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Volume C, Chapter 58, Sense of Existence (Replenishment)

When Feng Ziying arrived at the small courtyard where Chai Ke was, she could only feel that the whole courtyard was in a hectic and chaotic scene.

The largest room was obviously used as a temporary public house, and the map was hung up. Geng Ruqi, two other directors of the Ministry of War, and a member of Long Jinwei's family were already in the room, and another one who must have come from Yulin was already there.

The general who came over.

Chai Ke and Yang He were already in the room, and the general who came from Yulin was introducing the situation in Yulin Town to them.

"..., Sanshan Fort and Sanshan Pass are both under control, but the rebel forces are strong, and the three thousand troops of Dingbianying Yiyun in the north have been pressing on them. There have been two battles, and each suffered damage..."

"..., Tatar cavalry has appeared outside Gouchi. They should be reinforcements invited by the Yi family..."

"The General of the Army is currently waiting for the Governor and the Yushi of Youqiandu in Yulin City. The Tatars outside the border wall are currently very active, forcing the 20,000 people originally deployed from the center line to temporarily stay in Yongji Fort.

At the front line of Zhenjingbao, the grain and grass have already been transported to Pingqiangbao and Xiamaguanbao. The grain and grass stored in these two places are enough to support our army for two months."

Feng Ziying and Zheng Chongjian entered the room and took the initiative to huddle in the corner, listening to the general's introduction.

Dad's actions are still a bit too cautious, but who made him a military commander?

If it were Chai Ke, he could launch an attack on the front line of Sweetwater Castle, giving the rebels a head-on blow first, using offense instead of defense to suppress the rebels' offensive momentum. Of course, it would be possible to directly penetrate

He went to Ningxia Town, which was a bit over the line for Feng Tang, the commander-in-chief of Yulin Town.

It doesn't matter if you are a civil servant, but it is best for military officers not to commit this taboo.

"Ziying, Da Zhang, you must also learn to familiarize yourself with the military situation every day. Mr. Zhang and several colleagues from the Ministry of War, who just came from Yulin, have already given an introduction to the current situation, but the situation in Gansu Town is still unclear. I only know that

Zhenfan Guard had completely fallen into the hands of the rebels ten days ago. Yongchang Guard was besieged by the rebels three days ago, but the final result is still unclear. The most important Gulangsuo and Sishui Fort in the south of Liangzhou Guard were both

It has been captured by the rebels. Both Zhenqiang Fort and Tianzhu were captured by the rebels. Wushengyi has not yet been captured, but it is estimated that it will not hold out for a few days..."

Geng Ruqi patiently introduced the situation to the two juniors who might become colleagues in the future. They were both students from Qingtan Academy, so of course he would help if he could.

Chai Ke held his forehead tiredly. Now he was on the road every day during the day, and at night he stayed at his accommodation to study the military situation and express his own opinions. However, there were too many sailors and the boat was damaged. All kinds of arguments and opinions made him dizzy.

Feng Ziying was very excited. She could finally have practical contact with military affairs. Although it was still at its most basic stage, at least she had this opportunity to have a most intuitive and in-depth understanding.

"Master Zhang, I would like to ask, Yulin Town should also have some understanding of the situation of the Ningxia Guard in the early stage. The rebel offensive is in full swing. This is expected by the court. After all, they are rebelling. If they don't make some posture,

Are they just sitting there waiting for the imperial army to come and wipe them out?"

Feng Ziying looked very natural, without any anxiety.

"Feng Langjun, our town does have some sources of information, but not many. After all, Ningxia Wei and we belong to two separate families." Knowing that this man is the legitimate son of the chief military officer, Zhang Han clasped his fists politely: "

But since the Ningxia Rebellion, we have also excluded various personnel from entering the Ningxia Guard, and the information we currently have basically comes from them..."

"Then I just want to ask, how much food and grass do the rebels, including the original Ningxia Town itself, have, as well as the food and grass that Liu Dongyang, Tu Wenxiu and the Kuai family have secretly intercepted and hid, and how long will it be enough to support them?"

As soon as Feng Ziying opened her mouth, everyone in the room was shocked.

Go straight to the key point, food and fodder. There are a lot of rebels. When starting a war, food and fodder must be taken care of first, and silver is second. After all, even if you have money at this time, you may not be able to buy food and fodder.

Chai Ke and Yang He couldn't help but raise their eyebrows. As expected, Feng Tang's son had followed him and had some knowledge of military affairs. He hit the nail on the head.

Zhang Han was also surprised. He took a serious look at the young man and hesitated for a moment: "Feng Langjun, I'm afraid we can't make an accurate judgment on this. The Ministry of War should know better about the food and fodder supply situation in Ningxia Town, but I'm afraid it's no better than ours."

Yulin Zhenqiang basically ships and replenishes it every two months. According to the usual practice, it should be replenished in March..."

"Don't you know anything about Kuai Bai and Liu Dongyang?" Feng Ziying knew what the other party was being cautious about, but she didn't care much at this time.

Zhang Han hesitated for a moment, but under the insistence of the other party's eyes, he said reluctantly: "We still know something about Kuai Bai. He has always been arrogant and has been flirting with the Tatars. His son Kuai Chengen is the deputy commander-in-chief, and he is in control of the Tatars."

There are 10,000 main troops, of which 3,000 are elite Cangtou troops. The other sons, Yi Chengchong and Yizi Yiyun, each control 5,000 troops, of which each has 1,000 elite Cangtou troops. Judging from the food, fodder,

There should be no problem in providing support until May. The situation of Liu Dongyang, Tu Wenxiu and others is beyond our control..."

If we were to spy on Kuai Bai and others, it would still make sense because they were not from my race and their overly forceful attitude would make Yulin Town wary before they spied on the information. However, before Liu Dongyang and others rebelled,

It seems a bit unbelievable that you are spying on the military situation in a neighboring town.

Chai Ke and Yang He had no time to think about this now. The control and combat effectiveness shown by the rebels had already made them anxious, but Feng Ziying's reminder made them aware of the rebels' weakness - food and grass supplies.

Border towns like Ningxia Town, which basically rely entirely on external transportation of grain and fodder supplies, will collapse as long as they are trapped within a town and given enough time.

But the problem is that the imperial court cannot do this. Yulin Town can be blocked, but what about Gansu Town and Guyuan Town?

Moreover, the court also needs to think clearly. If the rebels make a final desperate move and turn the entire town of Ningxia and even Gansu into a white field, what will the court do?

If the imperial court had money and food, everything would be easy to do. If it had no money and food, it would not dare to sit back and watch Ningxia Town and Gansu Town become a wasteland. Otherwise, the court would have to abandon these two towns and retreat to Guyuan and Yulin, allowing these two towns to become a wasteland.

The pastures and hunting grounds of the Tatars and Mughals would require huge investments to rebuild the two towns, which was not acceptable to the court.

It can be said that this is the main reason why Chai Ke and Yang He rushed all night in a hurry to assemble the army and plan the offensive as soon as possible, because they knew that although the rebels could not afford to delay, the court could not afford to delay either.

But Feng Ziying wanted to remind them that although the court could not afford to delay, I am afraid that the rebels could not afford to delay even more than they imagined.

"Ziying, what do you want to say?"

"Master Chai, the student wants to say that neither the rebels themselves nor the Tatars on the Hetao have extra food and grass to support them. Although they seem to be attacking fiercely now, in fact we only have one bite, Guyuan and

The Gansu side is holding on tightly. If it really can't hold back, it should try its best to keep the walls clear and leave nothing to the rebels. On the Yulin Town side, if the army gathers together, they can launch an offensive calmly..."

For Feng Ziying, the military discussion could only go so far. Without enough intelligence to support it, the secret would be exposed.

But judging from the current situation, Dazhou still maintains a basic intelligence network at least in the border areas, but it has shrunk significantly due to the long-term peace and the lack of food and wages.

Any undertaking cannot be separated from the support of money and food. This sentence is really true.

The towns in Jiubian actually have their own Ye Bu Shuang, Jian Shao, and other personnel who specialize in spying on intelligence. The most famous among them is naturally Ye Bu Shu, who is responsible for spying on the military, political, and social conditions of the Tatars outside the Great Wall, and the Jian Shao is

They are specific personnel who specialize in spying on enemy chiefs and dignitaries, while the police officers are the personnel in the town who are responsible for the social situation within their own jurisdiction. It can be said that the intelligence system of the entire border army is quite complete.

However, with the shortage of food and wages and the large-scale fleeing of soldiers in various towns, these forces will naturally be abolished to varying degrees. For example, in the three sides and four towns, in addition to not collecting at night, they still retain, such as sentries and police officers.

In many cases things have actually been completely abolished.

The role of the military praise painter is to put forward your own suggestions. Whether it is adopted by the coach is the coach's business. Even for newcomers like Feng Ziying and Zheng Chongjian, if you can say a few words on the occasion, it is already considered very appreciated by the coach.

If you don't know how to advance or retreat, then you are ignorant of current affairs.

So after Feng Ziying finished speaking, she knew the rules and kept silent.

Reminding the coach of the importance and criticality of logistical supplies to himself and the rebels, Feng Ziying believed that Chai Ke knew how to deal with it.

On February 19, the group finally arrived at Yulin Acropolis.

Feng Tang welcomed Chai Ke, Yang He and his party outside the city, and Feng Ziying finally met her father after two years of absence.

What followed was a simple welcome ceremony, but before the ceremony was over, we received bad news. Su Nang Tai Ji once again invaded the border, this time on the line between Gushan Fort and Yongxing Fort, but the Tatars did not occupy it.

How much cheaper.

However, Su Nang Taiji's army began to gradually move westward, which still put a lot of pressure on Yulin Town.

After Shanxi Town was attacked, Wang Ziteng had written to the court to postpone the deployment of Shanxi Town's 10,000 troops, which made Chai Ke extremely angry.

However, as the governor of Xuanda, Wang Ziteng had the right to mobilize the troops within his jurisdiction. Especially when Luoquanbao was captured, the court did not dare to let go easily. Once the Tatars broke into Shanxi Town, the capital would be shaken.

Even the cabinet does not dare to assume this responsibility.

Now it is obviously time to deploy the main force of Yulin Town to suppress the rebellion, which will further test the current pressure situation of Yulin Town.

This chapter has been completed!
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