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T-Scroll Chapter 111 Chapter 17 Miaoyu (please update last night and ask for votes!)

 When leaving Guan Yingzhen's house, she remembered Guan Yingzhen's frown and blue cheeks. Feng Ziying estimated that Guan Shi would have trouble sleeping tonight, well, for the next few nights.

In fact, Feng Ziying was certainly not the only one who saw these problems. Even though they lacked a pair of eyes that could see through hundreds of years of evolutionary development history compared to themselves, their understanding of this era should not be underestimated.

Especially people like Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe, Qi Yongtai and Guan Yingzhen, who have decades of ups and downs in officialdom and various experiences from the central court to the local level. To say that they do not know what problems exist in this struggling empire,

Would they know nothing? It’s impossible to think about it.

From the clans to the gentry, the land was annexed by wealthy merchants. Ordinary people concealed their identities and donated land to these clans and palaces to avoid taxes and labor. Would the government know? They, the senior ministers with disciples all over the world, would not know.

Wouldn't they know?

Emperor Yuan Xi's laziness and indolence in his later period and his unbridled indulgence towards his trusted ministers led to rampant corruption. The mess left by his six trips to the south of the Yangtze River has not been cleaned up yet, and they don't know?

The population is increasing rapidly, land taxes are being lost, and people lack a way to make a living. Everyone understands these truths, but the key is how to change them?

Do you know the consequences of re-clearing and measuring the land and clearing out the hidden population? That is challenging the entire clan and gentry group.

I’m not saying this is true for everyone, but the interests of a very large group, even a very influential group with the right to speak, will be challenged and harmed, including even those who are preparing to operate the operation themselves.

As for the ideas that Feng Ziying proposed to Guan Yingzhen, such as "dividing a small family into an equal share of the land" and "the government and the gentry receiving food from one body", Guan Yingzhen was even more shocked.

This big move is almost to abolish the privileges of the gentry, but in fact that is impossible and will encounter huge resistance. At least it is still difficult. In addition, even if it is implemented, the interests of local officials and gentry are integrated.

In the end, it will evolve into a process that is passed on to the farmers, but it is true that the measurement and clearing of the land can indeed increase the income of the court to a certain extent.

So after giving Guan Yingzhen some "inspiring" and "seemingly unworkable" suggestions, Feng Ziying then "reliably" gave Guan Yingzhen some other suggestions.

For example, drought-tolerant and high-yielding crops such as potatoes and sweet potatoes, which have been introduced by the Western Yi people in the coastal areas, were introduced.

Potatoes, in particular, are extremely adaptable to the northern mountains and loess plateau areas. They have strong adaptability, high yield, and are easy to grow. In the current situation where the northern region encounters frequent floods and droughts, if these two methods can be popularized, they will be of great benefit.

To a certain extent, it reduces the possibility of people taking desperate risks due to lack of food and clothing when encountering natural disasters.

Another example is to reform the administration of officials and promote the standardization and efficiency of the evaluation of official administration. Feng Ziying draws on Zhang Juzheng's "Examination Method".

For another example, Feng Ziying proposed to set up a bank to raise money through the bank to support some "key strategic industries." This "key strategic industry" mainly refers to two aspects. One is industries whose products can be exported in large quantities, such as silk, porcelain, and manufacturing.

Tea, papermaking and other industries, the other is industries that are relatively backward but are indispensable and even urgently need to be developed, such as shipbuilding, mining, smelting, mechanical processing, including gun manufacturing, which cannot be left to manpower, and

These industries have lagged behind Europe to a large extent, but they are not too far behind. They urgently need to learn from Europe and catch up.

All in all, Feng Ziying and Guan Yingzhen talked a lot in bits and pieces, but Guan Yingzhen obviously had not yet adapted to the impact Feng Ziying had brought to him, so that he was in a daze when Feng Ziying left.

When Feng Ziying proposed some ideas to him when setting up the bank, including choosing a location in Yangzhou, Guan Yingzhen could only nod his head in confusion and didn't have many better suggestions.

However, Feng Ziying still introduced to Guan Yingzhen the profit-making methods of Yinzhuang and the possible benefits it could bring to the entire industrial and commercial economy of Dazhou, including some of his ideas, and even vaguely mentioned the attitudes of some people in the DPRK towards this.

This was also recognized by Guan Yingzhen.

Feng Ziying has done what she needs to do and say, and the rest is to pursue her political career in her position.

Since the official is in charge of the Zhongshu Department and specializes in the strategy of opening up the sea, Feng Ziying's duty is to do a good job as his assistant, and Guan Yingzhen does not need anyone else to tell him what to do unless he needs it.


From the moment the boat started, Feng Ziying relaxed.

Originally, Lian Guoshi planned to go to Yangzhou with Feng Ziying. Feng Ziying also hoped that Lian Guoshi could go with him, but this was categorically rejected by Guan Yingzhen, who had just entered the role.

After all, Guan Yingzhen, who had just joined the Zhongshu Department, had been away from the officialdom of the Zhou Dynasty for several years, and he still needed to be familiar with many situations. The responsibilities of the Zhongshu Department, including sorting out Kaihai affairs, were in urgent need of a group of capable personnel to help him.

Lian Guoshi is naturally the best assistant. How could Guan Yingzhen agree to let Lian Guoshi follow Feng Ziying to Yangzhou at this time?

Although it is important for Feng Ziying to go to Yangzhou to plan the bank, after all, this trip is just a framework job. Many things are just tentative and trying to be contacted first. How to do it specifically, there are still many detailed matters to be dealt with slowly.

Take it slow and step by step.

As soon as Guan Yingzhen was appointed, he joined the Zhongshu Department without stopping. Those idle disciples who were just waiting to die were immediately driven to a remote home. Guan Yingzhen told them that they could come if they wanted.

If you come to this secluded house and hang out, if you don't want to come, please do as you please. It's best not to come.

The new Zhongshushe has not been filled yet, but Guan Yingzhen has already begun to select among the Jinshi in these two subjects, and Feng Ziying and Lian Guoshi are the ones who will be admitted to the Zhongshu by Guan Yingzhen.

Ke assists him in his work.

Seeing Shi Xiangyun excitedly running around on the boat, and Yu Chuan'er and Shi Xiangyun's girl Cuixi were also very affectionate. The two knew each other well in Rongguo Mansion, and now they have the opportunity to go south to Yangzhou together, and they are even more happy.

Miaoyu, on the other hand, was sitting quietly in the corner of the cabin, holding a Buddhist scripture in her hand, but her mind was no longer on the scripture. Just by looking at her eyes, she knew that she was not thinking about it.

Wang Xifeng did have some skills in the Rongguo Mansion, and she found an opportunity to persuade Jia Mu. Coupled with Shi Xiangyun's "loyalty" and heroic spirit, Jia Mu actually agreed to Shi Xiangyun's trip to Yangzhou to accompany Daiyu.

Of course, this is also based on the situation that Feng Ziying "happens" to go south to Yangzhou and can be escorted for a while.

In less than half an hour, Shi Xiangyun and Miaoyu became familiar with each other. Although Miaoyu also liked Shi Xiangyun's bold personality, she had lived in a pure place of Buddhism for a long time and was still familiar with Shi Xiangyun's temperament.

Not very comfortable with it.

"I really didn't expect Sister Lin to have an older sister, but I didn't think so in the first year of junior high school. But if you take a closer look, Sister Miaoyu, you and Sister Lin are really similar." Shi Xiangyun said quickly, "But Sister Miaoyu

The body is much stronger than Sister Lin,..."

"Miss Yun is familiar with my sister?" Miaoyu sighed softly and put aside some thoughts.

"Yes, Sister Lin lives in the mansion, and so do I. We have the same problem as Sister Lin, right?" Shi Xiangyun said carelessly: "We, Tan Yatou, and Second Sister are all familiar with each other, so it's okay.

Chatting together, sometimes writing poems, painting,..."

This was the life of a noble lady for her sister, and Miaoyu felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

There are two completely different lives. I am practicing Buddhism, and she is reciting poems and painting in her boudoir. It seems that it is difficult to judge which one is good and which one is bad.

But now everyone has to face the same scene of the death of a father, involving two people who had nothing to do with each other. Thinking of this, Miaoyu feels more and more that fate in the world is really difficult to explain clearly.

Miaoyu has also learned about the situation in Rongguo Mansion from Shi Xiangyun. Her half-sister is the granddaughter of the old lady in Rongguo Mansion. It seems that if her father dies, this sister will probably live in Rongguo Mansion.

Went to the government office.

She had some impressions of Lin Ruhai, but you couldn't say how deep her feelings were. She was just a daughter. Under such circumstances, it was natural for her to go back and see her one last time.

Miaoyu didn't care much about this, but the master wanted to think about it seriously before leaving. It is easy to enter Buddhism, but it is difficult for you to integrate into this society after you leave Buddhism.

The master's reminder made Miaoyu feel frightened.

The master has always said that his earthly connection is not over and he is not a member of Buddhism. It is just that the opportunity has not come yet, so he is temporarily living in Buddhism.

This made Miaoyu herself puzzled. She didn't know where her opportunity came from. Could it be because of her return to her clan this time?

Miaoyu didn't think so. This father, whom he had never met a few times, suddenly wanted to see her at this time. Maybe he had some guilt in it, and he might even want to make some compensation, but so what?

Is it possible to change the destiny of this life again?

It would be a lie to say that Miaoyu has never considered her future career.

Although she felt at ease in Panxiang Temple all day long, as she got older, her master refused to ordain her, and Miaoyu herself realized something.

I don't seem to be opposed to truly joining Buddhism, but I don't have the kind of expectations that I think I should have. Well, dating is a kind of happy-go-lucky mentality.

The overly rigid and boring Buddhist life is indeed too boring for young girls. For Miaoyu, it seems that spending time with Xiuyan makes her feel more happy. This is probably why the master has always

Maybe it’s because I don’t belong to Buddhism.

After all, she still has to face such a family. Although her father is now seriously ill, Miaoyu is still a little curious about going back at this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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