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Volume A Chapter 48 Official career economy, the way to be an official

 Feng Ziying was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered that this seemed to be the case in her own house.

Dad never cares about daily expenses, which is normal in this era.

My mother is in charge of the house, and there are three aunts. One of them assists me in managing the harvest in the village outside the city, and the other assists me in collecting rent from several shops in the capital.

The other aunt is considered my real aunt, my mother's cousin, and a concubine. She takes care of the daily affairs of the house for my mother. However, I am responsible for some of the business in Datong Mansion, and a cousin from my mother's family is responsible for running on my behalf.

After thinking about it slowly, Feng Ziying realized that this seems to be the case in this era. No matter whether it is a civil servant or a military officer, it is impossible to support a family with just a little salary, and if you want to live a comfortable life, you must have some.

own livelihood.

For officials, the safest thing is to buy land in their hometown. With a few hundred acres of high-quality paddy fields, they can support a small official family's livelihood. If it is a big family and they want to provide for their children and grandchildren, then there is no need

Don't mention the hundred hectares of fertile land.

If you want to live a more prosperous life, in addition to this farm, you will inevitably have to run some other businesses.

A more elegant one, a bookstore, an ink shop, an antique shop, or buying some stores to collect rent. For those who are not particular, anything can be used, a bank, a gold and silver shop, a leather goods shop, a southern goods shop, a cloth shop, a silk shop, a drug shop, etc.

These are all businesses that officials often operate, including shipping, horse and carriage shops, and restaurants. Many officials also take part in the business in a half-covered way.

Of course, things like pawnshops and lending are not popular, so there will inevitably be some entanglements, and it is easy to get a bad reputation. Civil servants and gentry generally disdain this kind of thing, but some military generals or those who have a background as donors are quite good at this kind of thing.

The Feng family has several villages in Wanping County, with about a thousand acres of land, and several hundred acres of land in Datong. There is also a gold and silver shop and a herbal medicine shop in Datong City. In Linqing,

There are also two hundred acres of land, but Linqing is entrusted to Mr. and Mrs. Fu to take care of it. They arrange for someone to come to collect the rent and bring back some local products every year.

"That's the case, then I will go back and report to my mother. I will make my own decisions here and let Uncle Fu take care of it first." Feng Ziying thought about it and still felt that it was rare to come here and some things needed to be arranged properly.


In fact, after experiencing such a turmoil, Feng Ziying has realized something. Many concepts and consciousness she had as an official in her previous life cannot be brought into this time and space.

To be blunt here, even if you go to give away a gift, you have to give the disciple a red envelope, whether it is half a pound of money, a gold melon seed, or half a silver ingot, you have to pack it, otherwise you may not be sure

Otherwise, your reputation will be pushed to the bottom, and you will not be able to achieve your intended effect.

The saying that the seventh-rank official is in front of the prime minister's door is really not an exaggeration. The threshold for governors in this place is also the same.

If you don't have any friendship and want to go to the house for a visit, and if you don't have anything to do, just go to the dinner place and wait. Maybe when the time comes, you will say that the master has rested and won't see the guests. Please come early tomorrow.

If Qiao Yingjia's long-term attendant confiscated his ingot of silver, he would not help him mention that he was Lin Ruhai's "son-in-law."

, I didn’t bother to see him.

People are so particular these days. Like Li Sancai, even if you hand over a red envelope, they will accept it. As for whether the name card has been delivered, you don’t know, or if it has been delivered, the identity is too inconspicuous, so they just throw it away at the end.

I went downstairs, but maybe Li Sancai didn't even see it.

Since you can no longer get rid of this environment, you must learn to adapt. Only after adapting and being at home can you truly integrate. If you want to change the rules and environment, then you must first survive and thrive under this rule and environment.

Let’s talk about it after reaching a certain level and strength.

This round of twists and turns seems to have been overcome by me, but when I think back to the hardships I faced when leaving the city, the fear of facing the mastiffs when crossing the Renyuan Garden, the danger when I was intercepted by the grain gang, and the failure when I thought I was sure of victory.

If the unexpected rejection by Li Sancai had not been caused by some "misunderstandings" caused by Jin Yiwei's timely intervention, it is hard to say whether the incident would have been resolved so easily.

It has never been Feng Ziying's character to passively face all these unknown risks. When he was an official in his previous life, he would never sit back and wait for someone to take advantage of him. He always took the initiative and took the initiative even if he didn't have the conditions to create conditions. There were only so many opportunities.

If you don't compete vigorously, I really think that the official hat will fall on you. You think too much.

Because of this, Feng Ziying realized that it is the same in this time and space. It is the same in ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, in the official career. She may not be able to do it now because of her age, but in the beginning, she just wanted to be a leisurely person.

The idea of ​​being a dandy and living his life can be dispelled after this experience.

These days, if you don’t have the strength, you have to have a background. If you don’t have the strength and the background, it will be difficult for you to do well. If you become a dude, you will often be slapped in the face by dudes with a more powerful background.

Once something happens, you may be in danger every second.

As Zuo Liangyu said, the famous wealthy businessman of the Xi family in Linqing City wanted to hide in the inner city during the civil unrest, but was turned away. However, it was the old man of the Zhou family who wanted to hide in the inner city with his family.

, then I agree.

Without him, the Zhou family is an authentic local gentry family. Two of the brothers are still serving as officials, and one of the two grandchildren has passed the provincial examination. Although he failed to pass the imperial examination, he is expected to continue to take the provincial examination until

Passed the Jinshi examination.

There is another one who has also been selected as a scholar. It is said that he is also very talented and may be a candidate for Jinshi.

There is almost no suspense that this kind of family will continue to prosper in the past few decades. It is also unknown which day they may join the cabinet and become prime minister. No matter which local official dares to offend easily.

It is not that easy to be a good official. Just like Jia Yucun, others only see him as greedy and cruel, but why is he greedy?

He, a poor family, passed the Jinshi examination and was supposed to be very proud after being awarded the official title. However, it was not that easy to become an official.

Every year, the filial piety paid by the officers on the holidays, the various social interactions between colleagues in the same year, and the visits from the master of the house during the holidays can be missed. Can you not miss the letters and gifts?

This chief of staff comes with a lot, and you have to pay for it yourself. The court doesn't have the money to pay for it.

If you take a wife and take concubines and carry on the family line, you will inevitably have to support a large family, including servants to serve them. Have you calculated these costs?

We have to be decent and have a clear reputation. How can there be so many good things that have the best of both worlds?

Where do these massive expenses come from?

If you don't have a good family background, you have to find a good job. Well, you also need to have the capital to make a good job. If you can't find both, you can only make decisions based on the power in your hands.

If you walk at night for a long time, you will encounter ghosts, and sometimes your superiors or censors will inevitably catch you, so you can only ask for luck.

It is not easy to be an official in any dynasty, both in ancient and modern times.

I saw that one of my colleagues in the same department and fellow countrymen of the same year entered the capital, another moved to the right, one was praised by Shangguan, another was promoted to the capital, and another local gentry gave the Wanmin umbrella, which even reached the ears of the elders in the central pavilion in Beijing.

That one was personally summoned by the emperor's edict, but you have been in your position for several years. How can you be as stable as a mountain and as stable as a dog?

When your superiors make sarcastic remarks to you, and when the gentry treats you lukewarmly, you don't panic in your heart and don't feel ashamed on your face, how can you still sit still?

In her previous life, Feng Ziying was so capable that she almost took over as the mayor as deputy secretary of the municipal party committee. Naturally, she had some abilities. Without some emotional intelligence and an understanding of the world, he would not have been able to sit in that position.

Now he re-examines this new world and finds that many things are actually of the same origin. How to play with them, there are many things worth slowly savoring.

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