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T-Volume Chapter 67 Deep Talk and Encouragement

 After seeing Qi Yongtai off respectfully, Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to leave, he saw a chamberlain in the distance already waiting.

Looking around, there was no other person. At this time, most of the ministers had left.

Qi Yongtai kept him talking for a while, telling him that maybe the first and second assistants, that is, the cabinet ministers, should prepare for a "three-chamber trial" on him and have a good talk with him about Denglai-Liaonan Transportation

Of course, we should also talk about the shipping routes and attracting merchants from the south of the Yangtze River to go north. Of course, we should also talk about the silver village.

It is obvious that both Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe are aware of the extraordinary significance of this bank. It is estimated that they will also spend some time to find some people in the industry to understand the operation mode of the bank and money shop before discussing it with themselves.

"Eunuch Zhou?" Feng Ziying had seen this chamberlain and knew that his surname was Zhou. He should be someone who was often around Emperor Yonglong, but his reputation was not too high.

Feng Ziying kept a certain distance from the chamberlains around Emperor Yonglong.

Although these chamberlains have always been very respectful and even flattering towards him, as a civil servant, he knows very well that he cannot treat such people with false pretences.

These are all characters who are climbing along the pole. If you are too close to or kind to them, I am afraid that they will think you can be bullied. If you maintain a solemn attitude of neither far nor near, he will be a little in awe.

Especially with my current status, even if these servants want to make small reports or say small things to me, they need to weigh whether it is enough.

The emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty were not very polite to their chamberlains. No matter how favored their chamberlains were, the emperor could kill them with a pot of poisonous wine and a bolt of white silk, and he would not even give you a chance to see him again.

These chamberlains are also very observant characters. Their capital for survival is to support those who are superior and those who are inferior. Therefore, Feng Ziying will not have any good feelings toward these people at least now.

"Master Xiu Zhuan, the emperor has a decree, please come to the east study room." The chamberlain named Zhou had a smile on his face.

Of course, Feng Ziying would not deliberately embarrass or treat the other party coldly. Not all eunuchs in the interior were hateful people. There were also some loyal people. However, their physical disabilities and long-term life in the harem made them value gold and silver.

and awe of power are more prominent, so the proportion is smaller and the behavior is more explicit.

"At this moment?" Feng Ziying was a little surprised. It was almost noon, was it going to be another meal?

Feng Ziying didn't like to eat the food given to her. Although this seemed to be the emperor's favor for her, the taste was not pleasant. They were all lukewarm dishes, and they were not to her liking.

"Yes, Master Xiu Zhuan, please." The chamberlain surnamed Zhou was very surprised by Feng Ziying's attitude. This person was so blessed that he didn't know how to be blessed. Why didn't he seem to be willing to choose this time to go to the emperor?

To give someone a meal is an honor that can last a lifetime.

Feng Ziying frowned and could only follow him into the palace again and then to the east study.

Emperor Yonglong had changed from his court clothes to ordinary casual clothes, but it was obvious that he was in a very good mood, "Feng Qing is here, please give me a seat."

"Feng Keng came to see the emperor." Seeing this formation, Feng Ziying probably had to have a meal here again.

"I also know that Feng Qing just came back from the south of the Yangtze River and should have rested for a day or two. I also heard Huang Ruliang say that he has granted you a two-day holiday. However, it seems that Feng Qing is not able to rest. I am afraid that after returning today, Feng Qing will take a rest.

Your Majesty will be even more uneasy."

There was a hint of ridicule in Emperor Yonglong's words. This was an attitude towards a very close minister. The chamberlain surnamed Zhou who was waiting outside the study secretly raised the status of Feng Xiuzuan by several degrees.


Seeing the emperor's eyes glancing over, the chamberlain named Zhou immediately took a few steps away so that he could see the situation in the study at any time but could not hear the words in the study. On the other side of the study, there was a guard who kept

Pay attention to status.

Feng Ziying could only smile bitterly when she heard what Emperor Yonglong said.

"Reporting to your Majesty, I have already recalled this with Mr. Cui on the road. The opening of the sea will lead merchants from the south of the Yangtze River to Shandong and Liaodong. It will definitely affect the attention of both the south and the north of the Yangtze River. Each has their own plans. But no matter what, as long as

If it can be done to the benefit of the imperial court, the national economy and the people's livelihood, and the stability of Liaodong, even some difficulties and problems can be overcome and solved."

Emperor Yonglong liked Feng Ziying's attitude very much. He did not avoid questions, but dared to express his attitude. Compared with many old people in the court who claimed to be thoughtful but hesitant, it really made people feel comfortable.

"Well, although you guys have some different opinions, they all have the intention of seeking the country. You must not be dissatisfied..."

Emperor Yonglong also knew that although Feng Ziying's ideas were very innovative, no one had thought of it before, let alone done it before. No one could say whether it would be successful or not, and if it was unfavorable, it would affect the layout and arrangements of the entire court.

, will also cause a blow to the reputation and prestige of the imperial court, so no matter how cautious you are, you cannot be too cautious.

But being cautious doesn't mean you won't do it. The current situation in Dazhou can't be changed. It can only be said that before doing something, you should think about it as thoroughly as possible and think of all the possible problems and risks.

"Your Majesty, I have never been dissatisfied. The reason why I told the truth in the court is that I hope that the princes in the court will be well-informed and experienced, so that I can make a more complete judgment and judgment on such a sudden idea.

Improve it so that there won’t be too many mistakes in the future implementation process,..."

Seeing Feng Ziying's attitude, Emperor Yonglong also carefully observed the other party's expression. Seeing that the other party did not seem to be making angry remarks, he felt much more at ease.

"Feng Qing, I recruited you because I considered that some issues should not be announced in court, but I am still a little confused, so I want Feng Qing to clear up my doubts..."

This is the real topic. Feng Ziying actually made some rough guesses, most of which are related to the matter of Yinzhuang.

As for attracting and recruiting Jiangnan shipowners and merchants to go north, it seems more eye-catching, but it is not.

He had reported this matter to Emperor Yonglong before, and obtained Emperor Yonglong's tacit approval. Otherwise, Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Punishment would not have let it go, and it would have caused some unpleasantness. Even the assassination scene may have something to do with it.

The children are involved.

"If your Majesty has any questions, I will tell you."

Knowing what she was doing, Feng Ziying did not panic and remained calm.

"Okay, I would like to ask, if we want to allow Denglai and Liaonan to build decent shipbuilding capabilities within three years, as the imperial court hopes, what is the biggest difficulty?"

This question really surprised Feng Ziying. He thought that the other party would directly ask about the issue of Yinzhuang, but he did not expect to ask about this matter. From this, it can be seen that Emperor Yonglong really wanted to

He wanted to do something great, which made him think highly of the emperor.

After pondering for a moment, Feng Ziying said: "The emperor wants to ask how we can achieve the court's goals as scheduled, right?"

Emperor Yonglong nodded silently.

"If we just follow the conditions before the Imjin Japanese Rebellion, it would not be difficult. The Dazhou ships followed the Ming Dynasty and were basically Guangzhou Fu ships with hard sails. This type of ship is suitable for offshore navigation and has poor maneuverability.

It is difficult to adapt to long-sea navigation, and it has many disadvantages when used in naval fleets. It is difficult to adapt to the current situation, especially in the face of the continuous coming of Westerners from the east. The Western ships they brought are already better than our original ones in all aspects.

The ships are more suitable. Well, like their current Clark ship, the carrying capacity can reach the scale of 1000 to 1500 tons regulated by the imperial court, which is extremely impressive. Moreover, this type of ship is more suitable for construction and modification into a ship with artillery as weapons.


1,000 official materials are equivalent to about 2,500 civilian materials, which is about 600 tons. In this era, European Clark ships generally have a carrying capacity of more than 700 tons, and the highest can reach 1,000 tons. However, this type of ship is

It may not be economical and practical for ocean voyages.

Emperor Yonglong was not interested in these specific ship types and data. He was concerned about how to build the future naval fleet.

"Feng Qing, what you mean is that if you build it according to the original requirements, it will not be difficult, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to win when encountering foreign enemies. But if you want to build it according to the standards of Xiyi ships, then the investment, cost and even time will be high.

Big and long?”

Emperor Yonglong's understanding ability is still very strong.

"Reporting to your Majesty, this is probably what I mean." Feng Ziying nodded, "But the merchants going north can definitely bring a number of ships. Some of them may not be suitable for northern waters, but there are also many that are capable of transporting between Liaonan and Denglai. After all,

It’s only a few hundred miles away, so we can still operate the route for the time being.”

At present, both the Dutch and the Spaniards should have arrived in Nanyang, but Feng Ziying is not sure whether the Dutch have begun to set foot in Dongfang and Japan. At present, there is no news in this regard, but the Francois, that is, the Spanish

The appearance of the Portuguese in the Great Zhou Dynasty had already happened a long time ago, and it was not even a new thing.

Although Tokugawa's Japan is still eyeing North Korea and is still hostile to the Great Zhou, for now, it seems that it has not really shown any intention to take the initiative to attack the Great Zhou, even if it is possible that more will come from other countries.

Some of the little thoughts of his generals or successors such as Tokugawa Hidetada.

Of course, Feng Ziying was not sure whether the butterfly wings he brought would affect some changes, and the emergence of Da Zhou also meant that history had deviated, so he could only consider the worst case scenario.

The strategy against Japan itself has been something Feng Ziying has long considered, so the naval fleet must meet the highest standards of the current era, otherwise you will not be able to compete with the Dutch and Spanish in Southeast Asia in the future.

"In the long run, we must imitate the shipbuilding technology of the Xiyi people and build ships that meet our needs, so we can give these merchants all kinds of support and support, but they must also build what we need.

The ships, whether they are recruited, stolen, or bought with a lot of money, in short, must meet our requirements in accordance with our requirements and time regulations."

Feng Ziying's decisive tone shocked Emperor Yonglong. He hesitated for a moment and then asked: "Feng Qing, can this be done? After hearing what you said, I feel that there are a lot of things that need to be done in the meantime, and there is not enough time.


"Your Majesty, our biggest enemy is still the Jurchens, but the Jurchens do not have a navy, so we still have time at this point. The short-term goals of our navy are North Korea and Japan, and the long-term goal is Nanyang, so we can take many measures

A coordinated approach will allow shipbuilding and the opening of the southern Liaoning-Denglai shipping route to go hand in hand and complement each other."

Feng Ziying knew that she needed to give the other party a reassurance. The emperor was impatient but tolerant. He seemed tough, but sometimes he was suspicious and unconfident. This was a very complex personality.

This chapter has been completed!
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