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Volume Five Chapter 103 Different angles, different choices

"Huh, Ziying, you think highly of these military achievements." Fan Jingwen said bluntly: "These guys only have their own interests in their eyes, what else do they have?"

Hearing Fan Jingwen speak so bluntly, Fang Youdu and Wu Di beside them couldn't help but coughed a few times and winked repeatedly, reminding Fan Jingwen that Feng Ziying in front of him was also from Wuxun.

Fan Jingwen didn't care, and kept a straight face, "Uncle Fang, Luyou, don't wink at me. I know that no matter what I say, Ziying won't mind it. Am I wrong? How many of these Wu Xuns are there?"

A decent one? Niu Jizong, Chen Jixian? Or that Qiu Shiben?"

Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing, this Fan Jingwen was really rude.

However, since they were both northern scholars, Fan Jingwen was more open-minded than Wu Di and Fang Youdu. Although Fang Youdu had a closer relationship with Feng Ziying, he would not say such heart-wrenching words.

"Mengzhang, if you say this, the martial arts that the Great Zhou relies on as the foundation of the country are worthless in your eyes?" Feng Ziying stood with her hands behind her hands, but used her feet to sweep the snow on the stone slab in front of her into the pond.


"Guoben?" Fan Jingwen sneered, "Isn't this just the martial arts warriors bragging? If in the Taihe period, or even in the Guangyuan period, they could barely say that they were Guoben, maybe a few people would believe it, but now, Zi

Ying, do you believe it? Look at the first-class stuff in the capital camp. I think it’s not even as good as the Five Cities Military and Horse Division!"

Feng Ziying shook her head repeatedly. She didn't know what was irritating this guy. Why did he become so hostile and contemptuous towards Wu Xun?

"Mengzhang, what's wrong with you? Why did your attitude become so extreme all of a sudden? You were not like this in the past." Feng Ziying couldn't help but tilted her head and looked at Fan Jingwen and asked.

He still had a laugh with He Fengsheng, whom Fan Jingwen was most familiar with, and said: "Hey, Ziying, Mengzhang is a member of the fifth army camp in the Beijing camp. He was born as Wu Jinshi. He has been in the Beijing camp for many years and has been unable to get ahead. The day before yesterday, I came to Mengzhang.

I came here to complain for a while, which probably aroused Mengzhang."

Fan Jingwen ignored He Fengsheng's explanation and kept a straight face: "It's not entirely because of my tribe. It's normal that I alone can't get ahead. Wu Jinshi can't explain anything, but according to what he said, people like him

There are many such martial arts scholars and children from poor families who come from martial arts backgrounds. They all have struggled to get ahead in the military for many years. Even if they are promoted to a position like hundreds of thousands of households, it is difficult to reach the sky. This is abnormal. "

The Great Zhou Dynasty followed the military system of the former Ming Dynasty, but there were some changes. The martial arts examination system was popular for a period of time during the Taihe period, but was abolished after the fifth year of Guangyuan. Only one subject was opened during the Tianping period, and it was also opened during the Yuanxi period.

Only two subjects were opened, and it was not until the 29th year of Yuanxi that customization began to form.

The martial arts examination has a subject every six years, and the time regulations are similar to those in autumn and spring, but there is no so-called three-examination system for county examinations, government examinations, academy examinations, and there is only one county selection examination, and anyone can try in the county selection examination.

For skills, as long as you pass the county selection test, you can directly enter the martial arts examination. Each province still has quotas every year, but compared with Qiu Wei and Spring Wei, the martial arts examination quotas in the northern provinces are much higher than those in the south.

, which means that northern folk have more opportunities to obtain official positions through military examinations.

However, whether it is the martial arts competitions held by the provinces or the great competition in the capital city in the spring of the next year, their influence is far from being comparable to the real autumn and spring. Even the martial arts champion is far from the top three Jinshi.

Even compared to Juren, Wu Jinshi was two levels lower. This was also the negative consequence of Zhou Dynasty's use of culture to control martial arts.

Although the poor in literature and rich in martial arts, places such as Beidi Beizhi, Shandong, Henan and even Shaanxi are places where martial arts flourish, so there are still many disciples who hope to win official positions through the martial arts system. This is also the case for frontier armies including Jiubian.

They are an important source of middle- and lower-level military attachés in various battalions and guards, but middle- and high-level officials are still produced by children of martial arts veterans and meritorious service in the military.

This also created a situation in the Zhou army where military attaches with military qualifications, military attaches with meritorious service, and military attachés with military qualifications were divided into three parts.

Mainly, among the middle and high-level military generals, especially the senior military generals, the children of martial arts still have an absolute advantage. The officials who have accumulated meritorious service and military examinations in the army can account for about one in the middle-level military generals, while among the senior military generals, only

It can account for 30%, and martial arts examinations only account for less than 10%.

Because the martial arts examination only takes one subject every six years. For example, it was available in the second year of Yonglong and not in the fifth year of Yonglong, but it is available this year.

"It seems that Mengzhang has a lot of resentment. He wants to fight against the injustices of martial arts students like his clan members. Dazhang, Fei Xiong, don't you two aspire to stay in the Ministry of War? If you become a doctor in the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War in the future, you can

We need to think carefully about whether there are any problems with the selection mechanism of military attachés in our army, and if so, how to improve it. We cannot allow talented people who are good at literature and military skills to always be buried at the bottom, leaving mediocre people like Marshana behind.

A mediocre waste, but he is in a high position because he was born in Wu Xun."

Feng Ziying saw that Fan Jingwen was really angry, so she had to comfort him, although her tone sounded like that of the chief minister of the cabinet.

Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong exchanged glances, and Feng Ziying immediately pointed them out. Both of them were a little embarrassed. Although it was their wish to stay in the Ministry of War, when they learned that Yang Sichang was also interested in joining the Ministry of War, they both felt that their hopes were afraid.

Not big anymore.

If you want to stay in the Liubu Siyuan Temple, generally speaking, you need to be at least a second-level Jinshi.

There are only so many places for each subject to stay in the Siyuan Temple of the Six Departments. After calculation, basically there are only two to five people staying in each of the six departments. Among them, the Department of Husbandry and the Department of Punishment are slightly more, and there can be five or six people.

There are not many people in the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Rites, Ministry of War, and Ministry of Industry, usually only two or three people. In some years, only one or two are retained, and they are mainly recruited from officials who have performed well after serving for several years.

The Dali Temple and the General Affairs Department are similar, while the Ducha Yuan and the Sixth Section have slightly more. For example, the Ducha Yuan selects about eight to ten Jinshi for each subject.

In addition, the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion can select a few people every year, but only those with the worst performance will go to the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion. Many people would rather go to work than go to the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, because they feel that it is purely

It's a waste of time, it's almost like a place to live and retire. Of course, there are also times when someone gets lucky and is suddenly spotted by a certain big shot.

Zheng Chongjian, on the other hand, was more generous and said calmly: "Ziying, even if Feixiong and I can stay in the Ministry of War, it will be ten or twenty years before our turn comes to speak. But Meng Zhang said

It’s indeed reasonable. Our Zhou army has a lot of shortcomings, but the imperial court doesn’t have much to do..."

"It seems that Dazhang was very impressed after staying in the Ministry of War for a period of time." Feng Ziying said with emotion.

"You and I followed Mr. Chai, Mr. Yang and your father-in-law to Gansu and Ningxia to quell the rebellion. Almost all the military attaches and senior generals we met were from martial arts backgrounds. Most of the mid-level military attaches were promoted from military families in the border areas.

Not to mention the number of family backgrounds, and even after ten years of training in the military, they are mainly at the level of hundreds of households. It is considered good to be able to get to the general banner in three to five years, and many children of military households have accumulated merits and become

They can't even write their own names, let alone understand any military strategy. It's not that they are discriminating against them, but this situation is really worrying, let alone those who are in high positions like the Ma Xia you mentioned.

Martial Arts Award."

Zheng Chongjian was very proud of his participation in the counterinsurgency in Western Xinjiang. This was his most important qualification and the greatest confidence for him to stay in the military department. Even Wang Yingxiong had to admit that compared to Zheng Chongjian, he was probably less qualified to go to the Western Expedition.


Regarding Zheng Chongjian's point of view, Fan Jingwen also nodded repeatedly.

"Only Da Zhang has seen all kinds of ills in the army before he can have this opinion. People say that the frontier army is filthy, but in fact it is even worse in the Beijing camp. The generals and officers in the frontier army have to think about it all the time.

When fighting against the Mongols and Jurchens, they were afraid that their actions would go too far and cause a mutiny, or that they would be counterattacked by these anxious soldiers during the confrontation with the enemy. However, in the Beijing camp, there was no such worry at all.

They are all living for nothing, and all the family and children are in the capital. Who is willing to flee easily? Therefore, these generals and officers are even more confident..."

It seemed that Fan Jingwen was really disgusted with all the things in the Beijing camp. All the classmates nodded in agreement and also looked thoughtful.

"Wizi Teng was known for his habit of forming cliques for personal gain when he was in the position of Jiedu Governor of the Beijing Camp. He did not change his true character after he became the Governor of Xuanda. He entrusted some of the people who had been hanging around in the Governor's Mansion of the Fifth Army to important tasks. Those guys had no fighting ability.

, but the ability to seize power and make money is not small. In Denglai, Ziying, how about we make a bet and see if Denglai starts to integrate the Dengzhou Guard and Laizhou Guard's coastal guard troops to build

The so-called Denglai Camp Army, those generals are definitely the same group of people who are close to him."

Fan Jingwen looked at Feng Ziying with certainty and stretched out his hand.

Feng Ziying burst into laughter. This Fan Jingwen was really stubborn to the point of paranoia.

The imperial court asked Wang Ziteng to establish the town of Denglai, and the special governor was obviously not as simple as Dengzhou and Laizhou towns. In the future, Jinzhou and Fuzhou in southern Liaoning may also be assigned to the jurisdiction of Governor Denglai.

The main purpose is to make Denglai Jinfu Siwei become a strong backing for Liaodong Town in the future, not only to protect Liaodong Town in terms of logistics, but also to make Denglai become the force support point of Liaodong Town through the maneuverability of the naval fleet.

Under such circumstances, Wang Ziteng worked so hard and spent so much energy, and even used various public and private connections to establish the Denglai Governor's Yamen. How can he be truly selfless if the generals below do not recommend and appoint his own people? How is it possible to obey the arbitrary arrangements of the imperial court to satisfy the vanity of meritocracy?

Then he is really playing with his own head. Not to mention himself, even his subordinates will not agree.

Years ago, Shen Yourong came to his house specifically to discuss the establishment of a naval fleet.

If it weren't for the fact that Wang Ziteng did not have a suitable naval general in his hands, and Shen Yourong was not only a good naval officer, but also very familiar with the situation in Liaodong, plus Feng Ziying's strong recommendation, Wang Ziteng also had some ideas about the Feng family. It was also impossible for him to accept Feng Ziying's recommendation to make Shen Yourong the helmsman of the Denglai Naval Fleet.

Although senior officials such as Admiral of the Fleet of Denglai Navy must be recommended by the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War and approved by the cabinet and submitted to the emperor for approval before they can be appointed, because Admiral of Denglai Navy is quite special, the first is a new establishment. And it is directly under the Denglai Governor's Office. Secondly, everything from naval ships to naval officers and soldiers are created from scratch. It can be said that if it does not get the support of the Denglai Governor's Office, it will be difficult for this naval fleet to truly achieve its goals. Since then, the importance of the naval admiral was far less than that of the commander-in-chief of a town on land, so everyone in the imperial court tacitly agreed that Wang Ziteng would recommend him.

When Wang Ziteng recommended Shen Yourong as Admiral of the Denglai Navy Fleet, the Ministry of War and the Cabinet were quite surprised.

Because Shen Yourong obviously does not belong to the martial arts group. He is a typical military commander with a martial arts background. He has never had any relationship with Wang Ziteng, but he was recommended by Wang Ziteng to serve as the admiral of the navy, even though he is still an empty shell of the navy. Although he is an admiral, he is also a navy admiral after all.

In order for Shen Yourong to serve as Navy Admiral, Feng Ziying even made some kind of promise to Wang Ziteng.

Feng Ziying was even sure that the relationship between herself and Wang Ziteng would determine what Shen Yourong would be like as a naval admiral in the future.

"Mengzhang, I admit that what you said does exist in many senior military generals, even my father has this tendency, but I think this is something that can't be helped to a certain extent. As a general, of course I hope to appoint people on their merits and appoint the best. Excellent and most capable subordinates, but the most important magic weapon to win on the battlefield is to enforce orders and prohibitions. To do this is not as simple as just relying on the ability of your subordinates..."

Feng Ziying did not deny Fan Jingwen's criticism of Wang Ziteng, but he also cleverly explained the reasons and specific difficulties that existed for him as a border coach being domineering and nepotistic.

"...No matter how good you are but you are unwilling to obey the general's orders, you will only be more dangerous than a mediocre person, so this also forces generals to prefer to use people they know well, rather than people who think they are excellent but are buried. , Of course, I am not trying to defend those who favor nepotism regardless of their ability. I am just saying that many times the general has no choice. After all, there is no one else on the battlefield. If a mistake is made, the lives of hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of people will be at risk. , it brought an unbearable disaster to the imperial court."

After all, my father is the Governor of Ji Liao. I am afraid that his actions now are even worse than Wang Ziteng. In the future, if the generals including the Li family are unwilling to show their attitude like my old

If my father loses his sincerity, I am afraid he will be marginalized. This is also a last resort.

This chapter has been completed!
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