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