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Chapter 84 of the five-character scroll

 Everything she has done in the past, Feng Ziying feels like she is playing some kind of real-person game, even if she breaks into the grassland to negotiate with Bu Shitu to suppress the rebellion in Xijiang, or faces life and death at the top of Ganzhou City, or goes south to Yangzhou

When doing the so-called rough sea-opening strategy, I feel an unreal sense of drift.

So I don't care much about the consequences. The joy brought by success doesn't seem that strong. There doesn't seem to be much depression after failure. Of course, it's more smooth sailing. All in all, this feeling is wonderful, like being half asleep and half awake.

A kind of meditation in general.

But when she woke up this morning, Feng Ziying experienced a completely different feeling. Every detail was so clear and real. There was no longer the vagueness that lingered in her heart after she woke up from a high fever in Linqing.

No sense of alienation or isolation.

Just like the warm body lying in his arms now, she is his wife.

Feng Ziying actually knows where this feeling comes from. It is because whether it is her cheap father Feng Tang, Daiyu, Baochai, Baoyu, or Jia Lian, too many acquaintances in her life are from the book "Dream of Red Mansions"

The characters in it gave him a sense of illusion, and there was always a somewhat unreal dream feeling. Even Jin Chuaner and Xiang Ling had expressed their joy in his arms, and You Er and You San sang softly under him.

, but you can’t avoid that feeling.

That's why he dared to "act viciously" on Wang Xifeng unscrupulously, and unscrupulously took Eryou as his aunt, and even went to flirt with Tanchun and Xiangyun even though he knew that the back house was already "overcrowded".

It wasn't until last night or this morning, when I woke up from my sleep, that feeling was completely shattered by Shen Yixiu, a woman whose name I had never known or even heard of before, and then merged into the most real scene, telling myself that this

In today's life, you need to take responsibility for everything you do, not only for yourself, but also for everyone around you. They are all living people, capable of joy, anger, sorrow, birth, old age, illness and death, and will be affected by every move you make.

The impact will even change your destiny.

All of this became so real.

He was really excited and a little scared, like traveling through time for the second time.

Shen Yixiu didn't know the change in the man's mood at this time, but she could feel some changes in the man's body. She thought it was because the man had some desires again, so she just curled up in his arms and murmured: "

Sir, it’s getting late, we should get up, over to Weng Gu..."

After getting up on the first day, the bride is supposed to serve tea according to the rules. Although her father-in-law is not here, her mother-in-law is still there. This is also a rule that Shen Yixiu has long understood. First impression is very important. If she wakes up late and ends up at her mother-in-law's place,

Shen Yixiu absolutely does not want to create a bad impression.

"Don't worry, my mother is not the kind of rigid person. She knew that it was our wedding night, so how could she come so early and wait for you to serve tea?" Feng Ziying kissed the end of the woman's hair affectionately, and the fragrance filled her nose.

, affectionate and moving.


"It's nothing, just sleep a little longer. I'll call you later." Feng Ziying patted the other person's round and plump buttocks, and hugged the other person tighter with her other hand.

Shen Yixiu was already exhausted from the hard work last night, but thanks to her husband's deliberate tenderness, Shen Yixiu snuggled into Feng Ziying's arms and fell asleep.

Feng Ziying couldn't sleep at this time.

Looking at the sleeping woman nestled in his arms, the slightly frowned brows seemed to still have the influence of some kind of pain. The beauty was mixed with a hint of charm, and she seemed to be a little more enchanting than yesterday. Of course, Feng Ziying knew that this was an illusion. How could such a change happen in one night? It was just his own psychological perception.

He is considered to be married and has a family.

Although this is a dual-family eldest house in name, in fact, the eldest son's second bedroom is empty, and there are only three parents in the eldest son's house. In order for the eldest son's house to truly reflect that it is an independent room, it will have to wait until the next generation. , that is, the children born in each house have gone.

Although they should have been half-brothers and sisters in the future, according to etiquette, they can only be regarded as cousins. Fortunately, they are not from the same mother, so this difference is normal.

Feng Ziying found that the influence of the environment was indeed great. Although she had only been in this world for a few years, the surrounding environment was so profound that she gradually accepted everything in this world, and she was constantly adjusting to adapt to this society. Some of my original opinions and thoughts.

For example, although he possesses the innocent bodies of Xiang Ling, Jin Chuan'er and Er You, and even lives with Er You more like a couple, he has never regarded them as wives. This is certainly different from their own. He did not consider himself a wife, but regarded himself as a concubine and a maid, mostly because he had taken over the psychological hint and idea that they could not become his wife.

On the contrary, after spending the night with Shen Yixiu, I felt that I had a family. I even had a different feeling towards Eryou, Xiangling and Jin Chuaner. Perhaps this was something brought about by the marriage ceremony. Psychological hints and imprints.

It’s no wonder why such a ceremony, rather than a simple marriage certificate, has been needed since ancient times to prove becoming husband and wife. This meaning is extremely important, especially in this era.

But I have to face such a ceremony once or twice, and I don’t know if the sacred and solemn feeling will be diluted? Or will I feel that the responsibilities and pressure I bear will be greater?

When she woke up the second time, it was already past Chen hour. When she saw Shen Yixiu running around in a hurry and crying, almost crying, Feng Ziying found it extremely funny. Shen Yixiu quickly sat up and said, "Wan Jun, There is no need to worry about it now. My mother will definitely understand that she is a newlywed, and maybe she is looking forward to us sleeping a little longer..."

Shen Yixiu was ashamed, angry and anxious, with a few tears in his eyes. He hurriedly put on the belt on his bellyband, but the more flustered he became, the more clumsy his hands became, especially the pain under his body. Make it inconvenient for her.

She wanted to get up before this, but it would make the sky dark for some mornings. She thought about sleeping a little longer, but who knew that she would oversleep this time, and her husband had already woken up when he saw it, but he never woke her up.

At home, my mother repeatedly told me that I must get up early to serve tea for the first time after my marriage to leave a good impression on Aunt Weng. Who would have thought that this first thing would go so wrong, and it was already over. What would you think if you knew your mother-in-law was in the house?

Shen Yixiu knew very well that unlike other families, the Feng family only had one legitimate wife. Even if her mother-in-law didn't like her that much, there was nothing she could do. But thinking of Daiyu's enchanting grace, Shen Yixiu was not sure that he could compete with her. Shen Yixiu won, especially since the other party was the third-bedroom owner, so Shen Yixiu paid special attention to this first impression.

Who would have thought that she would actually fall asleep and her husband would not wake her up.

"Ms. sir, you said it quite easily. I am a bride and should have been serving tea. It is too late to serve me tea. [Biquge www.biqugex.biz] How can you find such an excuse?" Shen Yixiu There was some anger in his tone, and even a hint of crying.

Feng Ziying also didn't expect that Shen Yixiu would take this matter so seriously. When she saw her, she frowned slightly and stood up to dress herself. She hurriedly stopped her and said, "Okay, Wan Jun, you are inconvenient, so just Don't make too much of a move, I don't need you to serve and dress... I'll go to my mother's house later and tell her, you don't know that my mother has always had a relaxed temper and won't care about such things, didn't I say that? At worst, I will admit that I was young and lustful, and my reputation in this area is not very good anyway. If not, I will tell my mother that she asked me to give her a grandson as soon as possible? So I worked extra hard,..."

Hearing her husband's nonsense, Shen Yixiu's face turned red with embarrassment. How could she say such words to her mother-in-law? Only her husband could be so unrestrained, but when the other party said this, she felt a lot more at ease. Especially her consideration for herself makes her heart as sweet as honey.

"How can that be done?..."

However, Feng Ziying held down Shen Yixiu's body and stood up straight away. Wearing only a pair of calf pants, she opened the door and shouted at the top of her voice: "Qingwen, Yunshang, you two come in, wait for me and grandma to change." dressing."

"Ms. sir..." Shen Yixiu was ashamed.

"We will inevitably see each other in the future, why can we be embarrassed?" Feng Ziying looked away from such things. Since it was unavoidable, let's enjoy it. After last night, many things seemed to suddenly become clear, and he became more calm.

After a night of tears, the door opened with a creak, and Qingwen and Yun Shang filed in with a copper basin of hot water and a handkerchief. However, the two inhumane girls had red faces and lowered their heads, not daring to do anything. Voice.

Yun Shang naturally wiped Feng Ziying with hot water and a towel, and then dressed Feng Ziying, but Qingwen had to be more careful and prepared ointment to apply...

After waiting for a while, Feng Ziying and Shen Yixiu, who had finished taking care of themselves and put on their clothes, went out together to the lobby of the Second Hospital.

Noticing that Shen Yixiu was frowning and concentrating, Feng Ziying also deliberately slowed down, "Actually, I'm really not that nervous. My mother has a very good temper. If you are really worried, there is actually the simplest way to please my mother. To be happy for a lifetime..."

Shen Yixiu raised his head slightly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"How could I lie about such a thing?" Feng Ziying said seriously.

Shen Yixiu was overjoyed and asked in a voice: "What method?"

"It's very simple. Get pregnant with the child as quickly as possible and give birth to a grandchild for her, preferably within the next year. Regardless of whether you are male or female, she will like you for the rest of her life."

Feng Ziying's method was indeed simple, but it made Shen Yixiu's cheeks redder. But she could also expect such a request, and the Feng family's eagerness was understandable. "I naturally understand, but..."

"It's not just that we just need to work harder, just like last night..."

Hearing that her husband started to speak rudely again, Shen Yixiu couldn't help but twisted the soft flesh around her husband's waist bitterly. Feng Ziying couldn't help but grin from the pain. She seemed to have had such an experience in her previous life. How come women have traveled through time and space for hundreds of years and yet these methods have never been lost?

The elder Duan and the younger Duan were sitting in chairs, looking at their son and daughter-in-law who came in.

She came late, but the eldest Duan didn't mind this. She was originally a careless person. When she saw her daughter-in-law's rosy face, full of spring, and her staggering movements, she naturally understood and was happy.

For her, nothing is more important than getting her daughter-in-law pregnant as soon as possible. Although this is the eldest house, this is her son after all. When there is no one in the eldest house, she is the only mistress of the entire Feng family, and No matter which daughter-in-law can give birth to a grandson, she will be a hero of the Feng family.

Taking the teacup handed over by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Duan took a sip and nodded with satisfaction, "I don't have anything else to say to my mother. I have said all that I need to say. I have no other requirements. I just want my mother to do it." Get your grandson as soon as possible, this is what your father mentioned in his letter from Liaodong, do you understand?"

Feng Ziying and Shen Yixiu naturally nodded obediently.

Shen Yixiu then specially handed tea to the little Duan who was walking in front of the older Duan. The little Duan also liked it and smiled brightly, saying that Shen Yixiu was a sensible person and would definitely be a good home for the Feng family in the future.

In the meantime, the matter of the eldest housekeeper was inevitably mentioned. Feng Ziying explained to Shen Yixiu that the Duan family was in charge of everything. She didn't care anyway. As for whether her sister was in charge or the bride was in charge, she didn't care too much. .

Xiao Duan intended to give the eldest house to Shen Yixiu, but Feng Ziying helped Shen Yixiu and said that he would wait for the time being and wait until after the new year to discuss it slowly.


The dark, thin and tough young man took the gun in one hand, skillfully loaded and loaded the gun, with a standard action posture and a tall and straight body, and shot from a kneeling position, "Bang!", smoke filled the air, and a wooden straw figure appeared in the distance. The target shook slightly, which was obviously a hit.

"Brother Feng is getting married?!" Putting down the gun, the young man asked again in surprise, "That's great, sir, you must be overjoyed, aren't you, Uncle Zuo?"

There are almost no people in the Liaodong Army who can call Feng Tang's most trusted comrade, Feng Zuo, Uncle Zuo. They are either Brother Feng, Mr. Zuo, or Mr. Guard, and there are even those who call him General. Only this black boy

He always calls Feng Zuo Uncle Zuo.

"Well, of course you are happy, sir. It would be even better if Brother Keng could give me a grandson as soon as possible." Feng Zuo was so angry that he even had a layer of hoarfrost between his brows. He looked ahead, "This bird

How about a gun?"

"It's okay. It's slightly better than the last batch of fire guns, but the quality is limited." The dark, thin and tough young man is naturally Zuo Liangyu, who is now Feng Tang's general bannerman.

At first he looked down upon the fire and bird guns, and felt that he was proficient in bow and horse, especially his archery skills, which were not inferior to those of the Jurchens and Mongols.

This fire blunderbuss is troublesome to load and has a slow rate of fire. The first shot may be fired and people will rush in front of it. However, after half a year of training, the three-stage strike combined with the thrusting tactics of the pikemen has gradually taken shape. Zuo Liangyu

I also have to admire the changes brought about by the booklet said to be written by Brother Feng himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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