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Volume C, Chapter 57, Expedition

 Daiyu's face turned red all of a sudden, she twisted her body and reached out to tear Zijuan's little mouth off.

Zijuan giggled and dodged, then hugged Daiyu's arm and said softly: "Girl, please don't be embarrassed. The girl should also understand the uncle's wishes. He is the only one with three rooms in the Feng family. I'm afraid everyone in the family wants to

To be able to spread the branches and leaves, the uncle must have thought about this, so he made such advance arrangements..."

Daiyu bit her lip and did not try to tear Zijuan's mouth apart. She just turned around, looked out the window, and said quietly: "Why don't I know Brother Feng's thoughts? It's just my body..."

"Girl, don't say that. In fact, Brother Feng also told the maid that the girl is still young now. As long as she persists, she will gradually see results in three to five years. He just asks the girl to persist and not fish for two days in three days."

Tiansha.com, you also need to pay attention to your daily diet, don't be picky about food, and go to bed early at night..."

Hearing Zijuan murmur that these are the special instructions from Brother Feng, Daiyu's beautiful eyes like autumn water began to ripple again, as if she was recalling every moment when she met Brother Feng, especially in Linqing and Zai

Dahuguo Temple, and the scene when Brother Feng came to his house.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but take out the two paintings.

"Also, Uncle Feng also said that girls shouldn't be too worried and don't think too much about many things. That way the mood will be much more relaxed, and the depression will not affect the body..."

"I know, I know." Seeing that Zijuan was still chattering, Daiyu finally couldn't help it anymore, "Brother Feng also asked me to tell you, this girl Zijuan is good at everything, but her mouth is too bad..."

"Where is that?" Zicuckoo cocked her nose charmingly and curled her lips, "I don't believe this. Uncle Feng always tells the slave how to serve the girl well, take good care of her, and ask her not to worry about it. How has he ever said anything about the slave?


at the same moment.

Baochai had already gotten up and was sitting quietly on the spring bench reading a book. However, although his eyes were on the book, his mind had already flown to nowhere.

be terribly upset.

I originally thought that there would be some general news after the new year, but I never thought that the sudden Ningxia mutiny would cause such a big disturbance. Not only Yulin Town, but also Mr. Feng, who served as the chief military officer of Yulin Town, would bear the brunt of being involved.

During the war, even Feng Ziying was named by the right minister of the Ministry of War and the governor of the three sides to accompany the army and praise her.

Although he didn't know how long he had been there, Baochai also knew that being personally ordered by the right minister of the Ministry of War and the governor of the three sides, it meant that Brother Feng had begun to come into the sight of important officials in the imperial court.

You must know that this person is not inferior to his uncle, or even more awesome than his uncle, who is a civil servant.

After arriving in the capital city, Baochai knew that it would be difficult for the Xue family to return to their previous situation. It was neither possible nor impossible.

The Xue family's current basic connections in Jinling are slowly but irreversibly fading. If the current situation continues, perhaps the Xue family's influence in Jinling will be negligible in a few years.

The border army is still filled with three-eyed fire cannons of mixed quality and quantity, and many frontier troops even refuse to use such low-quality three-eyed fire cannons to avoid hurting themselves.

After crossing the Yellow River, we entered the territory of Yulin Town. Feng Ziying and his party had already distanced themselves from the Five Hundred Fire Gun Battalion. The military situation was tense and no one dared to delay any longer.

Moreover, Chai Ke and Yang He, including Chai Ke and Yang He, had no idea how much role the Five Hundred Fire Gun Battalion could play in such a war.

After all, it seems that although this thing has been practiced for more than ten years after being purchased from the Franco machine, it has never been actually put to use. The complicated and lengthy operating procedures and endless accidents have also made those who have watched this kind of blunderbuss

The generals who trained with their hands didn't think this thing was much better than the archer.

Especially at night and on rainy days, this thing is basically a natural target for the enemy.

Feng Ziying's impression was that there were not many firecrackers in Datong Town. There were some bulky cannons on the city walls, but to be honest, the quality and effectiveness were worrying.

At least in the land of Dazhou, Feng Ziying has not seen the flintlock gun that should have appeared in Europe, and this kind of matchlock gun called a fire gun is still rare in Dazhou.

This can be seen from the fact that Chai Ke, as the right minister of the Ministry of War, had great doubts about such weapons. This can be seen from the status of such hot weapons in the minds of the Zhou Dynasty court.

For Feng Ziying, it is not his turn to dictate the improvement of weapons and military systems now. There is no relatively cash-rich and complete industrial system. He knows very well that the red cannons and matchlock guns produced are only

It could be a showpiece with high quality, high price, many faults and difficult to maintain, or even a cold weapon that is not as good as a well-trained weapon. And the current actual situation of Dazhou is not likely to lead to a violent attack.

But at this time, Feng Ziying was still extremely eager to grow up quickly, take control of power, and be financially wealthy. The story of farming and robbing the country and then sweeping the country would be such a pleasant and imaginative story.

"Ziying, Mr. Chai asked you to come over." Zheng Chongjian hurriedly rushed in, and the cold wind that came in almost blew out the candles in the room.

Seeing Zheng Chongjian's anxious face, Feng Ziying knew that there must be bad news coming again: "Something happened again?"

"Su Nang Taiji has attacked Luoquan Fort!" Zheng Chongjian breathed a little quickly, "It is said that Bansheng Bailian has joined and has broken Luoquan Fort!"

Feng Ziying was surprised, "Are you sure?!"

If Su Nang Taiji has really taken control of the tens of thousands of White Lotus believers active outside the Great Wall, then the problem will be really big.

But it stands to reason that these White Lotus believers have already lost confidence in the Tatars after being betrayed by their grandfather Anda Khan. Although they are still living outside the Great Wall, they are unlikely to work for the Tatars wholeheartedly.


"That should be the case. Otherwise, how could Luoquan Fort and Baihu Fort be breached so easily? Moreover, as soon as the troops were mobilized, the Tatars took advantage of the loophole..."

Zheng Chongjian is from Shanxi, so he is naturally very concerned about the defense of Shanxi Town. For several months in the Ministry of War, he spent a lot of time on the three sides, four towns and Xuanda.

"That can only mean that there is something wrong within Shanxi Town!" Feng Ziying suddenly became angry.

The defense of these nine sides is almost naked in the eyes of the Tatars and Jurchens. A slight military maneuver will be controlled by the Tatars and Jurchens outside the Great Wall, and it can even be accurate to military maneuvers of less than 500 people. This

It was Geng Ruqi who told Feng Ziying personally, and this was what Feng Ziying repeatedly warned her father in her letters.

In addition to the pervasive traders, many middle- and high-level generals within the frontier army have inextricable connections with the Tatars outside the Great Wall. At critical moments, someone will stir up trouble among them.

I don't know how my father has been cleaning up Yulin Town in the past two years. Thinking of this, Feng Ziying became more and more anxious.

This chapter has been completed!
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