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Volume C Chapter 11 Give them hope

 Wenyuan Pavilion.

Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe put down the letters in their hands almost at the same time, while Qi Yongtai and Li Tingji were still frowning and saying nothing.

Zheng Jizhi looked at these people eagerly.

"Brother Boxiao, this is just a rough idea, right? Are you so impatient?" Fang Congzhe couldn't help but tease Zheng Jizhi. Although Zheng Jizhi was the oldest among the five, even one or twenty years older than them, but now Zheng Jizhi

You have to report to the cabinet in accordance with the rules.

"Jin Qing, what kind of person is Ziqiang? You still don't know. If he wasn't sure enough, how could he write in such a hurry? Or should he send an urgent report back?"

Zheng Jizhi actually didn't want to be the Minister of the Ministry of Finance for a long time.

He is in his early seventies. Although his physical condition is not bad, his age comes with it after all. Some time ago, he was sincere in requesting to become an official, but now he also has his own thoughts if he does not want to become an official.

He didn't accept this tone.

Everyone in the government and the public said that the treasury of the Great Zhou Dynasty was emptied by Zheng Jizhi. He couldn't swallow this breath, and he didn't want to be stigmatized.

The financial situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty is like this. In order to support and operate the entire imperial court, especially the salary of the Nine Border Army and the officials' salaries, it can be said that Zheng Boxiao worked hard and lost a lot of hair. He originally thought that he could only be

Carrying this notoriety, he entered the officialdom, but now that he has finally seen a glimmer of hope, Zheng Boxiao is naturally not willing to give up easily.

Zheng Jizhi knew that he should be regarded as a conservative figure. He could not break out of his stereotypes and find ways to increase the wealth of the imperial court. He also despised evil methods such as adding tax supervisors and mine supervisors and making large-scale donations.

But this time, it was refreshing for him to use sea taxes as collateral to borrow money, and use the newly added commercial taxes on overseas trade as collateral to borrow money.

Such taxes do not need to be levied on ordinary people. Whether taxes are imposed on goods sold or taxes are increased on imported goods, they will have little impact.

For the goods sold, the tax will fall on those merchants and people outside the territory, and they are not the people of the Zhou Dynasty, so there is no risk. The imported goods will be taxed. Most of these goods are silver, copper, treasures, etc., or the imperial court itself.

The needs were either requested by wealthy people and had nothing to do with ordinary people, so Zheng Jizhi also expressed great comfort and fully supported them.

Now he feels that he can still use his remaining energy to wash away the infamy he suffered in the past few years. He, Zheng Jizhi, can also do things.

"This is not an urgent matter. Self-improvement is too impatient. Chengfeng, he also said in the letter that this was the suggestion of your proud disciple. He had carefully considered it and found it quite feasible. He also thought about whether Suzhou

Gold bricks can also follow this method..." Fang Congzhe shook his head repeatedly.

Starting from the Yongle period, Suzhou gold bricks were only fired for imperial gold bricks. They were more in demand than Linqing tribute bricks. In addition to being available in the imperial city, these gold bricks were only available in the palaces of various princes.

Ordinary princes' mansions are not allowed to be used, and the number of persons is strictly limited. If anyone uses it arbitrarily, it will be the disaster of confiscating the house and being exiled.

Qi Yongtai looked solemn and slowly put down the transcribed official document in his hand, and then said: "What Ziqiang said in the letter is also for state affairs. Since the beginning of the year, the Chief Envoy of Shandong has successively sent letters calling Southern Shandong and Southwest Shandong

There has even been a lack of rain in Damingfu, Henan, and this summer's harvest has been very bad. At present, the food stored in the people's homes can only last until this winter, and most of it will be exhausted. If no preparations are made in advance, I am afraid that a large number of people will go out to eat, causing chaos.


"Shandong has always been a place where the White Lotus Sect, the Wenxiang Sect, and the Wuwei Sect are wreaking havoc. These sects are extremely capable of causing trouble and bewitching the people, especially during these famine years..." Qi Yongtai continued: "And since then

Judging from the reports from various places, the situation in Shaanxi and Henan is far better than that in Shandong. This winter and next spring, the focus of the court's relief and prevention must be on Shaanxi and Henan, especially Shaanxi. If there is a way to alleviate the pressure on Shandong, even temporarily

It’s good to use it once,..."

Qi Yongtai did not mention Feng Ziying at all, but only grasped Cui Jingrong's letter to explain the matter, and combined it with the actual situation reported by the chief envoys from various places, which was quite pertinent.

Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe both declined to comment, but Li Tingji interjected: "Has the Ministry of Household Affairs made preparations for relief this winter and next spring?"

Zheng Jizhi shook his head: "Everyone knows the current situation in the Ministry of Revenue. There is a lot of commotion about opening up the sea and borrowing money. Everyone thinks that the court will have money soon, but is it possible? It will be good to see money in the second half of next year. There is still money here.

How many steps and problems need to be solved? Those businessmen are all indifferent. If the court does not give them a reliable plan, how can they easily come up with money? Now the provinces are stretching their necks.

, whenever there is a flood or drought disaster, they are exaggerating in an attempt to ask the imperial court to allocate money and two warehouses of grain, which is really abominable!"

This is also a common practice. First cry out the misery and poverty, catch as many as you can, and then try your best to cover up if something happens. If you can, suppress it. This is the case for local governments at all levels.

Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe both looked a little unhappy.

Although it seems that the issue of opening up the sea and borrowing money has opened up a seemingly good channel, it cannot be done in a short time. As Zheng Jizhi said, it has never been done before, and businessmen are not stupid. They must first

Just wait and see, do some research, and finally evaluate whether it's a good deal before making a decision.

But this winter and next spring, we will face huge pressure that may be brought about by severe drought and poor harvests in Shaanxi and Henan. Moreover, Shaanxi itself suffered from military disasters caused by rebellion this year, and now it is also suffering from drought and poor harvests.

"Brother Jinqing, Brother Zhonghan, this suggestion of self-improvement can at least alleviate the pressure on Shandong. What Brother Chengfeng said before is also reasonable. Shandong has never been peaceful. South Shandong and southwestern Shandong understand South Zhili and guard the canal.

If trouble occurs, it may not be able to be solved as easily as the civil unrest in Linqing the year before last. If we can follow Ziqiang's words and release the tribute bricks as soon as possible, we can start preparations on the Dongchang Prefecture and Linqing Prefecture Canal lines from now on, even if

By next spring, if we can provide food for 30,000 to 50,000 people, it will also relieve the pressure on the court..."

Fang Congzhe glanced suspiciously at Li Tingji, the elder who usually had a weak sense of presence.

I wonder if this person, who usually behaves almost like a puppet, suddenly became so active today?

Is it a show of goodwill to Qi Yongtai, or do you really think that the Ministry of Finance is short of money and may not be able to support the next spring?

"I'm afraid this matter is not just a matter of emergency. Ziqiang also mentioned the lifting of the ban on tribute bricks. So it can be regarded as a kind of concession from the imperial court. Is it appropriate to levy a new commercial tax?" Fang Congzhe pondered: "Will it cause trouble?

Come to Shi Lin to criticize? The new sea tax imposed on the sea is after all aimed at foreign merchants. Most of the imports into the Zhou Dynasty are urgently needed by the imperial court, so it makes sense. However, these tribute bricks are needed by the people of the Zhou Dynasty. This will

Wouldn’t it be suspected of competing with the people for profit?”

Ye Xianggao said nothing, Li Tingji changed his face slightly, but said no more, and Zheng Jizhi hesitated to speak, but finally shut up.

Qi Yongtai glanced at everyone coldly, and then said coldly: "You can't talk about competing for profits with the people, right? Who uses the tribute bricks? Ziqiang also made it very clear in the letter. These tribute bricks are not from wealthy families.

How can you afford it? How much does a horse of tribute bricks cost? How can ordinary people exchange ten and a half months of food and clothing for a horse of tribute bricks that is neither edible nor wearable? But for a wealthy family, it costs

Spending several thousand taels of silver to make your home sparkle may be a trivial matter, but in that case, why would you care about dozens of taels more in taxes?"

"Chengfeng, in your opinion, this high-ranking gentry family cannot be considered as a common people?" Fang Congzhe asked coldly.

The atmosphere in the entire hall suddenly became cold.

"Forget it, of course it does, but I am afraid that these people are somewhat different from the common people, poor people, hungry people, and ordinary people who our court is worried about taking risks and being exploited by religious bandits. These people may not rebel and cause chaos for a few dozen taels of silver.

The number is even pitifully small, and the common people, poor people, hungry people, and ordinary people may become a mob just for a steamed cake or a bowl of gruel. Their number is ten times and a hundred times what Brother Zhonghan said.

People, once they take risks, they will endanger the entire Zhou Dynasty!"

Qi Yongtai's strong and impactful words caused the entire Wenyuan Pavilion to become silent.

Fang Congzhe's face was ugly. He didn't expect Qi Yongtai to have such a fierce attitude because of this matter, but then he thought about it. Qi Yongtai himself came from a poor family in Baoding. It is said that his father died in the civil unrest after a severe drought, and he relied on

He supported his widowed mother by begging along the road, and finally studied hard and became a talented person, so he is particularly sensitive to such things.

Seeing that Fang Congzhe was silent, Ye Xianggao interrupted at the right time: "Brother Boxiao, please come up with an opinion on this matter first. Chengfeng, please talk to Daofu and ask their Ministry of Works to consider it and come up with one."

The appropriate strategy is not necessarily for the tens of thousands of refugees, but for the more small people. I remember Chengfeng, a disciple of yours, once mentioned to me that those who have permanent property have perseverance, and those without permanent property have no perseverance. He

There are different understandings of the word "production". They believe that the word "production" cannot simply be understood as property, but should be broader and can be understood to include but not limited to property, livelihood, craftsmanship, and more importantly, hope.


Several people in the nave were silently chewing Ye Xianggao's words, or Feng Ziying's interpretation of Ya Sheng's words.

"I deeply believe that. If a person has no property, and if he has a craft to make a living, then he may not take the risk. If they have nothing, but if the government can give them a

I hope that if you tell them that they can live like this, they will not take risks..."

This chapter has been completed!
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