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T-Volume Chapter 21: Stay, Contact, Inspection

Wang Wenyan didn't really care about Lin Ruhai's remarks.

Under such circumstances, both the mother and the daughter would probably have a lot of affection for Lin Ruhai. It would be fine if she came from a poor family, but this woman was an official, so she probably had high hopes for Lin Ruhai, but she didn't expect that what she got was

Disappointment will inevitably lead to resentment.

However, if a normal woman is responsible for her daughter, she should consider her daughter's future fate. As long as Lin Ruhai takes the initiative to show her kindness, this problem can be completely solved.

If you can solve this problem, you can not only find a happy ending for your concubine daughter in the future, but also protect the status of Lin's daughter in the Feng family. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone and everyone is happy.

"Dong Weng, I don't think this is a big problem. If you write a letter, I can go to Suzhou and meet the lady. I think for the future of this young lady, she should understand your good intentions.

Wang Wenyan pondered for a moment and said: "Perhaps we can not talk about Miss Yu's marriage for now, and just ask her to let this girl recognize her ancestor and return to her clan. This must not be difficult."

Lin Ruhai shook his head, "You don't know her. She is too stubborn. I went to see her two years ago. Well, I wanted her to return to secular life. I took her in, but she refused, saying that her heart was like a dead tree and she had no intention of being in this world.

, I also expressed the idea of ​​letting Miaoyu come back, but she said that she wanted to follow Miaoyu's own wishes, but Miaoyu said that she should listen to the master's wishes, so she pushed the envelope, and in the end I could only go back disappointed."

"Oh?" Wang Wenyan didn't expect that this woman who was an official but was trapped in the Jiaofang Division would have such a personality, so she was a little surprised.

However, Wang Wenyan still felt that it didn't matter whether the woman came back or not. Lin Ruhai's life was short, so he told her to see if she was willing, but Dong Weng's concubine only needed to convince the woman that she should be able to

The young lady returns to Dong Weng’s knees.

"In this case, Dong Weng, Wen Yan thinks it's not a big problem. At least we should be sure to get the young lady back. I asked Dong Weng to write a letter, mainly from the perspective of the young lady getting married in the future. I hope she has a family background and a good future.

There is a good family, and I believe no mother wants her daughter to be a sister-in-law all her life."

Wang Wenyan's confidence also encouraged Lin Ruhai, who nodded, "Since Wenyan is so confident, I'll just write a letter. I'd rather bother Wenyan to go to Suzhou."

"That's right. Don't worry, Dong Weng. I promise to bring the young lady back for Dong Weng." Wang Wenyan said with confidence.

Lin Ruhai smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Wen Yan, that's all. What I have to consider now is more than just this matter. Well, maybe I need to consider more."

Wang Wenyan was so astute that he immediately figured out something and said, "Dong Weng, are you considering that once Mr. Feng and the young lady get engaged, we will transfer the affairs of the Salt Envoy Si Yamen and you?"

"Well, Wen Yan, I have to consider this issue now." Lin Ruhai had a helpless and sad expression on his face, "I'm not afraid of death, but I have to consider all aspects carefully..."

"If Feng Ziying can really marry Yu'er, well, marry Daiyu and Miaoyu, and treat them well, I will be willing to give everything I have to him. In the future, I can also see Yu under Jiuquan.

She is the mother of our son, but everything is still undecided now. Although we have a good plan, there are still many uncertain factors. I don’t know Feng Ziying very well, and most of it is just hearsay. Yu’er and Jia Lian praise her.

It’s true, but I’m worried that personal feelings will be mixed in here. Yu’er is a girl, so she might be more easily blinded by feelings..."

"Then what Dong Weng means..." Wang Wenyan also thinks this is a problem. After all, the news about Feng Ziying comes from the capital. It has been through various channels many times. There may be a lot of embarrassment in it.

, the taste has changed. This person may indeed have skills and talents, but what about his character?

This is what Lin Ruhai is worried about.

He was only sixteen years old, and he was about to marry two wives. Not to mention this, he also brought a concubine with him when he went south, and there were many beautiful maids at home. It was said that they were gifts from his brother-in-law's family, and the other party was not polite.


Although this is not an immoral act, it still makes Lin Ruhai feel a little uncomfortable. After all, his daughter is going to marry him. If this person is greedy for women, it will be a bit disappointing.

It's just that Lin Ruhai couldn't say these words, because whether it was a concubine or a few maids in the house, these were all trivial matters that could not be brought to the table or were insignificant.

It's too narrow.

Besides, it’s normal for a young person to admire Ai. Who doesn’t come from that age?

I even risked being dismissed from the official position to steal sex, let alone Feng Ziying's behavior, which is not an exaggeration?

"Wen Yan, I know that you are always smart and accurate in judging people. You are not in a hurry to go to Suzhou. I heard Feng Ziying said that they might have to stay in Yangzhou for a few days before going to Jinling and then Suzhou. What I mean is that since he chose

Ming Ming wants to marry Yu'er, so I agreed. He and I are not outsiders, so I entrust you to accompany him these few days. If you want to go to Jinling and Suzhou, it will be just right..."

"Dong Weng, do you want me to get in touch with him and get to know his character?" Wang Wenyan understood what Lin Ruhai meant. He was ready to entrust him, but he was not at ease, so he wanted to examine the other person himself.

"That's exactly what I mean. I mean you might as well reveal some of my situation to him, um, including some of the situation of the Yamen who transports salt from the Huaihe River to the Huaihe River, openly or covertly..." Lin Ruhai's eyes became calm.

, "Wen Yan, don't underestimate him. It's not easy for him to be valued by Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia. You just need to reveal a little bit and see his reaction..."

Wang Wenyan nodded, "Wen Yan understands that since Dong Weng wants to examine his character, Wen Yan naturally knows how to do it..."

"Well, as long as you understand what I'm thinking, don't be too deliberate..." Lin Ruhai sighed, "It would be nice if you gave me more time."

"Don't be so depressed, Dong Weng. Maybe the situation is not as we expected..."

"Okay, Wen Yan, I accept your kindness, but we all still need to face reality,..." Lin Ruhai smiled, "That's it, you think about it yourself, how to deal with it,..."


It was already evening when Feng Ziying returned to the capital from the Yangzhou government office to transfer the salt envoy to the government office.

I asked for leave with Cui Jingrong. After all, I have to stay in Yangzhou for three to five days. Yangzhou's special geographical location and the commercial attributes it brings as the intersection of the canal and the Yangtze River make Cui Jingrong and his party carefully consider Kaihai and Yangzhou.

Is there any intrinsic connection between the trade, or whether Yangzhou can provide some support for the development of sea trade in the future.

There is no doubt that there is.

Yangzhou is a typical trading city, running from east to west and connecting north and south. Its advantages in trade circulation are self-evident, which is why the salt industry center chose this place.

After the opening of the sea, in addition to gold, silver, copper, tin and other items, there are several items, or several types of items, that are in great demand and need to be imported, namely spices, dyes and some specific woods and medicinal materials.


Such as spices.

Spices demand is mainly divided into two categories.

The first type is pepper, clove, cinnamon, etc. as the main condiments. They are only things that the middle and upper class people are keen on. The annual demand is quite large, and the import volume is also very large. It can be said that Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangxi smuggle not only gold, silver, copper and other precious metals

In addition, the most important smuggled goods are spices.

The amount of pepper and cloves smuggled in every year is far beyond imagination.

Look at the cities from Nanjing, the capital, to Yangzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Linqing and even Datong, Taiyuan. Pepper and cloves are sold in slightly larger miscellaneous shops. In the era of maritime ban, where did these spices come from?

If you ask, you will know, but no one will ever ask.

In addition to this type of spices used as condiments, there is also a type of spices used as incense, such as benzoin, ambergris, dipterocarp, white sandalwood, agarwood, etc. These spices are mainly used to make incense.

, some wealthy people have such needs every day, so the demand is also very large.

In addition to spices, there are also various dyes and woods. For example, sappan wood is imported in large quantities as dyes and medicinal materials, and precious woods such as sandalwood, pear wood, and nanmu are also imported in large quantities, becoming indispensable for the furniture and roof beams of wealthy people.


In addition to these items that are in greatest demand, there are also medicinal materials produced overseas such as dried blood, myrrh, and borneol, as well as rare domestic tortoise shells, tortoise shells, rhinoceros horns, ivory, coral beads, etc., just these items

Compared with bulk items such as precious metals, spices, dyes, and wood, its trade volume is much smaller.

After these items entered the Zhou Dynasty through Fujian, Zhejiang or Guangdong and Guangxi, they also needed a transit trade hub, especially for export from the south to the north, and Yangzhou was undoubtedly the most important cargo distribution center.

Goods from the south can be transported here via the canal from Hangzhou, or they can enter here from the Yangtze River estuary. From here, you can go straight to Shandong from the north, and you can go straight to the north along the Yangtze River to Jiangxi, the hinterland of Huguang, and then to Henan and Shaanxi.

Similarly, large quantities of domestic goods can also be transported out of the Yangtze River through Yangzhou to Ningbo, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou and even Guangzhou.

In addition to these advantages, a large number of salt merchants from Fujian, Zhejiang, Huizhou, Shanxi and Shaanxi also gathered here, bringing huge wealth. It can be said that Yangzhou was born with the conditions for a financial center, but in the current Zhou Dynasty, it is still

No one really understands the power of finance.

This is what Feng Ziying and Cui Jingrong talked about today. If all the silver stored underground by salt merchants can be used, the role it can play is unimaginable. The key lies in how to absorb this money and provide it for the court.


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