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Scroll A, Section 36: Help

"Erlang, we don't know the details of many things. Why did Mao Gui's father get punished and Ambassador Cang is fine? It's not the turn of outsiders like us to comment. They know it in their own hearts." Feng Ziying said lightly: "You still have to do it?"

You are young, and you will know a thing or two when you grow up."

Zuo Liangyu seemed to understand but could only nod. Feng Ziying's words were still a bit profound for him, but he could vaguely sense that there seemed to be many things hidden in what the other party said.

Feng Ziying really didn't know how to deal with this unexpected celebrity "picked up" Zuo Liangyu.

The warlords of the Ming Dynasty are still young and new. Although they show a little bit of the image of a naughty tiger, they are still far from it.

If Zuo Liangyu can really grow up, Feng Ziying is not willing to pull the seedlings to encourage it, and it is best to let it grow wildly.

But Feng Ziying is afraid that the world has deflected and history has changed. Can Zuo Liangyu still thrive and transform into a dragon as he did in that time and space?

No one can be sure.

Because of this, Feng Ziying needs to think clearly. This is kind of the first little brother she has received in this time and space, and there is a template in that time and space, which shows that Zuo Liangyu has this background of growth, so why can't she

How about cultivating it properly?

Maybe he can have a better destiny in this life?

"Erlang, what do you plan to do in the future?" Although it is too early to say this now, Feng Ziying still couldn't help but want to ask.

"In the future?" Zuo Liangyu was a little confused and shook his head, "I never thought about it. Brother Feng, I am following my second uncle in blacksmithing during the day. When I have some free time, I go out with the people on the dock to see what I can do.

What can I do?"

This problem is obviously too complicated for Zuo Liangyu. For a boy of this age, with his current family background, it seems that there is nothing for him to choose. He is just to hang around, fill his belly, and grow up smoothly.

Even if it is Amitabha.

After thinking about it for a while, Feng Ziying also felt that it was a bit tricky.

If you have grown up, you can also make arrangements for the other party. The problem is that now that you are a mud bodhisattva, you cannot save yourself. If you want to make arrangements for Zuo Liangyu, your family will definitely not agree.

And if Zuo Liangyu becomes his follower like Ruixiang, which Feng Ziying is absolutely unwilling to do, it may delay Zuo Liangyu's growth.

"Erlang, if possible, after this incident, I hope you can go to school. You don't have to pass the exam to be a scholar, but at least you must be able to understand military books and general strategies, right?" Feng Ziying pondered: "

Your family is a military household. Regardless of your young age now, you may have to join the army in a few years..."

Zuo Liangyu was a little excited, "Brother Feng, I have long wanted to join the army, but I am too young to join the army and do not need to be literate to fight..."

"What a bastard!" Feng Ziying interrupted angrily: "If you don't know how to read and write, how can you understand military strategies? Do you expect to live by swords and guns and be a garrison all your life?"

Feng Ziying's angry rebuke made Zuo Liangyu feel a hint of warmth in her heart.

Of course he understands that the other party is doing it for his own good, but he has never read or learned to read since he was a child, and he does not have the conditions. Now he is suddenly asked to learn to read and write, which is difficult to accept for a while, and he has never heard that serving as a soldier can pay for food.

If you want to read and write, how many of the thousands of people in the Linqing Guards can read?

As for the military strategy, this is a bit far away, and it is not what Zuo Liangyu can think of now.

The solitary lamp was shining, and accompanied by the swaying flames, the angry wind hanging on the roof swayed from time to time, making the facial expressions of the two people vaguely visible. Zuo Liangyu's unconvinced look was also seen in Feng Ziying's eyes.

"Erlang, if you are just a garrison soldier, that's all. But in the future, if you become the commander-in-chief of a small flag and a member of hundreds of households, will you also be blind and illiterate?"

Zuo Liangyu really never thought that he could be a member of a hundred thousand households. In his opinion, even a general banner would be enviable, but Feng Ziying's words made his inner thoughts suddenly increase.

stand up.

Hundreds of households and one thousand households may seem out of reach, but considering that Brother Feng's father is a Shenwu general, if he joins the army in the future, as long as he is willing to fight for his life, he might actually be able to get ahead. Being one of hundreds of households and one thousand households may not be possible.


Seeing that Zuo Liangyu remained silent, but his facial expression betrayed him, Feng Ziying didn't say much: "Think about it for yourself. After this incident, find a way to go to a private school to study and learn knowledge."

If you are literate, you can gain a good background by joining the army in the future."

"Brother, but my uncle is afraid..." After struggling for a long time, Zuo Liangyu said quietly.

"Humph, I will have a good talk with your uncle. I believe he would also be happy to see you make a difference. If you are going to make a difference in the future, you may not be able to take care of them." Feng Ziying actually thought of these issues, which might have been possible in the past.

It's still a problem, but if you pass this hurdle, it won't be a problem anymore.

The Shansuo boat was very fast, and after three seconds, the boat had stopped at the Liaocheng pier.

Feng Ziying and Zuo Liangyu went to find the governor of water transportation.

Feng Ziying has also been thinking about how to meet the Governor of Water Transport.

This matter is not easy to handle. The Governor of Water Transport does not care about local affairs. This kind of rebellion and civil unrest has nothing to do with Water Transport. But you are not entirely right to say that it has nothing to do with it.

The three warehouses in the inner city of Linqing are related to the water transportation plan. If they are destroyed and looted, it will be a disaster for the entire water transportation.

Of course, the food from various places has not yet been delivered. There may be only some stored grain in the three warehouses, and the new grain has not yet been shipped in. Therefore, to the Governor of Water Transport, even if the inner city of Linqing is really attacked by the rebel bandits, the three warehouses are looted or even

If it was destroyed, his responsibility would not be too great.

After all, in this local bandit rebellion, the ones who are more responsible should be Shandong Dusi and Linqing Bingbeidao, as well as local officials such as Dongchang Prefecture and Linqing Prefecture.

Wang Shaoquan still provided some valuable information. There were two people traveling with Li Sancai, the governor of water transportation, one was the general soldier of water transportation and the other was the censor of water transportation.

Chen Jingxuan, the commander-in-chief of water transport, was born in Hefei and a descendant of the Chen family in Hefei. He was a descendant of Chen Xuan, the commander-in-chief of water transport in the Ming Dynasty. After the establishment of the later Zhou Dynasty, the Chen family was not affected and was still highly used.

Qiao Yingjia, the censor of water transportation, was from the Yi family in Shaanxi.

After much thought, Feng Ziying decided to visit Chen Jingxuan first.

Chen Jingxuan once served as a commander in the Tianjin Guard and had a relationship with his father. Feng Ziying also learned this from Feng You.

In the 35th year of Yuanxi, the Tatar cavalry invaded the border areas. Feng Ziying's father, Feng Tang, who was the commander-in-chief of Datong Town at that time, led his troops to fight. There were several bloody battles and heavy losses. Although the Tatar cavalry was repulsed, Datong Town suffered a lot of losses.

Later, guardsmen were transferred from various inland guard posts to supplement Jiubian, and Tianjin Guards transferred 800 people to supplement Datong Town.

When he learned that Feng Ziying came to visit him, Chen Jingxuan was also surprised, but then he took him into the back hall.

Dongchang Prefecture is also an important water transportation town. In theory, water transportation has no official offices except at the Qingjiangpu Residency Office in Huai'an Prefecture. However, in fact, there are factories in Dongchang Prefecture, Linqing, Dezhou, Jining, Xuzhou and other places.

Although these branches are also nominally under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry, in fact the Governor of Water Transport already has his own permanent residence in the branch.

Naturally, the Chief Water Transport Officer had an official residence that was not too big. It was small and exquisite. The small courtyard facing the street in the front was the office hall, and the two courtyards in the back were temporary residences.

"Why is my good nephew so impressive?" Seeing Feng Ziying's face looking tired and haggard, and her green shirt in disarray, Chen Jingxuan frowned and ordered to watch the tea.

He had some friendship with Feng Tang, but it was far from deep. The other person was a martial artist, and he did not belong to the same family as himself, who came from a local military town family. However, they had interacted with him a few times, and he felt that Feng Tang was a good person.

He is also a shrewd person, but he is a little more concerned about fame and fortune.

"I greet you abruptly, and please forgive me. Uncle, please save me!"

According to the rules, visiting elders requires a greeting card, but where was Feng Ziying at this time? So as soon as he entered the door, he bowed deeply and begged again and again.

This chapter has been completed!
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