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Volume E, Chapter 154: When you have nothing to do, you will find something to do (big update!)

  Lai Shangrong, the son of Lai Da, actually used 10,000 taels of silver to donate a seventh-grade official, and another 8,000 taels of silver to get through all the connections. Within half a year, he received the actual award, and he was the magistrate of a county in Jiangxi.

It is said that he will take up his post soon.

Feng Ziying learned this news accidentally. When she went to the Ministry of Civil Affairs to visit Master Qi, she overheard that the amount of official donations this year was not large, but there were some big donations. One of the officials mentioned that Lai Shangrong donated an official of the seventh rank.

I was waiting for a vacancy, and then quickly obtained the practical teaching.

 After further inquiry, this practical teaching was not easy to come by. Of course, this is not something that the outside world can know, but for Feng Ziying, it is not difficult to understand it.

The donation of 10,000 taels of silver to an official position is not a small gesture, but what is even more exaggerated is the use of 8,000 taels of silver to open up the key to filling the vacancy.

Although there is a system of donating officials in the Zhou Dynasty, donating officials has always been disliked by the officials. Often, if you donate an official for three to five years, you may not be able to get a chance to fill the vacancy. Even if the vacancy is filled, it is usually in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Shaanxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, etc.

Feng Ziying couldn't help but be shocked and admired that Lai Jia was able to spend so much effort to do this in a remote and remote area.

Eighteen thousand taels of silver is the Xue family. A family like the Jia family has to think carefully about it. Jia Lian just spent a few thousand taels of silver to donate to a colleague with a false title, but a servant family dared to

Spending several times the amount of money spent by Jia Lian, the legitimate son of a serious 800-year-old family leader, to donate a real scholarship to the county magistrate who was in short supply, and he was from Jiangxi.

Although Jiangxi is incomparable to the provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, and not even compared to the provinces in the north, it is much better than places like Sichuan, Yunnan-Guizhou, Guangdong, Guangxi and Shaanxi. In such a short time, it is possible to find a real shortage in Jiangxi

, I have to say that the Lai family’s actions are powerful enough.

 The Lai family found such an opportunity without letting the Jia family know about it. There was no other way except to use money.

This made Feng Ziying unable to help but wonder whether the Lai family had earned more than 18,000 taels of silver from repairing the garden, so that they could spend so generously a large sum of money to donate an official.

“Then what are you going to do?” Ni Er’s eyes lit up.

His favorite thing is to eat black people. If Ni Er still has some respect for the Jia family among his neighbors, Ni Er has no scruples about the Jia family's minions. Thinking about how much more he can do

After getting one or two jobs but being cut off by the Lai family, Ni Er still felt that he still had a lot of money that had not yet been settled, but the Lai family had already settled down. Ni Er naturally felt unbearable.

"There's no rush, let's start with the preparations first." Feng Ziying smiled. "The Lai family has neither manpower nor craftsmanship to repair the garden. Why don't we have to go outside to find someone and the Lai family can purchase goods, especially the flowers and trees?"

As far as I know, many of them are from the Osmanthus Xia family?..."

Ni Er suddenly understood? A mysterious smile appeared on his face, "Uncle Xue's in-laws? Master, I understand..."

  The Lai family is actually a white wolf with nothing to gain. Everyone in the Jia family understands this. Even Jia’s mother intentionally or unintentionally asked the Lai family to get involved in this business.

Naturally, there will be no shortage of discerning people in the Jia Mansion. Jia She and Jia Zhen have earned this money. Although the people below have some opinions, they all think it is acceptable? This Rongning Second Mansion originally belongs to Jia She and Jia Zhen? But it is just in the left pocket.

Put it in your right pocket, but you, Lai Da Lai Er, also come to intervene, why?

It's all the people in the house? They are all salary and support their families, but your family monopolizes the position of Rongning Erfu's big housekeeper, but this meat has never thought of moisturizing the next person. How can you do it?


It was just that before, piecemeal, and Master She and Uncle Zhen didn't care, but this time Master She and Uncle Zhen are in charge, and you are relying on Jia Mu's favor to come and seize food from the tiger's mouth, offending Master She and Uncle Zhen to death.

, and immediately established two biggest enemies in the mansion.

If the Jia family is prosperous now, it would be fine if they don't care about these tens of thousands of taels of silver. But now the Jia family has to spend even a few hundred taels of silver, forcing Wang Xifeng to have no choice but to do this.

It's really hard to say.

Feng Ziying didn't think that the Lai family could withstand the joint attack of Jia She and Wang Xifeng when something fell into someone else's hands, especially since they had Ni Er's support outside and Jia Rui, the troublemaker, who was fanning the flames inside the house.


It depends on how much money the Lai family can squeeze out, but in any case it can help the Jia family alleviate the financial crisis and prevent Wang Xifeng from struggling with herself all day long.

Ni Er left with a smile on his face, and Jia Yun, who had been waiting for him for a long time, stepped forward to greet him.

“Brother Yun, have you ever had a good job in the bank?” Feng Ziying looked at the energetic Jia Yun and couldn’t help but nod and smile.

Compared with the destitute Jia Yun a few years ago, the young man in front of him seemed to have been completely reborn. He was dressed in a light gray poplin robe, with a face like the bright moon, a majestic air, and a rhinoceros fracture fan in his hand.

There are two sentences in "Song" on it, "The chariots and dust and horses are enough for the rich, and the wine-cups and branches are for the poor", which actually has some artistic conception.

I just don’t know whether this guy is just arty or if he really understands the truth. From Feng Ziying’s point of view, it’s probably the former.

“Thank you, uncle, for your support. Jia Yun will never forget it.” Jia Yun spoke sincerely.

If Feng Ziying arranged for him to work in Daguanlou because of his experience and polishing, then recommending him and guaranteeing him to work at Haitong Yinzhuang Jingshi would be a real kindness to Jia Yun.


Jia Yun knows that countless people in the capital city want to come to Haitong Silver Village to work, and many people even entrust them to Prince Zhongshun, but this Haitong Silver Village has to make money after all. Even Prince Zhongshun knows that it is okay to give up a sum of money, but the silver

Ordinary people cannot interfere with the affairs of the village. Once something goes wrong, it will involve the interests of hundreds of shareholders, and Prince Zhongshun cannot bear this responsibility.

As Feng Ziying said, the first reason why he allowed himself to work at Haitong Yinzhuang was because he knew his roots well and had a trustworthy character; secondly, he had experienced the experience of Daguanlou and felt that he could do things; and thirdly, he was someone Feng Ziying approved of.

Jia Yun knew that if it were the first two, countless people could meet these conditions, but the third one was the key. Anyone who was not Xiao Feng Xiuzhan would not be able to sit in the important position of Haitong Silver Village.

Just like Uncle Lian, if he hadn't gone to Yangzhou and caught Uncle Feng's eyes, where would he have had the opportunity to build the Haitong Yinzhuang Jingshi? You must know that the Yangzhou, Datong and even Guangzhou are uncle Feng's cousins

My brother is in charge. Jia Lian didn't have much experience in business before. He was completely brought up by Uncle Feng after arriving in Yangzhou.

Of course, Jia Yun also knew about the close relationship between Feng Ziying and the Jia family. Miss Lin was the niece of the two masters and was about to marry Uncle Feng as his third wife. There were even rumors that the second girl might also be a concubine for Uncle Feng.

Although this sounds a bit unbelievable, but after thinking about it, it is not impossible for the second girl to be a daughter of a concubine, given the uncle's character. This can also consolidate Uncle Lian's position with Uncle Feng.

"Okay, Brother Yun, there's no need to say these flattery words. Just do your job well." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "Brother Lian, I'm afraid there will be more delays at home during this period, so you may have to bear with it.


Jia Yun's heart trembled. He didn't know if this was a disguised expression of dissatisfaction with Jia Lian, but during this period, Jia Lian was having a divorce with his second sister-in-law in the house, which indeed delayed more time, but overall

, and it did not affect the business of the Jingshi.

"Sir, although Uncle Lian has some things at home, he has never delayed his work in the house. I can guarantee this." Jia Yun said quickly.

"Don't be so nervous. I don't have any opinions about Brother Lian. I just said that the matter between the couple will definitely have some impact in the end. You should worry more. Well, where will Brother Lian go next?

Judging from his thoughts, you should know that he wants to go to the Yangzhou ship, but he can't let go here. You can polish my thinking. My cousin is basically on the Datong ship. If it doesn't work, I plan to let you go to Datong.

Do you have the confidence to stand alone?"

 Feng Ziying’s words made Jia Yun overjoyed.

 There is certainly no comparison between the Datong and the Jingshi, Yangzhou, Guangzhou and even Jinling, but they are on their own after all.

Although Jia Lian is in charge of the overall situation of this capital and assists himself, there are still two or three others who assist Jia Lian like himself. They all come from other channels, such as those recommended by King Zhongshun or other major shareholders, but they have all passed through

Only after Uncle Feng's approval did he take office.

Among these assistants, I have the least confidence in terms of qualifications and family background. Countless people are eager to go out and be independent. If I have the opportunity now, it will be a great opportunity.

But after getting excited, Jia Yun quickly calmed down, "Uncle, I think I may still need to practice for another year or two. My exposure to these jobs is still too little and the time is too short. Of course, I am eager to go to Datong to work alone.

, but I don’t want to be unable to do things well after I go there and live up to my uncle’s expectations.”

 Feng Ziying still appreciates Jia Yun's rationality and calmness. She did not forget about her own wishes and could still clearly see her own shortcomings. However, Feng Ziying also had her own ideas.

"Brother Yun, the situation in Datong is slightly different from that of several other places. It is where our Feng family and my mother's Duan family live. There are people to take care of them in all aspects, so my cousin can survive in just two or three years."

The Datong will be taken care of within a month, so you won’t face too much pressure when you go to Datong. After practicing on the Datong, you can shoulder a heavier burden."

Jia Yun pondered for a while, and finally said: "If you think I am qualified, I would be honored, but from my personal point of view, I think it is better to wait for another year or two to be on my own, and I will feel more at ease."

Feng Ziying nodded with satisfaction. It is a good thing to have her own opinions. It is even better not to be easily swayed by other people's opinions. After several years of hard work, Jia Yun has indeed grown very fast, and she has also established her own self-confidence.

, in a sense, Jia Yun has greater growth potential than Jia Lian.

Feng Ziying found that she had developed a close connection with Jia's family consciously or unconsciously. In addition to the girls admired by thousands of people in the book, those men who were left behind also slowly came into her eyes, and even slowly

Slowly becoming a part of one's surroundings, not to mention Baoyu and Jia Huan, but also Jia Lian and Jia Yun, and even becoming an important helper in a certain aspect of one's career. This feeling is really wonderful.

  When Feng Ziying returned to the private room, Shen Yixiu was still immersed in the performance on stage. Second sister You also liked it very much and even started wiping away tears. However, third sister You obviously didn't like this kind of activity very much.

“Third sister, you don’t like it?” Feng Ziying tilted her head and asked in a low voice.

“Well, I don’t like it very much, but my sister and the others seem to like it very much.” Sanjie You is a straightforward person, very calm and authentic.

“I don’t like it either, so why don’t I take Third Sister out for a walk?” Feng Ziying smiled and whispered.

"Okay." Third Sister You was overjoyed and stood up happily, "But sisters and the others..."

“Don’t worry about them, they are already in deep trouble and can’t extricate themselves.” Feng Ziying glanced at Shen Yixiu and Second Sister You, and shook her head.

After getting married, the main focus has shifted to Shen Yixiu. It is inevitable that he is a little neglected by You Er and You San. Sister You is better, has a soft temper, and doesn't have so many ideas, but she is used to the freedom in the border area. For Third Sister You, she must be a little lonely. Even if she goes to Yangzhou, Third Sister You feels very comfortable, but she is not used to the life of staying in the house and being a concubine all day long. .

 Feng Ziying can also feel this.

Third Sister You is different from the other girls in the house, and even from Daiyu, Baochai and the others who she will marry in the future. They may be content with life in the house and be content with raising their husbands and raising children, but for You For the third sister, her admiration for martial arts makes her unwilling to settle for such a humble life, and the various experiences and experiences she has seen in the border areas also make her eager for other challenges.

Of course, this does not mean that she does not desire the solid support and warm embrace of a trustworthy man, but what she wants is something different.

 Walking on the street outside the theater, looking at the bustling crowds of people around her, Sanjie You suddenly found herself as if she had returned to the carefree time she had a few years ago.

Although she was a wife at this time, she still saw her husband accompanying her wandering freely in the market, watching the candied haws she bought stuffing into her mouth, the sour plum juice in her mouth, and the small windmill whirling. Still, Sanjie You felt extremely happy at this moment.

 It's just that she is wearing men's clothes, otherwise Sister You really wants to throw herself into her arms and get intimate.

 “That’s Feng Keng?”

Abai glanced sideways at Netu and asked in a low voice.

“Yes, that is Feng Keng, the only son of Feng Tang, governor of Jiliao, who was compiled by the Hanlin Academy from the sixth grade.” Netu said softly.

“If you kill him, can it be considered as a warning to Feng Tang?” Abai’s eyes narrowed.

 Netu was surprised. The last time Er Baile came, he had this idea, and this time San Baile came with the same intention. This made Netu very conflicted.

"Third Master, if Feng Tang has several sons, then killing Feng Keng may give him a shock and warning, but Feng Tang only has one son. If he is killed, Feng Tang will know or think that it was our people who killed him.

Son, once Feng Tang goes crazy, we won't be able to bear it."

 Netu thought for a while before saying.

Abai thought for a while, and it was indeed the case. If the other party had several sons, then the death of a son like a bastard would make the other party timid and frightened, which would be conducive to further contact. But if he was killed, the only way

I am afraid that Feng Tang, who has no idea, may desperately target the Jianzhou Jurchens, which will only benefit the Chahar people, Yehe tribe and Shuerhaqi.

“And has Third Master noticed? The handsome young man beside him is actually his concubine.”

Netu’s words shocked Abai, “Did Zhou allow officials to take men as concubines?”

Abai knew that many people in Da Zhou were masculine, but this kind of blatant taking a man as a concubine still shocked him. This was too exaggerated.

"No, no, that handsome man is actually a woman, but she is pretending to be a man." Netu quickly explained, "That woman is a martial arts expert. It is said that she comes from the Kongtong sect in the northwest of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and she has a close relationship with the leader of this theater.

Fellow disciple, even though she is a woman, ordinary assassins are no match for her, and although Feng Keng himself is a civil servant, he also has very good martial arts skills, so it is difficult for ordinary people to successfully assassinate her."

"The purpose of the Great Khan asking me to come to the capital is to stay in the capital city and figure out the current internal situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Our Jurchen Jurchens in Jianzhou are currently facing a very bad situation. The Ula tribe has a chance to breathe, and the Chahar people are very ambitious and want to control Kharkistan.

Erkha, Horqin, and the Yehe tribe are close friends, as well as Shuerhaqi. Now that the policy of the Great Zhou Dynasty has changed, they have begun to publicly spare no effort to support these forces around us, which makes the Great Khan very worried."

Abai was sent to Beijing after serious internal discussions within Jianzhou Jurchen.

Originally it was Daishan who came here, but considering that he came to stay in the capital this time, Abai was second only to Chu Ying and Daishan in age, and had a calm and humble temperament, and was considerate of problems, so Nurhachi sent his third son to the capital.

The main purpose of presiding over the overall situation in the division city is to resolve the heavy pressure brought by the Zhou Dynasty on the Jianzhou Jurchens from the inside.

"Second Master also mentioned this matter last time. Since Da Zhou keeps causing us trouble outside the customs, we can only treat others in their own way. Da Zhou's own family has more troubles, so we can't.

You can also cause trouble for them." Netu's tone was a little gloomy.

Abai perked up and said, "It seems that you have an idea, Netu. Where do you plan to start? The Japanese, the Koreans, the Mongols?"

 Netu shook his head and was about to speak when he saw Feng Ziying's sharp eyes looking over. He was shocked. Oh no, he was discovered.

This chapter has been completed!
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