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Scroll A, Section 74: Those who know the times are Junjie

"Master, Uncle Zuo came to see you just now. The master asked you to go to his study when you come back." Yun Shang said while changing Feng Ziying's clothes with some anxiety.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Feng Ziying didn't care. He had noticed that his status in the mansion had increased rapidly in the past two days. Both his father, mother and other people in the mansion had made great progress in the trip to Linqing.

After becoming famous, his attitude was completely different.

"I didn't say anything." Yun Shang changed her clothes and Feng Ziying tidied her clothes, "Young master, you're not causing trouble outside, are you?"

"What trouble can I cause?" Feng Ziying was a little funny. This girl still thought of herself as herself for a few months. She couldn't help but blinked, "Don't worry, are you still afraid that the master will give me another beating? Now

It’s different, I’m afraid the master wants to discuss something with me, I’ll be there right away.”

Until Feng Ziying disappeared outside the courtyard gate, Yun Shang was still thinking about the meaning of the sentence "It's different now".

It seems that the house has indeed been different in the past two days. In the past, the whole house was revolved around the master and his wife. Whenever the young master was mentioned, the master and his wife would let the young people in the house disturb the young master and let the young master concentrate on them.

Reading, but it is obviously different now.

The time and frequency of visits by the master and his wife to the young master suddenly increased. No wonder the young master said that he wanted to go out to study, so as not to have all the complicated things in the house affect his study.

"Are you really planning to go out to study? What are you going to do here at the Imperial College?" Feng Tang gestured for his son to take a seat. In the past, he would stand aside and listen to his lectures, but now Feng Tang felt that maybe this son would really be the one to win the title of Fengjiaguang.

I still have to listen carefully to my son's thoughts now.

"The Imperial College is pretty simple. The Jiujiu people have a good impression of me. Si Ye also knows the actual situation in the prison. Everyone is taking the monthly exams. Many people even fool around with the monthly exams. Only those who need to go through the exams can

It's just a matter of time." Feng Ziying is not worried about this, "I asked for leave according to the rules, arrived on time for the exam, and my grades were not bad. They can't say anything about me, not to mention that everyone has already formed a common practice.


Feng Tang nodded. He was afraid that his son would be arrogant because of his favor. He felt that Linqing had done a good job and was praised by others, so he became upset. Now he seems to be very calm.

"Ziying, it's good that you understand the importance. Today Wang Ziteng met me at the Ministry of War and spoke highly of you." Feng Tang was in a good mood. "Master Zhang Jingqiu, the left minister, also asked me a few questions, maybe..."

"Father, you are overthinking this. I remember I told you that there is no need to rush for such things, otherwise it will be self-defeating." Feng Ziying felt that her father's impatience seemed to cover up the situation.

Given his usually pretty good emotional intelligence, why is he so indifferent to this matter?

You have been marginalized from the Emperor's side, and you have not received the Emperor's approval. Who would easily grant you a first-class position like the Chief Soldier of Datong Town?

Wang Ziteng was just a gesture of goodwill.

In fact, even if he wins the first prize in the examination now, it will not mean much to Wang Ziteng. It will be at least ten or eight years before it can affect him.

As for Zhang Jingqiu, it is one of the Emperor's cards. How could it be easily revealed to you?

It was simply that Zhang Jingqiu was very good at winning people's hearts and had clever methods, so his father misunderstood him. In Feng Ziying's view, unless the emperor made his attitude clear, the result would not change much.

"Ziying, I know..." It seemed a little regretful, but Feng Tang quickly cheered up, "Even Wang Ziteng specifically talked to me about you. I think the situation of the Linqing Civil War may have spread to the central court.

, it has spread to the emperor and several pavilion elders. This is a great thing. No matter which road you take in the future, if the emperor and the pavilion elders have an impression of you, then many roads will be much smoother and wider.


From her father's words, Feng Ziying knew that her father's thoughts had changed a lot. Although he did not object to her going out to study in the academy yesterday, he did not support it very much. She probably still felt that the Feng family suddenly wanted to make a show of breaking away from the martial arts.

The attitude of the group of nobles and nobles is to allow their legitimate sons to take scientific examinations. Such a change is difficult to accept, and it will easily arouse some suspicion and hostility from the group of nobles and nobles.

But now, Feng Tang has made a clear attitude, supporting himself to study, supporting himself to take the scientific examination, and even supporting himself to enter the civil service community through the scientific examination. Even though it will take a long time and even encounter some twists and turns, Feng Ziying knows

, Feng Tang also knows that these are all worth it.

"Father, I have said before that although our family is from the Wu family, we all know that our Feng family cannot compare with the four princes and eight princes, even the Marquis of Xiangyang, the Marquis of Jinxiang, the Marquis of Chuanning, and the Marquis of Pingyuan.

People like the Marquis of Dingcheng and Marquis of Jingtian are more confident than our family. If it weren't for the eldest uncle, the second uncle and you who have been fighting for the imperial court in the border fortress for so many years, the eldest uncle, the second uncle and even the corpses of the eldest uncle and the second uncle were wrapped in horse leather. I'm afraid that you, a third-class divine general, would

You may not be able to get it."

Feng Ziying felt that it was time for her father to completely sober up and calm down, and he could no longer indulge in the same fixed state of mind of the past.

"Don't think it's treasonous for me to go out to study or take the scientific examination. I just want to draw a clear line with whom. It's not that exaggerated. Didn't Uncle Jingshi of the Jia family pass the Jinshi examination more than 20 years ago?

Didn’t Zheng Shibo’s elder brother Zhu also take the scholar examination early on? If he hadn’t died early due to poor health, I’m afraid he would have been a Jinshi by now, and at the very least he would have gained fame as a scholar, right?”

Feng Ziying's cold tone calmed down Feng Tang's excitement a lot. She nodded silently and motioned for her son to continue.

"Father, let me tell you something you don't like to hear. If the Wu family were placed sixty years ago, they would have been relied on by the imperial court. But at that time, the Zhou Dynasty was just established, and you were needed to stabilize the situation. But it is different now.

The emperor of this dynasty is benevolent and righteous. He neither slaughters the heroes and nobles like the former Han Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, nor does he drink wine to relieve his military power like the former Song Dynasty. He is still kind to the heroes and nobles, but we are ministers

You must see the situation clearly and cannot be arrogant because of favors. It is the rule of this dynasty to use civil servants to control military officers. If you still rely on your honor and feel that you can do whatever you want, you are not far from death."

These words were so heartbreaking that Feng Tang was frightened. If it weren't for the father and son alone, Feng Tang would really have made two big mouths. Even so, his face was full of anger.

"Father, don't be angry. What I said today will only come out of my son's mouth and into your ears. After leaving this door, I will not say it again or admit it after today."

Seeing Feng Ziying say this, Feng Tang felt relieved a little, "Ziying, you can't say these words again even to me."

"Dad, you don't have to be like this. I know what's important and what's important." Feng Ziying seemed very indifferent. The deeper he went into this world and the more he understood about it, the more he felt that he fell in love with this world.

Falling in love with everything in this world, the forward-looking advantages, the ubiquitous class privileges, the order in which men are superior to women, all these gave him the feeling of having already taken advantage of all opportunities and the world's general trend was within my chest.

Of course, he also knows very well that in order to turn his advantage into a real victory, he still needs to accumulate and work hard. There are also various uncertain variables, and he may even capsize in the gutter, and underestimate anything he does not understand.

, all have to pay a heavy price, this is the unforgettable truth he learned after serving as an official for decades in his previous life.

But isn't this the most satisfying and satisfying aspect? Only what you get through hard work is worthy of the most delicious taste. What you get by hand will lose some of its flavor.

This chapter has been completed!
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