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Scroll A, Chapter 58, Muddy Waters

 Feng Ziying was slightly stunned. He thought this was a move to ensure that he could still control the situation before the Supreme Emperor abdicated, but he did not expect that it was an appointment after the new emperor ascended the throne. This was a bit unexpected.

After all, she knew too little about the affairs of the imperial court, but Feng Ziying was still certain that Wang Ziteng should not be regarded as a confidant of the emperor at least now. When the emperor was able to take charge of the three major camps in the capital, he must be a confidant of the emperor, unless he used

He must take practical actions to be loyal to the new emperor, otherwise he, who also serves as the right minister of the Ministry of War, cannot explain anything.

"Then the emperor appointed Mr. Zhang Jingqiu to take over as the left minister of the Ministry of War?" Feng Ziying asked further: "Then what does father think this means? When Mr. Xiao was mainly focused on the Ministry of Justice, the emperor first appointed the prince to concurrently serve as the right minister of the Ministry of War.

, and then let Mr. Zhang take over as the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War, what does this mean?"

Feng Tang was silent.

The Minister of the Ministry of War did not change his position, but in fact the left minister of the Ministry of War was already mainly responsible for the affairs of the Ministry of War, and it was more of an honor and appeasement for the Jingying Jiedushi to concurrently serve as the right minister of the Ministry of War.

In fact, since the Left Minister is relatively powerful and the Minister of War does not take care of things, it is difficult for the Right Minister to have much say, and this is also a concurrent Right Minister.

According to the regulations of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the military governor of the Jingying camp was appointed by Wu Xun, a relative, but among the civil servants, the Minister of War or the Minister of the Ministry of War assisted in the military affairs, and actually had the actual power to deploy troops in the three major camps of the Jingying camp.

It is a rather strange appointment that Wang Ziteng also serves as the right minister of the Ministry of War.

There were indeed precedents in the past, but those were all cases where the Minister of the Ministry of War or Zuo Shilang assisted in the military affairs of the Beijing camp. In order to appease Wu Xun's relatives, they gave him a part-time false title to show his honor and favor. But now it is obviously impossible for the Minister of the Ministry of War to be in charge of the Ministry of War.

affairs, and Zuo Shilang had to be responsible for the daily affairs of the Ministry of War and could no longer assist in the military affairs of the capital, so Wang Ziteng's appointment was a bit intriguing.

Feng Tang slowly turned his head and looked at Feng Ziying: "You mean the emperor did this intentionally to show his trust in Wang Ziteng?"

"I don't know." Feng Ziying said softly: "But my son knows that the trust that needs to be specially shown to the court is often a sign of distrust. Real trust often requires nothing to prove or show."

Feng Tang's eyes moved, and he swallowed his words again. His son's hidden words were that he was doing it to show the Emperor, to reassure the Emperor, but why did the Emperor do this?

Shaking his head, Feng Tang let out a deep breath and put his palms on the desk, "Ziying, what do you think I should do if I want to resurrect and return to Datong?"

At this time, Feng Tang finally believed what Feng You said. Certain aspects of his son's abilities seemed to suddenly begin to show up quickly after experiencing everything in the past six months.

"Father, I don't know about this, but I know that if Zhang Jingqiu, the left minister of the Ministry of War, doesn't say anything about reconciliation, then you, the general soldier of Datong, don't do it." Feng Ziying said calmly: "I know you must have a way to do it.

Seeking the consent of Lord Shangshu, and with the support of the prince, reinstatement is not a problem, but what about the future? You have bypassed Lord Zhang, and Lord Zhang is the emperor's appointed minister of the left. It may be more difficult for you in the future. Maybe next year you will

He will have to be dismissed from office again, and the result will even be worse."

Feng Tang's face turned cold, "Then in your opinion, if I want to serve as the commander-in-chief of Datong, I must get Zhang Jingqiu to nod. But Ziying, you don't understand the situation here, it's very difficult."

Feng Ziying sneered in her heart, what's wrong with this?

The Feng family is not trusted by the emperor.

Indeed, this situation cannot be solved at once. Wu Xun has always been the foundation of the Supreme Emperor. Now that the new emperor has ascended the throne, he will naturally start to cultivate his own foundation. The original ones will either take effect, be marginalized, or become

Get rid of the thorn in your side quickly.

It is not impossible to say that surrender is not impossible, but the problem is that the Emperor is still here, and the Emperor has to rely on him for many things, and many people are still waiting and watching. Similarly, the emperor is a bit reluctant to deal with many things, so this is an embarrassing situation.

That's the most painful thing.

However, the Feng family is not yet a thorn in the side that needs to be eliminated, because the level is slightly lower, and they were dismissed from office when the Supreme Emperor was still around. Now they are seeking to resurrect because of the relationship with the Supreme Emperor.

But now that the emperor has begun to train his own team, I am afraid that any more important positions, especially those involving military power, will inevitably require caution.

"Father, what I mean is, let's take it easy first. You were dismissed from your post during the reign of the Supreme Emperor. The Supreme Emperor must be somewhat dissatisfied with you." Feng Ziying considered her words carefully, "Although I don't know what your reasons are.

He was dismissed, but for a position like Jiubian Commander-in-Chief, without the Supreme Emperor’s nod, the Cabinet and the Ministry of War will definitely not be able to take over.”

Feng Tang was dismissed two years ago. At that time, Feng Ziying was less than ten years old, so she naturally didn't know the truth inside. However, Feng Tang now feels the need to reveal to his son the premature wisdom his son showed today.

, totally worthy of being a child prodigy.

"Ziying, it's actually not a shameful thing. When your father and I were the commander-in-chief of Datong, we blocked some people's way of making money." Feng Tang said coldly: "There are some people inside the border wall and those outside the wall.

It’s nothing new for Tatars to look back and forth in confusion, and the Ministry of War’s staff and military guards also know about it, but everyone has a line in their hearts and must abide by this rule.”

Feng Ziying sighed secretly.

"But some people have repeatedly tried to break this rule. In recent years, although the Tatars have not been as rampant as the Jurchens outside Guanwai, they still cannot be taken lightly. Didn't you say that the White Lotus Sect was also involved in this civil unrest? Bansheng's side

The White Lotus Sect is even more in trouble. If this situation is allowed to continue, I'm worried that Datong Town will soon become a sieve in the future, and it will be completely stabbed to death by others."

The father did not mention who it was, but Feng Ziying could roughly guess that it was not just one or two people, but there must be one or even several large groups behind it.

Everyone knows that the trade with the outside of the Great Wall is extremely lucrative. Horses, cattle and sheep skins, gold and silver from outside the Great Wall are exchanged for salt, tea, silk, porcelain, ironware and even arrows and weapons from the mainland, as well as other consumer goods, and leather goods from outside the Great Wall.

Gold sand, wild ginseng and various medicinal materials are exchanged for salt, tea, silk, porcelain, ironware and even weapons from the mainland. In the past two decades, it has already formed a large scale.

But according to the rules set by the imperial court, it doesn't matter the general consumables. Some have to be controlled in quantity, such as salt and tea, while others need to be strictly controlled, such as ironware, and some are strictly prohibited, such as weapons.

It's just that in the face of interests, there are always people who can't help but want to get a little more. Crossing the line is inevitable, once or twice, maybe even more.

If you want to block people's way of making money, you will inevitably become a thorn in the eyes of some people. Feng Ziying also knows that her father is not the kind of rigid person. Even his father can't stand it. I'm afraid it's really serious.

Inevitably, someone will think that it might be more convenient for you to be Feng Tang. If they want to ask you some questions, they will arrange for a censor to file a complaint against you. And my father is not a squeaky-clean person. These days, I can't find someone like this.

No, it is impossible for such a person to survive among the Jiubian military commanders. If the superiors push the boat along, you will naturally come down.

This chapter has been completed!
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