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T-shaped Volume Chapter 126 The string becomes tighter and tighter

Lin Ruhai thought about it carefully and felt that Feng Ziying's words made sense.

Since he is still here, the best strategy for the Supreme Emperor and Emperor Yonglong is to wait and see. What to see? Of course, it is not just to see the changes that may be brought about by opening the sea, but also for himself.


As for myself, I can use this time to make proper arrangements for my leisure time.

Naturally, Feng Ziying came to Yangzhou this time to achieve something, and why did he open up the situation in Yangzhou with his bare hands?

Even if they have a reputation as a seafarer, these merchants in Yangzhou are all old guys who are used to seeing the storm. To put it bluntly, when the Emperor went to Jiangnan, which of these big salt merchants had never met Tianyan?

Some even took over driving.

Even now, there are many people who have some kind of connection and affection with the Emperor, not to mention that Prince Yohitada has been flirting with them a lot in the past few years.

Thinking of Prince Yi Zhong, Lin Ruhai felt agitated for no reason.

This prince's hands were too deep. Not only did he constantly instruct people from all walks of life to reach out to Yanyin, but these people also colluded with the salt lords.

Lin Ruhai knew that the Metropolitan Procuratorate had been targeting him for a long time, but he couldn't tell the truth. To be honest, he really hoped that the Metropolitan Procuratorate could learn to be investigated by the Metropolitan Procuratorate like the Zhejiang Province Salt Envoy Si Yamen did the year before.

Let’s clean up the hospital and let the silverfish inside and outside learn a lesson.

In the end, this guy even planned to go into battle shirtless and do it himself, which made Lin Ruhai extremely troubled but could not find a suitable way to deal with it.

After all, he was the Crown Prince in the past, a person who was worth less than ten thousand people, but now he is disregarding his face for a few taels of silver. He really has lost the dignity of the royal family, and I don't know where the money he has earned over the years has been used.


Prince Yoshitaka's somewhat pale cheeks looked particularly ferocious at this time. The tall nose bridge and cheekbones made the entire face look more aggressive. The slightly plump cheek flesh slightly alleviated the aggressiveness and irritation brought by some words.

"Why, the Zhen family plans to send me away like this this year? Last year, I made a lot of excuses, and I had my own concerns, but this year it's the same?" Prince Yi Zhong put his hands behind his back and walked back and forth in the hall, "Liang Zhejiang

It is said that it was purged by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the income from the salt business has been reduced a lot, but what about the sea trade? The sea has not opened yet, so why is there such a silence? "

Wang Ziqiang sighed, this master is really difficult to serve, he only cares about money, but it is not easy down there.

"And here in Nanzhi, isn't it said that Lin Ruhai is seriously ill?" Prince Yi Zhong's face became more ferocious, "Didn't I invite the concubine Yi Zhi to be sent to Yangzhou together? Since Lin Ruhai is seriously ill and can't take care of things,

What about Tao Guolu? Why do you still push back and block him?"

"Your Majesty, although Lin Ruhai is seriously ill, he has not fallen ill. He can still take care of his duties. Tao Guolu has been under his rule for a long time, and his prestige is far less than that of Lin Ruhai. Moreover, Lin Ruhai also has a group of people under his command, so Lord Tao is also very

Difficult." Wang Zinian couldn't help but explain for the other party.

Tao Guolu was the salt envoy from the Huaidu and Huaidu regions, and was the nominal head of the Yamen of the Salt Envoy from the Huaidu to the Huaihe River.

However, since the pre-Ming Dynasty, the Yanxun Yanshi had replaced the Duzhuan Yanshi and firmly controlled the power of the Duzhuan Yanshi's yamen, with the Duzhuan Yanshi becoming his deputy.

Even the more powerful Salt Patrol Censor will not let you, the Salt Transfer Envoy, intervene at all, and will directly arrange salt affairs through your deputy and subordinates.

Without him, the Salt Patrol Censor has the right to solo, and you, the Salt Transport Envoy, are just an ordinary official, and there is no way to challenge him.

Tao Guolu was promoted by the prince himself, and a lot of effort was put into it. It is impossible to say that Tao Guolu had other thoughts, but it would be unrealistic for him to compete with Lin Ruhai.

Unless Lin Ruhai is really too ill to see things, and the new Salt Patrol Censor has not left yet, then Tao Guolu still has some chance.

"Mr. Chu, how do you feel about being alone in the current situation?"

Suppressing the anger and resentment in his heart, Prince Yoshitaka returned to his seat and sat down. He took a deep breath and then spoke slowly.

"Your Majesty, if this strategy of opening up the sea is fully implemented, I'm afraid our income from the sea will be cut off this year, right?" The old man surnamed Chu said leisurely.

Prince Yi Zhong looked at Wang Zinian. Wang Zinian hesitated for a moment and finally said: "The imperial court has decided to open the sea to Ningbo, Quanzhou and Guangzhou. It is estimated that it will start in May and June. Only Zhangzhou can still have some, but

Basically, it doesn’t make much sense. Even if we have people in the Navy who can release the water, I’m afraid those maritime merchants who paid the charter fee won’t be able to agree and will try their best to report and suppress them...”

Smuggling revenue from Fujian and Zhejiang is one of the largest sources, but as soon as the sea-opening strategy came out, the foundation of the entire source was basically destroyed.

Now that sea trade can be conducted openly and openly, and it is encouraged by the imperial court, who would risk their lives for smuggling?

Although the charter fee and sea tax were a bit heavy, there was no longer any chance of interception by the Navy, no more sudden attacks from the government, and no more worries about the censorship and unannounced visits of the imperial censor and Long Jinwei.

"The income from the two Zhejiang salt industries was basically paralyzed by Qiao Yingjia and Yang He the year before last. It will be difficult to rebuild again, and it will also take time." Now that Wang Zinian had spread it, he no longer covered it up, "And

The imperial court is also keeping a close eye on it. If you are not careful, you will be exposed. We don’t dare to go too far..."

"Lin Ruhai on the Lianghuai side is generally quite relaxed and has left a road open, but this guy has never been willing to widen the road. For example, Huguang and Jiangxi have never allowed us to infiltrate, and they have suppressed it so much that it's gone.

The income from the salt industry in Zhejiang and Zhejiang depends entirely on income from the sea and the Huaihe River. But if the income from the sea is cut off and the situation remains the same here, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Wang Zinian explained everything about the situation, and Prince Yi Zhong couldn't sit still. His strong body couldn't help but twist, and he really felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

"Mr. Chu,...?"

"Your Majesty, if such expenses remain the same, then the income from the sea cannot be cut off, and the income from the Lianghuai Salt River must open up new paths. Jiangxi and Huguang must be opened..." The old man surnamed Chu's eyes were gloomy, but his tone was dull.

No doubt.

Prince Yi Zhong's eyes lit up, then dimmed again.

However, Wang Zinian understood his master's thoughts very well and asked in a deep voice: "Mr. Chu, the strategy of opening up the sea is a matter decided by the imperial court, and even the Supreme Emperor nodded, how can we maintain it? Those maritime merchants are not stupid, they regard smuggling as a risk.

They won't do it when it's better to pay the royalties and sea taxes. In addition, Lin Ruhai, not to mention Lin Ruhai, is responsible for the transfer of salt between the Huaihe River and the Huaihe River. The next salt inspection censor, the Supreme Emperor and the Emperor will probably both

Can’t you argue?”

"Hmph, this is our chance if we can't stop arguing. If Lin Ruhai dies early and the Salt Patrol Censor cannot be decided, Tao Guolu can take over temporarily..."

The old man surnamed Chu glanced at Wang Zinian and said, "As for the sea trade, even though the strategy of opening up the sea is unstoppable, there is still a chance of delaying it for a year or two. Although the big players nominally approve the opening of the sea, if there is a chance to block it,

If we delay it for one or two years, don't they want to make more money? Who is willing to pay the charter fee and sea tax?"

The words of the old man surnamed Chu made both Prince Yizhong and Wang Zinian's eyes light up.

"Besides, since everyone knows that the sea is about to be opened and sea trade is going to become open and legal, the government will definitely not control it so tightly anymore, and the Navy will not interfere. If the strategy of opening the sea is delayed,

If it is not implemented, then in the past two years, wouldn't it be that the door has been opened wide, allowing everyone to come and go freely... It can be said that the longer it is delayed, the more people who are originally running this business will have more profit..."

Wang Zinian understood, "I'm afraid those gentry who are now interested in entering sea trade will not agree. They will definitely take measures..."

"So what? They have just stepped into this door. They are not familiar with the depth of this sea trade at all. They will definitely not dare to get involved easily. Our people don't even dare to take this risk, and they still want to make money? Don't

I thought if I didn’t do anything, people would give me the money, and there’s nothing like this in the world!”

Prince Yi Zhong angrily interrupted Wang Zinian's words.

Doesn't he know that the gentry in Jiangnan who are eager to get involved in sea trade are not easy to deal with?

These people who dared to get involved in maritime trade only after the sea opened have a solid background behind them, and are not the same as those powerful maritime merchants who engaged in maritime trade smuggling before.

They were real gentry, not only with a few acres of land, but also with strong connections in the central court and local government offices. They even had family members serving as officials in the court and local governments.

Once they find out that their long-awaited way to make a fortune will actually be delayed, how can they let it go?

It can even be said that some people here have some relationship with me, but in the face of interests, everything has to be thrown away.

If you can't give them more of what they want, they have to fight for it themselves, and this is precisely seizing the benefits that originally belong to them.

But do you have a choice?


Without money, would the gang of **** generals in the capital camp listen to me and sacrifice their lives for me?

Can those in the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division and the Patrol Battalion still maintain such an ambiguous attitude?

The military officers with heavy troops in Xuanda's towns will support themselves at critical moments? Unless they have an absolute advantage.

But without their support, how could I have the absolute advantage?

And those martial artists, will they still stand firmly on their side?

I don’t even have money, so I’m afraid I can’t even get decent gifts for my father and mother’s birthdays, right? Those guys who follow the crowds still think that they are their destiny?

Prince Yoshitaka couldn't believe this at all, he only believed in interests.

The several chief officers in the Beijing camp are now at both ends of the spectrum, but the people below them have to live... The same goes for those guerrillas, generals, and guards in Xuanda. They all have to live and want money. So, then

It's easy to handle.

This chapter has been completed!
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