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The 100th chapter of the self-character scroll

 Wu Yaoqing’s face moved slightly.

 “You mean the border troops?”

Theoretically, the Kaiping Central Guards and the Xingzhou Right Guards belong to the frontier army, but the border troops Wu Yaoqing refers to definitely do not refer to these guards who mainly focus on farming and manufacturing, but to the actual defense against external enemies.

The army of Jizhen.

For example, the mobile troops directly controlled by the Ji Town General Soldier stationed in Santun Camp, and the battalions stationed in various camps, such as Songpeng Camp, Jianchang Camp, Yanhe Camp, Taitou Camp and Shimenzhai Camp, are stationed along the way.

's army.

These are actual combat soldiers. Once the Chahar people invade, they will be directly recruited to fight.

"Yes, this kind of rangers who can participate in raids can only come from these camp soldiers. There are also some in the garrison, but the number is not large, it is too obvious, and it is not easy to gather together, but you can randomly pull them from the camp soldiers.

Dozens of horses come out, but they don't attract anyone's attention." The visitor's voice was very low, and he seemed to realize that Wu Yaoqing's face was not very good. "Sir, I came back too short. I stayed in the capital for a few years. It turned out that some

Acquaintances can only be picked up slowly, please give me a little more time."

“Can’t we determine which battalion it is?” Wu Yaoqing pondered.

“Jianchang Camp is the most likely. Of course, Santun Camp is also more likely. It has the largest number of troops stationed there and is frequently sent out for training. There are many opportunities to find an excuse to escape.”

Wu Yaoqing nodded. The other party's performance was pretty good. In less than a year, he had basically figured out the situation on this front line. However, there was still some gap to meet his own requirements. More time and support were indeed needed.

"Well, I understand. You have to continue the matter here. Don't be stingy with the expenses required. The situation of the camps in the north must be investigated clearly. You know what is involved in this matter." Wu Yaoqing reminded.

The visitor grinned and said, "Don't worry, sir. I know the pros and cons. Is Xiao Feng Xiuzuan's beloved concubine? If such a big thing happens, isn't this a slap in Xiao Feng Xiuzuan's face? Master Feng is still the governor of Jizhen.


“It’s good that you know, okay, then you can go and do your business.” Wu Yaoqing turned around and prepared to leave.

“Sir, there is another situation, do I need to pay attention to it?” The visitor was about to leave, but stopped again.

“Oh? You say.” Of course Wu Yaoqing’s requirements for them were not limited to the attack on Feng Ziying’s family, but also required them to collect useful information from all aspects.

"I discovered that many people in the township believe in the Wenxiang Cult. This happened before when we were still here in my hometown, but they were just poor families. But this time I came back and found that many of the rich families also believed in it.

For those who believe this, there are craftsmen and merchants in Hazel Town who also believe this, but they are very secretive, and even the smallest ones discovered it accidentally, and it seems that there are people from the garrison and even the border army who interact with them..."

Wu Yaoqing suddenly became excited. Mr. Feng from the Wenxiang Sect had specifically told him to pay special attention to it. Unexpectedly, he said that he had not found a suitable place as an entry point, and there were already clues here.

“Tell me the specific situation, how you discovered it, and why you say it has something to do with both the garrison and the border army...”

The visitor introduced the situation in a nonchalant manner. It turned out that one of his relatives was an apprentice blacksmith in Xingzhou Youtunwei in Qian'an. He mentioned that his master believed in the Wenxiang Sect, and then he carefully took these words out of the other person's mouth.


Wu Yaoqing pondered for a long time, "This is a serious matter, so don't be alarmed for the time being. You can find a way to touch more, but don't alert the snake. If possible, it would be best for you and your relative to sneak in..."


 As a co-president of the same government, Feng Ziying’s most important job was the Qing army.

Looking at the man in front of him with a yellow and wrinkled face, Feng Ziying nodded, "Sit down."

 “How can there be a small seat in front of the adults?”

Feng Ziying felt a little amused by Wen Chuchen's words, "Okay, old wilt, sit down. I heard that you have defeated seven people who served as magistrates and five terms as prefects. How can you still pretend to be timid in front of me?"

Feng Ziying exposed it, but the man didn't care and just laughed.

 Old officials like him are different from the officials who come and go in the yamen like a flowing stream. Basically, if they don't make mistakes, they will work until they retire due to old age and illness.

He, Lao Wei'er of the Song Dynasty and the Three Song Dynasties, was a senior official of the Survey and Cooperation Department of the Yongping Prefecture. He was well versed in the military affairs of the Yongping Prefecture. Anyone who came to be a colleague would have to rely on him.

Of course he is not a fool if he can sit in this position for decades. He understands the pros and cons and can distinguish the priorities.

He can clearly distinguish who needs to be supported, who needs to be followed, and who needs to endure.

He is still trying to get in touch with the person in front of him. He is too famous. Xiao Feng Xiuzhan, a well-known person in the capital city, is the only son of Feng Tang, the governor of Jiliao, and a disciple of Mr. Qi Ge and the deputy imperial envoy Qiao Zuo.

Why do you suddenly come to this corner of Yongping Mansion to be a fellow cicada?

Yongping Prefecture is certainly not a small town, but compared with wealthy families such as Ningbo Prefecture and Baoding Prefecture, it is definitely far behind. It is said that people can go to these places, but if they don’t go, they just come to your Yongping Prefecture.

The house is flat.

On the second day after Feng Ziying took office, she was duly sent a congratulatory gift. It was neither light nor heavy. It included an inkstone and a sheathed narrow-edged sword, which symbolized both civil and military talents.

Later, after Second Sister You and the others arrived, this guy went to the house to deliver some jewelry, and even the two girls who lived with him also shared the gift.

Although it is not very expensive, it is still worth thirty-fifty taels of silver. I really like Second Sister You very much. Regardless of how much money it is worth, the key is that I finally feel that the half-master of my aunt is known and even respected by outsiders.

It feels like recognition.

That day when Feng Ziying came back to the house, Sister You was extremely passionate, and even used all kinds of martial arts skills to greet her on the bed, which made Feng Ziying unable to help but fall in love with her.

“Old wilt, let’s stop talking nonsense. How did you handle the matter I told you last time?”

Feng Ziying also knew that this person was an old man, so he didn’t waste any time and went straight to the point.

 For Feng Ziying, it doesn’t matter whether you are clever, lazy, arrogant, or greedy. He only needs a little bit to be able to do things, and you have to do well what you ask him to do.

 If you can't do it, then every problem will have to be found out for you. If you do it well, you can suppress any problem.

"Sir, the status of craftsmen households has been sorted out and registered. There are 892 households in total with 3,479 people." Song San said seriously: "Among them, 687 households can still maintain their production ability.

, one thousand and forty-nine people, the rest are due to old age and frailty or are women and children..."

Feng Ziying nodded. It seems that although there are many households, there are not many craftsmen who can really be used. This is normal. It has been loose for so many years. It is good to have such a situation.

“What about the military households of Dongsheng Zuowei, Lulongwei and Yongpingwei?”

Hearing Feng Ziying ask this question, the wrinkles on Song San's face became denser. After hesitating for a while, he said: "Sir, it has been a long time, twenty years, and in the meantime, we have experienced the merger of the three guards and the removal of all the soldiers.

The process of assembling Xingzhou Youtunwei has gone through too many changes during this period, and many archives have been lost long ago. It would be too difficult to clean them up one by one again..."

When this matter was brought up, Song San knew that it was a troublesome matter. No one thought that this new colleague would do this as soon as he arrived. The previous colleagues did not know that this was a hot matter, and you had to clean it up.

What is the significance of these military households?

These military households are either craftsmen with clear identities, or farmers with little skills. They have already changed their status to civilian households, or even attached themselves to the backs of these wealthy families. Are you not looking for trouble by coming to clean up this?

"Old wilt, don't bother me here. I didn't know that you have been working in the Department of Survey and Research for twenty-seven years. Twenty years ago, you just changed from a clerk to a clerk. It's time to perform well. You

Do you dare to say that these files have been lost? Believe or not, I will use this article to punish you?" Feng Ziying stared at the other party and said: "I know you are in trouble, but it doesn't matter. I don't want to feel sorry for anyone. I also know these soldiers.

Households are now leaning against the big trees, and those who have gone to Kaiping to garrison, I will have my own way to bring them back. Those who are hidden by these big households, I want you to clear out for me..."

Of course Song San didn't dare to lose these military household files. He could only say that they might not be complete or detailed. This was his responsibility as the director of the military survey and integration department. If he lost his sense of proportion here, he would lose his head.


"Sir, why are you here? They are all poor people. This military household grandma doesn't care about my uncle. What can you do if you clean it up? Can you manage them all again as they were twenty years ago?

Get up? Where is the land around Lulong City? If you let them go to remote places to cultivate wasteland, it won't be long before they have to flee everywhere and there won't be much left."

 Song San was very sincere and sincere.

Feng Ziying was unmoved, "Cleaning up is one thing. That's what I, the colleague, do, and you, the chief of the military depot survey and integration department, are even more responsible. As for how to deal with it after the cleanup, that's up to the Lord.

What are you worrying about? You can't just let thousands of military households disappear without a trace, right? Where is the face of the court and where is the law?"

Song San heard some clues and glanced at Feng Ziying suspiciously, "Sir, do you have other ideas?"

These military households are now basically attached to various large households in Lulong County, and the land has long been broken up into pieces by these people and taken over by various means. Now that Feng Ziying wants to clean up this, it is simply a tiger's mouth.

Seize food.

This is to force these big households to spit out the meat they have swallowed. Although Song San did not dare to destroy the archives of military households, he did not dare to bear the challenge of confronting these big households head-on.

This chapter has been completed!
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