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Scroll A, Section 63: Career Economy

 After thinking for a while, Feng Ziying first wrote two words, reading.

Reading is the most important. It is the only foundation that enters the core of political power in this era.

It is unrealistic for a single person like me to try to turn things around all of a sudden by relying on my own strength. But if you want to utilize and integrate more resources, whether they are political or economic resources, you must first grow stronger.

Only then are you qualified to attract, recruit and utilize other people's resources.

Resources are mutual, and it has never been said that you only take but don't give. If you want others to follow you, or if you want to follow others, you have to show your own value.

Studying, passing the provincial examination, passing the general examination, and being qualified as a scholar. Only by obtaining these two qualifications can you say that you have the foundation to step into the political center stage of the Zhou Dynasty. Therefore, even if Feng Ziying knew that the scientific examination would be difficult for her,

No matter how old you are, you should be prepared to give it a try.

If you want to study, you have to choose a good teacher or academy, and you even need a better learning environment. This is very important, especially for someone like you who has a weak foundation.

Fortunately, I am not without my advantages. Compared with the eight-part essay selection method of the Ming Dynasty, the scientific examinations of the Great Zhou Dynasty have undergone relatively big changes. The pattern of purely relying on classics and meanings is no longer, especially the format is no longer so rigid.

Relatively speaking, the proportion of pragmatic policy theories has greatly increased.

This was also a change that started in the era of the Supreme Emperor. This once made many scholars dissatisfied, but this change finally persisted.

This is a good trend for myself.

After all, I was considered a master of political commentary in my previous life. I had been secretary to the leadership, deputy director of the office, and director for many years. I was good at writing articles, especially such political commentary. It was a piece of cake. Of course, this also needed to be based on the current situation of Dazhou.

In reality, this is not a big problem.

Extending from studying, it is necessary to accumulate enough resources. Teachers in the room and classmates in the same year and fellow students are all real resources. In this world, these resources have a greater role, so they need to be absorbed through various methods.

and savings.

Reading is the first priority, but that doesn’t mean other things can’t be done in parallel.

For example, some connections and relationships need to be slowly established and accumulated, and even use various opportunities to continuously deepen and consolidate them, such as Chen Jingxuan and Qiao Yingjia, such as Zhang Jin, and even Jia Yucun and Xue Jun, as well as the derived Jia Wang Xue Sanjia.

Her own age is a big issue, and she cannot participate in many things yet, but Feng Ziying has also made up her mind to intervene in her father's future career.

It's okay to seek revenge, but you can't take sides randomly, as that will affect the long-term interests of the future.

There is no need to throw away silver randomly. Use the edge of a knife to pick up good steel. When you really need to use silver, you will not be stingy, but there is no point in throwing it away when you see others.

My father's political sense and vision are still a bit lacking. It is very likely that he is limited by his status and tradition, and it is also possible that he does have some secrets that he does not know, but it is not advisable in any case.

In addition to these, it is necessary to start the economic management first. It would be bad to sit back and have nothing, and then be stretched when you really need to spend money in the end. However, my father seems not to care much about this, and he still has to do it.

Put some effort into your mother's side.

Yun Shang just watched the young master writing here one stroke after another. After following Feng Ziying for several years, she could recognize some words and could even write ordinary letters, but today the young master wrote

She couldn't understand these things.

She knew about reading, but when she wrote about the Imperial College and the Academy, she generally understood it. Then when she wrote about the "chronic event system", she didn't understand.

Then she wrote about "connections", "resources", "economy", etc., which were things she didn't understand. She also connected them with lines and marked them with some incomprehensible symbols. In the end, she was dumbfounded.

I stared blankly for a long time, seeming to be thinking about something, but in the end I decided to take them and burn them myself.

Yun Shang felt that after returning from this trip, it seemed that the young master in front of her who used to be a little green and immature had changed a bit. Although he was still very affectionate to her and even had a little more pity for her, there was always a lingering feeling about him.

An indescribable strange smell, how should I put it, it was so mysterious that Yun Shang couldn't see through it at all.

Thinking about the things he did in Linqing, if it hadn't come from the mouth of the always rigorous Feng You, and it had been confirmed by Ruixiang, Yun Shang wouldn't have believed that this was the person who was a little careless about everything.

's young master.

It had really changed. Yun Shang, who was lying on the bed in the outer room, tossed and turned all night, but the young man in the inner room seemed completely unaware of this.

Feng Ziying slept very uneasily that night. Countless dreams were mixed together and filled in her mind. However, she had never been in this situation for so many days in Linqing. On the contrary, she was like this when she returned home.

By the next morning when Yun Shang was waiting for him to dress and wash his face, he seemed to have suddenly become enlightened and naturally accepted these services that he was not used to at first.

"Master, did you come back late last night? Where did you rest?" After washing and having breakfast, Feng Ziying concentrated on her luck.

Logically speaking, he should report to the Imperial College, but the system of the Imperial College has actually become a bit of a decoration. It is rare for people like Feng Ziying to specifically ask for leave. They have special procedures and even ask for a sacrificial wine to sign, while some people

I don't bother studying in the Imperial College, just because I need this qualification and I have to pass the monthly exams.

Yun Shang was startled. Who dared to find out which aunt or wife's room the master rested in last night? He was so impatient?

I'm afraid only the young master dares to ask this, but it's too rude.

Seeing that Yun Shang didn't dare to answer, Feng Ziying finally reacted and shook her head: "Forget it, I'll go to my wife's place."

After arriving at her mother's place to say hello, Feng Ziying knew that her father probably didn't rest at her mother's place. He probably rested with some aunt, or he rested directly in the study.

"Father came back late last night?"

"Your father went to a banquet last night to celebrate the birthday of the mother of a member of the Ministry of War. He came back late and rested at your aunt's place." Feng's mother still knew the situation at home very well.

Feng Ziying knew that the aunt in her mother's words must really be in the aunt's place. If it was in the place of Aunt Su or Aunt Xie, she must mention her surname.

"Father hasn't gotten up yet?" Feng Ziying asked casually.

"Your aunt sent someone to say that I may have drunk too much yesterday, so I guess it's time to get up by now, right?" Mother Feng didn't care at all. Seeing her son acting like a grown-up in front of her, she also found it interesting.

: "Son, in the past you rarely came to sit in my room. Saying hello was like burning your butt before leaving. How can you settle down today?"

"Well, there are some things that I need to discuss with my father and mother." Feng Ziying glanced at the maid Mingzhu next to her mother, but seeing no reaction from her mother, knowing that Mingzhu must be a caring person around her mother, she said: "My son wants to ask about the current situation at home.

The living and expenses situation.”

Feng's mother was surprised. Why did her son suddenly ask about these things? He had never mentioned these things in the past, and he had never been interested in them. He even looked down upon them. Why did he ask about them now?


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