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Chapter 72 Contact

 For Feng Ziying, the next time is a familiarization process.

From the Experience Department to the Zhaomo Office to the Prison Department, Taxation Department, and Hebo Office, these are the most important departments in the entire government office. At least they are the most important departments in Feng Ziying's opinion, related to administration and auditing.

Supervision, judicial prisons, and tax revenue are huge chunks that cannot be ignored.

No matter how I position myself as a colleague in the future, I will inevitably have to deal with these departments.

In contrast, things like Zazao Bureau, Confucian Officials, Ma Zhengyi Cheng, Medical Zhengke, Yin Yang Xuezhengshu, Seng Gangsi, Dao Jisi, etc. can be put aside temporarily.

The Experience Department is equivalent to the general office, and the Zhaomo Office is equivalent to the audit department. It also has certain supervisory responsibilities within the yamen. Needless to say, the Prison Department is in charge of prisoners, the Tax Department and the Hebo Office have official, commercial and fish taxes.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs, and the functional departments of Yongping Mansion are still complete.

Over the course of a day, Feng Ziying met seven or eight groups of twenty people. Although she might not be able to recognize them all clearly, several important colleagues and subordinate officials had some impressions.

"Master Feng, I would like to offer you a glass of wine." He held up the wine glass and saw a middle-aged man with an extraordinary bearing, broad mouth, thick eyebrows and phoenix eyes. He raised his hand slightly and said, "A second-class Jinshi like you is also a commoner."

He was born as a scholar. To be honest, this is the first time I have heard of being directly released out of the capital. However, it is the glory of our Yongping Prefecture to be released out of the capital. The name of Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is well-known in the capital city.


Feng Ziying stood up with a smile on her face, "Master Hou, you are exaggerating. Ziying just received the emperor's favor and wasted two years in the Hanlin Academy..."

"Hey, Mr. Feng, what you said is wrong. There are only twenty or thirty people in each subject of the second-level Jinshi. Since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty in our Yongping Mansion, only one person has passed the exam in the Taihe period, but he has not been able to select Shu Ji.

It shows how difficult it is to become a scholar. Master Feng, a common scholar, is probably hard-earned and well-deserved."

Tongpan Hou Ziyu, a native of Zhangde Prefecture, Henan, was originally a promotion official of Daming Prefecture, and was later promoted to Shaanxi Chief Envoy Si Li Wensuo. In the first year of Yonglong, he was appointed as the general judge of Yongping Prefecture, two years before Zhu Zhiren came to Yongping Prefecture.

, can be regarded as a veteran among the important officials in Yongping Prefecture.

According to the information obtained from Wu Yaoqing, this person can actually be regarded as a native of Yongping Prefecture. Although his wife was originally from Zhangde Prefecture, during his seven years in Yongping Prefecture, he took in three concubines, including

Both houses were composed of women from the Lulong and Leting gentry families who were concubines from wealthy families.

Before Feng Ziying came to Yongping Mansion, Hou Ziyu was the number two figure in Yongping Mansion. The sixth grade was more noble than anyone except Luanzhou Zhizhou. Moreover, this person had a bold personality but was also thoughtful, and was very polite in dealing with others.

Zhou Quan has a relatively close relationship with the local gentry and has a wide network of contacts. He even has a vague sense of rivalry with Zhu Zhiren.

All in all, Hou Ziyu made a very good first impression on Feng Ziying. Although he was born in Juren and was only in his early forties, it is a bit surprising why he has not been promoted in Yongping Mansion for six consecutive years.

, Feng Ziying estimated that this should be related to Zhu Zhiren's dissatisfaction with this person.

"I can't afford it, I can't afford it. Mr. Hou is one of the best among people. Although Ziying just came here, she has heard about your demeanor..." Feng Ziying smiled and raised her glass repeatedly.

Feng Ziying couldn't tell whether it was good or bad for the other party to praise her so highly.

The good thing is that it can quickly spread your reputation in Yongping Prefecture. You can be a second-class Jinshi, a good scholar selected by the imperial court, a talented scholar in the capital, and a leader of young scholars in the North. These personalities can help you quickly stand in Yongping Prefecture.

Keep your footing and open up the situation.

But the bad side is that he was suddenly pushed to the forefront of the limelight, and the current situation of Yongping Mansion, especially since he was second only to the magistrate, the responsibility had to fall on Zhu Zhiren's excuse.

On oneself.

For me now, although I have some experience in this area in my previous life, I still feel a little guilty. After all, these administrative affairs that are separated by four hundred years are really very different from the affairs I came into contact with in my previous life. There is no difference at all.

Comparability, but there are some vague contexts that can be followed.

After the two had a drink, Hou Ziyu immediately poured a second drink for Feng Ziying. Feng Ziying also noticed that she had made a mistake. Did the other party deliberately get her drunk? What was the purpose?

Fortunately, Zhu Zhiren stepped forward to temporarily put the topic away, and Zhao Liheng from the experience department also wisely took the trip and clinked glasses with Feng Ziying, but Zhu Zhiren signaled that enough was enough.

Hou Ziyu's attitude towards Zhu Zhiren was quite respectful, but Feng Ziying didn't know the details.

As the supreme leader of the prefecture, the prefect has an absolute advantage, but if it comes to dealing with Zuo Er officials without authorization, there is nothing he can do. That is, he can only express his attitude in the annual examination and the three-year Beijing examination, but this has no effect on Zuo Er.

Officially speaking, it is fatal.

The confrontation between the two sides is a complex game of strength. If the Zuo Erguan wants to have the strength to fight against the prefect, he must rely on having enough support in the Ministry of Personnel and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, otherwise he will be demoted.

The thing is, the prefect’s absolute advantage over the assistant officials is given by the system and is innate.

The meal was far from enjoyable. Zhu Zhiren's performance was not as weak as Feng Ziying initially thought. However, judging from the general judge, official recommendation and experience, as well as the attitude of Zhao Mo, the prison chief and the tax department ambassador, it was indeed

There was some resentment towards Master Zhu, but Zhu Zhiren still showed enough influence. He was not like a rat crossing the street as he imagined, with everyone shouting and beating him, or completely eating and waiting to die.

It's just that Feng Ziying still doesn't quite understand what kind of relationship the relationship between Zhu Zhiren and these officials is in. This remains to be carefully observed.

Burping from wine, Feng Ziying sat in the middle hall of the back hall of the mansion, took a sip of tea, and couldn't help but frown.

Being used to being served by Jin Chuan'er and Yun Shang, they actually felt that the tea served by Baoxiang was not the same. I don't know if it was a psychological effect or because Baoxiang's tea was not brewed well today.

Putting down the tea cup, Feng Ziying then asked: "Yao Qing also had contact with some staff and officials today. How do you feel?"

According to the official practice of the Zhou Dynasty, the four prefects, Tongzhi, Tongmen, and Recommended Officers have the power to recruit staff on their own.

For example, the magistrate's staff usually has three to five people, and of course there are six or seven people, such as Shuntian Prefecture Yin; the co-prefect usually has two to three people, and the general judge and the recommendation officer usually have one person, but this is just a convention, how many are specific?

It also depends on the economic situation of the prefecture where it is located and the economic strength of other owners.

Like some general magistrates who come from wealthy families, he can also recruit two or three staffs, and many things are directly handed over to the staff to handle, and he only needs to use his seal.

Although these staff are recruited by the officials themselves, in fact these expenses will be squeezed out by the officials in various ways from daily affairs. Snakes follow snakes, rats follow rats. Needless to say, the prefect, Zuo Erguan

They also have their own methods and routines.

In fact, these staff members also have to participate in various affairs within the palace. They actually represent their respective bosses, so they often have to participate in gatherings and banquets like this.

The subordinate officials and staff must also maintain sufficient courtesy and respect for them. Many times they have to deal with these people.

In particular, some officials who have just transferred from Jinshi Juren status often know nothing about such daily government affairs. They still rely more on these staff to help and guide their work, so they often become these officials if they offend them.


"It's a mixture of dragons and snakes, but overall, it doesn't feel like a scattered situation. It's slightly better than expected, but the time is still short, and I still need to come down and think about it carefully."

Wu Yaoqing is no stranger to these staff members. He has to deal with these staff members in the Yamen of the Lianghuaidu Salt Transfer Department, and because he is involved in collecting intelligence from all walks of life and contacting some local government agencies, these situations

He is familiar with them all.

"How do you feel, adults?"

"Well, the term "dragon and snake mixed" is very accurate, but both dragon and snake are not simple. I think from Mr. Zhu to Hou and Qin, they are not simple people. Several subordinate officials also have their own thoughts.

But in general, the court still underestimated Master Zhu, and really thought that Master Zhu was unstoppable in Yongping Mansion, but that was not the case." Feng Ziying shook her head, "It's just that I still have some problems.

I can’t understand what Master Zhu is thinking and waiting for? Or is there really something unspeakable?”

"It's an unspeakable secret?" Wu Yaoqing chuckled, "Sir, Master Zhu has had three concubines in Yongping Mansion in the past few years. The youngest one is thirty-seven years younger than him! His youngest son is only

He is more than a year old. Do you think Mr. Zhu is in poor health or has something to hide? I think he is as strong as a dragon and a tiger."

Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing. Master Zhu's health must be fine. The doctor couldn't explain clearly what the condition of vertigo was. He only said that he needed to take care of it, and that it happened when he said it happened. There was no reason. Well, in one sentence, it all depends on the reason.


"Maybe Mr. Zhu is really waiting for something. Everyone seems to be waiting for something, or are they all waiting for me?" Feng Ziying rubbed her chin, "What kind of changes will I bring to Yongping Mansion? What will happen to me?"

Are your expectations so high?"

Wu Yaoqing also smiled, "Perhaps your special status, sir, makes many people a little afraid and have a little more expectations?"

"Well, your judgment is not unreasonable, so we don't need to pay too much attention to their fears or expectations. We can just do our own thing. First of all, I want to make sure that the Lord of the Palace is concerned about

I, his attitude towards me after I come to Yongping, or in other words, how he will treat and arrange my next rights, responsibilities and scope of affairs." Feng Ziying had already looked at the west prefecture's house.

This chapter has been completed!
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